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I know I shouldn't take pleasure from other people's misery but what the hell....I'll make an exception since it's a Sony game. If you haven't read the SWG forums go check it out. There must be 10,000 posts just today regarding the NGE and there is no sign of slowing down.
I have never ever seen anything like this in my years of gaming and what's even better is it's happening to SOE.
You're cool if you hate Sony.
Agreed, it's like hating Microsoft.
I'd really love to see SWG die, but for other reasons then most I think. I'd love to see a swg2 but from someone other then soe ( of course the game would be called swg2 but you know :P )
SWG started out a great game, The game was good the people where great and there was enough starwars in it to make it seem like a real SOE just doesn't know how to make fun content, and lost it's way trying to trick people into playing longer....hologrind anymore...the village nonsense.
That game from about month 6 has never had an identity of it's own. The number of times they've changed it to adapt some new hot selling games idea was sad. I think if a company that was run by someone who had enough vision to see past it's bank statment took on a starwars project it could be a great game. Then again, the same could be said for just about every mmog coming out
Why would you take pleasure in something like this?
I don't play SWG, but I know how attached you get to a game, your friends, and your character after you've played for a while.
I hope everything gets straightened out for them personally. I'd hate to see another game go down the same way AC2 did. That must have really sucked for those players.
dont bag on my game.
i havnt played swg in over a year but im so tempted to resub for a month just to see
if only all those betas werent due to start this month(which means i have about 3-4 months before they really start)
theres a 10 day trial right now. and all veteran acocunts got JTL for free
Well I hope SOE get's kicked in the balls hard from this experience, not because I hate SOE, but because I hate the way they are handling their product.
No game company should release a product and then conduct sweeping fundamental changes to the game after it's release. This is a clear sign of lack of vision and improper testing. SOE has done this now both with SWG and EQ2 and to a smaller extent with EQ1 after they took over from Verant.
It's unethical to release a product advertised a certain way, only to change said product drastically after players have invested a lot of time and money, without offering a complete refund.
SOE is in full damage control mode currently and I hope it costs them dearly.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Well If I understand correctly SOE consists of Developer groups. Hence different devisions are responsabul for different products. Altho they are imployed by the same company, they are not under the same roof.
Instead say a spesific Developer group for game X is falling. Thats like saying all Indians smell like onions just because you walked past one that ate one....
EQ2 is growing fast and the Developers are awsome and hard working!
I wouldn't count SWG dead just yet. Saying that SWG should just die is being naive. If you owned the assets to SWG with all of its income, would you let it die?
the only hting i cant understand is why did they have to cram all the professions into 9 or 6 or whatever professions there are now. just because its going on the ps3....grrr now we have gaystation console fanboys in swg
I've never had a problem with them. In fact, they've made the only games I've really enjoyed. I played SWG up until the first update. Only quit because I did almost everything there was to do. And I'm playing EQ2 right now. It's been fun so far, only started a week ago, though. I don't like what they've done to it, but I'll still buy SWG2 when it comes out.
A** Still Raw From Your Last SWG Subscription? Come join us at
I have never played SWG but played EQ2, I despise Sony for the high handed way they treat their customers thir lack of customer service and the fact that they always think they know best so never listen. They fix things that aren't broken and leave class defining bugs alone.
I feel for the people that felt they could not play SWG any longer due to SOE's maladministration of a game that so many people loved and enjoyed.
They like me have learnt a valuable lesson, if SOE are running a game then leave well alone.
Agreed, it's like hating Microsoft.
Both those same people that say, it's not ok to hate SOE. Are perfectly fine with others hating Microsoft. Even though Sony as a whole. Has done far more things in the way of questionable acts. Then Microsoft has by a long shot.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
While I'm not thrilled about the NGE, as a vet player going back to beta, I think it's FAR to early to be predicting SWG's demise, much less SOE's. EQ2 is growing in subscriber numbers. Over 500k as of the most recent available data you can find. SWG is in a massive state of flux and the most recent change could turn out to be good, or bad, it's just too soon to tell for sure. A lot of interest has been spurred in the game. I cancelled in July but I grabbed a free trial (using my wife's station account) to see what the new changes are like and what little I've tried I actually enjoyed. Not more than the old game... but not less either... It's.... different.... good... but different.... I'm not ready to buy into it and resubscribe yet, I am going to give the trial a thorough workout to see how I like it before making any decisions that require money...
But to say that SOE is 'dying' is just flat out silly. They have multiple profitable titles. Regardless of what you or I think of them. They aren't going to 'die' anytime soon unless those titles suddenly fail. And despite the naysayers I've seen no real indications of EQ2, SWG, EQ1 or PlanetSide dying. And MxO was dead when they bought it so that doesn't really matter. They only bought it to get the DC licence anyway.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
the simple fact that you don't see that planetside is dying pretty much destroys all your credibility right there so no point bothering with you any further.
I should say I feel sorry for the vets because they are always the ones who get screwed in SOE game development. SOE has proven time and again that they have a seemingly hostility towards their customers and SWG is just the latest example. I personally will not stop bashing SOE because of the way they treat long time players to their games and I openly hope they go out of business.
I would like to see the gaming community offered more than the SOE business model of "Do like we say so shut up and give us your money". If the SOE business model fails it will show other game developers what not to do and if their business model succeeds then gamers can expect more of this crap from other companies in the future. The choice really is ours as to how much we will put up with.
I didn't mean that PlanetSide won't die. But the fact of the matter is that CURRENTLY AVAILABLE DATA shows Planetsides subscription numbers holding steady. Until there is factual evidence available that indicates a drop in subscriptions to PlanetSide you can't assume it's dying.
Note: I am not a 'fan' of any of the above titles. I *used* to be a fan of SWG but they nuked that with various changes in the past 6 months and currently I don't hold a subscription to a single SOE title. That said, I will still state that saying that a company like SOE, who hasn't got a single unprofitable title, is 'failing' is silly.
As a matter of fact: SOE is a very profitable organization and is one of the FEW things keeping their owning division at Sony afloat. (Go read a quarterly report and you MIGHT know this).
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Eeek... common sense in an SOE thread, I smell me some trouble
But seriously, of course SOE is fine, sure fans of what SWG used to be will be angry for a short while, but they will leave and more will join, not only will more join but more of the demographic that they want will join, and thats that.
Sure EQ2 was a dissapointment to those gamers that supported it for years through development, spent tireless nights beta testing it, only now to see it as a shadow of what could have been a great game.
But all this matter not a single bit, people continue to pay to play their games, and they continue to remain profitable, as they always have been and always will be. Well said Elnator
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I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
they took teras Kasi artist from me :-(

SOE. I would love to loose my composure but i will contain my self. With SWG, the game I've Been playing since beta SOE has changed over and over again. Well Now I'm done with SOE. They have taken a game and did two major over halls on and combat Upgrade that was fine. They completely disregarded any veteran players and well screwed them all. When you read in the agreement that they can change the game any time they want. well They really made use of it. I think its a Very ignorant way to run a business. Its like walking into a store and the clerk tells you don't buy anything here we hate you, after you have been shopping there politely for years. and new the clerk well. Soe has no regard for the costumers I rate the game an honest 6.0 its got great potential but its not being used at all I WOULD love TO SEE BLIZZARD GET A HOLD OF SWG! BLIZZARD WHERE ARE YOU!
Note: I am not a 'fan' of any of the above titles. I *used* to be a fan of SWG but they nuked that with various changes in the past 6 months and currently I don't hold a subscription to a single SOE title. That said, I will still state that saying that a company like SOE, who hasn't got a single unprofitable title, is 'failing' is silly.
I already dismissed you for having no credibility now I can dismiss you for being a liar. Why does your user profile say this?
Currently playing:
SWG, EQ2, EQ1, PlanetSide
Gotta love the Station All Access Pass.
This is just too easy. Any other SOE apologists/fanbois want ot take this guys place since he has nothing else to offer?
I'm just curious.....who did you think you were fooling?
Just a stab in the dark:
Maybe because I haven't updated my profile in ages
Actually "currently" I'm not subscribed to *any* MMORPG's though I am planning to subscribe to DAoC again (new account, can't remember my old account name damnit!!!!) once the free trial I'm on ends. I even bought the new box that came out.
I'm currently playing free trials for DAoC and SWG:NGE (doing a review of it) and also the stress test for DDO.
But thank you for reminding me to update my profile
I've been unsubscribed from SOE since July and recently gave up on EVE as well (not my pace).
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Rage of the Wookiees
It may be the best diabolical paradox of both bloodshed and comedy that any game has ever undertaken...
... fear the evil walking llama-dogs... fear them...
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain