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Features seems to be as interesting and deep as old UO with guildwars, guild villages, castles, keeps, full loot (is discussed), PK:s, thiefs, bards, taming, different type of crafters, placeable vendors, boats, fishing, weddings, theater performances, arts and on and on.
And what really interesting is that you can play it only PvE if you dislike PvP or play it full PvP. You can make your guild a full time PvP guild. You set the game so you meet your similars online.
To help Richard build his new masterpiece, a team of proven industry veterans has been assembled. The average team member has more than 10 years experience and a half-dozen shipped games to their credit. More than 50 titles have been shipped between the team, including almost a dozen games that reached number one on the sales charts.
David Watson that created "stones" for UO will make a new musical composition for SotA -
My favorite version of Stones -
Tracy Hickman, author of Dragonlance and Deathgate series is the Lead Story Designer of SotA.
Game will start with 1 big island and be followed with 5 more. Feature list will continue to grow.
This can be a smashing hit.
Honestly, I can't see this game ending up anything other than fantastic (which is why I backed the project). Richard Garriott seems to be doing everything right.
a) He is a master of RPGs- he invented them.
b) He has totally the right idea about multiplayer games- i.e. they should be designed to be GOOD games first instead of following some clicheed MMO model; and sandbox is the future by the way.
c) He is surrounding himself with great people in the office.
d) He is working hard to listen to the community. The game already has a devoted following without being superficially hyped up.
We already saw a prototype of gameplay that looks absolutely great a long way from launch. So we already know what to expect, and so far we like what we see.
You are going to curse that Unity engine they're using soon enough
Not to mention that this "MMO" will look no better than your average browser MMO
Agree. I dont like a system where people with loads of money buy there way into best housing spots.
Yes real life sucks
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.