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[Column] Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Best (and Worst) of Rise of the Hutt Cartel

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129

In this week's SWTOR column, we're breaking down some of the best and worst aspects of Rise of the Hutt Cartel, the first digital expansion to Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The reworked talent trees and new abilities have really reinvigorated the play of my existing characters. I’m getting some serious mileage out of my Marauder’s new Double Lightsaber Throw, in particular. Lining up a great throw and hitting a bunch of enemies is much more satisfying than you would probably think. The new talents have also changed the pace of play and the same can be said for the changes for the Alacrity stat, which allows you to reduce the activation times of abilities, including instant abilities by bringing them below the GCD.

Read more of Michael Bitton's The Best (and Worst) of Rise of the Hutt Cartel.




  • UnrealRpgUnrealRpg Member UncommonPosts: 138
    It’s Over Too Soon...That was the entire games problem. It was over too soon with not much else to do.
  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582
    It's not bad so far but there's not enough levelling content. I would never call this an expansion, it's just DLC.

    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582
    To clarify, there is more than enough content to get you to 55. It just doesn't take very long to get there.

    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • KnavemareKnavemare Member UncommonPosts: 9
    There's way more things to do at lvl 55 u get to run Hardmode flashpoints which are pretty challenging. I'm having a great time 2 weeks into the xpac.
  • DauzqulDauzqul Member RarePosts: 1,982

    I'm honestly not trolling here.

    The people running this game are completely uncapable. They have no idea what to do.


    The biggest mistake of this game was the fact that there wasn't anything to do after the quick story. Thus, if I got to call the shots, this is what my first expansion would've been like:

    #1. Several new and gigantic player-driven areas or planets. I would have a series of planets that are in the direct middle of Rep Vs. Imp conflict. These planets would not have quests, but would be completely loaded with enemy NPCs, Armies, and World Raid Bosses.

    #2. The ultimate purpose for the planets would be for player world housing, player world cities, and player world forts. A city founded under a certain faction will have the ability to place turrets and epic NPC guards. Taxes will be a must.

    #3. Deep space exploration - none of this StarFox bs. The expansion would feel as if something like Eve Online was tied into SWTOR.



    This kind of material would spread word. Their current trash wil be outplayed in a week...   and then back to square 1.

  • koboldfodderkoboldfodder Member UncommonPosts: 447

    Their biggest mistake was thinking that people would not reach level cap sooner than they anticipated.  In fact, the reached it a lot sooner than anticipated.  Their second biggest mistake was throwing so much money and production into the voice overs that actual game content took too long to produce.


    This marks the end of class story stuff as it just takes too long to make....something that most players told them long before this game even launched.


    This game is a glorious disaster and even though there are people playing it, it will long be remembered as a galatic failure of epic proportions.

  • BattlerockBattlerock Member CommonPosts: 1,393
    This seems like it just came and went, thanks mmorpg because ....well because I dont mind not seeing swtor news, I think thats the most candid way I can put it.
  • koljanekoljane Member UncommonPosts: 171

    Fist thing fist.

    This is not an expansion this is DLC and it cost lika a DLC, 8 euros for sub players and even 17 euros is not much for people that dont wanna sub. 

    For that money you got a lot of things to do and that is a fact. Upcoming patch will just glue the DLC with the new things so you ll get a full expansion for a price of a DLC. 

    Game is far from fail cause dev team is bringing new staff and I see that in time there will be lot of things to make you bussy. 

    Serious players and Hard Core Players will never be happy cause there is no game in the world that thay will not consume in less in 2 months. 

    For me personaly as a huge Star Wars fan this game was a big disapointment but game grow and I am happy that i re-subed and I am realy having a blast with my Trooper.


  • Segun777Segun777 Jade Dynasty CorrespondentMember Posts: 97

    I actually took an alt to 50 for Makeb, then realized I wanted to do more alts first. I don't really care about achievements, but I found myself making an alt from scratch just to see how the leveling experience has changed.


    I've notice that BioWare has done alot of 'cost of living' increases in the first 1-50 areas. Emails from quests givers are all in sync with your choices, new flight paths where they did'nt used to always make sense (Korriban). Chapter bosses are easier now as well. I completed the Chapter 3 Jedi Knight with a companion I hadn't touched in 20 levels for instance.


    Some people love the class story's other couldn't care less. If the game had been more successful I think they might have kept going with it. But I don't see them doing anything other than the planatary storylines now. All in all for $10 Makeb has been worth it for me, and the servers are crazy packed even in the lower level planets, so alls well that ends well.

  • CoolitCoolit Member UncommonPosts: 661

    I’ve been a pretty big critic of this game since feeling let down at launch and rightly so it clearly wasn’t ready and lacked a lot of features. That being said I’m glad to see they didn’t try to charge expansion prices for what is quite clearly DLC so a thumbs up from me on that.


    For me an expansion in this game and something that would get me back to try it out again is a space expansion, something in line with STO space would be absolutely plausible in this game, until then I’m not interested as there are better alternatives about for non Star Wars fans.

  • BoudewijnsBoudewijns Member UncommonPosts: 162
    Originally posted by Dauzqul

    I'm honestly not trolling here.

    The people running this game are completely uncapable. They have no idea what to do.


    The biggest mistake of this game was the fact that there wasn't anything to do after the quick story. Thus, if I got to call the shots, this is what my first expansion would've been like:

    #1. Several new and gigantic player-driven areas or planets. I would have a series of planets that are in the direct middle of Rep Vs. Imp conflict. These planets would not have quests, but would be completely loaded with enemy NPCs, Armies, and World Raid Bosses.

    #2. The ultimate purpose for the planets would be for player world housing, player world cities, and player world forts. A city founded under a certain faction will have the ability to place turrets and epic NPC guards. Taxes will be a must.

    #3. Deep space exploration - none of this StarFox bs. The expansion would feel as if something like Eve Online was tied into SWTOR.



    This kind of material would spread word. Their current trash wil be outplayed in a week...   and then back to square 1.

    what u expect, there EA, everything they touch they bleep up

  • eric_w66eric_w66 Member UncommonPosts: 1,006
    Originally posted by Dauzqul

    I'm honestly not trolling here.

    The people running this game are completely uncapable. They have no idea what to do.


    The biggest mistake of this game was the fact that there wasn't anything to do after the quick story. Thus, if I got to call the shots, this is what my first expansion would've been like:

    #1. Several new and gigantic player-driven areas or planets. I would have a series of planets that are in the direct middle of Rep Vs. Imp conflict. These planets would not have quests, but would be completely loaded with enemy NPCs, Armies, and World Raid Bosses.

    #2. The ultimate purpose for the planets would be for player world housing, player world cities, and player world forts. A city founded under a certain faction will have the ability to place turrets and epic NPC guards. Taxes will be a must.

    #3. Deep space exploration - none of this StarFox bs. The expansion would feel as if something like Eve Online was tied into SWTOR.



    This kind of material would spread word. Their current trash wil be outplayed in a week...   and then back to square 1.

    And that "expansion" would be the equivalent of a brand new game in size and scope basically. And take 5 years to produce.

  • jmcdermottukjmcdermottuk Member RarePosts: 1,571
    I don't care if the expansion is good or bad. I refuse to give money to EA as long as they think they have any justification to charge cartel coins for such basic things as hotbars or such petty things as a headslot item toggle.
  • RoinRoin Member RarePosts: 3,444
    Originally posted by jmcdermottuk
    I don't care if the expansion is good or bad. I refuse to give money to EA as long as they think they have any justification to charge cartel coins for such basic things as hotbars or such petty things as a headslot item toggle.

    Neither of which stop you from playing from 1 to 50.

    In War - Victory.
    In Peace - Vigilance.
    In Death - Sacrifice.

  • VorthanionVorthanion Member RarePosts: 2,749
    Originally posted by Roin
    Originally posted by jmcdermottuk
    I don't care if the expansion is good or bad. I refuse to give money to EA as long as they think they have any justification to charge cartel coins for such basic things as hotbars or such petty things as a headslot item toggle.

    Neither of which stop you from playing from 1 to 50.

    ....and you blindly miss the point he's making.  Don't support companies that use shoddy business practices, such as charging extra for UI elements and bag space.  I can think of a lot more interesting things you can put a price tag on that would be worth the cost.  Nickel and diming for basic interface options and storage space which is critical for adventuring and crafting are not the way to go.

  • Jim003Jim003 Member Posts: 1

    'it plays more like a Bond or Michael Bay movie. The story is told well...'

    Wait... what? Michael Bay tells stories? Seriously...


  • erictlewiserictlewis Member UncommonPosts: 3,022

    Well after reading that entier load of stuff, I have come to the conclusion that I was glad I did not give EA any more of my money.  Over too soon, yes that was the problem the first time around, your at 50 what you giong to do, roll an alt, and another and well you get the drift. 

    I guess my toons will sith where they are waisting away, there is no reason to unbox them, and I am sure not giving the EA the satisfaction of picking my wallet any more. 


  • MidBossMidBoss Member Posts: 93
    Originally posted by erictlewis

    I guess my toons will sith where they are waisting away...


    I see what you did there...


    And yeah, sorry ToR, I'm still on a strict no EA diet until they stop being the trash company they are.

  • IncomparableIncomparable Member UncommonPosts: 1,138

    The good is:

    1. More content and more l ls as a reward.

    2. Npc movment - a bit more

    3. Macro. Biniculars and driod seeker quests. Add new style of quests.

    4. Areas are small so progreseion feels fast.

    5. Good story.


    1. New gear grind. Lost all work for pvp and pve new gear grind but has one new ops to show for it.

    2. Makeb does not have dynamic events therefore small makeb area feels very empty when a person clears npc's.

    3. Less content for end game at lvl 55, e.g. 4 old hm FPs.

    4. Content is short and only has a tedious grind to keep people busy, and makes me already want to hear about the next thing coming to swtor. Maybe cathar or whatever it maybe. Since the expansion has low replayability with no class story and missing features and rewards to play a grind fest for gear. Of course other features could mean other things to do that dont require grind fests as atime sink.

    5. Quests in makeb are standard quests unlike the macro binocular for example. Maybe for an mmo that is expected, but it makes things repetitive and not wanting to replay alts through the same thing.


    Overall, the expansion is making me consider taking another break, and waiting for the next thing to draw my attention. Gear grinds are too demanding. I dont know why it has to be soo much work. Especially for pvp, and there is a bolster, but when that is not in effect then its back to the suck.

    “Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble”

  • reanorreanor Member UncommonPosts: 441
    Originally posted by Ginaz
    To clarify, there is more than enough content to get you to 55. It just doesn't take very long to get there.

    Why it supposed to take very long? I personally dont like to play one game for a very long time...

  • dwarfusdwarfus Member UncommonPosts: 93
    Originally posted by eric_w66
    Originally posted by Dauzqul

    I'm honestly not trolling here.

    The people running this game are completely uncapable. They have no idea what to do.


    The biggest mistake of this game was the fact that there wasn't anything to do after the quick story. Thus, if I got to call the shots, this is what my first expansion would've been like:

    #1. Several new and gigantic player-driven areas or planets. I would have a series of planets that are in the direct middle of Rep Vs. Imp conflict. These planets would not have quests, but would be completely loaded with enemy NPCs, Armies, and World Raid Bosses.

    #2. The ultimate purpose for the planets would be for player world housing, player world cities, and player world forts. A city founded under a certain faction will have the ability to place turrets and epic NPC guards. Taxes will be a must.

    #3. Deep space exploration - none of this StarFox bs. The expansion would feel as if something like Eve Online was tied into SWTOR.



    This kind of material would spread word. Their current trash wil be outplayed in a week...   and then back to square 1.

    And that "expansion" would be the equivalent of a brand new game in size and scope basically. And take 5 years to produce.

    ^This. Players have great ideas for the ideal game. Problem is, none of those ideas would make money in a practical implementation.

  • RazeeksterRazeekster Member UncommonPosts: 2,591
    Originally posted by dwarfus
    Originally posted by eric_w66
    Originally posted by Dauzqul

    I'm honestly not trolling here.

    The people running this game are completely uncapable. They have no idea what to do.


    The biggest mistake of this game was the fact that there wasn't anything to do after the quick story. Thus, if I got to call the shots, this is what my first expansion would've been like:

    #1. Several new and gigantic player-driven areas or planets. I would have a series of planets that are in the direct middle of Rep Vs. Imp conflict. These planets would not have quests, but would be completely loaded with enemy NPCs, Armies, and World Raid Bosses.

    #2. The ultimate purpose for the planets would be for player world housing, player world cities, and player world forts. A city founded under a certain faction will have the ability to place turrets and epic NPC guards. Taxes will be a must.

    #3. Deep space exploration - none of this StarFox bs. The expansion would feel as if something like Eve Online was tied into SWTOR.



    This kind of material would spread word. Their current trash wil be outplayed in a week...   and then back to square 1.

    And that "expansion" would be the equivalent of a brand new game in size and scope basically. And take 5 years to produce.

    ^This. Players have great ideas for the ideal game. Problem is, none of those ideas would make money in a practical implementation.

    SW:TOR should have had way more robust space features to begin with. For goodness sakes this is Star Wars we're talking about! It's all about space and the one thing you can't do is explore space. And don't even bring up the mini spaceship game thing. Just a whole lotta fail.



  • birdycephonbirdycephon Member UncommonPosts: 1,314
    The best lart about f2p, is that you can put down the game and come back later without feeling like youre not getting the value out of your money.
  • ThorkuneThorkune Member UncommonPosts: 1,969
    They turned me off from the game completely. Putting weapon restrictions on classes, having non explorable (restricted zones) areas, redundant side quests for alts, ridiculous F2P restrictions, boring crafting (crew skills) professions, and a BIG etc... 
  • jbombardjbombard Member UncommonPosts: 599

    From everything I have read it seems that $10 is an appropriate price for this DLC, but $20 is way overpriced.  If the price drops to $10 they may see my money, but at the current cash grab price I'll work on leveling classes to 50 until I get bored.


    This is the problem in general with SWTOR, they have an identity crisis.  They don't know what they want to be.  They say they wanted to be a subscription game, but as a sub game they failed because they couldn't create value for their customers.  Instead of creating value, they decided to create some 2nd class citizents then piss on them to make the 1st class citizens feel like they were getting value instead of actually providing value.  Eventually the F2P people will get tired and leave, and subs are left with a game they are paying for monthly and then still having to buy stuff they want from the store.

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