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To me, teaching "Intelligent Design" (aka creationism, aka christians pushing their beliefs on everyone) in schools is beyond ridiculous. I remember when I first heard about this "debate" I really thought it was some kind of joke.
No, I don't believe in a magical being who made us all, some scape goat to blame for all the things you can't or don't want to have explained. It doesn't matter that evolution is just a theory, things would be no different if it were proven. Teaching another scientific theory in school, yes. Unfortunetly, 'Inteligent Design' is not one.
"Creationists make it sound as though a theory is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night."
-Isaac Asimov
And the point of this thread is..?
Youre basically telling people to stop saying games suck, then you go ahed and do it yourself. Then you encourage others not to post nonsensical garbage yet, you made this thread. Practice what you preach kid.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
sigh. im trying to say that while my first impulse would be to simply say that it sucks, I realize that is an absolute generalization and my own personal opinion of the genre.
Noone listens to people who just write "OMG this suxx" anyway so I don't really see the point that you are trying to make. There is surely nothing wrong with pointing out what you don't like about something???
What a crap Tread.
Give me some reasons why it sucks.
why do some people post shit like this?
We all want to hear some reasons why this game sucks or the other one or the one with the carebears.
Furthermore tell us why other games rock.
Life is a bad MMORPG.
But with good Graphics 0_0
Being a creationist, I find this absolutely comical. Evolutionists expect people to believe that life just popped up outta nowhere. The chance of a single strand of DNA forming is far less than the possibility of the letter's in webster's dictionary being thrown onto the ground and all of them landing right side up in the EXACT order of webster's dictionary. In other word's, life "popping up" out of nowhere is mathematically impossible according to the way it is described in evolution. Anyone who believes evolution is anything less than a religion is kidding themselves. It takes more belief to believe in evolution than the bible. Evolution will be completely different in 10 years because many parts of it will have to be changed after they are proven to be false. The bible is over a thousand years old and still cannot be proven wrong. In all honesty, as far as what is taught in school. I think neither evolution nor creation should be taught. NOTHING regarding the origin of life should be taught in a science course. Evolution is a theory, just like creation. Both require a sort of "religious" belief in it. Since we are trying not to influence children one way or another as far as religion, I believe it could then be described as being unconstitutional to teach evolution in schools, as it is telling students that there is no God.
Ok, sorry for writing a book about something completely off-topic, but the guy I quoted isn't the most enlightened person in the area he is making comments.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
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-EQ2 (Retired)
Wow. Everything the guy above said is utterly baseless. Evolution is a theory, but its a theory with loads of facts. Here's another interesting fact: St. Augustin believed in evolution - as God "seeding the universe to unfold over time." Calling Evolution a religion denegrates your own religion. It's a scienfic theory that has held through the scientific theory enough to be accepted by some of the brightest minds of all time.
Meanwhile there are many religions, but yet no "proof" that Christianity is the "correct" one. Who are you to say that billions of good people just happened to be born into the wrong beliefs and yours is more correct?
Religion is the opiate for the masses.
BTW...Unfortunately NeoCron will always suck. Despite the great cyberpunk feel, the gameplay is unbalanced, the community is crappy, and the developer blames everyone but themselves.
Yeah, well technically creation is a scientific theory. Evolution is a religion because it requires a belief in something that is a mathematical impossibility. I have taken college courses on evolution and have yet to encounter anything that I seems to me to even half-way prove evolution. No one can seem to explain how humans somehow came from prokaryotes over millions of years. They talk about different species of birds "evolving" from a common ancestor, but i have yet to see any evidence relating to something forming from an ape-like structure to human. In addition, evolution fails to explain why humans have a conscience when no other species does. If we are just animals, how come we are so different? No matter what you believe it would be foolish to assume that humans developed a conscience out of natural selection and genetic variation.
Finally, for every fact that supports evolution, there are facts that disprove it. Research evolution and you will find all the times that evolution has had to change because a part of it was proven false or could not be proven true. Like I said, Evolution is only decades old, and it constantly has to be changed. The Bible is over a thousand years old and has not needed to be changed.
Evolution was designed because people wanted to make themselves the highest being. According to evolution, humans are the most developed species....survival of the fittest right? It is just a way to make humans, in effect, God. No one likes to believe that there is a higher being that tells them what they should or should not do. Evolution is a way of escape from that knowledge.
There is no such thing as atheism. Everyone believes in a god. Whether they believe in the Christian God or they claim to be atheistic, they still believe in a god. Atheism is just a way for a person to say that they believe humanity, themselves, money, or some other personal value to be god. Your god, in truth, is something you believe in and are faithful to over anything else.
By the way, when defending evolution, don't spout out a bunch of propaganda that they preach in public schools. I am coming off of knowledge I have learned from public and private schools, as well as debates over both topics. I have researched and looked up this topic. The more I look it up, the more I find that people who BELIEVE in evolution, are following a religion, too.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
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-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Retired)
-SWG (Retired)
-EQ2 (Retired)
I work in the political media and am constantly stunned by how easy it is to get away with the serious manipulation of documentary evidence, reality can be virtually re-defined with very few questions asked. Every part of the Bible is written by man and as such has to be deemed as suspect (The Bible is not a primary source remember). Evolutionary theory is of course also written by man and is clearly open to the same accusations however evolutionists do at least attempt to answer the two key questions; How?? and Why?? Whenever you ask a creationist these two questions they tend to tell you not to question it or to have faith.
Why did God create the Earth???
How did God create the Earth??
Until a vaguely realistic hypothesis is drawn on either of those two points then I don't see how Creationism can ever be given equal status with Evolutionary theory.
Also 'Religion' is usually defined as the "belief in a superhuman being or beings" so strictly speaking Evolution can never be a 'religion'. If you were saying that evolution is however a matter of faith as there is no absolute proof of it then I would agree.
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
Wrong. I consider myself an agnostic. That means I think the existence of God is neither proven nor refuted.
Science does not claim to have a proof either way.
Religious people occasionally try to prove God exists, but so far they have failed to convince me. Usually, their argumentation breaks down when I ask "and where came God from?". Because if I assume that God just exists, without further proof, I might as well accept without proof that the universe just exists.
Religion is just a way of explaining projecting the unknown with some magical entity that is not further explained. A comfortable way of sweeping all that unanswered questions under the rug where they are no longer visible.
Of course, a big bang that results in all the planets and life forming isn't's my question: Where did the big bang come from? Like I said, evolution takes just as much belief as believing in God. Calling it science doesn't make it any less of a belief system.
When I said there is no such thing as an atheist, I did not mean that everyone believes in a god as a supreme being. I merely mean everyone holds something higher than everything else, which makes that object the person's god. An atheist is merely a person who believe they, humanity, money, or some other object is a god. In effect, there is no such thing as atheism. Most atheists don't believe in a god because they believe they don't need one or won't follow anyone's rules but their own. In effect, they believe that they are god because they believe that they are more important than anything or anyone else. Just an example.
The whole using religion to explain unknowns....isn't that exactly what science attempts to do? Once again, calling it science does not mean it does not require a belief.
I look at the belief in gravity similar to my belief in God. You cannot PROVE gravity, but you know it exists because you can see the effects. I look at the world and see the effects of a divine being.
Likewise, evolutionists look at the world and see the effects of evolution making humans a supreme being.
Two different theories of creation. Both require a belief and cannot be proven scientifically. Once again, anyone who says evolution is anything less than a religious belief is kidding themselves....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
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-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Retired)
-SWG (Retired)
-EQ2 (Retired)
I completely agree, however that is not in the Bible.
That doesn't prove the Bible's account of the creation though.
That is patently untrue, human beings have to have such advanced social structures precisely because we are not a supreme being.
I suggest you apply to your own beliefs the same techniques of analysis that you have to evolution.
A good wife deserves more than half the praise, just as a bad one deserves more than half the blame. - Tacitus
moved to off topic
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
The comment was made that the bible is used to make magical explanations of events. My point was that evolution does the exact same thing. The big bang is more unlikely than there being a supreme being. Evolution cannot come up with a reasonable explanation of how life started. I understand that this does not mean creation is true. I am merely pointing out how false evolution is. I am against evolution not to prove my religion, but to show the lies of evolution. Evolution as it is curently understood could not have started life, and science can show that.
As far as applying scientific reasoning to a religion, it just doesn't work. If it could be proved true by science then it would hardly be a religion. "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see." I do not attempt to prove the bible to be true. Belief in the bible does not come from scientific evidence. It only comes from faith.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
Linkster from:
-Battlefield 2
-Delta Force: Black Hawk Down (Retired)
-SWG (Retired)
-EQ2 (Retired)
Aww quit your griping and quit worrying on how you got here and start figuring out what your going to do with your time while your here. As for schools teaching the Christian version on how everything came to be, there is a clear and legal limit called seperation of church and state. I am positive anyone being taught such things are in a private school in which case you have put yourself in such a position.
P.S You may not have notic but ppl are flamming you because your trying to rekindle a top that gone past and has no definite answer.
This sort of thing always boils down into a flamefest.
It's like Democrats vs Republicans, no one ever agrees with the other.. just leave people have their own opinions.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
This thread is silly
If it had never been made
I would be happy
No such thing exists...
Good God...How do people become so ignorant on the legalities of this nation. You hear one quotation by a Forefather, centuries later after the media has twisted it like a pretzel, spit it towards the sheeply masses, it then suddenly becomes law?
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
If you think you are going to sway evolutionists to creationists, or turn atheists into christians with your repetition of flawful material, then you are wrong. Debating the existence of God over the internet is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble-gum. (Thanks Baz Lurhman
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"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
What does it really matter what someone else does or does not believe? Is it going to change your life all of a sudden? I never have really understood what the big deal is with people's varying religious belief structures. You believe in evolution...good for you. You believe in creationism....good for you. Are you both happy...yes...good for you.
As long as someone doesn't try to cram their specific belief down my throat, then I am okay with a presentation of what they feel is fact. This comes from both sides of this particular arguement/discussion. Schools do not teach creationism while churches do not teach evolution. Yet if you care to seek out information on either topic you can readily find information available from either source. Let people decide what they want. If I really do not want to hear or be taught about evolutionary theory then guess what I can excuse myself from that discussion at school. If I do not want to hear about creation theory, I do not have to go to church.
Beliefs are personal and should not really effect other people. A person's actions based on their beliefs is what effects others. If a person's beliefs happen to oppose currently accepted societal beliefs then a problem usually arises. However, if that belief is widespread enough, and is accepted by enough others then that is where an opportunity for change presents itself.
If someone's belief in god makes them feel good, I am truely happy for that person. If someone's belief that we have evolved and continue to evolve makes them feel good, awesome. The key aspect are both are happy. This is obviously too simplistic to be an effective societal structure, but it is a hope that I have and that I hope others will strive for.
Believe in what gives you comfort....
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
Originally posted by guy232
there is a clear and legal limit called seperation of church and state. I am positive anyone being taught
No such thing exists...
Good God...How do people become so ignorant on the legalities of this nation. You hear one quotation by a Forefather, centuries later after the media has twisted it like a pretzel, spit it towards the sheeply masses, it then suddenly becomes law?
wow what a valid argument...
any ways this guy is tryin do some serious forum trolling since this is an obvois none goin to actualy agree on.
I shouldn't make a comment, but I find it so hard not too, so I will make it short. The above comment may be correct, but so is the comment that the bible is over 1000 (actually including the old testament it is nearly 2,000) years old and has never been proven right.
Just because something is not proven wrong doesn't mean that it is right. Just because something isn't proven right doesn't make it wrong. And the reason is facts. Both creationism and evolution are unproven theories that are continually tested. Interestingly though is that there is now a coming paradigm shift in the belief of creationism. As intelligent design becomes more and more accepted as the common belief amoung theoligians, this will replace the current paradigm of creationsim (read Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions to understand this).
In short, believe what you want, but do not shoot down the other side's theory until you have factual basis that yours is correct and the other's is not. And also, faith does not count as a fact.
Now as for athiests being "bad" or "immoral" or "worshipping some other object" as being a relevant statement....
I hold that atheists have higher moral values than those who believe in a higher being. Atheists (or agnostics) base morals on their personal beliefs. Religious morals are relevant. One prime example is George Bush and his religious aid.
The summation of the story is as follows:
Bush wanted advice on what to do about invading Iraq so he "prayed". He announced to the American people that God told him to invade Iraq; however, his religious aid "prayed" the same eveing and God told him that the US should not invade Iraq. Convitected killers that claim voices in their heads are committed to mental institutions. What difference is this with our leadership?
That is all.
Signing out...
Just wanted to post somthing about the bible not being able to be dis-proven.. he hasnt techncally been "proven" either, so its a moot point.
And as for the person who says you have to belive in a god.
I dont.
I beleive frimly, that the universe just always existed. That life came to earth via bacteria on space debris. From somewhere else that had life.
In my mind, it just always was, and by saying there was a "start" you are simply just cutting somthing short that you cannot fully understand.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
The sword swings both ways on that one doesn't it
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."