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The developers refuse to communicate with the players through the official forums and use Reddit and Twitter, instead. In my opinion,this shows a total lack of disrespect for the customers of the game. It tells me that SOE doesn't care what we have to say or want to actually communicate with us.
So I have to ask...why have official forums if the developers never use them?
I see this TWITter and bookface obsession with tsw, gw2 & TESO amongst others.
Before people judge, maybe they should look for themselves:
The last time a dev commented was yesterday.
The devs are not only active on reddit, twitter, facebook and the official forums but also on
They also have a weekly stream where they showcase outfits and often answer questions and give sneak-peaks at upcoming content.
They also have a more or less monthly vid with the main dev and the main art director.
I'm sorry if I crashed this little pathetic bandwagon with facts and such undesirable things, but yea... Hyperbole sucks.
And you're probably the same people who whine and bitch developers don't communicate enough.
Why should they if their players don't have the cognitive capacities and intelelctual honesty to recognize developers who actually try their best?
The only mistake SOE is making in this regard is that they dignify a lot of childish tripe with a response.
May The Force Be With You.
In the brief time PS2 has been live (and even during beta) the team has communicated more with the general public (through various forums) than Blizzard has since D3 came out. I have no numbers, so that might be subjective. So, yeah I agree with you, it does indeed show a "total lack of disrespect for the customers of the game."
BTW, I've seen one dev around here.
So yea... Lots of communication.
We are using our official forums more than ever!
Please check out our Roadmap and give us feedback on upcoming systems and designs. We really and truly do want your feedback!
I'll also hang around here and check in every once in awhile as I already stated. Do note that Twitter, FaceBook, Reddit etc will always be something that we allow our developers to use. There's no reason for us not to communicate to our players in every avenue we can. We want your feedback and we are going out of our way to find it. =]
Margaret "Luperza" Krohn
Your Friendly Community Relations Representative
@PurrfectStorm | Friday Night Ops