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If this is the kind of game that you're interested in playing...

kadepsysonkadepsyson Member UncommonPosts: 1,919
Then there is a better option.  Minecraft.

Minecraft is an indie game that is released.

It's world size dwarfs the size of Darkfall Unholy Wars world.  Rather than taking a few hours to cross, its' so massive you'd probably never be able to cross all of it.  Mathematically it is over 9,000,000 times the surface area of Earth.  4.7 Quadrillion km2.  How many square kilometers does Darkfall's world have?  Some forums posts indicated the largest size of the whole area was 250,000 km.  This means that Darkfall's map is actually 0.0000000053% of the size of Minecraft's playable area, not counting area to build above and below ground, alternate dimensions such as the Nether of Minecraft.  To find out how very small Darkfalls world is I had to use a different calculator and I think it giggled after.  Minecrafts world is well over 18 billion times the size of Darkfall's island.

It has free for all PVP with full loot.  You can PVP at will, or team up with others and do massive battles.

Minecraft also includes a permadeath option.  If you die you not only drop all your items, but cannot respawn.  More Hardcore than Darkfall Unholy Wars, if you want that!

Crafting is a much more neccesary and integral part of the game.  If you craft items or harvest raw materials, Minecraft is by far the better choice.

Darkfall UW has big sieges you say?  Minecraft also allows construction of such things as cannons, ladders to climb castle walls, it has mounts, and offers a massive scale in terms of number of players fighting as well.

Minecraft has massive advantages when it comes to construction.  Not only can you choose where to build your structure,  but you can also alter the terrain to build it.  You can build all sorts of structures from a cottage, to a castle, to a fortified keep with massive kingdom surrounding it.

Minecraft includes numerous other features from many kinds of crop growing and harvesting, to animal farming, to building traps for players or NPCs, or crafting and constructing quicker transportation systems, to advanced circuitry including automated music, Day/Night cycle with an effect on gameplay, weather, fishing, cooking, to making hidden passages, hunting monsters that can be very dangerous, as well as vanity and combat pets you can tame.

There is no tab targetting in Minecraft, and it has the further advantage over Darkfall UW of not needing any grinding to be effective in PVP.

Minecraft includes far more dungeons, underwater areas, and places to explore than Darkfall UW as well.  It is even possible to build your keep underwater, in alternate dimensions such as the Nether, or in the sky.  When you're looking down at the clouds from your castle in Minecraft, you'll realize the sky is not even the limit!

Minecraft also includes enchanting weapons and armor, as well as brewing potions and poison bottles to throw.

Minecraft is released on both PC and Mac, and has editions available on iOS, Android, and Xbox 360.

Minecraft also does not require a monthly fee.  It is buy to play, and playing online with others is included.

Nearly 9,000,000 have purchased Minecraft on PC or Mac, which I believe is ever so slightly higher than the number of people who bought Darkfall (any edition) ever.

So if you are looking for a better indie sandbox FFA PVP full loot game than Darkfall Unholy Wars, Minecraft is out now.

If you're dead set on Darkfall Unholy Wars, that's fine too, let's hope they announce when they plan to try releasing the game soon :)


  • KanesterKanester Member UncommonPosts: 375
    they are both so different you cant compare them.
  • treyu86treyu86 Member UncommonPosts: 270
    I didn't know you could PvP free for all in Minecraft, I don't know much about the game but I thought you just spawned your toon and then you had the day time to build things and protect yourself from monster in the night? Reading your post makes me think that maybe the game has more to offer, is all that true and well included in the game?
  • kadepsysonkadepsyson Member UncommonPosts: 1,919
    Originally posted by treyu86
    I didn't know you could PvP free for all in Minecraft, I don't know much about the game but I thought you just spawned your toon and then you had the day time to build things and protect yourself from monster in the night? Reading your post makes me think that maybe the game has more to offer, is all that true and well included in the game?

    Yes it is true, and even considerably more through community mods, mod packs, graphical changes.

    There is even a Super Craft Bros Brawl which isn't a mod but would seem familiar to those who played certain Nintendo series :)  It was done with regular unmodded Minecraft, just extensive circuits and such.  There are tons of possibilities, even without modding.

    There are hundreds of players who participate in factional PVP as well, building their towns and defenses, and raiding other areas of the world.

  • kadepsysonkadepsyson Member UncommonPosts: 1,919
    Originally posted by Kanester
    they are both so different you cant compare them.

    I just did.

  • KanesterKanester Member UncommonPosts: 375
    I'm playing both atm and they are so different, apart from the fact they both have open worlds. EVE also has a open world but you cannot compare them. Infact both have completely different game play and game aims.
  • sudosudo Member UncommonPosts: 697

    If minecraft is the kind of game that you are interested in playing...

    Then there is a better option.   LEGO.

    It's a well established released game. Full sandbox, you can do whatever you want with your legos. You can get it in any Toys R Us.

    Have fun playing LEGO!

    "Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
    Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world."
    Hans Margolius

  • kadepsysonkadepsyson Member UncommonPosts: 1,919
    Originally posted by sudo

    If minecraft is the kind of game that you are interested in playing...

    Then there is a better option.   LEGO.

    It's a well established released game. Full sandbox, you can do whatever you want with your legos. You can get it in any Toys R Us.

    Have fun playing LEGO!

    Unfortunately, killing other players and taking their stuff is frowned upon when playing with LEGO.  :D

  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001

    Minecraft's biggest problem is that there are no "superservers" with good admin support. Otherwise it would blow all other sandbox MMOs out of the water overnight.

    Let's hope when the new versions come out with dedicated multiplayer support it will be better possible to create a true Minecraft MMO.


  • SnoogemsSnoogems Member UncommonPosts: 99
    Minecraft cant hold 1000+ players on a server. Because of this it lacks the large community of a sandbox mmorpg which bring out massive wars and alliances.
  • Mad+DogMad+Dog Member UncommonPosts: 788

     Is there no proper PVP server, like a proper persistent server. Can I be in a clan and wage war on another?

    If there's no proper servers though that sucks.

  • KiyonoriKiyonori Member UncommonPosts: 70

    Right, except minecraft is a building sandbox while darkfall is a pvp sandbox. Yes, mincraft has a bigger world, but it all starts to look the same 5 minutes in any direction, blocky graphics can only make so much unique terrain before it all starts looking familiar. I've never played darkfall and I only played minecraft when it first came out but I don't recall minecrafts combat being very deep nor interesting, you always get knocked around like a ragdoll every hit and it makes any sort of finesse in combat impossible, it feels less like you're in control and more chaotic and random.


    I just don't feel like the two could really be compared.

  • kadepsysonkadepsyson Member UncommonPosts: 1,919
    Originally posted by tom_gore

    Minecraft's biggest problem is that there are no "superservers" with good admin support. Otherwise it would blow all other sandbox MMOs out of the water overnight.

    Let's hope when the new versions come out with dedicated multiplayer support it will be better possible to create a true Minecraft MMO.

    Tell me more about the quality of support from those who run Darkfall :)


    To address others in the thread, at the time of this writing, roughly 4:15 AM in Arizona in the USA, a quick glance at a minecraft server site revealed one with the thousands of players online that was mentioned.

    Also, minecraft servers can support over a thousands players at a time.  In fact, many of them have more players online right now in the wee hours of the morning than Darkfall Unholy Wars has had on at once so far, it would seem.

    To address Mad+Dog, yes there are servers dedicated to PVP and a persistant character.  One I can recall even offers town systems with clans controlling the towns, still PVP with loot etc, as well as resident Admins and anti-griefing mechanics.

    About Minecraft graphics, yes they are that by design.  If people prefer graphics over gameplay, I'm sure there are better choices than Darkfall Unholy Wars.  With the features the two games share, Darkfall has better graphics sure, but also worse patch frequency and quality, worse dev communication, isn't released, costs more once released, has more bugs, and as far as I know, has never been used in a school system to quote "learn about city planning, environmental issues, getting things done, and even how to plan for the future" as Minecraft has.


    Darkfall UW does have the advantage of around 50 employees working to bring it to release.  Minecraft only had one person.

  • tom_goretom_gore Member UncommonPosts: 2,001
    Originally posted by kadepsyson
    Originally posted by tom_gore

    Minecraft's biggest problem is that there are no "superservers" with good admin support. Otherwise it would blow all other sandbox MMOs out of the water overnight.

    Let's hope when the new versions come out with dedicated multiplayer support it will be better possible to create a true Minecraft MMO.

    Tell me more about the quality of support from those who run Darkfall :)


    To address others in the thread, at the time of this writing, roughly 4:15 AM in Arizona in the USA, a quick glance at a minecraft server site revealed one with the thousands of players online that was mentioned.

    Also, minecraft servers can support over a thousands players at a time.  In fact, many of them have more players online right now in the wee hours of the morning than Darkfall Unholy Wars has had on at once so far, it would seem.

    To address Mad+Dog, yes there are servers dedicated to PVP and a persistant character.  One I can recall even offers town systems with clans controlling the towns, still PVP with loot etc, as well as resident Admins and anti-griefing mechanics.

    About Minecraft graphics, yes they are that by design.  If people prefer graphics over gameplay, I'm sure there are better choices than Darkfall Unholy Wars.  With the features the two games share, Darkfall has better graphics sure, but also worse patch frequency and quality, worse dev communication, isn't released, costs more once released, has more bugs, and as far as I know, has never been used in a school system to quote "learn about city planning, environmental issues, getting things done, and even how to plan for the future" as Minecraft has.


    Darkfall UW does have the advantage of around 50 employees working to bring it to release.  Minecraft only had one person.

    Yeah didn't claim DF has good support either :) Just pointed out the lack of a good "superserver" for Minecraft.

    I've tried those Minecraft servers with supposedly 1000+ players online, but turns out they have been "fooling" the server lists and the reality of their players online is somewhere between 30 and 200.



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