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For me It goes like this.
1: My favorite genre is grand strategy games such as Europa Universalis series, Hearts of Irons, Distand Worlds and alike.
Why I enjoy this is I like building empires from the start and I love history and I really like astronomy.
2: RPG games has always been close at heart such as Ultima series, Eye of the Beholder and several Forgotten Realms games from the 90s, TES, Arcania.
What I liked about RPG games more so the older ones are not always hack and slash it was more about exploring and doing what I felt was fun, I never felt I had to follow a red string from A-B-C, sure there were always a main quest lingering in the logbook but I had the freedom to play and explore.
3: Last place would be MMOs, simple reason why is that is that I like to play with other people and friends and hopefully enjoy the gameworld.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Here goes: -
1) RPG: Anything by Bethesda and any single player game by Bioware.
2) Strategy but particularly Civ and Total War.
3) MMO's
currently playing: DDO, AOC, WoT, P101
1. Platforms: Play Castlevania: Circle of the Moon or Metroid and honestly tell me that the games aren't fun.
2. RPG: PnP or otherwise, one of the most creative ways to use your time.
3. MMO: The online experience is something to be praised after an era of connecting through other means to get help or share your character builds.
I played WoW up until WotLK, played RoM for 2 years and now Rift.
I am F2P player. I support games when I feel they deserve my money and I want the items enough.
I don't troll, and I don't take kindly to trolls.
1- FPS, for action
2- MMORPG, for interaction (any) with players
3- car racing, "vroooOOOOMMM !!" nuff said
* Adventure games: Stories, characters and immersion. I'm a big believer in games as a storytelling medium.
* CRPGs: As above but with the addition of extra lore, gameworld, strategic combat and progression.
* MMOs: As above but online, with a lot of community interaction and a usually bigger persistent world.
To me, all three genres above are about immersion first and foremost.
1. MMOs, been playing MUDs since the 80s and have had a love for online rpg type games since then.. When the graphical ones came out I naturally moved to them and have loved them ever since.
2. RPGs, i love a good story in a game and RPGs generally have the best stories of them all.. also RPGs you almost always get the most playtime for your buck compared to most other genres
3. umm there's other types of games?
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
You forgot to write why you enjoy those genre.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
RPGs: Simply have always enjoyed the rich story that most bring to the table when done right.
MMOs: Since my first MMO, runescape....sadly. I've always loved having the rpg feel and being able to share it with other players. Call me young but I've most likely played 75% of the MMOs that you have (Not including MUDs)
RTS/MOBA: It's a very easy tie between these two. I've always enjoyed pitting armies up against each other in grand scales of combat, but I've also loved MOBAs since day one. Something about being one of only 10 (maximum) bad asses on a playing field worth fighting.
MMO - I like the human interaction
Strategy - l also like building empires/cities/etc from the ground.
Shooters - I don't really play them very much at all, but they have a niche and give a break from MMOs and strategy games for an hour or so, and just kill things mindlessly.
I self identify as a monkey.
Turn based strategy - tactical, civ type or even rpg type. I liked board games like chess/risk/chinese checkers/etc growing up and I think they took a toll on me. Recently I've play things like Kings Bounty, Civ, XCOM, Fallen Enchantress and others.
MMORPGs - I mostly like the PvP. It's a mix of strategy and action and some games have a lot of depth to mess around with. I know there are a lot of MMORPG PvP haters, but I personally love the style. I've also gotten into messing around with markets, especially in EVE which has an incredible regional market system. I'm not comfortable playing markets in real life with my money, so MMOs can give me that fix.
Roguelikes - I suppose this is also turn based, but I've been messing around with these for a long time now. I started with my uncle when I was like 10ish playing Moria. The two that I currently play are Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup and Tales of Maj Eyal. Tales is a strange breed with a lot of modern influence. Dungeon crawl stays fairly true to the old with an incredible amount of playstyles and options.
Wow, Moria, that's a blast from the past. Good game
I self identify as a monkey.
MMORPG: Just for the social aspects.
Single Player RPGs: Skyrim. Need I say more?
Empire Builders: (i.e. Tropico 4; SimCity 4): For the sense of accomplishment once you have everything just the way you like itl
Hedonismbot: Your latest performance was as delectable as dipping my bottom over and over into a bath of the silkiest oils and creams.
#1 American RPGs
Good bang for your buck, detailed characters, and usallly a great story. American RPGs are also very open ended and are getting increasingly adaptive based on player choices.
Mass Effect and Skyrim come to mind.
Note: I exclude JRPGs because they lack the adaptive gameplay of their American counterparts.
#2 Action
Because it's nice to blow off some steam after a hard night at the hospital.
Games like Dishonored, Batman:Arkham, Warhammer Space Marine, and Gears of War are examples.
#3 Indie
It's great to see how creative the Indie scene has become. Works like Mark of the Ninja and Super Meat Boy really show that with hard work even a small group of devs can succeed!
MMORPGs aren't really one of my favorites anymore. The promise of persistent world content was broken when Everquest came, and it does not look like it will ever be fulfilled again. I don't like joining up in a game with people. When I play MMOs, I spend most of my time soloing or PVPing. Group think does not appeal to me.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
Then you would love Witcher 2 from Poland, well, It's not an American but the rest of your criteria fits in pretty good.
A lot better than what Bioware spew out.
And yes I know you try to troll, bad move buddy.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
oops edited my post:P
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
I like the Witcher 2, and I have it. It is in the style of an American RPG. Troll how?
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
Na, just flamebait.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Then you would love Witcher 2 from Poland, well, It's not an American but the rest of your criteria fits in pretty good.
A lot better than what Bioware spew out.
And yes I know you try to troll, bad move buddy.
Troll how?
Na, just flamebait.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
Then you would love Witcher 2 from Poland, well, It's not an American but the rest of your criteria fits in pretty good.
A lot better than what Bioware spew out.
And yes I know you try to troll, bad move buddy.
Troll how?
Na, just flamebait.
Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.
2) see #1
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
1) MMORPG: immersive world that I can explore and progress a character for a long period of time (years). Unrivalled social potential. More of a hobby than just merely a game.
2) FPS: quick, fun, cheap thrills that I can dip in and out of. Keeps my twitch skills high.
3) RTS: I enjoy building my army, building up defenses, and of course, keeps the strategic part of my brain sharp.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
1 - PC games
2 - Console games
3 - Mobile games
Ok, seriously now :
2 - MMO
3 - RPG
Business management/City building - There are a few out there, that really pushes the limits of total free management. Sim city is sadly not one of them, though i put it as high as one of the top 3 for me. There's something about managing a fictional (or real) world without thirsting for success and winning that really can't be compared to other games.
Singleplayer RPG - The elder scrolls series, fallout series in particular. If there's any game that you can play over and over and over again and it still kind of feels new and suprises you. It's within this genre. Seriously, everytime i replay a bethesda game....I always find something new. Amazing
MMO's - Have played MANY mmo's including many MUDs. I love the roleplaying aspect of mmorps. But also the "Get together" social play of your generic online game. Doesn't matter if its P2P or F2P. It's about charm and gameplay. NOT, i repeat. NOT graphics.
1. Strategy RPGs. Tactial depth and storytelling.
2. Action RPGs. Blow stuff up, get cool stuff.
3. MMO RPGs. Worlds to explore with other peoples (when I'm not ignoring them).
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil