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trickster armors ?

allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682
Level 12 and every piece of armor i have had on has been the same... is it like this all game ?


  • anthony21690anthony21690 Member UncommonPosts: 119
    No the armor appearance starts changing slowly throughout gameplay, dungeon acquired blues look completely different as well in some cases, it also depends on the rarity of the armor, the rarer it is the more different it will appear than other armors.
  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270
    Originally posted by anthony21690
    No the armor appearance starts changing slowly throughout gameplay, dungeon acquired blues look completely different as well in some cases, it also depends on the rarity of the armor, the rarer it is the more different it will appear than other armors.

    Yep this. Although don't expect anything massively out of character like you see in other MMOs. You won't be running around with massive shoulder guards that are completely impractical for a rogue to wear. They stick to the class style, so you will always be in leather with some kind of mask.

    Also they have a very robust dye system, with 2-3 dyes being able to be used n each armour piece.

  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by evilastro
    Originally posted by anthony21690
    No the armor appearance starts changing slowly throughout gameplay, dungeon acquired blues look completely different as well in some cases, it also depends on the rarity of the armor, the rarer it is the more different it will appear than other armors.

    Yep this. Although don't expect anything massively out of character like you see in other MMOs. You won't be running around with massive shoulder guards that are completely impractical for a rogue to wear. They stick to the class style, so you will always be in leather with some kind of mask.

    Also they have a very robust dye system, with 2-3 dyes being able to be used n each armour piece.

    if only players could create models for gear...  Is that possible in the foundry ?

  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    The variety of armor skins in the game is extremely low. Almost everyone of the same class looks exactly the same... except that guys armour has a plate on the leg.. or that guy has a shoulderpad on one side. The armor and weapon variety in this game is poor. I defend the game when it deserves defending but in this case it doesn't.
    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by Vannor
    The variety of armor skins in the game is extremely low. Almost everyone of the same class looks exactly the same... except that guys armour has a plate on the leg.. or that guy has a shoulderpad on one side. The armor and weapon variety in this game is poor. I defend the game when it deserves defending but in this case it doesn't.

    That is too bad ... As visually pleasing as the game is live to see more armors

  • InFlamestwoInFlamestwo Member Posts: 662
    It's like this in most mmorpgs. Through early levels 1-20 or something all armour look alike.


  • TheDarkrayneTheDarkrayne Member EpicPosts: 5,297
    Originally posted by InFlamestwo
    It's like this in most mmorpgs. Through early levels 1-20 or something all armour look alike.

    Level 1-60 there are about 5 different skins per class.

    In 'most' MMOs you'd have at least 5 different skins per armor type in the first 20 levels.

    I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  • nationalcitynationalcity Member UncommonPosts: 501

    One of the huge complaints I have about this game is the armor...


    Everyone looks like a clone of everyone else.... I have a 60 DC in all PVP 60 gear and she looks exactly the same as every other cleric except maybe a few added on pieces to that nasty blue/grey shit.........


    Doesn't really matter I've already quit anyway the cleric aggro got to me and I got sick of having to tank at every dungeon...........


    Plus it seems the designers couldn't think of anything else to do with bosses except have them summon tons of adds EVERY fight in EVERY dungeon all the boss does is summon tons of adds........

    I mean couldn't they think of any kind of strategy besides having them just summon adds at 85/75/65/30% of life... you get the point......

  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by nationalcity

    One of the huge complaints I have about this game is the armor...


    Everyone looks like a clone of everyone else.... I have a 60 DC in all PVP 60 gear and she looks exactly the same as every other cleric except maybe a few added on pieces to that nasty blue/grey shit.........


    Doesn't really matter I've already quit anyway the cleric aggro got to me and I got sick of having to tank at every dungeon...........


    Plus it seems the designers couldn't think of anything else to do with bosses except have them summon tons of adds EVERY fight in EVERY dungeon all the boss does is summon tons of adds........

    I mean couldn't they think of any kind of strategy besides having them just summon adds at 85/75/65/30% of life... you get the point......

    Given the simplistic combat i am not sure what else could be done... at least adds make it somewhat interesting.

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