im sorry you feel that wye for a closed betta i had a great time ran pretty well considering you trolls nag a lot about bettas but when has there ever been a good release i rember wow was horrible for a year and a half
this game is simplified for the non gamers the kidys and parents it is not very tech with its system hard core gamers will be displeased somewhat but overall it will be a fun game i love dthe rouge
I agree with the other complaints here. Here is my own list:
The controls are obviously designed for console rather than pc. Any game that by default has the arrow keys disabled for movement is already facing a steep barrier to acceptance. Even Rogue back in 1985 let you use arrow keys for movement. You can't click on items to interact with the world.
I didn't even realise people still used arrow keys for MMOs. Pretty much every game I know uses WASD. You can change the keybindings you know... but the arrow keys would feel completely unnatural. The setup is great, takes some getting used to but works perfectly.
Collecting loot is inconsistent. Sometimes you just walk over it. Sometimes you press F. Sometimes you press 1.
Pressing 1 activates your first daily power. Its always F.
Lag-stutter is terrible, even when pivoting on a point. I can't tell if the problem is server lag or client issues. It's not quite enough to cause a headache, but it adds to my frustration.
Didn't have any lag all weekend, and I play from Australia, I would say that you either overestimated your computers graphical capabilties, or you have a poor connection.
There is no RP in this RPG. I tried 3 classes up to level 5, I think. Never after character creation did I make or see any choice that would influence the development of my character. My destiny seems pre-programmed.
Seemed fairly standard fare for MMOs, only game I can think of that differs from this formula was SWTOR, and even then it had no real consequence.
Likewise, I never encountered open world where I could just go exploring. My adventure path was very narrowly directed. The last Neverwinter game, Storm Of Zehir, offered open map exploration. I enjoyed it there, and I expect it in an MMO.
You didnt get past level 20 then, where you actually leave the city.
Combat is 1-click spam. I tried using some of the other skills that I unlocked, but the lag was so bad that it was frustrating to try coordinating any tactics even by myself. It was less annoying to just click repeatedly and wait for stuff to die, then watch lag make me continue to feign combat even though all my enemies were dead.
This gets used a lot, but its correct to say so here. You are doing it wrong. The encounter skills and special class skills have fantastic synergy. Teleporting behind the mobs, going invisible then backstabbing felt very natural as a rogue, as did all the other encounter skills (I played all 4 classes up to at least level 20 over the last 2 weekends).
Once you get to higher levels, you will just die if you don't use your encounters or special abilities.
Crafting was hinted at but not yet provided at my level. Unlike previous Neverwinter games, I did not collect relevant resource drops from my kills. There are special nodes instead... nodes specific to my character class. *boggle*
They were wise to offer founder's packs instead of pre-orders... my money is spent and I cannot cancel. I feel cheated, and I am unhappy about it.
I agree with the other complaints here. Here is my own list:
The controls are obviously designed for console rather than pc. Any game that by default has the arrow keys disabled for movement is already facing a steep barrier to acceptance. Even Rogue back in 1985 let you use arrow keys for movement. You can't click on items to interact with the world.
I didn't even realise people still used arrow keys for MMOs. Pretty much every game I know uses WASD. You can change the keybindings you know... but the arrow keys would feel completely unnatural. The setup is great, takes some getting used to but works perfectly.
Collecting loot is inconsistent. Sometimes you just walk over it. Sometimes you press F. Sometimes you press 1.
Pressing 1 activates your first daily power. Its always F.
Lag-stutter is terrible, even when pivoting on a point. I can't tell if the problem is server lag or client issues. It's not quite enough to cause a headache, but it adds to my frustration.
Didn't have any lag all weekend, and I play from Australia, I would say that you either overestimated your computers graphical capabilties, or you have a poor connection.
There is no RP in this RPG. I tried 3 classes up to level 5, I think. Never after character creation did I make or see any choice that would influence the development of my character. My destiny seems pre-programmed.
Seemed fairly standard fare for MMOs, only game I can think of that differs from this formula was SWTOR, and even then it had no real consequence.
Likewise, I never encountered open world where I could just go exploring. My adventure path was very narrowly directed. The last Neverwinter game, Storm Of Zehir, offered open map exploration. I enjoyed it there, and I expect it in an MMO.
You didnt get past level 20 then, where you actually leave the city.
Combat is 1-click spam. I tried using some of the other skills that I unlocked, but the lag was so bad that it was frustrating to try coordinating any tactics even by myself. It was less annoying to just click repeatedly and wait for stuff to die, then watch lag make me continue to feign combat even though all my enemies were dead.
This gets used a lot, but its correct to say so here. You are doing it wrong. The encounter skills and special class skills have fantastic synergy. Teleporting behind the mobs, going invisible then backstabbing felt very natural as a rogue, as did all the other encounter skills (I played all 4 classes up to at least level 20 over the last 2 weekends).
Once you get to higher levels, you will just die if you don't use your encounters or special abilities.
Crafting was hinted at but not yet provided at my level. Unlike previous Neverwinter games, I did not collect relevant resource drops from my kills. There are special nodes instead... nodes specific to my character class. *boggle*
They were wise to offer founder's packs instead of pre-orders... my money is spent and I cannot cancel. I feel cheated, and I am unhappy about it.
-Have not treid the ga,me so I have no dog in this fight (and hate 4th ED although think it could make a better MMO than any other edition- Just fails as a PNP game) BUT on one point- Arrow keys... It all depends on if you are a left handed person or not...
I am a lefty and have to change all my keybindings for every game since WASD does not work for me considering I use my left hand for my mouse...Something you evil righties will never understand. The world for a lefty is upside down and backword...True story.
Wow just wow, ok first off please quite spreading false information. I've played every beta thus far and I'll tell you playing as a guardian, almost all hit major abilites will knock enemies back, the ferecoity of the hits really adds to the immersion, additonally it will interrupt the enemies as well. So go back play the game again on March 24th and open your eyes and truly pay attention cause right now I have a hard time believing you played the game at all if that is your statement about the game.
As of late there seems to be a small group of users on here that have been spreading false information and even false experiences about the game and you sir are one of them.
What the hell else is he supposed to do? By his own omission he played the game for like ten minutes. So making shit up, being petty, and having an overall vapid review is pretty much going to be par for the course.
Should have just saved himself some typing time and others some reading by simply saying the game sucks and then promotiong whatever game it is he really wants people to play. Least the haters get to the point rather succintly.
I'm all for people not having to experience the entire game to assess it or review it but ten minutes? Give me a fucking break.
Yeah it would be nice if people who didn't make it past level 20 didn't comment saying how small and linear the world is. Well duh, you never made it out of the city you loser.
I agree with the other complaints here. Here is my own list:
The controls are obviously designed for console rather than pc. Any game that by default has the arrow keys disabled for movement is already facing a steep barrier to acceptance. Even Rogue back in 1985 let you use arrow keys for movement. You can't click on items to interact with the world.
I didn't even realise people still used arrow keys for MMOs. Pretty much every game I know uses WASD. You can change the keybindings you know... but the arrow keys would feel completely unnatural. The setup is great, takes some getting used to but works perfectly.
Collecting loot is inconsistent. Sometimes you just walk over it. Sometimes you press F. Sometimes you press 1.
Pressing 1 activates your first daily power. Its always F.
Lag-stutter is terrible, even when pivoting on a point. I can't tell if the problem is server lag or client issues. It's not quite enough to cause a headache, but it adds to my frustration.
Didn't have any lag all weekend, and I play from Australia, I would say that you either overestimated your computers graphical capabilties, or you have a poor connection.
There is no RP in this RPG. I tried 3 classes up to level 5, I think. Never after character creation did I make or see any choice that would influence the development of my character. My destiny seems pre-programmed.
Seemed fairly standard fare for MMOs, only game I can think of that differs from this formula was SWTOR, and even then it had no real consequence.
Likewise, I never encountered open world where I could just go exploring. My adventure path was very narrowly directed. The last Neverwinter game, Storm Of Zehir, offered open map exploration. I enjoyed it there, and I expect it in an MMO.
You didnt get past level 20 then, where you actually leave the city.
Combat is 1-click spam. I tried using some of the other skills that I unlocked, but the lag was so bad that it was frustrating to try coordinating any tactics even by myself. It was less annoying to just click repeatedly and wait for stuff to die, then watch lag make me continue to feign combat even though all my enemies were dead.
This gets used a lot, but its correct to say so here. You are doing it wrong. The encounter skills and special class skills have fantastic synergy. Teleporting behind the mobs, going invisible then backstabbing felt very natural as a rogue, as did all the other encounter skills (I played all 4 classes up to at least level 20 over the last 2 weekends).
Once you get to higher levels, you will just die if you don't use your encounters or special abilities.
Crafting was hinted at but not yet provided at my level. Unlike previous Neverwinter games, I did not collect relevant resource drops from my kills. There are special nodes instead... nodes specific to my character class. *boggle*
They were wise to offer founder's packs instead of pre-orders... my money is spent and I cannot cancel. I feel cheated, and I am unhappy about it.
-Have not treid the ga,me so I have no dog in this fight (and hate 4th ED although think it could make a better MMO than any other edition- Just fails as a PNP game) BUT on one point- Arrow keys... It all depends on if you are a left handed person or not...
I am a lefty and have to change all my keybindings for every game since WASD does not work for me considering I use my left hand for my mouse...Something you evil righties will never understand. The world for a lefty is upside down and backword...True story.
You would probably want a gaming mouse then to keybind the encounters / dailys to.
His review was much longer than what most of my friends are saying...and they left out the part about the trees ( the banner part made me laugh. I almost want to DL the game just to go look at it ) They say it's an mmo. Nothing all. IF you've got nothing better to do it's free so why not.
That's not exactly a winning review for a game. It seems this game will follow the normal path for most f2p games. Big launch, mass exodus some time in the first month then nickle and dime those who remain to death trying to stay afloat.
The sad thing is that this are mostly rather easy things to fix and they should have put a little more work into making the world feel more alive.
The games main point is howver the foundry, not this so totally writing off the game just on small stuff as a static boring world is unfair but they really should fix this up to launch.
Some animations, right use of wind, fog, lightning and npcs who seems to interact a little on the things around them can make a world feel a lot more alive and is not that hard to add. A stale world can on the other side kill of a promising game fast.
The sad thing is that this are mostly rather easy things to fix and they should have put a little more work into making the world feel more alive...
Which means that this beta was a REAL beta and with the feedback they will fix them.
One thing to note is that it is not a translation like many other korean MMOs translated to englih. It is an MMO being developed. So expecting it to not have small fixable annoyances in CLOSE beta would be very unfair.
I didnt find the game terrible for what its worth , its a D3 style dungeon crawl in 3d and has always been sold as that from what Ive read. It isnt my favorite game by no means but there was nothing terrible about it for sure and for a free to play game its def about 100 times better than any other games that were released directly as free to play so far , but maybe PS2. I did get bored pretty fast though but thats because Im more into exploration than dungeon crawling so its personal preference. One negative I will say right away though is if they release this game with only have identify scrolls for astral diamonds and not gold , I will not play it because thats kinda lame . There is so much more this game can make money off of in a cash shop , there is just no need to nickle and dime.
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made, maybe now its just crap because it became too casual friendly but vanila/tbc .. those were awesome time.
Maybe he dont want ''copy'' of wow but game close to wows quality and I would love that too. ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. one of these must be it
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made.But no one would make me to play wow again, ever.. but .. tbc/vanila was best
Maybe he didnt mean that he wants another ''copy'' of wow but the game with such a high quality and I would love that too.
ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. these mmorpgs looks promising:) And no, it doesnt have to have 10M subs
Originally posted by Dogblaster
Originally posted by palulalula [mod edit]
Hes right about this one.
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made, maybe now its just crap because it became too casual friendly but vanila/tbc .. those were awesome time.
Maybe he dont want ''copy'' of wow but game close to wows quality and I would love that too. ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. one of these must be it
Oh and WoW servers dropped for days, DAYS at a time during launch. Tons of long queues too. I wonder how something like that would affect the spoiled gaming community of today...hmmm.
Yes....WoW was perfect. Had nothing to do with the community being more tolerant and having lack of options allowing the game to have a pass as it got up from its stumble and starting hitting its stride.
edit- oh and there were tons of broken quests too.
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made.But no one would make me to play wow again, ever.. but .. tbc/vanila was best
Maybe he didnt mean that he wants another ''copy'' of wow but the game with such a high quality and I would love that too.
ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. these mmorpgs looks promising:) And no, it doesnt have to have 10M subs
Originally posted by Dogblaster
Originally posted by palulalula [mod edit]
Hes right about this one.
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made, maybe now its just crap because it became too casual friendly but vanila/tbc .. those were awesome time.
Maybe he dont want ''copy'' of wow but game close to wows quality and I would love that too. ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. one of these must be it
Oh and WoW servers dropped for days, DAYS at a time during launch. Tons of long queues too. I wonder how something like that would affect the spoiled gaming community of today...hmmm.
Yes....WoW was perfect. Had nothing to do with the community being more tolerant and having lack of options allowing the game to have a pass as it got up from its stumble and starting hitting its stride.
edit- oh and there were tons of broken quests too.
Blasphamy!!!! Everyone knows that God himself coded WoW and it was oh so hard back in vanilla days! /sarcasm
WoW was the first, well actually second since EQ2 launched first, game that was designed to be easy for the casual gamers that couldn't stand the second job that was EQ. Yes there were problems back then that the oh so spoiled gamers today would be here raging if an MMO launched like both WoW and EQ2 did. Kids need to get there heads outta the clouds or sand whichever the case may be and take those rose colored glasses off because the state of MMOs is directly related to WoW dumbing down the genre so that the company could more profit than the niche games ever thought about making. WoW started the decline so to point to it as being the last "great MMO" is an oxymoron.
I would like to start by saying my computer is dated and is actually too old at this point, looking to upgrade very soon, but even so I was pulling 50-60 FPS in Neverwinter, even with some of the graphics on medium, in recent games my computer has had issues putting out 30 FPS....SO from this point Cryptic has done a good job making a game that will run on computers, and my friends who were playing at high graphics said it looked very good, may not be Skyrim good, but at least looked good.
Mobs do actually move when you hit them, they will double over and even move in the direction the blow comes from.
I was there when WoW launched, and it was no utopia. It was very bugged, today WoW is polished but it did not launch as a polished MMO, and I do find it funny to complain about graphics of current games and then say we want anouther WoW, the graphics in WoW was ok, but not by today's standards. How quickly people forget about these things or never get informed, its no wonder we are able to rewrite history on other things too.
As for Neverwinter I have enjoyed it, the combat was actually the most fun thing I have seen in an MMO in recent memory. I liked GW2 ok, but this combat feels so good, the sword feels like it really does have some weight behind it.
Neverwinter has so many good things going for it, but its not perfect, and as with all other game launches I have been a part of I expect some issues and trouble. I mean if we have to find a birght side hopefuly they wont fail as bad as EA did with the Sim City Launch.
Seems like ya spent more time writing this essay, then ya did playing.
Who cares, people will play, people will like, people will hate
[mod edit]
It seems like you're basing you're entire OP on the initial noob starter area. Of course its going to be easy. It should be. You don't need to spend 15 hours playing to form an opinion, but you should play past the first 10 mins of the noob zone and try the rest of the game.
Funny you have a GW2 banner. I played GW2 and guess what I enjoyed the start. You come into the world and right away are dropped into the middle of an amazing story event. Minotaurs are raiding the fort and an huge earth elemental needs to be killed or you are freshly born from mother earth and then you fight a HUGE turtle boss that is amazing. It made me want to play more and I did. I went all the way to 80 and found out their isn't much of an endgame and the dungeons are without any real coordination mechanics. That's when I quit.
Neverwinter just made it a lot easier for me, I played for 10 minutes and realized what I usually find out after spending a lot of time devoted to a game. I did get the lawn mowed today, that was a plus.
Well there you go, had you actually bothered to play past the first 10 min tutorial mission you would have found many of your issues simply weren't (most NPC's in Neverwinter, the town you never made it into actually do move about etc.)
But thats ok there are game built for the instant gratification crowds as well, better luck with them.
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made, maybe now its just crap because it became too casual friendly but vanila/tbc .. those were awesome time.
Maybe he dont want ''copy'' of wow but game close to wows quality and I would love that too. ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. one of these must be it
You I'd guess didn't even play during WoW's first 6 months it had so many problems and so much downtime you'd have rage quit.
All these misspelled, whiney posts from people who got to lvl 8 make me laugh.
Take your favorite game in the genre and tell us how indicitive of the full experience the first 2 hours are. The vast majority of mmos start with simple, fetch-quest style missions to get you accustomed to the controls and the combat.
If you only played the non-instanced quests and the smaller delves, you missed the fundamental experience that will be Neverwinter.
Personally, I thought the best, most authentically D&D, aspects of this game hit near the cap of this beta weekend. Vellock (or however you spell that Wolf Clan area) was phenominal, as was the Werewolf-hunt dungeon that opened up at lvl 37 (which was featured in a few alpha videos). The dungeon, specifically, required teamwork, people playing their roles, and persistence which was rewarded with some cool unique loot (which was mostly lvl 42 and we couldn't use it, but still interesting).
Now, granted there a million tweaks and balancing factors to be done in this game, the models leave much to be desired, and a truely D&D representative class selection is yet to be reached; but to shit on it after playing even the entirety of this demo version is to sell it and yourself short.
All these misspelled, whiney posts from people who got to lvl 8 make me laugh.
Take your favorite game in the genre and tell us how indicative of the full experience the first 2 hours are. The vast majority of mmos start with simple, fetch-quest style missions to get you accustomed to the controls and the combat.
If you only played the non-instanced quests and the smaller delves, you missed the fundamental experience that will be Neverwinter.
Personally, I thought the best, most authentically D&D, aspects of this game hit near the cap of this beta weekend. Vellock (or however you spell that Wolf Clan area) was phenominal, as was the Werewolf-hunt dungeon that opened up at lvl 37 (which was featured in a few alpha videos). The dungeon, specifically, required teamwork, people playing their roles, and persistence which was rewarded with some cool unique loot (which was mostly lvl 42 and we couldn't use it, but still interesting).
Now, granted there were a million tweaks and balancing factors to be done in this game, the models leave much to be desired, and a truely D&D representative class selection is yet to be reached; but to shit on it after playing even the entirety of this demo version is to sell it and yourself short.
Sorry I could not pass this up, but I fixed it for you. Funny stuff given the whole context of your post to begin with. You are also using an archaic form of the word delve with modern language. Also quite funn in the context of your post. Although your grammar as a whole is absolutely atrocious and your entire rant is filled with grammatical errors, I fixed the most glaringly obvious one in your last paragraph for you.
..........Oh, you thought you banned me...............
All these misspelled, whiney posts from people who got to lvl 8 make me laugh.
Take your favorite game in the genre and tell us how indicitive of the full experience the first 2 hours are. The vast majority of mmos start with simple, fetch-quest style missions to get you accustomed to the controls and the combat.
If you only played the non-instanced quests and the smaller delves, you missed the fundamental experience that will be Neverwinter.
Personally, I thought the best, most authentically D&D, aspects of this game hit near the cap of this beta weekend. Vellock (or however you spell that Wolf Clan area) was phenominal, as was the Werewolf-hunt dungeon that opened up at lvl 37 (which was featured in a few alpha videos). The dungeon, specifically, required teamwork, people playing their roles, and persistence which was rewarded with some cool unique loot (which was mostly lvl 42 and we couldn't use it, but still interesting).
Now, granted there a million tweaks and balancing factors to be done in this game, the models leave much to be desired, and a truely D&D representative class selection is yet to be reached; but to shit on it after playing even the entirety of this demo version is to sell it and yourself short.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Its Perfect World Entertainment. They've saved ST as an MMO franchise and now they want to do the same to one of the most revered titels in RPGs.
Fixed it for you, obviously no one can be that bad at logic to say the things you did.
Gotta love the koolaid drinking.
STO in season 7 basically got killed for all the reasonable players. When the dilithium exchange which once was at 400 and at 150 at the time of season 7 dropped to 70!! You know the results were bad. The outcry on that has been tremendous. Could you also not misquote me in that way asshole i meant exactly what i said STO got KILLED by those idiots.
He isn't pissed for an objective reason, he's pissed because he can no longer buy tons of dilithium for little zen, entitlement 101 and missing any economy savy (you should really play EVE sometime, the derpy things people do to the in-game economy in that game beggars belief). I suggest you stop talking as it is obvious STO didn't die, you just couldn't get your way anymore as cheaply as you wanted -hands you a shovel- get to grinding like the rest of us if you don't like how much dilithium you're getting for your zen.
Thirty million gallente drone Carrier pilot that is mothership capable. Do not tell me about grinding. Please. I self funded three carriers. I self funded a fully loaded T3 for an alternate account with Factional gear. I can do a lot more in EVE in fifteen minutes and have FUN than i can in STO at this point.
STO got destroyed. In season six you had a pretty solid system and people were making money and you didnt have to put in 20 hours a day to get somewhere. Season 7 rolled off and sets got broken, you had to rebuy and rebuild EVERYTHING from the ground up, and the ability to get dilithium was MINIMAL. And the fact is while they're hiding it a lot of real good players in that game LEFT. Same as i did.
You had to at the launch of 7 not sure if that's the case now, put twenty hours in to the game to get anything out of it. Between the Doff changes, the changes to STF's (which made them VERY unfun) and all the effort of the playerbase being COMPLETELY disregarded. As several player launched efforts to get these changes rolled back fell on deaf ears people left. I left.
Grinding is fine, when you have twenty hours a day to spend. Most of us dont have that kind of time. And worse thanks to the people in washington dont have the kind of money these idiots want for their stuff. It just AINT WORTH WHAT THEY WANT US TO SPEND. So yeah complain if you want color me however you like. But i'm like most of the smart players of that game, and left the sheeple in the dust. If you expect ANYTHING better out of neverwinter you're kidding yourself.
