As long as Bioware has a hand in everything NOT mmo related, this has potential to turn out well for gamers. Bioware did extremely well on KOTOR I&II. We'll see if EA allows them to return to the single-player Star Wars-type.
Obsidian made KotOR II.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
So yeah , I even thought about what superniceguy said before I read it , might shut it down but if you think carefully about it then well it's making money and it would take 5 years at least to make an MMO then NOPE. Also was good too see Ignore Me trying to find a new hobby as well no more propaganda from me ( i guessed it right or at least read into the guys quote ) . Tie fighter seems upset too. Really enjoyed reading sevenstar's posts "go for it girl!".
So all in all it seems like SWTOR with it's 2.3 boxes or digital initial sales nad the Freemium change over has been profitable , read that PROFITABLE. How do I know ? Well O EA execs "Disney bought LUCAS OUT WTF!! They also shut LUCASARTS OMGBBQWAFFLES!!!!!! SO SWTOR is doing badly , so et's buy the gaming frnchise to make less money ha ha "
At least it will shut the SWG crowd down , err yeah right............
I'm big enough to say that I was wrong and you were right. What you were saying was so repugnant to me that I reacted strongly, and without the facts. So I apologize.
This genre is in an inexorable slide into stupidity, excused and mitigated by the lack of subscription fees by F2P, and now the Star Wars IP will lead that charge.
Well that's cool , still i like my "propaganda pixie dust villain" name all the same. To be fair I never said they would make another SW MMO but said that they could do , from what that old article said.
Don't be too depressed about it and I agree with you that I don't really like how software companies are going all hell for leather on the mcrotransaction F2P train. Mind you I'm an old school gamer.
Also I wrote my original post late at night and typoed an awfull lot , oops.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing. "SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13 The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
I just do not see why everyone has such a problem with this. Disney certainly has no gaming division and Lucas Arts was no gem either. You never know with EA's funding, something good might come out of this.
You cannot lump SWTOR in with many of the other f2p games. You really almost have to subscribe to enjoy the game. Kind of like Lotro.
Originally posted by Ozmodan I just do not see why everyone has such a problem with this. Disney certainly has no gaming division and Lucas Arts was no gem either. You never know with EA's funding, something good might come out of this.
Lucas Arts was a crown Jewel 15 years ago until it was slowly destroyed internally from being the best developer in the market to a sad joke that Disney did right to put out of it's misery.
EA could potentially make a good SW game if generic in the way most EA games seem to be these days with multiplayer forced in whether it fits or not for a selling point and maybe microtransactions thrown in.
I woudl rather ubisoft or 2K got the license personally but let's face it they were never gonna be able to outbid EA which it seems is all Disney cared about.
As tot he original point of this thread.
The number of F2P players is no suprise,the percentage of Subscribers though is,as is the doubling of profits.If it's not just marketing spin and manipulation for the benefit of shareholders.I personally don't think the game deserves such numbers but that's for the market to decide not me.
The number of F2P players is no suprise,the percentage of Subscribers though is,as is the doubling of profits.If it's not just marketing spin and manipulation for the benefit of shareholders.I personally don't think the game deserves such numbers but that's for the market to decide not me.
Since when does "deserve" have anything to do with it? If games got what their quality deserved, WoW would have shut down years ago, and the first Halo game would have been the last Halo game.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
I just do not see why everyone has such a problem with this. Disney certainly has no gaming division and Lucas Arts was no gem either. You never know with EA's funding, something good might come out of this.
You may not have liked the games but they had high replay value. Republic Commando I play
pickup regularly where I go places. The multiplayer features kids just love.
Well, given Disney wants to release so many Star Wars movies, one every year if I get it right with a minimum of 5 - 3 from the new trilogy and 2 in between extras - it was no surprise the made a deal with a big publisher. I guess they will release a LOT of games in that time. The usual movie tie ins, and so forth. Lots of cheap trash games to sell along the movies. So if they make the Obi-Wan movie, expect "Obi Wans Power Battles" or something. Masses of that stuff.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Is anyone here a Hardcore SWTOR fan? Please post. Bioware seems to be making this game into a cash store. I have two questions:
1. How much money are you pumping into SWTOR monthly?
2. Compare the cash store in SWTOR to SWG, better or worse?
3. Is this game becoming too complex. I see all the things their adding and wonder if the game is still fun. Can you include newbies?
I'm a star wars fan but I'm sad to see EA and Bioware get more deals for Star Wars. I want someone else to have a try...
1. Same amount I always have, recurring 6 month subscription. I purchased some extra cartel coins exactly once because I wanted full adaptable gear sets for a couple of alts and didn't feel like waiting to get enough from my monthly coin grant.
2. SWG didn't have a cash store pre-NGE, and the game sucked after the NGE, so I can't compare.
3. If you enjoyed the game at launch, nothing has changed that could reasonably be expected to make you not enjoy it now. On the other hand, if you didn't enjoy the game at launch, it's unlikely anything that has been added would change your mind. It's not anywhere close to being complex, in any way.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me.
Come on folks , as the SWTOR defender pointed out we are all being melodramatic. there's no reason to think this won't end well.
EA has a GREAT track record lately on the PC side , look at their successes on the mmorpg side.
They made a game that was supposed to compete with WoW sub wise ( in their own words) and managed to make it F2P in less than year.
Took SimCity franchise and managed to get it rated as failing by most every major PC gaming website and magazine , even PC Gamer which usually takes a lot to negatively review a major publishers game raked it across the coals.
EA has a wonderful track record in the PC games lately and everyone should be excited right ?
Yeah their Fifa, Crysis, Battlefield, left 4 dead, The Sims, Deadspace, Portal, Mass Effect, and so many more games don't really count, because we are sure to find complaints even on those games.
Sorry but I enjoy plenty of EA games, also enjoy plenty of other games from many other gamecompany's.
Perhaps I play games for what is given instead of what I want it to be.
Only time will tell if EA is able to deliver a star wars game I might enjoy....we'll see
Come on folks , as the SWTOR defender pointed out we are all being melodramatic. there's no reason to think this won't end well.
EA has a GREAT track record lately on the PC side , look at their successes on the mmorpg side.
They made a game that was supposed to compete with WoW sub wise ( in their own words) and managed to make it F2P in less than year.
Took SimCity franchise and managed to get it rated as failing by most every major PC gaming website and magazine , even PC Gamer which usually takes a lot to negatively review a major publishers game raked it across the coals.
EA has a wonderful track record in the PC games lately and everyone should be excited right ?
Yeah their Fifa, Crysis, Battlefield, left 4 dead, The Sims, Deadspace, Portal, Mass Effect, and so many more games don't really count, because we are sure to find complaints even on those games.
Sorry but I enjoy plenty of EA games, also enjoy plenty of other games from many other gamecompany's.
Perhaps I play games for what is given instead of what I want it to be.
Only time will tell if EA is able to deliver a star wars game I might enjoy....we'll see
left 4 dead and Portal ARE BY VALVE not bloody EA
crysis stopped being good with crysis 2 which was cod style corridors and cutscenes console bullshit (though crysis warhead before it was truly a great shooter)
like wise dead space and mass effect have gone down hill as the series progressed,
I'll give you battlefield is better than cod and what have you (but its not as good as Tribes or PS2)
So yeah , I even thought about what superniceguy said before I read it , might shut it down but if you think carefully about it then well it's making money and it would take 5 years at least to make an MMO then NOPE. Also was good too see Ignore Me trying to find a new hobby as well no more propaganda from me ( i guessed it right or at least read into the guys quote ) . Tie fighter seems upset too. Really enjoyed reading sevenstar's posts "go for it girl!".
So all in all it seems like SWTOR with it's 2.3 boxes or digital initial sales nad the Freemium change over has been profitable , read that PROFITABLE. How do I know ? Well O EA execs "Disney bought LUCAS OUT WTF!! They also shut LUCASARTS OMGBBQWAFFLES!!!!!! SO SWTOR is doing badly , so et's buy the gaming frnchise to make less money ha ha "
At least it will shut the SWG crowd down , err yeah right............
