Just to let everyone know who doesn't know, Guild Wars 2 did in fact release a moba style map during the Halloween event to test the waters. It was called Reapers Rumble. Google it.
Anyhow, does it matter what mechanic makes into w/e game or who copied who? Be pleased that developers are making content for gamers to mess around in. It ain't that serious. Play what you like.
I hope WoW last another 10yrs. I hope GW2 last 10yrs.
If WoW brings in this game mode, maybe it'll hit thier next MMO out the door. More content means more satisfied gamers, which is all I really care about.
So Blizzard copied C&C with Warcraft1/2/3, Which spawned DOTA, which was copied by Anet, and now fans of Anet are claiming Blizzard is copying them??? Pot-Kettle-Black
lol bingo. They don't see the irony in it. It's hilarious.
Fixed that for you. (with a lie)
C&C release 1995
Warcraft release 1994
Explain how they copied C&C? Using telepathic powers? crystal ball?
Please refrain from spreading lies.
Yeahk, I should have just credited Westwood and not C&C in particular. Blizz did totally rip off the Westwood. Please at least be honest about Blizz and the fact they rarely innovate and most every single one of their design moves is reactionary to what other games are doing.
You are correct sir. They are known to rip off idea and they rarely innovate.
But for some reason people think Blizzard ripped off Anet, because it make them feel better I guess. When in actuality a more plausible assumption is they ripped off LoL. The same people Anet are ripping off as well.
They are reacting to GW, LoL, and DoTA. GW1 was a wildly successful esport and GW2 I think is very popular and Blizz wants to keep players focused on what they offer.
Yes because Blizzard does not already have control one of the biggest if not the biggest Esport game. GW1 was mildly successful at best.
The fact of the matter is Blizzard made a map editor with SC and WC3 that did not come with most good RTS of the time, not even speaking of the stolen models names and item mechnics, that DOTA and AoS benefited from. Do you truly believe it would have been as easy to make DOTA without Blizzard?
I don't like alot of the things that Blizzard has done lately, but they did not steal anything from ArenaNet. Lets talk about game mechanics that Anet is stealing.
Siege PvP - Countless Games.
Dynamic Events - Funny how this happened after rift, strickly speaking Trion did say it first, and sense you wanted to say Blizzard copied this Idea from them then, well there you go. Guild Wars 2 did do DEs with more grace.
Player Driven Story - Oh goddd this has been done by everyone.
Well, just about anything Guild Wars 2 does has been done, its just wrapped up and made to look pretty. It is no better then Blizzard after all ArenaNets management is all ex-Blizzard.
Do some research please, Blizzard had copyed game's workshop to start with (AKA Warhammer)
But really when it comes down to it Games workshop got there influance from Tolkin and prior writers.
If you dig deeper you would know that warcraft would NEVER exist if game's workshop and blizzard didn't ever team up to make a video game to begin with. Just do some research, you might find a lot.
Did anything I said lead you to believe I did not already know this?
I know Blizzard benefited from other companies work.
That is my point that Blizzard is no more a copy cat then any other game company, a good idea is a good idea.
Does it make you feel smart to say "Do research" when the research you told me to do had nothing to do with the topic in which I was talking about? If it was related it was obscure.
But as far as I can see I did not say "BLIZZARD COPIED NO ONE ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHER WISE IS A LIAR AND A NITT WITT." No what I said is Blizzard is no more guilty of coping then ArenaNet/Riot/Bioware/etc/etc. I do defend WoW but I defend it on factual evidence of the game, I have no plans to deny WoW has copied endless amounts of mechanics but if you can blame one without seeing the others then they are blind and ignorant and all I wanted to do was educate them on the fact, that everyone does it.
I apologize, I should have stated my statment wasn't to you; It was to everyone else that had commented about things which they know nothing about. So please calm down i was in more of an agreement with you and adding what iknow to the collective pool to help other people learnabout something before opening there fatmouths.
Playing: Everthing Played: DAoC,AC2,EvE,SWG,WAR,MXO,CoX,EQ2,L2,LOTRO,SB,UO,WoW. I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
Everything in the MMO universe is copied from something. Im not a huge Blizzard fan, but I will say they still have the best combat engine (response time is instant) , and are the best at implementing and perfecting ideas
Guild Wars 2 has does absolutely NOTHING innovative, not 1 thing
ArenaNet have innovated alot more with GW1 and GW2 than Blizzard have ever done with WoW. WoW's good innovations was dungeon finder and talent trees.
Name 2 things Arena Net have innovated in their games that hasn't already been done in the genre. I'll sit here and wait while you rummage around.
still waiting, fwiw Asheron's Call 2 did talent trees
Asheron's call 2, Greatest MMO ever
Playing: Everthing Played: DAoC,AC2,EvE,SWG,WAR,MXO,CoX,EQ2,L2,LOTRO,SB,UO,WoW. I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
So Blizzard copied C&C with Warcraft1/2/3, Which spawned DOTA, which was copied by Anet, and now fans of Anet are claiming Blizzard is copying them??? Pot-Kettle-Black
lol bingo. They don't see the irony in it. It's hilarious.
Fixed that for you. (with a lie)
C&C release 1995
Warcraft release 1994
Explain how they copied C&C? Using telepathic powers? crystal ball?
Please refrain from spreading lies.
Yeahk, I should have just credited Westwood and not C&C in particular. Blizz did totally rip off the Westwood. Please at least be honest about Blizz and the fact they rarely innovate and most every single one of their design moves is reactionary to what other games are doing.
You are correct sir. They are known to rip off idea and they rarely innovate.
But for some reason people think Blizzard ripped off Anet, because it make them feel better I guess. When in actuality a more plausible assumption is they ripped off LoL. The same people Anet are ripping off as well.
They are reacting to GW, LoL, and DoTA. GW1 was a wildly successful esport and GW2 I think is very popular and Blizz wants to keep players focused on what they offer.
Yes because Blizzard does not already have control one of the biggest if not the biggest Esport game. GW1 was mildly successful at best.
The fact of the matter is Blizzard made a map editor with SC and WC3 that did not come with most good RTS of the time, not even speaking of the stolen models names and item mechnics, that DOTA and AoS benefited from. Do you truly believe it would have been as easy to make DOTA without Blizzard?
I don't like alot of the things that Blizzard has done lately, but they did not steal anything from ArenaNet. Lets talk about game mechanics that Anet is stealing.
Siege PvP - Countless Games.
Dynamic Events - Funny how this happened after rift, strickly speaking Trion did say it first, and sense you wanted to say Blizzard copied this Idea from them then, well there you go. Guild Wars 2 did do DEs with more grace.
Player Driven Story - Oh goddd this has been done by everyone.
Well, just about anything Guild Wars 2 does has been done, its just wrapped up and made to look pretty. It is no better then Blizzard after all ArenaNets management is all ex-Blizzard.
Do some research please, Blizzard had copyed game's workshop to start with (AKA Warhammer)
But really when it comes down to it Games workshop got there influance from Tolkin and prior writers.
If you dig deeper you would know that warcraft would NEVER exist if game's workshop and blizzard didn't ever team up to make a video game to begin with. Just do some research, you might find a lot.
Did anything I said lead you to believe I did not already know this?
I know Blizzard benefited from other companies work.
That is my point that Blizzard is no more a copy cat then any other game company, a good idea is a good idea.
Does it make you feel smart to say "Do research" when the research you told me to do had nothing to do with the topic in which I was talking about? If it was related it was obscure.
But as far as I can see I did not say "BLIZZARD COPIED NO ONE ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHER WISE IS A LIAR AND A NITT WITT." No what I said is Blizzard is no more guilty of coping then ArenaNet/Riot/Bioware/etc/etc. I do defend WoW but I defend it on factual evidence of the game, I have no plans to deny WoW has copied endless amounts of mechanics but if you can blame one without seeing the others then they are blind and ignorant and all I wanted to do was educate them on the fact, that everyone does it.
I apologize, I should have stated my statment wasn't to you; It was to everyone else that had commented about things which they know nothing about. So please calm down i was in more of an agreement with you and adding what iknow to the collective pool to help other people learnabout something before opening there fatmouths.
Just to let everyone know who doesn't know, Guild Wars 2 did in fact release a moba style map during the Halloween event to test the waters. It was called Reapers Rumble. Google it.
Anyhow, does it matter what mechanic makes into w/e game or who copied who? Be pleased that developers are making content for gamers to mess around in. It ain't that serious. Play what you like.
I hope WoW last another 10yrs. I hope GW2 last 10yrs.
If WoW brings in this game mode, maybe it'll hit thier next MMO out the door. More content means more satisfied gamers, which is all I really care about.
To be fair Blizzard showed the concept of the MOBA BG when they announced MoP during 2011.
Just to let everyone know who doesn't know, Guild Wars 2 did in fact release a moba style map during the Halloween event to test the waters. It was called Reapers Rumble. Google it.
