Centaur. Ever since Nightfall ive always dreamed of playing a centaur race. armor would look really awesome on one. and elonian centaurs are not as hostile to humans as tyrian centaur. except calling them "two-legs" all the time
also Kodan. i love their culture. First dibs on the name Beautiful Nightmare.
Originally posted by Czanrei I choose none of the above. Because the game needs more RP-support, housing, and mounts way before it needs another hollow playable race.
Doesn't need housing - waste of resouces - MOUNTS ARE NOT PART OF THE LORE - jeez - read the lore and that is why we have TP - don't need mounts as another waste of resources.
They are a small company and as such - doing the best they can. Yes, they messed but a bit, who hasn't (Trion did some beauts just after the release of Rift). They are also still supporting GW1.
I think it should be Tengu. If you did the add in to GW1, if you had the Bonus Mission Pack, you could play as Master Togo and help the Tengu in Cantha. I think Cantha would also be a nice add on then.
Mounts and housing are an important feature for any game to get right and to exclude them is to take away from your playerbase. We already have enough silly races in GW2 there needs to be other forms of content before we talk of new races.
Why are mounts an important feature for any game?
Why... exactly?
I honesty think the mounts blow in every game and they actually take away from a game. I'm honestly irked that you try to speak for everyone.
Kodan would be my vote if they did add a new race.. Norn areas are my favorite and would like more snowy areas:P
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Originally posted by Czanrei I choose none of the above. Because the game needs more RP-support, housing, and mounts way before it needs another hollow playable race.
Doesn't need housing - waste of resouces - MOUNTS ARE NOT PART OF THE LORE - jeez - read the lore and that is why we have TP - don't need mounts as another waste of resources.
They are a small company and as such - doing the best they can. Yes, they messed but a bit, who hasn't (Trion did some beauts just after the release of Rift). They are also still supporting GW1.
I think it should be Tengu. If you did the add in to GW1, if you had the Bonus Mission Pack, you could play as Master Togo and help the Tengu in Cantha. I think Cantha would also be a nice add on then.
I hate when people try to state their opinion as fact... I say bring on the housing!!!
"You are all going to poop yourselves." BillMurphy
"Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone."
Originally posted by Spankthetoad I wish GW2 would be more like GW1 where you could mix and match classes. I missed that part in GW2. It took the fun out of the game for me
i liked that part of GW1 a lot as well.. although even in GW2 you have a lot of options depending on class.. I can play my mesmer more defensively and doing all damage from afar.. I can play in your face melee build, i can play a shatter happy burst build, I can play a support slow burn condition build, i could play a healing style mantra build.. you have a lot of options in the current system if you play with it.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
The line about centaurs being the least likely to appear as playable is complete falacy. The centaur that are at war with the humans is just a few tribes, the Hrathi from west Kryta and Modniir originating in the Shiverpeaks.
There are at least three other tribes, the Maguuma tribe in the western jungles, and the Veldrunner and Losaru tribes in the southern deserts which are known to be peaceful/allied with humans.
With the onslaught of the dragons, we're going to see more and more centaur dropping the war on humans and becoming alies (there are already some allied centaur NPCs in Lion's Arch). And as the dragon conflict progresses, specifically against Kralkatorrik in the southern deserts and Primordus in the western jungles, the centaur are going to become playable.
If we can't have housing, I hope we at least get Guild Halls before too long... for a game with "Guild" in the title, we don't seem to do much, guild-wise. As for a new player class, I'm tempted by the Ettin, but I guess I'll add my voice to the pleas for the Skritt!
As a Sims player I enjoy customizing housing and I don't see that it needs to be a part of GW2. This game is about exploring. There's no need for a home base when you are traveling the world. I'm with Wormywyrm I want to see more skrit and qwaggan. Not necessarily to play as but for the comedic value. Centaurs drive me crazy. I'm not a fan of fighting against them and would not be a fan of fighting as them.
I would like to see more differentiated armor options.
We don't need a new race yet. There are lotsa off other changes/additions that take much higher priority. Skill cupdates, guild contrnt, guild halls, WvW updates, new weapons, and opening the rest of Tyria. The last is very important to me.
in my view?arenanet should keep it simple!like instead you could become corrupted norn ,or whatever other faction vs our side
like you could become a fire charr?at end game of caurse .hell they could even make us level up again!you would keep you actual char but but the other side once unlocked would have to be leveled!hell i dig this idea!imagine you are in the black citadel you are a fire char and the other side is regular et5c(just a random idea)can you imagine the chaos!grin!
ya i dont need a new race but i sure would like to have one ffaction unlocked per 80,so if i am a norn at level 80 i can chose between all potential foe of my actual norn .(so that i could be good or evil)of caurse only 1 good and 1 evil could be unlocked!
a corrupted norn?
a risen asura?
dam this would be a great idea and relativly simple to implement i suspect!since all those are already in the game!
Originally posted by Agathu I would love to see a story that brings the Dwarves back as a playable race.
The dwarves are dead, after the Great Dwarf blessing, they all changed to stone and are fighting the Destroyers. The only dwarves left are the Stone Summit and they are spread out all over in miniscule numbers. This is all based on lore.
Centaur. Ever since Nightfall ive always dreamed of playing a centaur race. armor would look really awesome on one. and elonian centaurs are not as hostile to humans as tyrian centaur. except calling them "two-legs" all the time
also Kodan. i love their culture. First dibs on the name Beautiful Nightmare.
Have fun storming the castle! - Miracle Max
Why are mounts an important feature for any game?
Why... exactly?
I honesty think the mounts blow in every game and they actually take away from a game. I'm honestly irked that you try to speak for everyone.
Too bad dwarves are gone.
Honestly though I'd rather see them expand/improve the current skill system than add any new classes or races.
Kodan would be my vote if they did add a new race.. Norn areas are my favorite and would like more snowy areas:P
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
I hate when people try to state their opinion as fact... I say bring on the housing!!!
"You are all going to poop yourselves." BillMurphy
"Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone."
i liked that part of GW1 a lot as well.. although even in GW2 you have a lot of options depending on class.. I can play my mesmer more defensively and doing all damage from afar.. I can play in your face melee build, i can play a shatter happy burst build, I can play a support slow burn condition build, i could play a healing style mantra build.. you have a lot of options in the current system if you play with it.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Races I can see us getting later down the line... Tengu & Dwarfs (If I member right they aint ALL dead)
Would like to see the Chronomancer classes along with visiting the "Utopia" Area/Setting
Dwarfs not gone, they hiding.
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
OP: "One of the biggest differences between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 is the ability to choose between different playable races."
Actually and fortunately NOTHING is like original Gw. Nothing. Except name.
The line about centaurs being the least likely to appear as playable is complete falacy. The centaur that are at war with the humans is just a few tribes, the Hrathi from west Kryta and Modniir originating in the Shiverpeaks.
There are at least three other tribes, the Maguuma tribe in the western jungles, and the Veldrunner and Losaru tribes in the southern deserts which are known to be peaceful/allied with humans.
With the onslaught of the dragons, we're going to see more and more centaur dropping the war on humans and becoming alies (there are already some allied centaur NPCs in Lion's Arch). And as the dragon conflict progresses, specifically against Kralkatorrik in the southern deserts and Primordus in the western jungles, the centaur are going to become playable.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a MMORPG.com member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
As a Sims player I enjoy customizing housing and I don't see that it needs to be a part of GW2. This game is about exploring. There's no need for a home base when you are traveling the world. I'm with Wormywyrm I want to see more skrit and qwaggan. Not necessarily to play as but for the comedic value. Centaurs drive me crazy. I'm not a fan of fighting against them and would not be a fan of fighting as them.
I would like to see more differentiated armor options.
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
Herm Albright
(1876 - 1944)
in my view?arenanet should keep it simple!like instead you could become corrupted norn ,or whatever other faction vs our side
like you could become a fire charr?at end game of caurse .hell they could even make us level up again!you would keep you actual char but but the other side once unlocked would have to be leveled!hell i dig this idea!imagine you are in the black citadel you are a fire char and the other side is regular et5c(just a random idea)can you imagine the chaos!grin!
ya i dont need a new race but i sure would like to have one ffaction unlocked per 80,so if i am a norn at level 80 i can chose between all potential foe of my actual norn .(so that i could be good or evil)of caurse only 1 good and 1 evil could be unlocked!
a corrupted norn?
a risen asura?
dam this would be a great idea and relativly simple to implement i suspect!since all those are already in the game!
The dwarves are dead, after the Great Dwarf blessing, they all changed to stone and are fighting the Destroyers. The only dwarves left are the Stone Summit and they are spread out all over in miniscule numbers. This is all based on lore.