I'm big enough to say that I was wrong and you were right. What you were saying was so repugnant to me that I reacted strongly, and without the facts. So I apologize.
This genre is in an inexorable slide into stupidity, excused and mitigated by the lack of subscription fees by F2P, and now the Star Wars IP will lead that charge.
Well that's cool , still i like my "propaganda pixie dust villain" name all the same. To be fair I never said they would make another SW MMO but said that they could do , from what that old article said.
Don't be too depressed about it and I agree with you that I don't really like how software companies are going all hell for leather on the mcrotransaction F2P train. Mind you I'm an old school gamer.
Also I wrote my original post late at night and typoed an awfull lot , oops.
I'm actually done my friend. I just think there is nothing left for me in these games. I'm glad you liked the moniker though, makes me laugh now too
I'm hoping for a new Xwing vs Tie. That'd be awesome.
Not gonna happen as, according to the big publishers the space combat sim genre is a dead genre. If it happens it's probably gonna turn out to be some horrible rail shooter thing.
Dead genre my arse. Tell that to Chris Roberts and the guys at CIG making Star Citizen/Squadron 42, you know-nothing suits. $9.5 million and counting in crowdfunding alone, and the game isn't even in alpha yet.
Is anyone here a Hardcore SWTOR fan? Please post. Bioware seems to be making this game into a cash store. I have two questions:
1. How much money are you pumping into SWTOR monthly?
2. Compare the cash store in SWTOR to SWG, better or worse?
3. Is this game becoming too complex. I see all the things their adding and wonder if the game is still fun. Can you include newbies?
I'm a star wars fan but I'm sad to see EA and Bioware get more deals for Star Wars. I want someone else to have a try...
1. I have 6-months reoccuring subscription. I am cartel pack addict and I spend way too much on them. I am one of what they call them "whales" LOL. Probably about $200 a month on boxes if not more.
2. You don't need anything from cash store if you are sub. Stuff are just cosmetic or exp boosts. The only thing borderline is starship upgrades, but as it is a single player side game, I don't think it matters. Of course I got these upgrades /grin.
3. I don't think the game became too complex, but there is a lot of things to do after Makeb. They simplified some things like rewards for dailies and planetary comms, which was nice change. The macrobinocular and seeker droids quests are fun. There are some lengthy staged weekly series of quest which give remarkable rewards and are worth of doing.
The game is more fun for me now (if it's even possible) as there are so many options. With exp boosts, which btw drop from some quests so you really do not have to buy them in cash shop playing alts is more fun as you do not have to repeat all quests, the pace of leveling is great and does not feel as grind at all. I have 21 characters on server right now.
EA said on conference call that they are committed to 6 weeks updates, that makes me really happy. Hopefully they are working on the next big update, something like next Makeb would be great. I really enjoyed the story and planet is beautiful.
So yeah , I even thought about what superniceguy said before I read it , might shut it down but if you think carefully about it then well it's making money and it would take 5 years at least to make an MMO then NOPE. Also was good too see Ignore Me trying to find a new hobby as well no more propaganda from me ( i guessed it right or at least read into the guys quote ) . Tie fighter seems upset too. Really enjoyed reading sevenstar's posts "go for it girl!".
So all in all it seems like SWTOR with it's 2.3 boxes or digital initial sales nad the Freemium change over has been profitable , read that PROFITABLE. How do I know ? Well O EA execs "Disney bought LUCAS OUT WTF!! They also shut LUCASARTS OMGBBQWAFFLES!!!!!! SO SWTOR is doing badly , so et's buy the gaming frnchise to make less money ha ha "
At least it will shut the SWG crowd down , err yeah right............
I'm big enough to say that I was wrong and you were right. What you were saying was so repugnant to me that I reacted strongly, and without the facts. So I apologize.
This genre is in an inexorable slide into stupidity, excused and mitigated by the lack of subscription fees by F2P, and now the Star Wars IP will lead that charge.
Well that's cool , still i like my "propaganda pixie dust villain" name all the same. To be fair I never said they would make another SW MMO but said that they could do , from what that old article said.