Anyhow, does it matter what mechanic makes into w/e game or who copied who? Be pleased that developers are making content for gamers to mess around in. It ain't that serious. Play what you like.
I hope WoW last another 10yrs. I hope GW2 last 10yrs.
If WoW brings in this game mode, maybe it'll hit thier next MMO out the door. More content means more satisfied gamers, which is all I really care about.
To be fair Blizzard showed the concept of the MOBA BG when they announced MoP during 2011.
TO be fair, This map was created long before MoP and was in the works as a new BG for wotlk or cata can't remember, I think cata, It was going to be a new type of CTF(Read what i said, NEW type of CTF, Not CTF but a NEW type of it) but they dumped the idea until now when they oh this map if reworked a little bit could do something else" which it did..
Playing: Everthing Played: DAoC,AC2,EvE,SWG,WAR,MXO,CoX,EQ2,L2,LOTRO,SB,UO,WoW. I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
So Blizzard copied C&C with Warcraft1/2/3, Which spawned DOTA, which was copied by Anet, and now fans of Anet are claiming Blizzard is copying them??? Pot-Kettle-Black
lol bingo. They don't see the irony in it. It's hilarious.
Fixed that for you.
It's not like Blizz isn't in the copy / paste business which I think was the point. Even if not, Blizz does a ton of copy / paste. This is most certainly in direct response to the popularity of GW2 and the mobas. If they had really been interested in integrating it into the game just as an improvement then they could have done so long ago. They didn't and the timing is telling.
Blizz deserves some criticism. It doesn't seem like they have a focused design goal anymore. They seem to be taking the SoE approach of "add it in, bolt it on, and see if it works". The pokemon pet battles is one of the latest examples of this. I'm sure they're fun and the moba system probably will be too, but let's be honest about what they're reaching for here and why.
cept C&C was relased a year after WC..... but anyway Blizzard are keeping up with trends - they might not be driving them but they sure do know what is hot and what is not and prompty provides their player base with what they want, thats good business no?
To correct you both, not sure if anyone has, Dune and Dune II is where blizzard got the influence for warcraft. As Dune II is essentially the game that actually kickstarted the RTS genre.
I think the response from blizzard more or less means there wont be a MOBA BG in 5.2 - maybe it will be a headline feature of the new expansion which we might get some info about at blizzcon this year.
Originally posted by red_cruiser I'd actually like to see a MOBA in a MMORPG; provided it's presented in a traditional format.
Except WoW's combat doesn't feel like a MOBA at all. GW2 combat feels like a MOBA however. If blizzard want a moba gamemode they need to fix the combat, because a moba would suck with normal mmorpg combat.
For those that state ANET hasn't done MOBA PvP with GW2, take a look at the wiki. During the Halloween event they had a PvP minigame in the mad kings zones. So yes, GW2 has already implemented it, just a matter of time before its a permanent minigame.
Originally posted by WabbaWay MOBA? The already have MOBAs in the form of BGs, they're just adding a DOTA version to their roster of MOBAs.
The term MOBA started to be used when Dota was made. You can guess the rest.
why dont you stop hijacking the topic to push your guild wars 2 agenda . If people wanted to hear about your guild wars 2 garbage they would be there posting there. Seriously Can we get some moderation in here for this guy ? every post on this thread has been about guild wars 2 and bashing wow .
why dont you stop hijacking the topic to push your guild wars 2 agenda . If people wanted to hear about your guild wars 2 garbage they would be there posting there. Seriously Can we get some moderation in here for this guy ? every post on this thread has been about guild wars 2 and bashing wow .
Why should WoW threads get special treatment? Its normal to compare a game to the best and right now, WoW is not the best.
Back to the topic. I say GOOD, an MMORPG should bring many types of gameplay to allow variety in what you can do in the game. It provides longevity as well as a break from the same old crap.
I hope we shall crush...in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." ~Thomes Jefferson
Can anyone not remember blizz saying they were adding a moba style bg in wow at the time that ip rights fight broke out with value over dota.. Point is this feature was planned before the arenanet announcement as a matter of fact this bg was planned as a mists launch bg but got cut and also it is to be used as a test bed for blizz all-stars..
Blizz is just trying to cash in on the moba craze and of course make it more accessible, just like they did in the mmo market.. Variety is the spice in a theme park mmo wish other devs would take note..
why dont you stop hijacking the topic to push your guild wars 2 agenda . If people wanted to hear about your guild wars 2 garbage they would be there posting there. Seriously Can we get some moderation in here for this guy ? every post on this thread has been about guild wars 2 and bashing wow .
Why should WoW threads get special treatment? Its normal to compare a game to the best and right now, WoW is not the best.
Back to the topic. I say GOOD, an MMORPG should bring many types of gameplay to allow variety in what you can do in the game. It provides longevity as well as a break from the same old crap.
you obviously havent read this entire thread and are posting about what i said without knowledge. The guy has been telling people not to play wow and everything else under the sun glamorizing guild wars 2 . Its called hijacking a thread to start a flame war . So please read the entire thread before you decide to accuse people of giving special treatment. And no i do not even play wow and havent for a long time.
Don't encourage people to play WoW, Blizzard is not a good game developer anymore. They were when they made Starcraft and Warcraft, now they are immature and rush out half assed content to milk the cow. WoW isn't moving the genre forward in any way.
Titan however is a different story, might become good, except we don't know a thing about the game, so it could be total shit.
WoW isnt moving forward eh? 10+ million people would like to argue that.
Don't encourage people to play WoW, Blizzard is not a good game developer anymore. They were when they made Starcraft and Warcraft, now they are immature and rush out half assed content to milk the cow. WoW isn't moving the genre forward in any way.
Titan however is a different story, might become good, except we don't know a thing about the game, so it could be total shit.
WoW isnt moving forward eh? 10+ million people would like to argue that.
That doesnt mean anything to me except 10+ million people like playing a stagnant game. The whole number of subs = best arguement is invalid anyways. Budweiser is "King of Beers" but it certainly is not the best beer out there.
Besides what exactly has Blizzard brought to the genre that is moving it forward?
Don't encourage people to play WoW, Blizzard is not a good game developer anymore. They were when they made Starcraft and Warcraft, now they are immature and rush out half assed content to milk the cow. WoW isn't moving the genre forward in any way.
Titan however is a different story, might become good, except we don't know a thing about the game, so it could be total shit.
WoW isnt moving forward eh? 10+ million people would like to argue that.
That doesnt mean anything to me except 10+ million people like playing a stagnant game. The whole number of subs = best arguement is invalid anyways. Budweiser is "King of Beers" but it certainly is not the best beer out there.
Besides what exactly has Blizzard brought to the genre that is moving it forward?
It doesnt matter what it means to you though, your opinion has no play in the industry that blizzard has dominated for as long as people can remember. Obviously newer games like guild wars 2 or secretworld or rift do things better in some aspects rather than WoW and can from a technical point can be called better games, but in the end its all about how many people you can make enjoy your game and continually progress in your game. This doesn't apply to themeparks only either, its part of the reason people who play EVE online have played for years on end and dont stop, the playerbase only makes moderate growths if you follow it, it has never dipped. Same with people who played SWG earlier on, im sure they would go back to it if given the chance.
Rift needed a more compelling storyling/newbie beginning, the skills were repetitive shared homogenized on soul trees, like having 3 or 4 execute combinations that do the same thing and another 2 or 4 quick attacks that do the similar thing... Some ideas were cool, but the trees are too limited. You can't pick stuff freely , you have to be this level to have this ability in your tree, and that's final, no picking cure at low level becaue it would be so useful, you have to wait until higher level because we said so!!
Cholormancer rez I think is 44th level, but , how about a game where you can more openly choose when you get skill/spells instead of having to speed level and wait? You get redundant abilities and can't choose what you need like cures... GW2 made leveling to easy and had no end-game carrot on a stick gear grind to retain, they lacked enough fluff... Gamers aren't ready to give up their shiny loot hamster wheel grinding (
Just to let everyone know who doesn't know, Guild Wars 2 did in fact release a moba style map during the Halloween event to test the waters. It was called Reapers Rumble. Google it.
Anyhow, does it matter what mechanic makes into w/e game or who copied who? Be pleased that developers are making content for gamers to mess around in. It ain't that serious. Play what you like.
I hope WoW last another 10yrs. I hope GW2 last 10yrs.
If WoW brings in this game mode, maybe it'll hit thier next MMO out the door. More content means more satisfied gamers, which is all I really care about.
I apologize, I should have stated my statment wasn't to you; It was to everyone else that had commented about things which they know nothing about. So please calm down i was in more of an agreement with you and adding what iknow to the collective pool to help other people learnabout something before opening there fatmouths.
