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Help deciding mmo (poll - Rift, Tera or GW2)



  • SoMuchMassSoMuchMass Member Posts: 548
    Originally posted by nephren25

     tera is fun but the action combat is not near as good as gw2. how can you say your game has action combat but yet you cant move and cast skills.

    By definition of the genre Tera is a action combat game, GW2 is not an action combat game.  It gets close with the mod, but is is not a action combat game at the moment.

    "Softy trinity" is people going around GW2's restrictive role system to make healers and tanks.  That was one of the biggest flaws with GW2.  There was barely and group dynamics or cohesion.  It is pretty much every man for himself instead of people working as a team.

  • nephren25nephren25 Member UncommonPosts: 143

    so just cause i dont have a rectal to aim it's not action combat game???? gunna have to call bs on that. you have to dodge attacks you are using skills on the move i dont get whats not action about that.

    have you played the game? my guard heals team mates while fighting when i crit i buff them and when i buff a team mate it heals me and im the meat shield. if you dont work togeather your going to die ALOT hell i have 4 80's that i switch out depending on group make up and what we doing. and diffrent builds and gear for each. sounds like you never played it or had a really shitty time while playing. my guild is full of laid back ppl just wanting to have fun in the game. but we work togeather and i think thats why we enjoy the game.

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,143
    Originally posted by aesperus

    What you play regularly is irrelevant. They literally function almost exactly the same. I'm talking about mechanics here, NOT aesthetics. After all the lack of an animation lock in GW2 is a big deal to some people, and as shown in one of the subsequent posts in this same thread, some people feel that animation lock adds more of a sense of 'impact' that they don't get from GW2.

    Unfortunately, as I've stated, I literally CAN'T tell you what the mod is. Last time I tried pointing out the mod (on these forums) I got an infraction for 'promoting 3rd party programs'. This site won't let you even mention that it exists, it considers that 'promotion'. It is a fairly popular mod, and has been mentioned quite frequently on forums like Reddit, and the GW2 devs have even made posts hinting that they are fine with it.

    That said, the combat does function exactly the same. If you aren't using TAB in GW2, where your cursor is aiming chooses your target (same as TERA) and firing an ability goes towards that location (again, just like TERA). TERA's defaults hide this much better than GW2, but the mechanics are all there. The biggest difference between the 2, (besides default settings) is that TERA focuses much more heavily on animation locks, whereas GW2 focuses on animation smoothing.

    If you wanna try it out, PM me, and that should be okay.

    ok so first of all it's not allowed?? Isn't that an issue then? You are saying applying something that the game developers have not added makes the game feel different?

    Second of all what I play reguarlly is relevant because I have experienced both games and never ever did I think wow, gw2 feels so much like Tera! But then again, in order to make it feel like Tera I have to "do something" that is not part of the game?

    And NO give me some credit, I'm not talking about aesthetics. I just spent 2 hours in gw2 and never once did I feel as in control as Tera. In Tera I can take on mobs much more powerful than myself with blocking and dodging, moving out of the way, etc. GW2? Not so much. Sure there's movign and dodging but that only gets you so far apparently. I ended up doing more circle strafing than anything else.

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  • SoMuchMassSoMuchMass Member Posts: 548
    Originally posted by nephren25

    so just cause i dont have a rectal to aim it's not action combat game???? gunna have to call bs on that. you have to dodge attacks you are using skills on the move i dont get whats not action about that.

    Dodging doesn't make a game an action game, using skills on the move doesn't make an MMO an action game.  People falsely think "action combat" = "fast combat", that is false.

  • nephren25nephren25 Member UncommonPosts: 143

    so aiming the skill makes it action then huh? i could see your point if you had passive blocks or evades like other games but if you dont dodge your gunna eat an attack. it's not like tera's of red circle ohh better walk out of this. having played both i would call tera a hybrid of classic and action combat but this is my opinion

  • akkedis86akkedis86 Member UncommonPosts: 123
    Originally posted by Slappy1

    Taking into account the changes made to ftp model's for certain game's,my list of game recommend's (strictly mmo and no arpg) would look like this.

    1) TSW

    2) EQ2

    3) Lotro

    4) Tera

    5) Rift

    6) GW2

    7) Swtor

    I base this off playing said game's and the experience they offer,plus the btp/ftp value I feel they offer.

    Let me correct that for you


    1) Swtor



    4)Planetside 2




    Haven't played EQ2 yet..

