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After so many years, finally !

LigiLigi Member UncommonPosts: 119

I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

- combat is simply the best

- UI is very intuitive and polished

- classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

- the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

- animations and graphics are very good 

- the Foundry is genius

BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!






  • MaelzraelMaelzrael Member UncommonPosts: 405
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

  • SynthetickSynthetick Member Posts: 977
    Originally posted by Maelzrael

    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    I gotta say I disagree with you on the highlighted note. The game, to me at least, feels as polished as any other AAA MMO launched within the last few years. The world is definitely linear, but they managed to at least make it visually appealing throughout the zones. I feel like they nailed the atmosphere pretty well, but that's just another personal opinion.

    The models and armor graphics look pretty good to me, as well. First time I've played a hafling/hobbit and not deleted it immediately after seeing the combat animations. 

    But everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion.


  • fantasyfreak112fantasyfreak112 Member Posts: 499
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    In less then a month you'll remember this post and be like "wow what kind of crack was I smoking?"

  • allegriaallegria Member CommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by Synthetick
    Originally posted by Maelzrael

    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    I gotta say I disagree with you on the highlighted note. The game, to me at least, feels as polished as any other AAA MMO launched within the last few years. The world is definitely linear, but they managed to at least make it visually appealing throughout the zones. I feel like they nailed the atmosphere pretty well, but that's just another personal opinion.

    The models and armor graphics look pretty good to me, as well. First time I've played a hafling/hobbit and not deleted it immediately after seeing the combat animations. 

    But everyone is definitely entitled to their opinion.

    Ya the visuals , music and overall environment is pretty stellar IMO 

  • Beyond_EterniaBeyond_Eternia Member UncommonPosts: 102
    The foundry is by far the best feature. I am a explorer so the maps they offer are not my cup of tea. The animations are below average at best. It was definitely worth a shot of looking into. It just did not cut it for me. I am glad you enjoy it. Hopefully it will keep you entertained for awhile. 
    Time you enjoy not wasted time
  • kamiyadorikamiyadori Member Posts: 14
    Originally posted by Maelzrael
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    Cool Opinion Bro, But I agree with OP. 


    And I don't see how anyone can prefer tab target over action based combat. GW2 combat pushed me away after the first 40 levels. So boring :-/ No skill involved. 

  • DraGzielDraGziel Member UncommonPosts: 67
    Well it isn't anything mind-blowing or something of the sort, but it is a VERY fun game. And that's the most important thing in my book.
  • fantasyfreak112fantasyfreak112 Member Posts: 499
    Originally posted by kamiyadori
    Originally posted by Maelzrael
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    Cool Opinion Bro, But I agree with OP. 


    And I don't see how anyone can prefer tab target over action based combat. GW2 combat pushed me away after the first 40 levels. So boring :-/ No skill involved. 

    Ya Neverwinter combat is loaded with skill. No sarcasm here whatsoever.

  • InFlamestwoInFlamestwo Member Posts: 662

    The combat is not very fluid and reactive. A little more polish into combat and it can be one of the best mmorpgs ever made next to Guild Wars 2 and Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.



    Edit: I think GW1 players who didn't like GW2 will enjoy Neverwinter more.


  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607

    Did I get in before people started arguing about why the OP is wrong and why he can't possibly like the game that much because they think it is crap? If I did then consider this my prediction on where this thread is headed.


  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    The combat actually feels more fun in NWO than in GW2 to me (played both though NWO I am having issues clearing the noob zones because my laptop's not recognized hardware and my desktop is out of commission while there's some renovation going down), it just feels when you connect with a greatsword that you actually friggin connect if you know what I mean... plus having the choice to have a halfling great weapon master is... amusing... the sword is bigger than he is =)) I am getting a Sanosuke Sagara vibe when I throw the 1 key skill.

  • tarodintarodin Member UncommonPosts: 128

    You speak soon. Most of you wont play the game a year. That's the true of the lattest mmorpg.


    There are a copy of a copy.

  • artyportartyport Member Posts: 16

    this game has awsome combat and the foundry is cool.

    but it lacks that im in another world feeling and im just playing a game.

    The character models are lackluster and the world is kind of cluttered. 


    If guild wars 2 could steal this combat and the foundry we would have a winner.

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by fantasyfreak112
    Originally posted by kamiyadori
    Originally posted by Maelzrael
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    Cool Opinion Bro, But I agree with OP. 


    And I don't see how anyone can prefer tab target over action based combat. GW2 combat pushed me away after the first 40 levels. So boring :-/ No skill involved. 

    Ya Neverwinter combat is loaded with skill. No sarcasm here whatsoever.

    hmm, considering the combat in Neverwinter is pretty much easy mode, i can sort of see what your saying, although the combat does seem to be a bit 'actiony' you don't really need to aim much, as when you start attacking just holding down the attack key will switch you to the next/nearest target automatically when whatever your fighting dies, same with range based attacks. after getting to level 26 with a guardian fighter i can't really say any of the fights have been all that challenging, nor have i died yet, i can only assume the 'harder' fights are much higher level ones?
     its okay as a casual game, though it does need a LOT more character classes, the ones they have so far are a bit bland, not to mention, weird, the cleric doesnt even use a melee weapon, and instead is more like a mage, doing ranged spell damage, which is about as none D&D as it gets, even the Wizard has a really limited number of spells available, which given the plethora of spells available from D&D itself is very much a great shame. The game might be Open Beta, but, can't help but thinking its still only half there.. if that.image

  • DihoruDihoru Member Posts: 2,731
    Originally posted by tarodin

    You speak soon. Most of you wont play the game a year. That's the true of the lattest mmorpg.


    There are a copy of a copy.

    Lets see what MMOs I play on and off: STO, EVE-Online, Wurm (laptop can't handle the java app for it so it's more a forced hiatus at the moment), Path of Exile (debatable if it is an MMO, I know but to my knowledge it has no singleplayer and there is no check box to uncheck players being able to share the same instance town with you), etc.

  • bubalubabubaluba Member Posts: 434
    Originally posted by Maelzrael
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    From all of this games you compare NW combat with GW2. Sorry but GW2 combat is most boring i ever saw in any of mmorpg's and every single class feel same. I agree with OP that Neverwinter is game with a lot of fun and a lot to do

  • XthosXthos Member UncommonPosts: 2,740

    Guess it shows you that everyone is different, I got to like level 6 and couldn't take the game anymore, thought it was horrible.  I only played GW2 a few hours also, it was too cluttered and didn't like the feel of it, so not tearing it down for GW2.


  • DibdabsDibdabs Member RarePosts: 3,241

    I like the game, I have to say, but they really need to get things like more character classes and Paragon trees out.  Everyone looks and behaves like everyone else's characters, and I like more variety.  That will come though, and it's early days.

    (This game really reminds me of an MMO version of Dungeon Siege - anyone remember that game?)

  • PhryPhry Member LegendaryPosts: 11,004
    Originally posted by Dibdabs

    I like the game, I have to say, but they really need to get things like more character classes and Paragon trees out.  Everyone looks and behaves like everyone else's characters, and I like more variety.  That will come though, and it's early days.

    (This game really reminds me of an MMO version of Dungeon Siege - anyone remember that game?)

    mages had more spells in dungeon seige too, but yeah, i can see how it would remind you of that game, the first one that is as the ones afterwards were very lacklustre tbh. image

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,256
    I dunno, the OP seems like a lot of wide eyed, new player enthusiasm, we'll see how it holds up over time.

    "True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde 

    "I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant

    Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm

    Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV

    Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™

    "This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    Combat the best??Not even close,i haven't time to write an essay on it.

    UI not very good,it actually annoyed me a lot.

    IDK about calling it a soft Trinity,my Guardian had nothing to keep hate off my level 3 companion,that is a really poor design.It is ruined further by making most of the encounters a pile of  mobs instead of being able to focus and control one as a tank.Again this takes too much time to explain all the scenarios,it is not well designed.

    I agree animations were good,i notice all those little things,i also had no problem with the effects either.BEST i wouldn't come close to going that far.

    Foundry is good on paper,it actually did nothing to change the game or how i played.I saw all the rotating rocks,rising blades,spear pokers and INK jets i can fathom for a very long time.Everything in Foundry and game revolves around clicking or following sparklies around,not immersion in the least and imo ruins a game.

    In the case of this game however the spaklies were needed because everything is laid out in a mess or via warps.So you really never get a good bearing of where you are or going.

    Classes interesting?IDK i had the fly in attack,seen that everywhere now,and is not a staple of a true DnD game,more a copy of recent games.I had shield bash,been there done that,ground shaker ability ,again done it before.

    This all would take far too long too explain again but the game has no depth anywhere,it is simply a linear questing game with very limited combat.One example so you catch the drift as to why it has zero depth.Guardian i used ONLY one weapon type "sword",there was no reason what so ever to decide on type of mob,all you do is just follow the quests.There is no elemental properties no mob properties,nothing at all,just a very basic game design.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • VaporsVapors Member UncommonPosts: 407
    Originally posted by Maelzrael
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    Funny answer you deliver there, but I have to admit to the OP, that Neverwinter's combat is much more entertaining then GW2's combat, which simply feels like any other older MMO's combat without mana use.

    Then to your comment to the character model, which is actually much better then GW2 has, since gw2 has only a few possibilities to change your appereance, and neverwinter offers a wide range of changes + the characters and armors are pretty well designed.

    If you are a super hyper fan of gw2, stop commenting "GW2 is better" in a thread which is just for neverwinter.

  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Originally posted by Maelzrael
    Originally posted by Ligi

    I play mmorpgs since 2000 starting with EQ and Neverwinter is the best so far:

    took the best features from other mmorpgs, improved them and added really innovative and groundbreaking features.

    If I had to buy this game and pay a monthly subscription I wouldn't be choked. I was taken by surprise by the quality of this game:

    - combat is simply the best

    - UI is very intuitive and polished

    - classes are interesting and the soft trinity really nailed it

    - the game feels alive, people always running around everywhere, lots of events going all the time

    - animations and graphics are very good 

    - the Foundry is genius

    BUT the most important, its really a FUN game to get into, grats Cryptic , the mmorpg genre really needed this!




    I dont agree about the combat, I prefer Gw2's combat overall. Ui is okay. Classes are mildy entertaining but nothing super mindblowing or original. To me the game feels like a old arcade game, not a world. I think the animations on the mage in particular horrible at best, the others were mediocre imho. The foundry is nice, hope they take that to other games. I havnt been able the have to much FUN because of the above, I feel like its a cheaply made low quality game with ugly character models and an uninteresting world. But thats just me of course, I have two friends who the game.

    Of course you would prefer GW2 combat lol, that comes as no surprise. Personally i prefer NW combat over GW2's tab targeting. Not that i dislike tab targeting it's just that GW2 doesn't know what it is, NW blows it out of the water imo.

    The classes of NW are far more enjoyable and thought out than GW2's, saying the game looks cheap just shows your over the top love for GW2 because anyone without an agenda would not agree with you that NW looks cheap lol. I'm not saying that the combat in NW is the best but it's a damn more entertaining that GW2, that's for sure.



  • AdokasAdokas Member CommonPosts: 217
    I played this for some time myself, and reached level cap. Nothing new, frankly. Boring gear looks, nice animations and the foundry seems decent, but that's it. Just another MMO on the block, same as the rest on the market right now. Simply offers nothing new except for setting.
  • SavageHorizonSavageHorizon Member EpicPosts: 3,480
    Originally posted by Adokas
    I played this for some time myself, and reached level cap. Nothing new, frankly. Boring gear looks, nice animations and the foundry seems decent, but that's it. Just another MMO on the block, same as the rest on the market right now. Simply offers nothing new except for setting.

    I agree but it's still a fun MMO, not all MMO's have to offer something new to be a good game. I play Age Of Wushu which really does offer a few new features. If we all stood by the "it doesn't offer anything new" line we would have virtually no MMO's to play. 

    I'll play NW and AOW alongside each other.

    What game is offering anything new that we know anything about as of now whether released or not?

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