--------------------------------------- All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity -Anarchyart
--------------------------------------- All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity -Anarchyart
--------------------------------------- All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity -Anarchyart
hate for sin
The burning light is too bright for your eyes, so don't peek.
which lead to
makes no sense
The burning light is too bright for your eyes, so don't peek.
when i eat
Rock Lobster comes
* Want to see how dumb you are? Click here to take the dumb test!
picking up the
in a bar
of smelly poopoo
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
old chunky milk
All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity
that looked like
it came from
All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity
man could conceive. ((wow that's bad milk!))
All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity