I was playing DF for almost 2 years, and I know that despite on all AV sloppiness all bugs will be fixed in a month or two. And the new content will be added. And CCP will nerf solo and small scaled PvP another time in Odyssey, it's when I'll be back to DFUW. And as to UO, it had a shitty combat, couldn't bear it back to then. I prefer Quake 3-lite combat of DF. DF is still a sandbox game, doesn't matter what all you haters think.
Claiming UO had shitty combat say everything about your experience of UO.
I know Aventurine, promising alot and deliver poorly.
Before you venture out away from the safe zones, spend the time to either craft 5-10 sets of gear or buy them from the NPC.
Get one bag per set, place the set of gear into the bag.
now that you have 10 sets of gear, losing one isnt a big deal, run to the bank, grab a bag, gear up and continue.
By the time you lose your first set, either through pvp or pve breaking it all, you should have enough gold or materials to replace it.
You are going to want to continually upgrade those gear bags and always have a lot of bags sitting in your inventory with a full set (possibly some food too) the entire duration of the game its a good habit to start.
Later on it will mean you can gear up on your way back to a fight, rather than wasting time trying to find gear.
Also start making a habit of heading to the bank every 15-30 minuets or whenever you deem your loot as valuable. This is very important as its an insurance policy on what you farm. It can be a pain but its worth it and youll never lose hours worth of farming doing this.
Before you venture out away from the safe zones, spend the time to either craft 5-10 sets of gear or buy them from the NPC.
Get one bag per set, place the set of gear into the bag.
now that you have 10 sets of gear, losing one isnt a big deal, run to the bank, grab a bag, gear up and continue.
By the time you lose your first set, either through pvp or pve breaking it all, you should have enough gold or materials to replace it.
You are going to want to continually upgrade those gear bags and always have a lot of bags sitting in your inventory with a full set (possibly some food too) the entire duration of the game its a good habit to start.
Later on it will mean you can gear up on your way back to a fight, rather than wasting time trying to find gear.
Also start making a habit of heading to the bank every 15-30 minuets or whenever you deem your loot as valuable. This is very important as its an insurance policy on what you farm. It can be a pain but its worth it and youll never lose hours worth of farming doing this.
you cant buy the basic gear from NPC's
So crafting additiona lsets or later on buying them from the market is the way to go
and way too many single player games (all of which perform stunningly well and look wondrous) to justify spending $800 to make a gutted ugly reboot playable.
Thanks for your review though, glad youre having fun.
that only makes sense if your current computer is a piece of shit that would only get 15 frames (like his), and decided to spend $800 (totally unnecessary & excessive amount of money for anyone that has any computer building knowledge)
my computer was midrange back in 2010 (cpu) and 2008 (gpu), and i get 44 FPS in super crowded cities and 90 FPS in crowded combat areas.
Good stuff! I'm also one of those ppl who is not sure whether to get it or not. I did play UO and I absolutely had a blast playing it. I am waiting for Neverwinter but also wondering if DF would be a better fit. While I always figured DF to have these elements you describe, it's nice to see ppl are in fact experiencing them as such.
PS I suggest ignoring most of the hater replies here. Ppl who are interested in this article and thoughtful get what you are saying. The haters just don't get that there are different type of MMORPG players looking for different game mechanics. These guys see mechanics that don't fit their own desires as faulty mechanics and look in the forums to bash them. They get so obsessed with convincing everybody of their 'wrong' opinions that they change the context of your text in their own mind so that they can form arguments against you.
well. one of my clan mates couldn't play at all, game crash everytime tried to kill mob on decent computer.
but they have patched EVERY day since launch trying to improve performance, and now he clan play fine. just sayin' launch is launch you may be able to run the game well if u wait a bit.
PS: eve is shit, combat is so mindnumbingly boring that I cannot care about the rest of the game.
I was debating posting a thread here or elsewhere asking people who had played both what their opinions were on the two games and their differences. I love the open sandbox worlds and have tried EVE a few times but was clearly doing it wrong. Maybe I didn't find the right corporation or maybe it was the fact that it's a ship and not a "character". So I was wondering what people thought of the newly launched Darkfall. Been thinking of picking it up but that $60 is steep for entry if I'm not real sure about things so glad I stumbled across this thread.
Originally posted by Burntvet No. This game is nothing like Eve, and to even mention it in the same breath is an insult. This game is another pathetic effort from a pathetic indie developer, launched at least a year too soon (again). Eve is 10X the game DFUO will ever be on its best day. Worth $40 +$15/mo? Only if you want to pay for continued development of a half finished game. Worth for a game no where near ready for release? No Way.
Few facts for ya, as im an eve player as well.
1. Eve, 10+ years ago, was also launched by an "indie" developer, and if not still hasnt been too many years, are still "indie".
2. I said similar. Its a sandbox with harsh consequences on death with losing player made goods crafted in a player economy. How is this not similar to EvE? Ill wait.
Thanks for reading!
Haven't played EvE for a few years, not really my cup of tea. But, CCP may have been "indie" when they started, which is to say small and under funded, but 10 years and billion or so dollars in revenue later, they can't be considered "indie" by most usual benchmarks. AV was in the same place as CCP was with the launch of EvE, but then AV did everything wrong that CCP did it right. EvE grew, DF withered. As to the other part, die and lose items? Meh. The crafting in DF was nothing special and it looks the same in DFUO. That's about all that is similar to EvE, which has actually good crafting. This incarnation of DF is much worse than EvE was at the beginning, and I am even being generous with that comparison. This game might be decent in a year or so (again, not unlike EvE at launch) but right now it is not. And if they manage the game like they did DF1, it won't be.
no theyre still an indie. They self publish, therefore they are independent.
They are a sucessful indie, but it doesnt stop them being indie, indie has nothing to do with studio size, indie is about the developer / publisher relationship.
They arent the biggest indie studio though, that would be Rockstar.
and way too many single player games (all of which perform stunningly well and look wondrous) to justify spending $800 to make a gutted ugly reboot playable.
Thanks for your review though, glad youre having fun.
and way too many single player games (all of which perform stunningly well and look wondrous) to justify spending $800 to make a gutted ugly reboot playable.
Thanks for your review though, glad youre having fun.
that only makes sense if your current computer is a piece of shit that would only get 15 frames (like his), and decided to spend $800 (totally unnecessary & excessive amount of money for anyone that has any computer building knowledge)
my computer was midrange back in 2010 (cpu) and 2008 (gpu), and i get 44 FPS in super crowded cities and 90 FPS in crowded combat areas.
This must be one of the dumbest things I've read in a while here. 800$ is not even close to a high-end rig neither is it excesisve by ANY means. I've just dropped about 3k$ on my pc (yes, I love pc's so you will have to deal with it) and only now is it able to max out pretty much everything. Don't hate on people just because you have less money, it makes you look pathetic.
At Op, was a good read, thank you. Now actually considering buying this game.
Originally posted by Burntvet Originally posted by tristanryan Originally posted by Burntvet No. This game is nothing like Eve, and to even mention it in the same breath is an insult. This game is another pathetic effort from a pathetic indie developer, launched at least a year too soon (again). Eve is 10X the game DFUO will ever be on its best day. Worth $40 +$15/mo? Only if you want to pay for continued development of a half finished game. Worth for a game no where near ready for release? No Way.
Few facts for ya, as im an eve player as well.
1. Eve, 10+ years ago, was also launched by an "indie" developer, and if not still hasnt been too many years, are still "indie".
2. I said similar. Its a sandbox with harsh consequences on death with losing player made goods crafted in a player economy. How is this not similar to EvE? Ill wait.
Thanks for reading!
Haven't played EvE for a few years, not really my cup of tea. But, CCP may have been "indie" when they started, which is to say small and under funded, but 10 years and billion or so dollars in revenue later, they can't be considered "indie" by most usual benchmarks. AV was in the same place as CCP was with the launch of EvE, but then AV did everything wrong that CCP did it right. EvE grew, DF withered. As to the other part, die and lose items? Meh. The crafting in DF was nothing special and it looks the same in DFUO. That's about all that is similar to EvE, which has actually good crafting. This incarnation of DF is much worse than EvE was at the beginning, and I am even being generous with that comparison. This game might be decent in a year or so (again, not unlike EvE at launch) but right now it is not. And if they manage the game like they did DF1, it won't be.
no theyre still an indie. They self publish, therefore they are independent.
They are a sucessful indie, but it doesnt stop them being indie, indie has nothing to do with studio size, indie is about the developer / publisher relationship.
They arent the biggest indie studio though, that would be Rockstar.
Once you are a "major studio", the distinction is meaningless. Any MMO company generating $1 billion or more in sales/revenue is no longer small time. Would people consider FC an indie? Or several of the other large stand alone companies? In the end, it does not matter much. The crap that "small" indies are putting out is the problem, not CCP.
I really wish i wouldnt have used the EvE comparison in the OP.
When was CCP said to be generating **billions** in revenue? What kind of magic kool aid are you guys drinking? lol
"The game, a science fictional adventure set in a star cluster dominated by five major civilizations, first launched in 2003, and its subscriber base (currently about 400,000) has grown every year since launch. Revenue has been growing too, at a compound annual growth rate of 53 percent, bringing in total revenue of $300 million over the game’s lifetime. As for profits, CCP would only say that it has “very healthy margins” — a claim backed up by the fact that it has grown to more than 450 employees despite only raising $3 million in seed funding."
and way too many single player games (all of which perform stunningly well and look wondrous) to justify spending $800 to make a gutted ugly reboot playable.
Thanks for your review though, glad youre having fun.
and way too many single player games (all of which perform stunningly well and look wondrous) to justify spending $800 to make a gutted ugly reboot playable.
Thanks for your review though, glad youre having fun.
that only makes sense if your current computer is a piece of shit that would only get 15 frames (like his), and decided to spend $800 (totally unnecessary & excessive amount of money for anyone that has any computer building knowledge)
my computer was midrange back in 2010 (cpu) and 2008 (gpu), and i get 44 FPS in super crowded cities and 90 FPS in crowded combat areas.
This must be one of the dumbest things I've read in a while here. 800$ is not even close to a high-end rig neither is it excesisve by ANY means. I've just dropped about 3k$ on my pc (yes, I love pc's so you will have to deal with it) and only now is it able to max out pretty much everything. Don't hate on people just because you have less money, it makes you look pathetic.
At Op, was a good read, thank you. Now actually considering buying this game.
Yeah $800 and your getting a mid range (at best) last gen card, generic components, decent CPU..but certainly no where near excessive.
I spent $2100 got the best i5, twin frozr 680, a top end SSD and HDD, some mushkin memory, crosair PSU, good coolermaster case, a nice heatsink, probably the best MOBO for the money (sniper 3) even got a plextor multi disk drive i have yet to use over the generic drive.
In all honesty i cant see how people go beyond what i got, less you want a multi screen set up, and even then you probably have to go beyond 3 screens to really need a better GPU.
People who spend (cough) 3k i think are overkilling it for gaming purposes (unless you count a lot of monitors in the price i guess)
Also theres a lot of dumb people who fall into the trap of buying an overkill i7 which is the same speed as an i5 and then get a sub par 550 or similar card and then complain the game is shit because they cant run it at 120 fps. I see people like this on every game forum scratching their head as to why they get medicore preformance. Sadly they could have saved $100 on the CPU getting an i5 with the same preformance and put that $100 to at least a gaming quality card.
Long story short. $800 is like the bare bones minimum for a decent gaming rig, and only if your not a total derp and spend all of it on a CPU.
Nice write up, OP. I can't honestly agree or disagree on your comparison to EVE (as I havent played it) but I played this while it was in beta through Jan & Feb. I agree the UI takes a bit to get the hang of, but its leaps & bounds easier to manage than DF1. I have this horribly short attention span when it comes to games the past few years, usually playing the same one for anywhere from a month to 6 months before moving on to try something else. The main reason I put it down was do to my work schedule. Its hard to want to come home & game for a few hours every night when I work 50-60 hour weeks. I just burn out on them too easily. But I can say I gave DFUW a solld two months & during the beta it was very noticable that AV was working hard to close up as many bugs & potential exploits as they could. DF1 was an AFK macro & exploiter's haven, so seeing their approach with the new version gave me hope.
I really wish i wouldnt have used the EvE comparison in the OP.Also;When was CCP said to be generating **billions** in revenue? What kind of magic kool aid are you guys drinking? lol"The game, a science fictional adventure set in a star cluster dominated by five major civilizations, first launched in 2003, and its subscriber base (currently about 400,000) has grown every year since launch. Revenue has been growing too, at a compound annual growth rate of 53 percent, bringing in total revenue of $300 million over the games lifetime. As for profits, CCP would only say that it has very healthy margins a claim backed up by the fact that it has grown to more than 450 employees despite only raising $3 million in seed funding."http://techcrunch.com/2012/02/21/eve-online-saw-66m-in-revenue-last-year-mulls-ipo/ Now lets get back on topic of newbie experiences in darkfall unholy wars! please
I saw some different estimates a few years ago that were significantly higher, in part due to box sales and from the churn of players, each new player buying the client, which was a nice bit of change until recently. In the end it does not matter much what the specific number is, CCP made a whole crap ton of cash with EvE, and that is something that AV will never do with DFUO, because they have proven they can't release/launch a game in decent shape, and stink at longer term game management.
no theyre still an indie. They self publish, therefore they are independent.
They are a sucessful indie, but it doesnt stop them being indie, indie has nothing to do with studio size, indie is about the developer / publisher relationship.
They arent the biggest indie studio though, that would be Rockstar.
Originally posted by BurntvetNo. This game is nothing like Eve, and to even mention it in the same breath is an insult. This game is another pathetic effort from a pathetic indie developer, launched at least a year too soon (again). Eve is 10X the game DFUO will ever be on its best day. Worth $40 +$15/mo? Only if you want to pay for continued development of a half finished game. Worth for a game no where near ready for release? No Way.
Few facts for ya, as im an eve player as well.1. Eve, 10+ years ago, was also launched by an "indie" developer, and if not still hasnt been too many years, are still "indie".2. I said similar. Its a sandbox with harsh consequences on death with losing player made goods crafted in a player economy. How is this not similar to EvE? Ill wait.Thanks for reading!
To be a sandbox you need some sandbox elements wont you?
Too bad DFUW have just about none.
A better comparable game is quake.
As a 6 years EVE veteran I can say - go and play EVE, it's exactly for such carebears and blobbers as you.
EVE with it's worthless PvP? Why would i like to play that? It's more fun to watch paint dry.
If you played UO felucca mode, you know the real sandbox, for almost +10 years as i did then you have some demands on what you play.
DFUW have about 50% of promised content and that isnt good enough. We were lied to. Just removed my subscription and you know what it felt very good.
Now i just have to wait for Richard Garriott's next game SotA which actually might bring back UO felucca. Alpha starts end of 2013.
I prefer UW to Eve because you have more freedom in UW - Eve has those awful gates where you either get ganked (and you can't move) or you get bored gatecamping.
and way too many single player games (all of which perform stunningly well and look wondrous) to justify spending $800 to make a gutted ugly reboot playable.
Thanks for your review though, glad youre having fun.
that only makes sense if your current computer is a piece of shit that would only get 15 frames (like his), and decided to spend $800 (totally unnecessary & excessive amount of money for anyone that has any computer building knowledge)
my computer was midrange back in 2010 (cpu) and 2008 (gpu), and i get 44 FPS in super crowded cities and 90 FPS in crowded combat areas.
This must be one of the dumbest things I've read in a while here. 800$ is not even close to a high-end rig neither is it excesisve by ANY means. I've just dropped about 3k$ on my pc (yes, I love pc's so you will have to deal with it) and only now is it able to max out pretty much everything. Don't hate on people just because you have less money, it makes you look pathetic.
At Op, was a good read, thank you. Now actually considering buying this game.
well this IS the dumbest post i've seen here in ages.
who said anything about hating PCs? thats an astoundingly ____ conclusion to come to after reading things that state the opposite.
nowhere in there did i hate on people for having money and spending it in any way that they want.
did you forget already what we were talking about ALREADY? refresher
we're talking about BUILDING A COMPUTER YOURSELF THAT CAN RUN DARKFALL well, and $800 is completely excessive for that purpose, just as a stated above in red.
fact is my years old $300 PC plays Darkfall beautifully. <---- **** THIS WAS THE POINT OF MY MESSAGE ****
an $800 rig could be amazing for Darkfall (it doesn't require much) instead of adequate.
how did you miss all of that context? i was not commenting on your personal life, your platform tastes or your personal decisions! but the fact you acted that way is hilarious! 8)
if all you got out of my message was some flight of fancy that has nothing to do with reality or anything i said,.... well good for you and your awesome money explosion i guess.
don't hate on people because you have no concept of anything they said, the conversation, the context, and have an extremely underperformant real life CPU (i'll translate that for you, your brain).
Claiming UO had shitty combat say everything about your experience of UO.
I know Aventurine, promising alot and deliver poorly.
@OP thanks for the review. I played the DF1 for several years and really enjoyed it.
My computer just died so I ordered a new one. Should arrive next week. (I am using a mini to surf atm)
Looking forward to trying out DFUW. Hope I can find /recall old account info.
Read somwhere if I find that info I get the client for free.
Thanks again for your honest opinion.
this offer lasted for 6 month from Nov.2012 t o12.April 2013
you have to pay the full price
Unfortunately this
Hope they do decide to go back on that though.
My word of advice for new players:
Before you venture out away from the safe zones, spend the time to either craft 5-10 sets of gear or buy them from the NPC.
Get one bag per set, place the set of gear into the bag.
now that you have 10 sets of gear, losing one isnt a big deal, run to the bank, grab a bag, gear up and continue.
By the time you lose your first set, either through pvp or pve breaking it all, you should have enough gold or materials to replace it.
You are going to want to continually upgrade those gear bags and always have a lot of bags sitting in your inventory with a full set (possibly some food too) the entire duration of the game its a good habit to start.
Later on it will mean you can gear up on your way back to a fight, rather than wasting time trying to find gear.
Also start making a habit of heading to the bank every 15-30 minuets or whenever you deem your loot as valuable. This is very important as its an insurance policy on what you farm. It can be a pain but its worth it and youll never lose hours worth of farming doing this.
you cant buy the basic gear from NPC's
So crafting additiona lsets or later on buying them from the market is the way to go
that only makes sense if your current computer is a piece of shit that would only get 15 frames (like his), and decided to spend $800 (totally unnecessary & excessive amount of money for anyone that has any computer building knowledge)
my computer was midrange back in 2010 (cpu) and 2008 (gpu), and i get 44 FPS in super crowded cities and 90 FPS in crowded combat areas.
Corpus Callosum
Corpus Callosum
yeah, thank god DF is nothing like Eve
Corpus Callosum
no theyre still an indie. They self publish, therefore they are independent.
They are a sucessful indie, but it doesnt stop them being indie, indie has nothing to do with studio size, indie is about the developer / publisher relationship.
They arent the biggest indie studio though, that would be Rockstar.
you lost me at "i play rift for pvp"
This must be one of the dumbest things I've read in a while here. 800$ is not even close to a high-end rig neither is it excesisve by ANY means. I've just dropped about 3k$ on my pc (yes, I love pc's so you will have to deal with it) and only now is it able to max out pretty much everything. Don't hate on people just because you have less money, it makes you look pathetic.
At Op, was a good read, thank you. Now actually considering buying this game.
They see me lurkin' they hatin...
Few facts for ya, as im an eve player as well.
1. Eve, 10+ years ago, was also launched by an "indie" developer, and if not still hasnt been too many years, are still "indie".
2. I said similar. Its a sandbox with harsh consequences on death with losing player made goods crafted in a player economy. How is this not similar to EvE? Ill wait.
Thanks for reading!
no theyre still an indie. They self publish, therefore they are independent.
They are a sucessful indie, but it doesnt stop them being indie, indie has nothing to do with studio size, indie is about the developer / publisher relationship.
They arent the biggest indie studio though, that would be Rockstar.
I really wish i wouldnt have used the EvE comparison in the OP.
When was CCP said to be generating **billions** in revenue? What kind of magic kool aid are you guys drinking? lol
"The game, a science fictional adventure set in a star cluster dominated by five major civilizations, first launched in 2003, and its subscriber base (currently about 400,000) has grown every year since launch. Revenue has been growing too, at a compound annual growth rate of 53 percent, bringing in total revenue of $300 million over the game’s lifetime. As for profits, CCP would only say that it has “very healthy margins” — a claim backed up by the fact that it has grown to more than 450 employees despite only raising $3 million in seed funding."
Now lets get back on topic of newbie experiences in darkfall unholy wars! please
i lol'd. (although i do like rift.)
Yeah $800 and your getting a mid range (at best) last gen card, generic components, decent CPU..but certainly no where near excessive.
I spent $2100 got the best i5, twin frozr 680, a top end SSD and HDD, some mushkin memory, crosair PSU, good coolermaster case, a nice heatsink, probably the best MOBO for the money (sniper 3) even got a plextor multi disk drive i have yet to use over the generic drive.
In all honesty i cant see how people go beyond what i got, less you want a multi screen set up, and even then you probably have to go beyond 3 screens to really need a better GPU.
People who spend (cough) 3k i think are overkilling it for gaming purposes (unless you count a lot of monitors in the price i guess)
Also theres a lot of dumb people who fall into the trap of buying an overkill i7 which is the same speed as an i5 and then get a sub par 550 or similar card and then complain the game is shit because they cant run it at 120 fps. I see people like this on every game forum scratching their head as to why they get medicore preformance. Sadly they could have saved $100 on the CPU getting an i5 with the same preformance and put that $100 to at least a gaming quality card.
Long story short. $800 is like the bare bones minimum for a decent gaming rig, and only if your not a total derp and spend all of it on a CPU.
Rockstar...you sure? They are owned by 2k.
Cheaters what ruined Darkfall 1 for big part and you say also cheaters in Darkfall2 then nothing have changed and never will.
Not worth playing with cheaters.
Btw Darkfall 2(greeks) is not developed by same team as Darkfall 1(norwegians).
its like the same exact team minus the artist and some minor players that arent of consequence.
played a million mmo's
I have the feeling at the end of 2013 we'll be reading another "we were lied to" statement on these forums lol.
I prefer UW to Eve because you have more freedom in UW - Eve has those awful gates where you either get ganked (and you can't move) or you get bored gatecamping.
well this IS the dumbest post i've seen here in ages.
who said anything about hating PCs? thats an astoundingly ____ conclusion to come to after reading things that state the opposite.
nowhere in there did i hate on people for having money and spending it in any way that they want.
did you forget already what we were talking about ALREADY? refresher
we're talking about BUILDING A COMPUTER YOURSELF THAT CAN RUN DARKFALL well, and $800 is completely excessive for that purpose, just as a stated above in red.
fact is my years old $300 PC plays Darkfall beautifully. <---- **** THIS WAS THE POINT OF MY MESSAGE ****
an $800 rig could be amazing for Darkfall (it doesn't require much) instead of adequate.
how did you miss all of that context? i was not commenting on your personal life, your platform tastes or your personal decisions! but the fact you acted that way is hilarious! 8)
if all you got out of my message was some flight of fancy that has nothing to do with reality or anything i said,.... well good for you and your awesome money explosion i guess.
don't hate on people because you have no concept of anything they said, the conversation, the context, and have an extremely underperformant real life CPU (i'll translate that for you, your brain).
Corpus Callosum