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Best crafting MMORPG?

Hi all,
New member looking for guideance.
Been playing SWG and have enjoyed it much for its deep crafting design but with the new "enhancements" what they have really done is dumbed the game down so much that its not fun for me anymore.
I'd love to hear from all about which game you think has the best crafting and economy.
Thanks much


  • TheHavokTheHavok Member UncommonPosts: 2,423
    I personally think that SWG has the best crafting system.  Horizons has a pretty good crafting system, but that game sucks major balls in everything else.  I also hear that saga of ryzom has a good crafting system. I guess this isn't much help, but you are basically looking for the 2nd best crafting system out there. image
  • velyravelyra Member Posts: 36

    From the games I've played since quitting swg, I'd say..

    EQ2 good crafting but the game itself sucks

    wow good game but one of the worst crafting systems.

    City of heroes doesn't have crafting

    Eve really good crafting, though the higher end stuff ( tech 2 ) seemed pretty much corp ( guild to us normal people ) only.  The game itself was totally boring to me.

    I haven't done much crafting since I left swg. I've just never found any game that had a system in place that could be fun " full time" like swg was.

    If I had to pick one though, I guess I'd say EQ2 even though I'd rather slit my wrists then play that again image 

  • DinionDinion Member Posts: 879

    A Tale in the Desert is THE crafting/social game.

    MMOs Retired From: Earth and Beyond, Project Entropia, There, A Tale in the Desert, Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Eve Online, City of Heroes/Villains.

    MMOs Currently (worth) Playing: None.

    MMO hopefuls: Age of Conan.

  • SeleanaSeleana Member Posts: 3

    Hi TheHavoc,
    Do you play SWG now? With the recent changes I don't think there's many people that would still call it the best crafting game out there. Its really been watered down. So I'm looking for what is going to replace SWG as #1 :)

  • psydexpsydex Member Posts: 187

    1.) Hands down Ultima Online.

    2.) SWG next which modeled most of it's economy/crafting after UO (Considering the same people did it...well..most of them)

    3.) Horizons

  • bobblerbobbler Member UncommonPosts: 810

    nothing changed in the crafting of SWG all the classes are still their...


  • Lunchbox76Lunchbox76 Member Posts: 294

    Actually no theres only 4 crafting professions know, not 10 or 12(something around there) proffesions like before, and the worst part is you cant have some of one and part of another like before.

    Playing Fallen Earth.

  • bobblerbobbler Member UncommonPosts: 810

    no there are hte sme amount just that...

    Structure trade is : shipwright/architect/merchant/artisan

    Engineer Trade: Droid engineer/weaponsmith 4/4/0/4/merchant/artisan

    Munitions Trade: wepaonsmith/Armorsmith/artisan/merchant

    Domestic Goods: Tailor/Chef/Artisan/merchant


  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871

    Apart from SWG i would say the best two are:

    1) EQ2

    2) Horizons

  • velyravelyra Member Posts: 36

    Originally posted by bobbler

    no there are hte sme amount just that...
    Structure trade is : shipwright/architect/merchant/artisan
    Engineer Trade: Droid engineer/weaponsmith 4/4/0/4/merchant/artisan
    Munitions Trade: wepaonsmith/Armorsmith/artisan/merchant
    Domestic Goods: Tailor/Chef/Artisan/merchant

    You must not be a crafter ? Lumping them all together like that is a huge change.
  • SilphatosSilphatos Member UncommonPosts: 13
    A Tale in the Desert 2, or UO might be ^^

    -Est Sularus oth Mithas-

  • CassawrenCassawren Member Posts: 19

    Check out this game

    A lot of people from SWG are now looking at this game, and i mean a LOT! There are so many that the GM's stickied a thread for them

    The crafting looks like it will be very sophisticated, I love crafting and that is why I am waiting for the FREE part of the game which is due to be released any time now. Yep, you will be abe to play Settlers of Gannareth (SOG) free until the release of Dark and Light (DnL) in April, so you will get a feel for it and know if you want to pay for the main game. You can't lose really can you?

  • CassawrenCassawren Member Posts: 19

    Double post...sorry

  • bobblerbobbler Member UncommonPosts: 810

    Originally posted by velyra
    Originally posted by bobbler
    no there are hte sme amount just that...
    Structure trade is : shipwright/architect/merchant/artisan
    Engineer Trade: Droid engineer/weaponsmith 4/4/0/4/merchant/artisan
    Munitions Trade: wepaonsmith/Armorsmith/artisan/merchant
    Domestic Goods: Tailor/Chef/Artisan/merchantYou must not be a crafter ? Lumping them all together like that is a huge change.

    i am a crafter and i have played swg for 2 years. the crafting system is still the same. the only hanges are that they come together


  • SeleanaSeleana Member Posts: 3

    Thanks all for your suggestions. I will check them out.
    Bobbler and anyone else - SWG crafting has changed ENORMOUSLY if you are a crafter.
    First - Wep Smith has been dumbed down significantly. Sub comps no longer have any stats. You can make them with any resources, junk or not. Does not matter. The only Experiment you get is 10 points on the final product. This means that virtually anyones weps will be crafted the same. Uber comps like Krayt tissue and such no longer work. Loot weps are dropping that have much better stats than any crafter can make. AND - no decay at all. Not from use, not from death. Kills the market. Buy any item except food and its yours for ever. Wep smiths are dead.
    BE as a class went away entirely. No more BE tissues, no crafting Stims to sell, no crafting food additivies. No harvesting DNA and making pets to sell. I had a BE charactor I loved playing. Did not change you say???? :)
    Ok those were my two main crafting fun there- didn't change huh? hehe can no longer harvest items like hide, meat or milk from creatures. They are random drops as loot and in extremely small quantities. How chefs are supposed to get stuff is beyond anyone- having a stash is the only way to keep going. Nothing changed?
    So...with no decay the only crafting item that players will consume and need replacing are chef items- and they've made getting the resources basically impossible. Nothing changed?????
    Anyway, I'm not one of those doom sayers, never posted on the SWG boards about the end of the world with this and am proud to have guided and encouraged all my guildies to stay with the game thru this and the CU to see what happens.
    Well, it would be pretty obvious to even a Wookie that they're making crafting go away in that game and are moving it towards a hack and slash console based game.
    Anyway, I'm still going to try Jedi with my fighter,and chef with my crafter but SWG as I knew and loved it is gone. Time to plan for the future as I'm going to have plenty of time on my hands this winter:)
    Thanks again all

  • fulmanfufulmanfu Member Posts: 1,523

    hate to jump off topic..

    but what did SWG do to the ranger class? just nix it?

    my master ranger was one of my favorite toons in any game i ever played. and could make unbelievable cash too.

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