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Just curious if there are any games in the future that will have a crafter based economy with player made goods as the ideal choice ? Im seeing a disturbing trend over the past several years in games in general that says no.
No offense to the WoW / EQ2 crowd, but that isnt crafting to me. Anyone can do it.
I guess Im looking for a replacement to SWG before they announced they're gutting the game.
I want a game where to craft means you choose it like any other profession. Therefore a crafter is chosen profession and not something additional anyone can take on with other professions like combat. Where items decay forcing players to replace them. And loot isnt superior to crafted goods for the most part.
I'm afraid though that the gaming world developers are catering to a younger crowd that simply isnt interested in this kind of game (hence SWG's failure). And this really doesnt make sense to me because MY generation is the one that invented and cultivated gaming. Everyone I know at my age loved the original concepts in SWG. Heck, I knew an economics professor that used to teach a class on the subject of swg economy and ebay selling of goods.
I see it on other games as well. For every 50 Halo games one might see 1 Morrowind game. And even the strategy games seem to be dumbed down. In Command and Conquer games of the past one could build a base however and wherever you wanted. Now I see Battle for Middle Earth type games replacing it where bases MUST be built in a preset location (easier and cheaper to code)
Are we doomed to simplified dumbed down 1st person shooter games ? Will we ever see Fallout 3 before Halo 10 ? Are we supposed to quit playing games (my wife would be happy) or perhaps the marketing gurus will see their way to make games more appealing to us ?
the "mainstream" mmorpg industry doesnt care about people such as yourself and I who desire more from current mmorpgs
they are about money plain and simple they dont care about the rubbish they churn out as long as it turns a profit
you must look toward the smaller indy game devs, they are the last hope of us the bitter burnt out cynical mmorpg veteran who seeks out a more "mature" game
i suggest you take a gander at DnL, a tale in the desert, or horizons all these games have suberb crafting systems
I am grateful for this topic, I was just going to post and ask about crafting based games.
I am going to check out Horizons and Tale in the Desert, I am assume DnL is Dark and Light?
Any other reccomendations for games with strong crafting element, for someone who wants to focus on that... let me know.
Avoid Ryzom like the plague. The crafting is alright but the rest of the game, *shiver*
thank you for your reccomendation.... why wurm?
Horizons or Tale in The Desert is a solid choice if you like crafting. On the other hand you could play Civ 4. Lots of building there.
He wants a suggestion, not a troll who's bashing games.
Minions of Myrth is pretty badass crafting...
- CaesarsGhost
Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title.
"When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy."
Playing Fallen Earth.
Like you I love to craft and the game that has me hoping is Dark and Light. Crafters aren't a class in and of themselves, but the ideas they have come up with for crafting seem both sophisticated and challenging. They will be releasing a 6 month free trial of the game called Settlers of Ganareth some time this month and I will be trying it out. So far there is very little solid info available, but check out the website at and see what you think.
I left that other Sony game EQ2 due to the lack of attention given to crafters, I just hope DnL fulfills it's promises.
He gave a suggestion and his honest opinion, it just didn't conform with yours. There's no need to call him a troll simply for stating his opinion.
you need to go see ATITD: very intelligent, mature, crafting oriented, with an essential cooperation aspect to the game. Quite hard in fact (must acquire knowledge to get better) many different specialities you can choose from, all with a great helpfull community.
He gave a suggestion and his honest opinion, it just didn't conform with yours. There's no need to call him a troll simply for stating his opinion.
Thats exactly what I was about to say.
I agree with most of the post. But where you start to compare other game genre it fails. The RTS thing is wrong. It's not because it's easier to code, but because it fits the game way better. Also you shouldn't compare Halo to games like Fallout 3 and Morrowind since it's a different genre.
Besides, there are still some innovative game releases. To many to meantion here.
Ive already tried Horizons like some have suggested. The problem there is items dont decay so not much in repeat business. Also nobody plays it so its not really an option. I'll say this though, the collecting of resources was rather neat and enjoyable. Also you cant effect the stats therefore you cant make items better than the next guy
D&L is on my list to try. Im ever hopeful that stats can somehow be effected in the crafting process.
That seems to be the issue here with crafting. Not one single mmorpg around allows me to effect the stats and / or items dont decay. If I could at least have one of those features I'd be satisfied somewhat.
My 3rd feature of course would be that crafting be its own seperate profession. One should never be allowed to take it in addition to combat class. Otherwise you end up in games like WoW where if your a mage, you make an alt that can craft the robes. And oh yeah, might as well make another toon for potions, etc
Sigh, this stinks...
The first 2 are included in The Chronicle (
You can also craft cities, ships... siege weapons. Things like that.
Unfortunately, The Chronicle is a classless system. So there is no base on what you're limited to.
"But 2 outa 3 ain't bad..."
- CaesarsGhost
Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title.
"When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy." for decaying items, many constructed tools as well as the buildings you build in ATITD do decay over time, and need repair or reconstruction. Other items, like food recipes you cook for enhanced skills are only usable for a little while, aferwhich they have no effects. If you drop items on the ground, they will disapear after a while if nobody picks them up. Some cages you set up for catching some animals crumble if you do not check them reguularly...
Isn't there a new game coming out that takes place on a space station revolving around crafting? I think the game has absolutely no combat or anything. It's simply politics and crafting and all of that.
The point is to try to survive on a space station, you have to craft and repair things on the station and maintain a daily life. But I don't think they take it as far as Sims Online does :P
Yup, think its called Seed. - seems very innovative regarding game play and crafting.
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Horizons failed mainly because it was a crafter centric game. Theres alot said for adventuring and finding chests or items, rather than components you have to take everything to some devoted crafter just to get your bow or upgrade. It alienated alot of the people into 'Adventuring' by making Crafters the end all be all to all loot, and only appeased the minority of players into hardcore crafting because they want to feel relied upon. Horizons catered to those hardcore crafters to an extreme and it was a big reason why it failed imo.
I know I will never play another mmorpg again that emphasized crafting so much, it felt like rpg's turned into Wal-Mart for loot.
Hey there,
I'm new to MMORPG.COM so i just started browsing the forums and saw this thread. So here's my opinion:
I voted NO, because (as probably said before) the gaming industry is adjusting to a younger less intellectual crowd of gamers. I myself am 16 years old, and play World of Warcraft. I love this game and i think it's mostly flawless, except for the fact that it misses that "homemade" touch of crafting. When I first discovered this, I thought there might be something wrong with me since there were no one else I knew who had noticed this, but now I understand what has happened. Let us pray that there is still someone out there understanding enough to make us a game which we can influence with our own input rather then having to adjust after what the game gives us.
Horizons failed for several reasons, ONE of them being that it was too craft centric. There was far more to do as a crafter than an adventurer. I quit because the only thing I could do as an advenuter was grind out kills. I have looked at patches since I quit a year ago, hoping for new content, but ALL patches since then have been heavy on adding new dragon content, or new craft stuff, and a little bit of newbie adventure content.
Apart from some novelty items, ALL armor and weapons were crafted. The devs didn't want to upset the hardcore crafters so they refused to add weapons and armor to mob loot tables, or as quest rewards. They had LOTS of boss mobs, but ONLY dragons were rewarded for killing them because they were quest related. Everyone else got some XP and crap loot.
Even crafting in HZ sucks though. To reach the right level to craft decent gear, steel, platinum/cobalt, mithril, you had to grind out hours mining/gathering, running around, refining, and finally making/destroying items because there were not enough player customers to sell to. And that's without grinding out LOADS of repeatable quests to get the tokens to buy crafting formulas so you can actually make what you want.
And ALL the interesting craftable items were implemented, visible cloaks, guild inginias, item tricking such as your own designs, signitures, various armor skins, rare weapons designs....
I suggest you look at Vanguard. It is NOT aimed at the WoW market and will have a fully implemented crafting sphere, not as an after thought, but an actual game in itself.
This is a very interesting idea and statement. I've thought about what you said and am very, very excited about this. A very good MMORPG idea has come to me:
At the beginning of the game you are told to choose what your specilization shall be. You can become a Smith, Miner, Fisherman, any other kind of crafter, or an adventurer. An adventurer will go out and fight monsters and look for treasures or the such while a crafter will make items for them. You have to choose one thing to do and stick with it.
That would create an economy where adventurers rely on the crafters and the crafters rely on the adventurers. You aren't able to go out and do it all on your own like you are in most MMORPGs today. You will have to choose what you plan on doing to make a living in this world. Adventurers will rely on the Smiths to make them weapons and the Smitsh would rely on the Miners to bring them ore to smith the weapons with.
These days crafting in MMORPGs is more of a click a couple of items and you have a product kind of thing. Very boring and not very hard. If a developer would be able to create a different system of doing this we would have something very different and very good. As of today crafting hasn't really been "ground-breaking" in any MMORPG to date but this could easily change.