You I'd guess didn't even play during WoW's first 6 months it had so many problems and so much downtime you'd have rage quit.
I played world of warcraft from the first day it was released in march 2004. Back then I was 14 years old and I sticked it with even tho it had so many bugs, etc. Luckyly for blizzard, back then there was almost no competition + WOW IP, etc.
But wow did make a BIG improvement from that point, so big that is now considered one of the best mmorpgs ever made. Maybe you dont think so, but thats how it is. Do i play wow now? No, I dont play it for 2 years and I will never play it again for few reasons, but that doesnt change the fact.
Sadly not many mmorpgs recently launched or upcomming are going to be that good in terms of quality (i dont want to see any wow clone or whatever again btw) just because there is 100x more bigger competition now and wow and square enix (if i remeber correctly) are the only big mmorpg developers who dont big companies behind them so they choose what they do. So all those new mmorpgs as neverwinter, teso, wildstar, arr, etc. etc. they have to bring a damn good quality mmorpg to be able to compete with already established marker and mmorpgs.
But ye you are right about ... If wow vanila version was launched now, it wouid go f2p in few months.
Personally I am really looking forward to FF XIV A realm reborn, ArchAge and Wildstar, mayble blade and soul. But thats my favorite ones I totally understand if neverwinter is 100x better and more fun for thousands of other players than any of these i named, because everyone has different taste !
All these misspelled, whiney posts from people who got to lvl 8 make me laugh.
Take your favorite game in the genre and tell us how indicitive of the full experience the first 2 hours are. The vast majority of mmos start with simple, fetch-quest style missions to get you accustomed to the controls and the combat.
If you only played the non-instanced quests and the smaller delves, you missed the fundamental experience that will be Neverwinter.
Personally, I thought the best, most authentically D&D, aspects of this game hit near the cap of this beta weekend. Vellock (or however you spell that Wolf Clan area) was phenominal, as was the Werewolf-hunt dungeon that opened up at lvl 37 (which was featured in a few alpha videos). The dungeon, specifically, required teamwork, people playing their roles, and persistence which was rewarded with some cool unique loot (which was mostly lvl 42 and we couldn't use it, but still interesting).
Now, granted there a million tweaks and balancing factors to be done in this game, the models leave much to be desired, and a truely D&D representative class selection is yet to be reached; but to shit on it after playing even the entirety of this demo version is to sell it and yourself short.
Could you elaborate what was so great about it? I played till lvl 25 and stopped. All dungeon are the same. Change wall texture, replace mobs and voila next dungeon. This is a honest question as I really want NW to have great dungeons later on. What was it that requires teamwork? The battle or the interaction with dungeon? Like puzzles you have to solve together. If it is only battle then it is just as generic as any other mmo.
It is the puzzles in the dungeons that sets D&D apart. Till 25 the amount of traps were minimum and it does like no dmg whatsoever. If there are complex puzzles (please rotating 3 statues for secret door doesnt count) at the later higher lvl dungeon Ill gladly change my opinion and instantly buy a pack. If not then its just a dungeon from any other mmo with no interaction with the environment at all.
I just want the dungeons to be more than gather as high as possible dps and zerg the dungeon. From time to time slowing down the pace because there is a deadly trap ahead or because you need good timing/wit to solve a puzzle adds a lot of depths to the game.
Same here.
im sorry you feel that wye for a closed betta i had a great time ran pretty well considering you trolls nag a lot about bettas but when has there ever been a good release i rember wow was horrible for a year and a half
this game is simplified for the non gamers the kidys and parents it is not very tech with its system hard core gamers will be displeased somewhat but overall it will be a fun game i love dthe rouge
-Have not treid the ga,me so I have no dog in this fight (and hate 4th ED although think it could make a better MMO than any other edition- Just fails as a PNP game) BUT on one point- Arrow keys... It all depends on if you are a left handed person or not...
I am a lefty and have to change all my keybindings for every game since WASD does not work for me considering I use my left hand for my mouse...Something you evil righties will never understand. The world for a lefty is upside down and backword...True story.
Yeah it would be nice if people who didn't make it past level 20 didn't comment saying how small and linear the world is. Well duh, you never made it out of the city you loser.
You would probably want a gaming mouse then to keybind the encounters / dailys to.
His review was much longer than what most of my friends are saying...and they left out the part about the trees ( the banner part made me laugh. I almost want to DL the game just to go look at it ) They say it's an mmo. Nothing all. IF you've got nothing better to do it's free so why not.
That's not exactly a winning review for a game. It seems this game will follow the normal path for most f2p games. Big launch, mass exodus some time in the first month then nickle and dime those who remain to death trying to stay afloat.