Don't be too depressed about it and I agree with you that I don't really like how software companies are going all hell for leather on the mcrotransaction F2P train. Mind you I'm an old school gamer.
Also I wrote my original post late at night and typoed an awfull lot , oops.
I'm actually done my friend. I just think there is nothing left for me in these games. I'm glad you liked the moniker though, makes me laugh now too
Be well.
Nothing in the genre for you at all ? No MMO on the horizon.Well PSO2 when it eventually releases will be great , but it's more of a pick up and play MMO IMO. There's Destiny at the end of the year too. They are just Sci-fi MMO's , maybe you would like a sandbox fantasy one ? I dunno , but hope you find a great game of any genre one day.
Yeah I will keep the moniker nice one mate.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing. "SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13 The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
WHAHAHA! I just don't know if I can't stop laughing........... or crying really.
I guess this marks the end of Star Wars for gamers at least. /sad
Bit melodramatic, I think. Who else could you have realistically seen this license going to?
Personally, I'd love to see Battlefront 3 finally get made as a Frostbite-powered game. As for future Star Wars MMOs, I'm not going to touch that one (today ).
Personally as a fan of all of the darkforces series which started with Lucas Arts and continued with Ravensoft I would of loved to see ravensoft get some sort of rights. Been hoping for a jedi knight 4 someday or a game continuing on where Jedi Academy left off. The community is or was working on a sequel mod to academy I'm unsure what the progress is at this point though.
I cant even believe Disney would lock a contract in with only one game developer. I thought disney was smarter then this. Here I thought more games would be produced and they lock in with a sole licensing only to EA. So what we get 1 new game every 2 years now because of one company. WOW Disney you dropped the ball on this one.
You know how much money you could of made by allowing many companies to make star wars games? oh my this is a sad day for gaming.
Obsidian made KotOR II.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
Well that's cool , still i like my "propaganda pixie dust villain" name all the same. To be fair I never said they would make another SW MMO but said that they could do , from what that old article said.
Don't be too depressed about it and I agree with you that I don't really like how software companies are going all hell for leather on the mcrotransaction F2P train. Mind you I'm an old school gamer.
Also I wrote my original post late at night and typoed an awfull lot , oops.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing.
"SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13
The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
I just do not see why everyone has such a problem with this. Disney certainly has no gaming division and Lucas Arts was no gem either. You never know with EA's funding, something good might come out of this.
You cannot lump SWTOR in with many of the other f2p games. You really almost have to subscribe to enjoy the game. Kind of like Lotro.
Lucas Arts was a crown Jewel 15 years ago until it was slowly destroyed internally from being the best developer in the market to a sad joke that Disney did right to put out of it's misery.
EA could potentially make a good SW game if generic in the way most EA games seem to be these days with multiplayer forced in whether it fits or not for a selling point and maybe microtransactions thrown in.
I woudl rather ubisoft or 2K got the license personally but let's face it they were never gonna be able to outbid EA which it seems is all Disney cared about.
As tot he original point of this thread.
The number of F2P players is no suprise,the percentage of Subscribers though is,as is the doubling of profits.If it's not just marketing spin and manipulation for the benefit of shareholders.I personally don't think the game deserves such numbers but that's for the market to decide not me.
Since when does "deserve" have anything to do with it? If games got what their quality deserved, WoW would have shut down years ago, and the first Halo game would have been the last Halo game.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Is anyone here a Hardcore SWTOR fan? Please post. Bioware seems to be making this game into a cash store. I have two questions:
1. How much money are you pumping into SWTOR monthly?
2. Compare the cash store in SWTOR to SWG, better or worse?
3. Is this game becoming too complex. I see all the things their adding and wonder if the game is still fun. Can you include newbies?
I'm a star wars fan but I'm sad to see EA and Bioware get more deals for Star Wars. I want someone else to have a try...
Currently playing SWTOR and it's MUCH better than it was at launch.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
1. Same amount I always have, recurring 6 month subscription. I purchased some extra cartel coins exactly once because I wanted full adaptable gear sets for a couple of alts and didn't feel like waiting to get enough from my monthly coin grant.
2. SWG didn't have a cash store pre-NGE, and the game sucked after the NGE, so I can't compare.
3. If you enjoyed the game at launch, nothing has changed that could reasonably be expected to make you not enjoy it now. On the other hand, if you didn't enjoy the game at launch, it's unlikely anything that has been added would change your mind. It's not anywhere close to being complex, in any way.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
Yeah their Fifa, Crysis, Battlefield, left 4 dead, The Sims, Deadspace, Portal, Mass Effect, and so many more games don't really count, because we are sure to find complaints even on those games.
Sorry but I enjoy plenty of EA games, also enjoy plenty of other games from many other gamecompany's.
Perhaps I play games for what is given instead of what I want it to be.
Only time will tell if EA is able to deliver a star wars game I might enjoy....we'll see
left 4 dead and Portal ARE BY VALVE not bloody EA
crysis stopped being good with crysis 2 which was cod style corridors and cutscenes console bullshit (though crysis warhead before it was truly a great shooter)
like wise dead space and mass effect have gone down hill as the series progressed,
I'll give you battlefield is better than cod and what have you (but its not as good as Tribes or PS2)
I'm actually done my friend. I just think there is nothing left for me in these games. I'm glad you liked the moniker though, makes me laugh now too
Be well.
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
Not gonna happen as, according to the big publishers the space combat sim genre is a dead genre. If it happens it's probably gonna turn out to be some horrible rail shooter thing.
Dead genre my arse. Tell that to Chris Roberts and the guys at CIG making Star Citizen/Squadron 42, you know-nothing suits. $9.5 million and counting in crowdfunding alone, and the game isn't even in alpha yet.
1. I have 6-months reoccuring subscription. I am cartel pack addict and I spend way too much on them. I am one of what they call them "whales" LOL. Probably about $200 a month on boxes if not more.
2. You don't need anything from cash store if you are sub. Stuff are just cosmetic or exp boosts. The only thing borderline is starship upgrades, but as it is a single player side game, I don't think it matters. Of course I got these upgrades /grin.
3. I don't think the game became too complex, but there is a lot of things to do after Makeb. They simplified some things like rewards for dailies and planetary comms, which was nice change. The macrobinocular and seeker droids quests are fun. There are some lengthy staged weekly series of quest which give remarkable rewards and are worth of doing.
The game is more fun for me now (if it's even possible) as there are so many options. With exp boosts, which btw drop from some quests so you really do not have to buy them in cash shop playing alts is more fun as you do not have to repeat all quests, the pace of leveling is great and does not feel as grind at all. I have 21 characters on server right now.
EA said on conference call that they are committed to 6 weeks updates, that makes me really happy. Hopefully they are working on the next big update, something like next Makeb would be great. I really enjoyed the story and planet is beautiful.
SWTOR and SW fan
Sith Warrior - Story of Hate and Love
Imperial Agent - Rise of Cipher Nine
Imperial Agent - Hunt for the Eagle Part 1
Nothing in the genre for you at all ? No MMO on the horizon.Well PSO2 when it eventually releases will be great , but it's more of a pick up and play MMO IMO. There's Destiny at the end of the year too. They are just Sci-fi MMO's , maybe you would like a sandbox fantasy one ? I dunno , but hope you find a great game of any genre one day.
Yeah I will keep the moniker
nice one mate.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing.
"SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13
The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
Personally as a fan of all of the darkforces series which started with Lucas Arts and continued with Ravensoft I would of loved to see ravensoft get some sort of rights. Been hoping for a jedi knight 4 someday or a game continuing on where Jedi Academy left off. The community is or was working on a sequel mod to academy I'm unsure what the progress is at this point though.
I cant even believe Disney would lock a contract in with only one game developer. I thought disney was smarter then this. Here I thought more games would be produced and they lock in with a sole licensing only to EA. So what we get 1 new game every 2 years now because of one company. WOW Disney you dropped the ball on this one.
You know how much money you could of made by allowing many companies to make star wars games? oh my this is a sad day for gaming.