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Well with the NGE: SWG (RIP) is no longer a game I am interested in playing anymore, I am looking for a new MMORPG to get into.
I really don't care about the genre. I am not interested in crafting/entertaining, but would like a game that has these types of professions, because I think it makes the game more immersive and interesting to have them. I would like to find something that is a challenge, not watered down to make it easy for everyone to play.
I have EQ2, but not interested in that anymore or anything else SOE touches. I am playing COH now but that is more of an on the side type of game. I have played Saga of Rhyzom, which was kind of interesting but didn't seem like there were that many people on the US servers. I have tried ShadowBane and couldn't get past the click to move interface. Not interested in WoW or GuildWars, nothing against them but they don't appeal to me.
I really liked the skill type interface in SWG the way you could mix and match abilities to make whatever kind of character you wanted. Edited to put in I liked the PVP system in SWG also where you could go Special Forces and fight any opposing factions that were also Special forces, or you could have guild wars where you could attack anyone in a guild that you were at war with.
I signed up for the beta for Pirates of the Burning Sea, but who knows how long that will take.
I know this is kind of a vague question but just wondering if anyone had any suggestions.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
It's like the desert of MMO's right now and the few decent games out there are like the last drops of water in a nearly empty canteen.
I've been watching Pirates for 4 years, even if it comes out tomorrow I'm worried it'll be a sailing sim and not an MMO of sea battles.
I've been right down the list of MMO's and they all seem like they're caving in to the lowest skilled player to get that casual cash. I don't mean that casual players are bad at all, I was one, but even skilled casual players should know what I mean from that.
Every game you find that seems like it's got a creative spin is poorly developed. I think that's the case with Pirates, but we'll see.
OOOnnnnnooooo tooky they have gotten to you as well???
games have been caving in. Daoc is so much easier than it was 4 years ago. When it used to take weeks to grind out 48-50, it takes a day. I don't mind much though since the real game starts at 50 anyway.
All you friggin suburban white kid wannabe poobutts that are in love with G-Unit are sad and pathetic. Find your own identity
Why not try out the prequel to Dark and Light? it's called Settlers of Ganareth and it's FREE for 6 months, it will be out later this month
Check out the web site
lol I feel like we are following in each-others footsteps.
I've been playing AO since Beta (ie 4 years) and just downloaded EVE this weekend to test-drive it.
AO has been great, and in terms of games in that genre (DAoC, WoW etc) I would say AO has the most breadth and depth in terms of terms of skill development, customization and community
Eve on the other hand has developed a completely new genre alltogether...
Don't tell my AO guild-mates *looks over shoulder* but I find Eve MUCH more satisfying... I could write pages on this but most of my "positives" are well covered in the Eve forum of this site.