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TOP 5 most popular games?



  • Eir_SEir_S Member UncommonPosts: 4,440
    This just in:  GW2 is still popular, same people still upset by it. 
  • birdycephonbirdycephon Member UncommonPosts: 1,314
    Originally posted by Lovely_Laly

    as sub game I would say WoW is the best, followed by EvE, then f2p it's more hard to tell what is the best, they often split by category, so better to see review, IMO.about GW2: it's good for console game, for MMO it's not worth to pay 60$ to be bored within max 3 months, IMO for sure, but I guess it wiser to try free to download non-sub games like Aion, Tera, LotRO, Vanguard, DDO: even if you don't like them it free to try.I think GW2 need to be stabilized (not change gameplay every like 1-2 months), get larger and cost less, so I would suggest to start it in 1 year from now. Sure it's just an advise, all choice is up to every one.

    Heck, three months of entertaijment for 60 bucks is a very good deal nowdays.

  • OdyssesOdysses Member Posts: 581
    I agree with most except that Rift looks like it has dropped off pretty significantly this last year.   Just checking Xfire (yeah I know) Lotro has a 4 to 1 player advantage over it.
  • LoktofeitLoktofeit Member RarePosts: 14,247
    Originally posted by Eir_S
    This just in:  GW2 is still popular, same people still upset by it. 


    There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
    "Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre

  • TheScavengerTheScavenger Member EpicPosts: 3,321
    Originally posted by Eir_S
    This just in:  GW2 is still popular, same people still upset by it. 

    yeah, I lolled quite hard at reading some of the posts by how much the same people I've seen wanting GW2 to fail, to still can't handle it STILL being popular.

    My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:

  • HomituHomitu Member UncommonPosts: 2,030
    Originally posted by Malacth
    Originally posted by Sukiyaki
    Originally posted by Malacth
    Originally posted by Lovely_Laly


    Originally posted by Malacth
    Popular in terms of western players players -



    1.) World of Warcraft (9+ million active players.)

    2.) Guild (2+ million active players.)

    3.) Eve (500k+ active players.)

    4.) Rift (100k+ active players.)

    5.) The Secret World (50k+ players.)


    I've only bothered to mention games I actually like/play, but that's probably very similar to the actual list anyway.


    sorry to asking: but how do you know how many players are active at GW2? I think this game is over hype again and show wrong statistic, as to me 2 mil copies sold is not = 2 mil of active users.

    Well it's sold 3+ million copies, and growing in sales every month, so I'm assuming it's around the 2million active players mark, maybe 1-2million, but still no less than 1million active players, my guess though is very close to 2million. (by active I mean someone who has played their account in the last month.)

    Maybe you should replace the "western" with "global", because otherwise your numbers are complete nonsense in case of WoW and EvE. But then again in a global context TSW or Rift wouldnt even make it into this list. Maybe not even EvE. And add "or so I wildly guess" behind the Rift, GW2 and TSW numbers to prevent someone might misunderstand your charts as credible data.


    I'll agree with WoW, Eve and Rift. 

    But most, if not all, of TSW players are actually from western markets (I don't think it's even released in eastern markets?)

    I don't really think it's a wild guess with GW2, having sold over 3 million copies, and probably nearing 4 million, it probably does have 1-2million active players (someone who has played in the last month.)

    So, yeah.

    Ok, I'm a big GW2 fan and all, but you can't deny that your numbers are nothing but wild guesses and estimations.  I think you recognize that too, which is why you stretched the definition of an "active player" out so far.  While the definition of "active player" is ambiguous to be sure, nobody would define it for a non-sub game as having logged in once in the last month.  1 login in the last month isn't getting Anet any money.  A much more realistic, albeit still ambiguous, definition of "active" player would be someone who averages "a few" logins per week over the past month.  For example, maybe a player hasn't played at all last week, but logged on 5 times last week and only once the week before.  This player is at least "still around" and must be considered active, although he maintains the bare minimum level of activity.  


    Unfortunately there's absolutely no way to know how many players log on to GW2 daily, or weekly, or concurrently at any given time.  I'm sure Anet has this info, but they (nor any other company) are not transparent with it.  

    That said, I think 2 million players logging in at least a couple times a week on average would be a huge overestimation.  What do I think the exact numbers are?  Beats me.  Beats you too.  That's my point.  You need something more concrete than "hmm well that sounds about right to me" when coming up with numbers.  

  • GravargGravarg Member UncommonPosts: 3,424
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    1. League of Legends 90,879
    2. image Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 52,304
    3. image Call of Duty 2 35,141
    4. image World of Warcraft 18,719
    5. image Guild Wars 2 10,942
    6. image Dota 2 8,086
    7. image Minecraft 7,557
    8. image World Of Tanks 7,276
    9. image Diablo III 7,230
    10. image Battlefield 3 6,966

    Finally actual proof of what I've been saying since Xfire was launched...Thier numbers mean nothing.  More people play WoW than all the other games on that list combined, but not if you go by Xfire numbers hehe.

  • MaephistoMaephisto Member Posts: 632
    Originally posted by Eir_S
    This just in:  GW2 is still popular, same people still upset by it. 

    rimshot.  image

    EDIT:  Forgot top five.

    According to this site, Pirates 101 is the most popular.  Dont know about 2 through 5.


  • HatefullHatefull Member EpicPosts: 2,503
    Originally posted by Malacth

    Popular in terms of western players players -


    1.) World of Warcraft (9+ million active players.)

    2.) Guild (2+ million active players.)

    3.) Eve (500k+ active players.)

    4.) Rift (100k+ active players.)

    5.) The Secret World (50k+ players.)


    I've only bothered to mention games I actually like/play, but that's probably very similar to the actual list anyway.

    Actually, no it isn't.

    If you want a new idea, go read an old book.

    In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.

  • AerowynAerowyn Member Posts: 7,928

    didn't maple story have like 92 million people(even if only a quarter is actual unique accounts still a lot) worldwide playing like only a few years ago did they all drop off?

    also for gw2 you will never know active players unless anet directly releases that info as there is no monthly sub to track so any person who bought the box could log in at any given time.. same could be said for TSW and Tera and any other f2p/b2p game though

    I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg

  • sammy749sammy749 Member Posts: 1
    Originally posted by Gravarg
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    1. League of Legends 90,879
    2. image Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 52,304
    3. image Call of Duty 2 35,141
    4. image World of Warcraft 18,719
    5. image Guild Wars 2 10,942
    6. image Dota 2 8,086
    7. image Minecraft 7,557
    8. image World Of Tanks 7,276
    9. image Diablo III 7,230
    10. image Battlefield 3 6,966

    Finally actual proof of what I've been saying since Xfire was launched...Thier numbers mean nothing.  More people play WoW than all the other games on that list combined, but not if you go by Xfire numbers hehe.






  • cybersrscybersrs Member UncommonPosts: 181
    Originally posted by Robokapp
    1. League of Legends 90,879
    2. image Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 52,304
    3. image Call of Duty 2 35,141
    4. image World of Warcraft 18,719
    5. image Guild Wars 2 10,942
    6. image Dota 2 8,086
    7. image Minecraft 7,557
    8. image World Of Tanks 7,276
    9. image Diablo III 7,230
    10. image Battlefield 3 6,966

    Is League of Legends that really fun to play? I only tried once and did not like that much.

  • Pretender00Pretender00 Member Posts: 84
    GW2 ruined subsciption games for me.... True story..
  • FromHellFromHell Member Posts: 1,311

    all time?

    1. Tetris

    2. Super Mario

    3. Pong

    4. Zelda

    5. Metroid

    Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. ! :D

    Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World

    The Return of ELITE !

  • Eir_SEir_S Member UncommonPosts: 4,440
    Originally posted by FromHell

    all time?

    1. Tetris

    2. Super Mario

    3. Pong

    4. Zelda

    5. Metroid

    I just knew OP should have been more specific in the title.  I loved all those too by the way.. except Pong.  Not quite old enough for that. 

  • mindw0rkmindw0rk Member UncommonPosts: 1,356
    Originally posted by Gravarg Finally actual proof of what I've been saying since Xfire was launched...Thier numbers mean nothing.  More people play WoW than all the other games on that list combined, but not if you go by Xfire numbers hehe.

    t League of Legends has been a more popular game then WoW for quite some time.

