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Exploits are a major issue.

wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464

The exploiting people were doing in the Foundry that lead to the xp and loot nerf was nothing compared to what's going on at end game.

Drake seals can be farmed extremely quick using an exploit on the boss of the T2 Pirate dungeon. Yeah, I thought they fixed it too, nope...just did a  run where a cleric showed us how to farm the boss over and over for T2 loot and seals, about 2 minutes a pop for 1-2 purple drops and 5 seals. People have been doing it like crazy.

At this point most of the top geared players have used one of the two known exploits and most likely others that aren't so widely known about yet. 

I know it isn't typical, especially for a F2P MMO, but I'm almost thinking a post-open beta wipe is in order. 

There's got to be a way to still give people the things that they paid for and reset things when the exploits have been worked out, otherwise we have a game that just comes down to who is the biggest cheater. I don't know how you guys feel, but it kind of ruins it for me knowing a lot have players will be rich forever off of these early exploits as the cost of everything continues to drop in the ah. 



  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by wordiz

    The exploiting people were doing in the Foundry that lead to the xp and loot nerf was nothing compared to what's going on at end game.

    Drake seals can be farmed extremely quick using an exploit on the boss of the T2 Pirate dungeon. Yeah, I thought they fixed it too, nope...just did a  run where a cleric showed us how to farm the boss over and over for T2 loot and seals, about 2 minutes a pop for 1-2 purple drops and 5 seals. People have been doing it like crazy.

    At this point most of the top geared players have used one of the two known exploits and most likely others that aren't so widely known about yet. 

    I know it isn't typical, especially for a F2P MMO, but I'm almost thinking a post-open beta wipe is in order. 

    There's got to be a way to still give people the things that they paid for and reset things when the exploits have been worked out, otherwise we have a game that just comes down to who is the biggest cheater. I don't know how you guys feel, but it kind of ruins it for me knowing a lot have players will be rich forever off of these early exploits as the cost of everything continues to drop in the ah. 

    it won't happen as they would have to refund all that zen people bought/spent in their cash shop. best you can hope for is that they fix the exploits.image

  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by wordiz

    The exploiting people were doing in the Foundry that lead to the xp and loot nerf was nothing compared to what's going on at end game.

    Drake seals can be farmed extremely quick using an exploit on the boss of the T2 Pirate dungeon. Yeah, I thought they fixed it too, nope...just did a  run where a cleric showed us how to farm the boss over and over for T2 loot and seals, about 2 minutes a pop for 1-2 purple drops and 5 seals. People have been doing it like crazy.

    At this point most of the top geared players have used one of the two known exploits and most likely others that aren't so widely known about yet. 

    I know it isn't typical, especially for a F2P MMO, but I'm almost thinking a post-open beta wipe is in order. 

    There's got to be a way to still give people the things that they paid for and reset things when the exploits have been worked out, otherwise we have a game that just comes down to who is the biggest cheater. I don't know how you guys feel, but it kind of ruins it for me knowing a lot have players will be rich forever off of these early exploits as the cost of everything continues to drop in the ah. 

    it won't happen as they would have to refund all that zen people bought/spent in their cash shop. best you can hope for is that they fix the exploits.image


  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,264
    Well one solution would be to detect who the cheaters are and remove them from the game.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

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    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    Exploitng crafting early on in VG ruined the game for me,cheating ruins every game i play.

    IDK if this is cheating because i am not up there,but i think you have the blame the developer,since you are calling it an exploit.

    I know from FFXI days an exploit was determined to be a mechanic in game that was obviously not intended.Then you were told to report it if ever you come across one.If you chose instead to take advantage of a true exploit,then Square would ban you and take back the items from any player.It happened a few times and Square also removed all he tied in gold that surrounded exploits.It was a really high number like multi millions in gil.

    Any half decent game has log files that keep track of most things that go on in chat and in game,so it is easily traced by the developer IF they care.

    In this case i am not so sure it is a true exploit or just a designed game idea that never had enough thought put into it.This sounds to me more like repeated farming of a Boss ,how is that an exploit?

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Originally posted by wordiz
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by wordiz

    The exploiting people were doing in the Foundry that lead to the xp and loot nerf was nothing compared to what's going on at end game.

    Drake seals can be farmed extremely quick using an exploit on the boss of the T2 Pirate dungeon. Yeah, I thought they fixed it too, nope...just did a  run where a cleric showed us how to farm the boss over and over for T2 loot and seals, about 2 minutes a pop for 1-2 purple drops and 5 seals. People have been doing it like crazy.

    At this point most of the top geared players have used one of the two known exploits and most likely others that aren't so widely known about yet. 

    I know it isn't typical, especially for a F2P MMO, but I'm almost thinking a post-open beta wipe is in order. 

    There's got to be a way to still give people the things that they paid for and reset things when the exploits have been worked out, otherwise we have a game that just comes down to who is the biggest cheater. I don't know how you guys feel, but it kind of ruins it for me knowing a lot have players will be rich forever off of these early exploits as the cost of everything continues to drop in the ah. 

    it won't happen as they would have to refund all that zen people bought/spent in their cash shop. best you can hope for is that they fix the exploits.image


    I am sure there is a way, and I am equally sure they will not refund what has got to be by now, billions of Zen.  That would literally take months to accomplish.  They would have to verify accounts, determine who was playing during the time said exploits were going on,  eliminate those that were actually cheating, Then go through and manually refund all that Zen.  It would cost them literally thousands of dollars in employee hours to accomplish this.  This is not worth it compared to the loss of revenue they will lose if the 2 people that give a shit about exploiters quit playing the game.

    Real rough example, but I hope you can understand what is being said.  The best you can hope for, is a fix to the exploits.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464
    Originally posted by Wizardry

    Exploitng crafting early on in VG ruined the game for me,cheating ruins every game i play.

    IDK if this is cheating because i am not up there,but i think you have the blame the developer,since you are calling it an exploit.

    I know from FFXI days an exploit was determined to be a mechanic in game that was obviously not intended.Then you were told to report it if ever you come across one.If you chose instead to take advantage of a true exploit,then Square would ban you and take back the items from any player.It happened a few times and Square also removed all he tied in gold that surrounded exploits.It was a really high number like multi millions in gil.

    Any half decent game has log files that keep track of most things that go on in chat and in game,so it is easily traced by the developer IF they care.

    In this case i am not so sure it is a true exploit or just a designed game idea that never had enough thought put into it.This sounds to me more like repeated farming of a Boss ,how is that an exploit?

    You run to the end of the dungeon, kill the boss, let yourself die and it'll respawn the boss, allowing you to kill him over and over as long as you bring enough injury kits. Instead of the 30-40 minutes for a good run per 5 seals its that every 2 minutes, and you don't have to fight through the trash or the two other bosses to get there. It wasn't intended so it's an exploit, though your bad design theory sounds pretty good too. I haven't heard of any action against any players so far.

  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464
    Originally posted by Hatefull
    Originally posted by wordiz
    Originally posted by Phry
    Originally posted by wordiz

    The exploiting people were doing in the Foundry that lead to the xp and loot nerf was nothing compared to what's going on at end game.

    Drake seals can be farmed extremely quick using an exploit on the boss of the T2 Pirate dungeon. Yeah, I thought they fixed it too, nope...just did a  run where a cleric showed us how to farm the boss over and over for T2 loot and seals, about 2 minutes a pop for 1-2 purple drops and 5 seals. People have been doing it like crazy.

    At this point most of the top geared players have used one of the two known exploits and most likely others that aren't so widely known about yet. 

    I know it isn't typical, especially for a F2P MMO, but I'm almost thinking a post-open beta wipe is in order. 

    There's got to be a way to still give people the things that they paid for and reset things when the exploits have been worked out, otherwise we have a game that just comes down to who is the biggest cheater. I don't know how you guys feel, but it kind of ruins it for me knowing a lot have players will be rich forever off of these early exploits as the cost of everything continues to drop in the ah. 

    it won't happen as they would have to refund all that zen people bought/spent in their cash shop. best you can hope for is that they fix the exploits.image


    I am sure there is a way, and I am equally sure they will not refund what has got to be by now, billions of Zen.  That would literally take months to accomplish.  They would have to verify accounts, determine who was playing during the time said exploits were going on,  eliminate those that were actually cheating, Then go through and manually refund all that Zen.  It would cost them literally thousands of dollars in employee hours to accomplish this.  This is not worth it compared to the loss of revenue they will lose if the 2 people that give a shit about exploiters quit playing the game.

    Real rough example, but I hope you can understand what is being said.  The best you can hope for, is a fix to the exploits.

    If that is the case I sadly find myself one of the two people that give a shit, and it pretty much ruins the game for me. I recognize they can't refund the zen, but items purchased, surely there is record of that. I do realize how unrealistic it is, just wishful thinking I suppose.

  • ScivaSciva Member UncommonPosts: 298

    Theres also the AFK PVP groups going around, i confronted a guy in chat getting a group together and he just shrugged it of like it wasn't a bother to the game or anyone else (It is, since PVP gear is BOE). Hopefully PWE and Cryptic can get the banhammers out quickly.

  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464
    ^Yup there's that as well. Openly organizing groups to afk in pvp to farm glory and AD. Anyone that's bothered to do it has farmed a whole PVP set by now without fighting one match. It sucks because it is a really good game other than all the cheating, that at this point, seems to be allowed.
  • BizkitNLBizkitNL Member RarePosts: 2,546
    Time and time again players keep proving that they themselves are what's wrong with MMO's these days.
  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464
    Originally posted by BizkitNL
    Time and time again players keep proving that they themselves are what's wrong with MMO's these days.

    I agree wholeheartedly..

  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Originally posted by BizkitNL
    Time and time again players keep proving that they themselves are what's wrong with MMO's these days.

    Wish I had an argument for you on that.  However, I don't, and I happen to agree with you 100%.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • SabbicatSabbicat Member UncommonPosts: 290
    So much for people using Beta opportunities for what they were meant. Look for flaws and report them so they can be fixed before launch.
  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464

    I'm starting to think that PWE under-valued the product they had in Neverwinter. As I've said in other posts prior to launch and just after, people had nothing good to say about the game until a couple days after pre-launch. Hence, the server problems on the first day of official launch, they weren't expecting so many players and had to pull hardware from other games to handle it all.

    Now seeing the holes and the lack of urgency to plug them, I'm getting the feeling this was a rushed open beta (launch) so they could kick open the gates on the market place before they had to compete with FFXIV: RR, ESO, Wildstar, AA....etc. 

    If so, it's just another in the pile of recent cash grabs in the MMO market, and I'm really hoping this trend is only temporary.

  • PAL-18PAL-18 Member UncommonPosts: 844

    5/13 13:09] [Zone] Chad@xxxxxxxxxxxx: LF1M 50-59 AFK PVP XP Farm, if i dont respond we're full


    these,first they remove world pvp and world,make everything mini instances and cut travel times ,remove actions from characters and still its too hard for modern mmo players.


    So, did ESO have a successful launch? Yes, yes it did.By Ryan Getchell on April 02, 2014.
    **On the radar: **

  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464
    Originally posted by PAL-18

    5/13 13:09] [Zone] Chad@xxxxxxxxxxxx: LF1M 50-59 AFK PVP XP Farm, if i dont respond we're full


    these,first they remove world pvp and world,make everything mini instances and cut travel times ,remove actions from characters and still its too hard for modern mmo players.


    LMAO. Exactly! What's lame is they actually gave us some challenging content in this game and people are just finding ways to get around it. The day people started doing that (at least on Dragon server) was because a super tough lvl 60 premade was romping on anyone that queued (probably rocking exploited gear). Someone said, jeeze, might as well just is history.

  • MrG8MrG8 Member UncommonPosts: 111
    SO what, let them.. ok they're geared now but so what? Are they having fun exploiting it? I doubt so.. they will probably quit playing, so let the kids exploit, they dont know how to enjoy a game!
  • mcrippinsmcrippins Member RarePosts: 1,645
    Originally posted by Sciva

    Theres also the AFK PVP groups going around, i confronted a guy in chat getting a group together and he just shrugged it of like it wasn't a bother to the game or anyone else (It is, since PVP gear is BOE). Hopefully PWE and Cryptic can get the banhammers out quickly.

    and this is why I wish the game used the sub model instead. 

  • AldersAlders Member RarePosts: 2,207
    Originally posted by mcrippins
    Originally posted by Sciva

    Theres also the AFK PVP groups going around, i confronted a guy in chat getting a group together and he just shrugged it of like it wasn't a bother to the game or anyone else (It is, since PVP gear is BOE). Hopefully PWE and Cryptic can get the banhammers out quickly.

    and this is why I wish the game used the sub model instead. 


    Except that it happens all the time in P2P MMO's as well.

    If the game mechanics allow any sort of afk farming, then the players will do it, regardless of model.

  • PieRadPieRad Member Posts: 1,108

    All you pro F2P'ers, why do you care if someone exploit, all they do is get the gear faster, kinda like how F2P works, those willing to pay get it faster, but they don't "win" anything according to you, so why do you feel the exploiters win something?

    Just because they exploit doesn't mean you lose, you'll just get the purples slower.

    Hypocrisy if you ask me.


  • BizkitNLBizkitNL Member RarePosts: 2,546
    Originally posted by PieRad

    All you pro F2P'ers, why do you care if someone exploit, all they do is get the gear faster, kinda like how F2P works, those willing to pay get it faster, but they don't "win" anything according to you, so why do you feel the exploiters win something?

    Just because they exploit doesn't mean you lose, you'll just get the purples slower.

    Hypocrisy if you ask me.

    There's always the game's economy to consider. And plain sportsmanship.

  • MukeMuke Member RarePosts: 2,614
    Originally posted by wordiz

    The exploiting people were doing in the Foundry that lead to the xp and loot nerf was nothing compared to what's going on at end game.

    Drake seals can be farmed extremely quick using an exploit on the boss of the T2 Pirate dungeon. Yeah, I thought they fixed it too, nope...just did a  run where a cleric showed us how to farm the boss over and over for T2 loot and seals, about 2 minutes a pop for 1-2 purple drops and 5 seals. People have been doing it like crazy.

    At this point most of the top geared players have used one of the two known exploits and most likely others that aren't so widely known about yet. 

    I know it isn't typical, especially for a F2P MMO, but I'm almost thinking a post-open beta wipe is in order. 

    There's got to be a way to still give people the things that they paid for and reset things when the exploits have been worked out, otherwise we have a game that just comes down to who is the biggest cheater. I don't know how you guys feel, but it kind of ruins it for me knowing a lot have players will be rich forever off of these early exploits as the cost of everything continues to drop in the ah. 

    wasn't this game not still in open beta? If so, address it to the devs.


    "going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"

  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092
    Originally posted by Phry

    it won't happen as they would have to refund all that zen people bought/spent in their cash shop. best you can hope for is that they fix the exploits.image

    And ban the exploiters... I guess they log all items obtained and such so it'd be easy to see who's exploiting and who's not...

  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by BizkitNL
    Originally posted by PieRad

    All you pro F2P'ers, why do you care if someone exploit, all they do is get the gear faster, kinda like how F2P works, those willing to pay get it faster, but they don't "win" anything according to you, so why do you feel the exploiters win something?

    Just because they exploit doesn't mean you lose, you'll just get the purples slower.

    Hypocrisy if you ask me.

    There's always the game's economy to consider. And plain sportsmanship.

    Indeed.. however I am willing to be the core players of this game over time won't be affected or care about exploits at launch.  Most people will be done with Neverwinter after a month or 2 and on to the next.

  • ScivaSciva Member UncommonPosts: 298
    Originally posted by PieRad

    All you pro F2P'ers, why do you care if someone exploit, all they do is get the gear faster, kinda like how F2P works, those willing to pay get it faster, but they don't "win" anything according to you, so why do you feel the exploiters win something?

    Just because they exploit doesn't mean you lose, you'll just get the purples slower.

    Hypocrisy if you ask me.

    I care because it creates a negative community and rewards people who do bugger all, granted i haven't paid any money to play the game but that doesn't mean that all the rules should be thrown out of the window, people shouldn't be able to do as they please just because of it.

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