  • SoMuchMassSoMuchMass Member Posts: 548
    Originally posted by nephren25

    so aiming the skill makes it action then huh? i could see your point if you had passive blocks or evades like other games but if you dont dodge your gunna eat an attack. it's not like tera's of red circle ohh better walk out of this. having played both i would call tera a hybrid of classic and action combat but this is my opinion

    Look at all the action combat games, they all have aiming.  Diablo, God of War, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Batman Arkyam Aslyum I could go on forever.  GW2 is basically a hybrid between WoW type combat and Action combat.  Tera is traditional action combat.  The GW2 devs have never called it action combat, it was the fans that somehow gave it that name.

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by Sovrath
    Originally posted by aesperus

    What you play regularly is irrelevant. They literally function almost exactly the same. I'm talking about mechanics here, NOT aesthetics. After all the lack of an animation lock in GW2 is a big deal to some people, and as shown in one of the subsequent posts in this same thread, some people feel that animation lock adds more of a sense of 'impact' that they don't get from GW2.

    Unfortunately, as I've stated, I literally CAN'T tell you what the mod is. Last time I tried pointing out the mod (on these forums) I got an infraction for 'promoting 3rd party programs'. This site won't let you even mention that it exists, it considers that 'promotion'. It is a fairly popular mod, and has been mentioned quite frequently on forums like Reddit, and the GW2 devs have even made posts hinting that they are fine with it.

    That said, the combat does function exactly the same. If you aren't using TAB in GW2, where your cursor is aiming chooses your target (same as TERA) and firing an ability goes towards that location (again, just like TERA). TERA's defaults hide this much better than GW2, but the mechanics are all there. The biggest difference between the 2, (besides default settings) is that TERA focuses much more heavily on animation locks, whereas GW2 focuses on animation smoothing.

    If you wanna try it out, PM me, and that should be okay.

    ok so first of all it's not allowed?? Isn't that an issue then? You are saying applying something that the game developers have not added makes the game feel different?

    Second of all what I play reguarlly is relevant because I have experienced both games and never ever did I think wow, gw2 feels so much like Tera! But then again, in order to make it feel like Tera I have to "do something" that is not part of the game?

    And NO give me some credit, I'm not talking about aesthetics. I just spent 2 hours in gw2 and never once did I feel as in control as Tera. In Tera I can take on mobs much more powerful than myself with blocking and dodging, moving out of the way, etc. GW2? Not so much. Sure there's movign and dodging but that only gets you so far apparently. I ended up doing more circle strafing than anything else.

    Re-read what i posted. Anet is okay with it. It's that doesn't let people talk about 3rd party programs. Don't ask me why, I don't run this site, but for w/e reason that's the policy of these forums. I think it's a bit ridiculous, just like you automatically get warned for 'trolling' if you call someone out for doing just that. However, not my site, not my rules.

    What the mod essentially does, is adjust your hotkeys, and puts a retical on your screen (as I stated in my original post). I.E. it doesn't alter how GW2's combat functions at all, it just changes the default aesthetics (which is why Anet is okay with it). However, since it's essentially a script created by a GW2 fan, it's 3rd party, and therefor MMORPG won't let people mention its existance on this site.

    EDIT: Just to further clarify, the only thing this 'mod' does, that you can't do yourself by messing around with the GW2 in-game options, is put a retical on your screen. That's it. As I already stated, whether GW2 or TERAs combat feels better is irrelevant. They function, 1s to 0s, almost exactly the same. The aesthetics are definitely different, but I've already stated I'm not talking about that multiple times.

  • SoMuchMassSoMuchMass Member Posts: 548
    Originally posted by aesperus


    Re-read what i posted. Anet is okay with it.

    They specially state it is not allowed.

  • wasim470wasim470 Member Posts: 243

    As long as you don't care that much about Raids GW2 is a go for sure, Lotro is amazing MMO as well any mature player would enjoy it and love it.

    as for GW2 instance grouping, just try it and think outside the MMO box for a while it's really fun to play them as the explorer mode is challenging, needs team work and Fun.

  • nephren25nephren25 Member UncommonPosts: 143

    Originally posted by SoMuchMass
    Originally posted by nephren25 so aiming the skill makes it action then huh? i could see your point if you had passive blocks or evades like other games but if you dont dodge your gunna eat an attack. it's not like tera's of red circle ohh better walk out of this. having played both i would call tera a hybrid of classic and action combat but this is my opinion
    Look at all the action combat games, they all have aiming.  Diablo, God of War, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Batman Arkyam Aslyum I could go on forever.  GW2 is basically a hybrid between WoW type combat and Action combat.  Tera is traditional action combat.  The GW2 devs have never called it action combat, it was the fans that somehow gave it that name.

    well lets agree to disagree. dont get me wrong im not shittying on tera it's a fun game but it will never be my full time mmo. Gw2 just has more action to me and makes you think alot more than tera i play a mystic in it only lvl 30 but it's so easy it's not funny. i never run out of mana can heal in my sleep. if you get agro you can kite forever or put the mmob's to sleep and carry on about your day im still a noob at the game and i have had a bunch of ppl say how awesome i have done at healing. but i use 3 to 5 keys the whole time not much thinking involved in it. and im not trying to say im leet at all just saying that if a noob can do it with ease games to easy. hell AC in gw2 you have to have a plan and learn the fights all i do in tera is stand back and press 3 buttons and win.

  • aesperusaesperus Member UncommonPosts: 5,135
    Originally posted by SoMuchMass
    Originally posted by aesperus

    Re-read what i posted. Anet is okay with it.

    They specially state it is not allowed.

    No, what they have said is they don't support 3rd party programs, and reserve the right to suspend your account if you're using them.

    They've also stated that it shouldn't be an issue if your using a program that doesn't give you any discernable advantage.

    The reason they're vague about it, is because they're trying to avoid getting into a verbal battle of what they will and will not allow in their game.

    That said, a lot of people use this script (to this day) without problem. It is a risk, and therefor some people aren't comfortable using it. However the only known case of people having their accounts suspended (and thought it was due to using such a mod), was clarified. The user was suspended for an entirely different reason (he was botting), and not due to the script in question.

  • nephren25nephren25 Member UncommonPosts: 143

    Originally posted by SoMuchMass
    Originally posted by aesperus  
    Re-read what i posted. Anet is okay with it.

    They specially state it is not allowed.

    cause it mods there game all games care if you do that minus Wow all that they care about is your 15$ a month. granted im talking about mmo's with pvp mind you.

  • SoMuchMassSoMuchMass Member Posts: 548
    Originally posted by nephren25


    Originally posted by SoMuchMass

    Originally posted by nephren25 so aiming the skill makes it action then huh? i could see your point if you had passive blocks or evades like other games but if you dont dodge your gunna eat an attack. it's not like tera's of red circle ohh better walk out of this. having played both i would call tera a hybrid of classic and action combat but this is my opinion
    Look at all the action combat games, they all have aiming.  Diablo, God of War, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Batman Arkyam Aslyum I could go on forever.  GW2 is basically a hybrid between WoW type combat and Action combat.  Tera is traditional action combat.  The GW2 devs have never called it action combat, it was the fans that somehow gave it that name.


    well lets agree to disagree. dont get me wrong im not shittying on tera it's a fun game but it will never be my full time mmo. Gw2 just has more action to me and makes you think alot more than tera i play a mystic in it only lvl 30 but it's so easy it's not funny. i never run out of mana can heal in my sleep. if you get agro you can kite forever or put the mmob's to sleep and carry on about your day im still a noob at the game and i have had a bunch of ppl say how awesome i have done at healing. but i use 3 to 5 keys the whole time not much thinking involved in it. and im not trying to say im leet at all just saying that if a noob can do it with ease games to easy. hell AC in gw2 you have to have a plan and learn the fights all i do in tera is stand back and press 3 buttons and win.

    Tera's dungeons are easy mode while leveling.  They get harder at the mid 50s, and at end game they are really hard especially hard modes.  The difficulty progresses as it should.  AC was basically hell for melee and easy mode for ranged especially the last boss.  That is what happens when there are no healers around, melee suffers the most.  The rezzing and killing the boss is not an intentional or fun mechanic.

  • austriacusaustriacus Member UncommonPosts: 618
    Originally posted by SoMuchMass
    Originally posted by nephren25


    Originally posted by SoMuchMass

    Originally posted by nephren25 so aiming the skill makes it action then huh? i could see your point if you had passive blocks or evades like other games but if you dont dodge your gunna eat an attack. it's not like tera's of red circle ohh better walk out of this. having played both i would call tera a hybrid of classic and action combat but this is my opinion
    Look at all the action combat games, they all have aiming.  Diablo, God of War, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Batman Arkyam Aslyum I could go on forever.  GW2 is basically a hybrid between WoW type combat and Action combat.  Tera is traditional action combat.  The GW2 devs have never called it action combat, it was the fans that somehow gave it that name.


    well lets agree to disagree. dont get me wrong im not shittying on tera it's a fun game but it will never be my full time mmo. Gw2 just has more action to me and makes you think alot more than tera i play a mystic in it only lvl 30 but it's so easy it's not funny. i never run out of mana can heal in my sleep. if you get agro you can kite forever or put the mmob's to sleep and carry on about your day im still a noob at the game and i have had a bunch of ppl say how awesome i have done at healing. but i use 3 to 5 keys the whole time not much thinking involved in it. and im not trying to say im leet at all just saying that if a noob can do it with ease games to easy. hell AC in gw2 you have to have a plan and learn the fights all i do in tera is stand back and press 3 buttons and win.

    Tera's dungeons are easy mode while leveling.  They get harder at the mid 50s, and at end game they are really hard especially hard modes.  The difficulty progresses as it should.  AC was basically hell for melee and easy mode for ranged especially the last boss.  That is what happens when there are no healers around, melee suffers the most.  The rezzing and killing the boss is not an intentional or fun mechanic.

    There are no melee specific or ranged specific classes in GW2. also rez  zerging has been removed.

  • wasim470wasim470 Member Posts: 243
    Originally posted by austriacus
    Originally posted by SoMuchMass
    Originally posted by nephren25


    Originally posted by SoMuchMass

    Originally posted by nephren25 so aiming the skill makes it action then huh? i could see your point if you had passive blocks or evades like other games but if you dont dodge your gunna eat an attack. it's not like tera's of red circle ohh better walk out of this. having played both i would call tera a hybrid of classic and action combat but this is my opinion
    Look at all the action combat games, they all have aiming.  Diablo, God of War, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Batman Arkyam Aslyum I could go on forever.  GW2 is basically a hybrid between WoW type combat and Action combat.  Tera is traditional action combat.  The GW2 devs have never called it action combat, it was the fans that somehow gave it that name.


    well lets agree to disagree. dont get me wrong im not shittying on tera it's a fun game but it will never be my full time mmo. Gw2 just has more action to me and makes you think alot more than tera i play a mystic in it only lvl 30 but it's so easy it's not funny. i never run out of mana can heal in my sleep. if you get agro you can kite forever or put the mmob's to sleep and carry on about your day im still a noob at the game and i have had a bunch of ppl say how awesome i have done at healing. but i use 3 to 5 keys the whole time not much thinking involved in it. and im not trying to say im leet at all just saying that if a noob can do it with ease games to easy. hell AC in gw2 you have to have a plan and learn the fights all i do in tera is stand back and press 3 buttons and win.

    Tera's dungeons are easy mode while leveling.  They get harder at the mid 50s, and at end game they are really hard especially hard modes.  The difficulty progresses as it should.  AC was basically hell for melee and easy mode for ranged especially the last boss.  That is what happens when there are no healers around, melee suffers the most.  The rezzing and killing the boss is not an intentional or fun mechanic.

    There are no melee specific or ranged specific classes in GW2. also rez  zerging has been removed.

    HAHA, so True every Class in GW2 can be Ranged or Melee.

    and i would add to that (you are forgetting about Support).... it's very Critical to have Support rules in your group, GW2 is all about adapting to the situation at hand, it's never every man for himself, if you’re playing in a group thinking that you have to cover your own az only then you’re doing it wrong. :)

  • SoMuchMassSoMuchMass Member Posts: 548
    Originally posted by austriacus

    There are no melee specific or ranged specific classes in GW2. also rez  zerging has been removed.

    Same thing, melee is gimped in this game due to the design.    Most of the "harder" fights you would be stupid to go melee when ranged was significantly easier.

  • wordizwordiz Member Posts: 464
    Rift is the best out of the games mentioned.
  • eGumballeGumball Member Posts: 151

    Take Tera.

    Well, Guild Wars 2 is gonna win the poll anyway, and to be honest, it is the one with most quality ignoring personal preferences. Aside from all that, I don´t think it is the game for you. You seem to really like the traditional MMO-concept: Gear-Progression, Raids, Guilds, Be stronger etc. Something that you won´t find in GW2 since the whole game is build with the idea of '' Exploration ''. It is the game for people who are bored of the past.

    Tera maybe the game with least quality here, in terms, of overall expereince, still, I recomend to try it out. You gonna have some interesting times and you may stick to it as your main MMO. Tera has the best graphics out there ( techinically, I am not talking about art here ), and a combat system which makes the game kinda special. If you don´t mind grinding, you will have it nice there :)

    If not, just return to Rift and gl ;)

  • DistopiaDistopia Member EpicPosts: 21,183
    Originally posted by aesperus

    EDIT: Just to further clarify, the only thing this 'mod' does, that you can't do yourself by messing around with the GW2 in-game options, is put a retical on your screen. That's it. As I already stated, whether GW2 or TERAs combat feels better is irrelevant. They function, 1s to 0s, almost exactly the same. The aesthetics are definitely different, but I've already stated I'm not talking about that multiple times.

    I guess you could say I'm coming from the same position as the OP. I wouldn't call how these games feel comparitively irrelevant to this overall discussion, as that's the real topic here. While they have similar functions that doesn't mean they behave the same in functionality, as that's what dictates how they are played. TES and Call of duty have similar functions, but they are two completely different games and feel completely different.

    As an outsider looking into a discusion on the combat of these two games, they sound as though they play nothing alike. (I've experienced GW2's blocking and dodging etc.. yet not Tera's.)

    Your interjection into this discussion bringing up the 1s and 0s was seemingly an argument that it's the same thing. Yet everyone's descriptions as well as my own experience with GW2, says they are not. Because they feel nothing alike, one requires a completely different skill set from the other. One sems to focus on knowledge of a unique system (Gw2), the other seemingly calls on natural gaming experience (twitch skill), think: God of War or Ninja Gaiden (Tera). That's the impression i have of Tera anyway...

    Much like the Call of duty vs TES comparison, One is built to fully facilitate a system (COD, Tera), while another is trying to bridge gaps between systems (TES, GW2).

    What I mean is Tera is built from the ground up to support fast paced twitch based combat smoothly. While GW2 is designed around a principal of expanding a gap between genre's, much like TES, it's trying to distinguish itself with it's own take on all things. Meaning there are far more kinks due to bloat ( sorry for lack of a better word).


    For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson

  • Total_HuntTotal_Hunt Member Posts: 65

    I really don't understand what it is people like about GW2. I got my thief to 80, got that sexy Human T3 cultural then ZZZzzz. 


    I'd say Rift, at least that has a good end game and loads of content.


    If you like TERA depends if you like the anime / hentai style. I personally didn't.

  • trikkitrikki Member Posts: 58
    From your list,RIFT is the best choice by far.Havent played the new expansion.TERA i have played with my friend to level 40 (lancer,priest). TERA has lot of problems,Laggy servers,quest are really horrible,mobs are copy pasted to every zone.BAMS to level 40 almost all doing the same thing.Instances are boring.just buy the gear from ah,no need to do instances at all.GW2 i played a week.
  • nephren25nephren25 Member UncommonPosts: 143

    everyone's is going to like diffrent stuff man just play what sounds fun to you. i would just say if you like rift play it man. you already know you like the game so re dl it and have fun.

  • nephren25nephren25 Member UncommonPosts: 143

    Originally posted by SoMuchMass
    Originally posted by austriacus  
    There are no melee specific or ranged specific classes in GW2. also rez  zerging has been removed.
    Same thing, melee is gimped in this game due to the design.    Most of the "harder" fights you would be stupid to go melee when ranged was significantly easier.

    melee does more dmg than ranged and yea ranged is easier but like lupie in arah you can melee him if your smart about it. it does make the fight harder but way faster than trying to kite him around (ranged). melee isnt gimped at all my guard can tank almost any boss in the game. all about build and gear and being smart knowing when to dodge. alot of ppl think the tank should just stand there and eat all the attacks thats not how this game is played. and you need to know the fights so you can take the skills to help you in the fight like if im fighing ranged mobs you want to take alot of reflect skills like wall of reflection or shield of the advenger.

  • meadmoonmeadmoon Member UncommonPosts: 1,344
    Originally posted by Raventree
    Originally posted by Gravarg
    I'm currently playing Rift and WoW.  There's just nothing that beats either of them in any category, so why play anything else :)

    I'll second this.  As someone who played WoW for about 5 years until I could no longer bring myself to log in anymore, Rift is another fantastic option.  Honestly, if I had started with Rift, WoW would have seemed pretty pathetic because of Rift's newer systems, better graphics, and awesome class flexibility.  Only WoW can boast 9-10 million players, though. 

    I'll third this, except flip Rift and WoW around for me.

    I mostly play WoW. Rift is a good game, but whenever I had time to sit down and play, I always chose WoW over Rift.

    I played Tera for about 30 minutes and decided it was not for me. Thankfully, it was during beta and I was able to cancel my order.

    Rift and WoW are very similar games, though. I guess it comes down to story/lore and art style if you must choose between them.

    Good luck and happy gaming!

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