    WoW is not even the biggest MMORPG by active players. Age of Wushu has more then 20 millions players in China alone.

  • slickbizzleslickbizzle Member Posts: 464
    Originally posted by Malacth

    Popular in terms of western players players -


    1.) World of Warcraft (9+ million active players.)

    2.) Guild (2+ million active players.)

    3.) Eve (500k+ active players.)

    4.) Rift (100k+ active players.)

    5.) The Secret World (50k+ players.)


    I've only bothered to mention games I actually like/play, but that's probably very similar to the actual list anyway.


    So you count eastern players for Warcraft in your "terms of western players"?  


    If Warcraft has anywhere near 3 million western players, I would be surprised.



  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,064
    Originally posted by FromHell

    #1 Guild Wars 2   9,820,537 Hits

    #2The Secret World 3,093,288 Hits

    #3Star Wars: The Old Republic 3,036,268 Hits

    #4TERA 1,711,555 Hits

    #5Rift 1,482,734 Hits

    #6Diablo 3 1,328,235 Hits

    #7Elder Scrolls Online 1,118,076 Hits

    #8World of Warcraft 1,089,589 Hits

    #9Aion 924,373 Hits

    #10EVE Online 826,915 Hits


     And why do people care so much about popular? Only GW2 would be considered a very good game of those top 5......Also if TSW is so popular why is the company gutting its staff and barely in business??

  • MarirranyaMarirranya Member Posts: 154

    league of legends for me :3

    playerbase is expanding exponentially imho

    There are people who play games and then there are gamers.

  • GoldenArrowGoldenArrow Member UncommonPosts: 1,186

    1) LoL

    2) LoL

    3) LoL

    4) LoL

    5) LoL

    Not a single western game comes even close to it in popularity.

  • MalacthMalacth Member UncommonPosts: 121
    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    1) LoL

    2) LoL

    3) LoL

    4) LoL

    5) LoL

    Not a single western game comes even close to it in popularity.

    I thought he was refering to MMO's tbh

  • MalacthMalacth Member UncommonPosts: 121
    Originally posted by Hatefull
    Originally posted by Malacth

    Popular in terms of western players players -


    1.) World of Warcraft (9+ million active players.)

    2.) Guild (2+ million active players.)

    3.) Eve (500k+ active players.)

    4.) Rift (100k+ active players.)

    5.) The Secret World (50k+ players.)


    I've only bothered to mention games I actually like/play, but that's probably very similar to the actual list anyway.

    Actually, no it isn't.

    Originally posted by slickbizzle


    So you count eastern players for Warcraft in your "terms of western players"?  


    If Warcraft has anywhere near 3 million western players, I would be surprised.




    Okay, I failed and gave global numbers when I said western.

    Still, the list is exactly the same in western countries, except with lesser numbers, so yeah, both your posts were irrelevent. 















  • Lovely_LalyLovely_Laly Member UncommonPosts: 734

    Originally posted by Eir_S
    This just in:  GW2 is still popular, same people still upset by it. 

    only upset about spending my 60$ on game not worth any better most of A+++ FREE games.

    I noticed a lot of players from Asia since like last December, even chat time to time turns into hieroglyphs.
    So you, guys, are wrong about NA + EU markets only.

    try before buy, even if it's a game to avoid bad surprises.
    Worst surprises for me: Aion, GW2

  • Eir_SEir_S Member UncommonPosts: 4,440
    Originally posted by Malacth
    Originally posted by GoldenArrow

    1) LoL

    2) LoL

    3) LoL

    4) LoL

    5) LoL

    Not a single western game comes even close to it in popularity.

    I thought he was refering to MMO's tbh

    Yeah I know right?  Why the hell are people bringing up LoL at all?

  • bliss14bliss14 Member UncommonPosts: 595
    Originally posted by Lovely_Laly


    Originally posted by Eir_S
    This just in:  GW2 is still popular, same people still upset by it. 


    only upset about spending my 60$ on game not worth any better most of A+++ FREE games.

    I noticed a lot of players from Asia since like last December, even chat time to time turns into hieroglyphs.
    So you, guys, are wrong about NA + EU markets only.


    I helped a new guy out yesterday who said he is in Taiwan.

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