^ this.
And i add it's nice, fun and good change, at the end of the day uninstall is always an option
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The sad thing is that this are mostly rather easy things to fix and they should have put a little more work into making the world feel more alive.
The games main point is howver the foundry, not this so totally writing off the game just on small stuff as a static boring world is unfair but they really should fix this up to launch.
Some animations, right use of wind, fog, lightning and npcs who seems to interact a little on the things around them can make a world feel a lot more alive and is not that hard to add. A stale world can on the other side kill of a promising game fast.
Which means that this beta was a REAL beta and with the feedback they will fix them.
One thing to note is that it is not a translation like many other korean MMOs translated to englih. It is an MMO being developed. So expecting it to not have small fixable annoyances in CLOSE beta would be very unfair.
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Hes right about this one.
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made, maybe now its just crap because it became too casual friendly but vanila/tbc .. those were awesome time.
Maybe he dont want ''copy'' of wow but game close to wows quality and I would love that too. ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. one of these must be it
Hes right about this one.
Guys says what you want but WoW was one of the best mmorpg ever made.But no one would make me to play wow again, ever.. but .. tbc/vanila was best
Maybe he didnt mean that he wants another ''copy'' of wow but the game with such a high quality and I would love that too.
ARR, Archage, wildstar, teso, blade and soul .. these mmorpgs looks promising:) And no, it doesnt have to have 10M subs
Oh and WoW servers dropped for days, DAYS at a time during launch. Tons of long queues too. I wonder how something like that would affect the spoiled gaming community of today...hmmm.
Yes....WoW was perfect. Had nothing to do with the community being more tolerant and having lack of options allowing the game to have a pass as it got up from its stumble and starting hitting its stride.
edit- oh and there were tons of broken quests too.
Blasphamy!!!! Everyone knows that God himself coded WoW and it was oh so hard back in vanilla days! /sarcasm
WoW was the first, well actually second since EQ2 launched first, game that was designed to be easy for the casual gamers that couldn't stand the second job that was EQ. Yes there were problems back then that the oh so spoiled gamers today would be here raging if an MMO launched like both WoW and EQ2 did. Kids need to get there heads outta the clouds or sand whichever the case may be and take those rose colored glasses off because the state of MMOs is directly related to WoW dumbing down the genre so that the company could more profit than the niche games ever thought about making. WoW started the decline so to point to it as being the last "great MMO" is an oxymoron.
Wow this has been an interesting read....
I would like to start by saying my computer is dated and is actually too old at this point, looking to upgrade very soon, but even so I was pulling 50-60 FPS in Neverwinter, even with some of the graphics on medium, in recent games my computer has had issues putting out 30 FPS....SO from this point Cryptic has done a good job making a game that will run on computers, and my friends who were playing at high graphics said it looked very good, may not be Skyrim good, but at least looked good.
Mobs do actually move when you hit them, they will double over and even move in the direction the blow comes from.
I was there when WoW launched, and it was no utopia. It was very bugged, today WoW is polished but it did not launch as a polished MMO, and I do find it funny to complain about graphics of current games and then say we want anouther WoW, the graphics in WoW was ok, but not by today's standards. How quickly people forget about these things or never get informed, its no wonder we are able to rewrite history on other things too.
As for Neverwinter I have enjoyed it, the combat was actually the most fun thing I have seen in an MMO in recent memory. I liked GW2 ok, but this combat feels so good, the sword feels like it really does have some weight behind it.
Neverwinter has so many good things going for it, but its not perfect, and as with all other game launches I have been a part of I expect some issues and trouble. I mean if we have to find a birght side hopefuly they wont fail as bad as EA did with the Sim City Launch.
Well there you go, had you actually bothered to play past the first 10 min tutorial mission you would have found many of your issues simply weren't (most NPC's in Neverwinter, the town you never made it into actually do move about etc.)
But thats ok there are game built for the instant gratification crowds as well, better luck with them.
You I'd guess didn't even play during WoW's first 6 months it had so many problems and so much downtime you'd have rage quit.
All these misspelled, whiney posts from people who got to lvl 8 make me laugh.
Take your favorite game in the genre and tell us how indicitive of the full experience the first 2 hours are. The vast majority of mmos start with simple, fetch-quest style missions to get you accustomed to the controls and the combat.
If you only played the non-instanced quests and the smaller delves, you missed the fundamental experience that will be Neverwinter.
Personally, I thought the best, most authentically D&D, aspects of this game hit near the cap of this beta weekend. Vellock (or however you spell that Wolf Clan area) was phenominal, as was the Werewolf-hunt dungeon that opened up at lvl 37 (which was featured in a few alpha videos). The dungeon, specifically, required teamwork, people playing their roles, and persistence which was rewarded with some cool unique loot (which was mostly lvl 42 and we couldn't use it, but still interesting).
Now, granted there a million tweaks and balancing factors to be done in this game, the models leave much to be desired, and a truely D&D representative class selection is yet to be reached; but to shit on it after playing even the entirety of this demo version is to sell it and yourself short.
Sorry I could not pass this up, but I fixed it for you. Funny stuff given the whole context of your post to begin with. You are also using an archaic form of the word delve with modern language. Also quite funn in the context of your post. Although your grammar as a whole is absolutely atrocious and your entire rant is filled with grammatical errors, I fixed the most glaringly obvious one in your last paragraph for you.
..........Oh, you thought you banned me...............
i agree and this is the one you are talking about and yea its sweet
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Thirty million gallente drone Carrier pilot that is mothership capable. Do not tell me about grinding. Please. I self funded three carriers. I self funded a fully loaded T3 for an alternate account with Factional gear. I can do a lot more in EVE in fifteen minutes and have FUN than i can in STO at this point.
STO got destroyed. In season six you had a pretty solid system and people were making money and you didnt have to put in 20 hours a day to get somewhere. Season 7 rolled off and sets got broken, you had to rebuy and rebuild EVERYTHING from the ground up, and the ability to get dilithium was MINIMAL. And the fact is while they're hiding it a lot of real good players in that game LEFT. Same as i did.
You had to at the launch of 7 not sure if that's the case now, put twenty hours in to the game to get anything out of it. Between the Doff changes, the changes to STF's (which made them VERY unfun) and all the effort of the playerbase being COMPLETELY disregarded. As several player launched efforts to get these changes rolled back fell on deaf ears people left. I left.
Grinding is fine, when you have twenty hours a day to spend. Most of us dont have that kind of time. And worse thanks to the people in washington dont have the kind of money these idiots want for their stuff. It just AINT WORTH WHAT THEY WANT US TO SPEND. So yeah complain if you want color me however you like. But i'm like most of the smart players of that game, and left the sheeple in the dust. If you expect ANYTHING better out of neverwinter you're kidding yourself.
I played world of warcraft from the first day it was released in march 2004. Back then I was 14 years old and I sticked it with even tho it had so many bugs, etc. Luckyly for blizzard, back then there was almost no competition + WOW IP, etc.
But wow did make a BIG improvement from that point, so big that is now considered one of the best mmorpgs ever made. Maybe you dont think so, but thats how it is. Do i play wow now? No, I dont play it for 2 years and I will never play it again for few reasons, but that doesnt change the fact.
Sadly not many mmorpgs recently launched or upcomming are going to be that good in terms of quality (i dont want to see any wow clone or whatever again btw) just because there is 100x more bigger competition now and wow and square enix (if i remeber correctly) are the only big mmorpg developers who dont big companies behind them so they choose what they do. So all those new mmorpgs as neverwinter, teso, wildstar, arr, etc. etc. they have to bring a damn good quality mmorpg to be able to compete with already established marker and mmorpgs.
But ye you are right about ... If wow vanila version was launched now, it wouid go f2p in few months.
Personally I am really looking forward to FF XIV A realm reborn, ArchAge and Wildstar, mayble blade and soul. But thats my favorite ones
I totally understand if neverwinter is 100x better and more fun for thousands of other players than any of these i named, because everyone has different taste !
Could you elaborate what was so great about it? I played till lvl 25 and stopped. All dungeon are the same. Change wall texture, replace mobs and voila next dungeon. This is a honest question as I really want NW to have great dungeons later on. What was it that requires teamwork? The battle or the interaction with dungeon? Like puzzles you have to solve together. If it is only battle then it is just as generic as any other mmo.
It is the puzzles in the dungeons that sets D&D apart. Till 25 the amount of traps were minimum and it does like no dmg whatsoever. If there are complex puzzles (please rotating 3 statues for secret door doesnt count) at the later higher lvl dungeon Ill gladly change my opinion and instantly buy a pack. If not then its just a dungeon from any other mmo with no interaction with the environment at all.
I just want the dungeons to be more than gather as high as possible dps and zerg the dungeon. From time to time slowing down the pace because there is a deadly trap ahead or because you need good timing/wit to solve a puzzle adds a lot of depths to the game.