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Back in 2008 Mythic was planning on an "Origins" server which would take DAoC back to its pre-expansion state such as focus on the classic zones, the old-frontiers, keeps, relic system, with the exception to changes over the years such as class balance, housing, UI improvments, etc. They had a poll on their website for 6 months but canceled plans and never released the results of the poll.
I am curious as to what the community would think of a server such as this, would you switch to it, or would former subscribers resub for it if Mythic were to offer it? I also love stats, so that is another reason. :P
Screencap of the original poll:
I left DAoC, like many others, after the release of the Trials of Atantis expansion, and while I yearned for those fun days prior to ToA, I never returned.
I'm not sure I could touch any MMO that had EA's sticky, profit-vs.-quality, filth-covered paws on it.
I'm currently playing on a freeshard.. its SI release.. I LOVED Classic too bad they took it away!
I'd return for this!
what freeshard are you playing on?
searching for the next DAoC....
With so many new games out and coming soon I don't so how someone would go to an older game.
It's like I grew up and bought a very nice car but I decided to go back to my childhood bike and use that instead.
edit: been there done that, meaning my favorite mmorpg of all times and the one I spent 7 years was FFXI and I have returned and started from scratch so many times only to leave the next day. It feels like playing PS3 now and when going back to my 1st mmorpg feels like playing NES lol I like the progress in todays technology going backwards is not my thing.
Yeah me2..:)
More importantly, does it have Necromancers working properly?
DAoC - Excalibur & Camlann
Played DAoC from beta for 8 years, it's had it's day now.
Unless it went F2P i'd never even consider playing again.
Old frontiers? Emain bowl zerging 24/7 by the overpopulated realm (Albion), MG's camped by 2-3 FG's of stealthers, the rest of the RvR areas completely empty, OF keeps pbaoe through the walls, no thanks.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
GW2 and WAR were promising DAOC RvR too and we all know what happened.I'm not so sure ESO will pull it off.
DAoC - Excalibur & Camlann
I'm playing EQ and Vanguard right now. I'm not liking the newest releases much, with the exception of SWTOR, from which I am taking a break.
First off in the old days i would love to see a sever like this. But why should players want it now and pay for it?
1. The game engien are to old
2. The skill / abilities system are to old, and all seen before.
4. The rvr/pv system are to old , and all seen before.
5. There have been a sever like that for years now, and its free(Ultgard)
DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer
DAoC is still may favorite game of all time. Played from beta until NF but just didn't like the directin it took (and the castration of the Archer classes.) Plus, the buffbot issue was just more than I could stand. That said, I'd be interested if the following changes were made:
1) Concentration buffs on a tight range and buffer must be in group.
2) No buff pots
3) Upgrade engine
Emeryc Eightdrakes - Ranger of DragonMyst Keep - Percival