Playing: Everthing
I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
Asheron's call 2, Greatest MMO ever
Playing: Everthing
I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
Oh then I appolgize.
To be fair Blizzard showed the concept of the MOBA BG when they announced MoP during 2011.
TO be fair, This map was created long before MoP and was in the works as a new BG for wotlk or cata can't remember, I think cata, It was going to be a new type of CTF(Read what i said, NEW type of CTF, Not CTF but a NEW type of it) but they dumped the idea until now when they oh this map if reworked a little bit could do something else" which it did..
Playing: Everthing
I have played every MMO that has ever come out.
like sort of a battleground?
I dunno how you can merge MOBA into a MMO but i think it would be interesting :P
There are people who play games and then there are gamers.
To correct you both, not sure if anyone has, Dune and Dune II is where blizzard got the influence for warcraft. As Dune II is essentially the game that actually kickstarted the RTS genre.
Except WoW's combat doesn't feel like a MOBA at all. GW2 combat feels like a MOBA however. If blizzard want a moba gamemode they need to fix the combat, because a moba would suck with normal mmorpg combat.
The term MOBA started to be used when Dota was made. You can guess the rest.
For those that state ANET hasn't done MOBA PvP with GW2, take a look at the wiki. During the Halloween event they had a PvP minigame in the mad kings zones. So yes, GW2 has already implemented it, just a matter of time before its a permanent minigame.
"Reaper's Rumble is a structured PvP MOBA-style map located in the Mad King's Realm"
[PvX]Tempest - Check us out
why dont you stop hijacking the topic to push your guild wars 2 agenda . If people wanted to hear about your guild wars 2 garbage they would be there posting there. Seriously Can we get some moderation in here for this guy ? every post on this thread has been about guild wars 2 and bashing wow .
Why should WoW threads get special treatment? Its normal to compare a game to the best and right now, WoW is not the best.
Back to the topic. I say GOOD, an MMORPG should bring many types of gameplay to allow variety in what you can do in the game. It provides longevity as well as a break from the same old crap.
I hope we shall crush...in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." ~Thomes Jefferson
Point is this feature was planned before the arenanet announcement as a matter of fact this bg was planned as a mists launch bg but got cut and also it is to be used as a test bed for blizz all-stars..
Blizz is just trying to cash in on the moba craze and of course make it more accessible, just like they did in the mmo market..
Variety is the spice in a theme park mmo wish other devs would take note..
you obviously havent read this entire thread and are posting about what i said without knowledge. The guy has been telling people not to play wow and everything else under the sun glamorizing guild wars 2 . Its called hijacking a thread to start a flame war . So please read the entire thread before you decide to accuse people of giving special treatment. And no i do not even play wow and havent for a long time.
The "world" of Warcraft was a MOBA before LoL even existed, and it had pandas. Apparently you didnt know that or are just trolling a bit.
WoW isnt moving forward eh? 10+ million people would like to argue that.
That doesnt mean anything to me except 10+ million people like playing a stagnant game. The whole number of subs = best arguement is invalid anyways. Budweiser is "King of Beers" but it certainly is not the best beer out there.
Besides what exactly has Blizzard brought to the genre that is moving it forward?
[PvX]Tempest - Check us out
It doesnt matter what it means to you though, your opinion has no play in the industry that blizzard has dominated for as long as people can remember. Obviously newer games like guild wars 2 or secretworld or rift do things better in some aspects rather than WoW and can from a technical point can be called better games, but in the end its all about how many people you can make enjoy your game and continually progress in your game. This doesn't apply to themeparks only either, its part of the reason people who play EVE online have played for years on end and dont stop, the playerbase only makes moderate growths if you follow it, it has never dipped. Same with people who played SWG earlier on, im sure they would go back to it if given the chance.
Rift needed a more compelling storyling/newbie beginning, the skills were repetitive shared homogenized on soul trees, like having 3 or 4 execute combinations that do the same thing and another 2 or 4 quick attacks that do the similar thing... Some ideas were cool, but the trees are too limited. You can't pick stuff freely , you have to be this level to have this ability in your tree, and that's final, no picking cure at low level becaue it would be so useful, you have to wait until higher level because we said so!!
Cholormancer rez I think is 44th level, but , how about a game where you can more openly choose when you get skill/spells instead of having to speed level and wait? You get redundant abilities and can't choose what you need like cures... GW2 made leveling to easy and had no end-game carrot on a stick gear grind to retain, they lacked enough fluff... Gamers aren't ready to give up their shiny loot hamster wheel grinding (