I thought it was more like Archangel, not archeology. Just not sure why they put the "e" in there. Or maybe more accurately, why words like Archangel don't have it.
"The word archangel is derived from the Greek ?ρχ?γγελος (arch- + angel, literally chief angel)."
Kind of like when you have a pain, you have an "ACHE" in your body or joints, or a desire for a decent MMORPG. The "E" is silent".
The "E" is also silent in this case .. The "H" is meaninglless without the "E" so they are both silent.
Thus, ARK-AGE.
You didn't even read the opening post.
Did You?
Original post:
Originally posted by NBlitz
How do you pronounce it? What if you're pronouncing it wrong? Do you care? I do. Hence this post.
I'm 100% sure it's Ar-kee-Age. Listen here. There are two ways of pronouncing it properly but still people say Arch. The 'e' is important!
I find it disappointing that there hasn't been anything conclusive about the matter released by the developers (yet).
I didn't have comment's on the origin of the word, but I feel that you didn't read the original post, then accused me of such :-) ... uhh good job? Give yourself a pat on the back.
Kind of like when you have a pain, you have an "ACHE" in your body or joints, or a desire for a decent MMORPG. The "E" is silent".
The "E" is also silent in this case .. The "H" is meaninglless without the "E" so they are both silent.
Thus, ARK-AGE.
You didn't even read the opening post.
Did You?
Original post:
Originally posted by NBlitz
How do you pronounce it? What if you're pronouncing it wrong? Do you care? I do. Hence this post.
I'm 100% sure it's Ar-kee-Age. Listen here. There are two ways of pronouncing it properly but still people say Arch. The 'e' is important!
I find it disappointing that there hasn't been anything conclusive about the matter released by the developers (yet).
I didn't have comment's on the origin of the word, but I feel that you didn't read the original post, then accused me of such :-) ... uhh good job? Give yourself a pat on the back.
So how could you argue the proper way of pronouncing the word when the example you gave comes from Old English? And has no relation whatsoever to the other word and where it originates from and how it is properly pronounced.
You're making stuff up (the pronunciation of arche). I'm not.
Kind of like when you have a pain, you have an "ACHE" in your body or joints, or a desire for a decent MMORPG. The "E" is silent".
The "E" is also silent in this case .. The "H" is meaninglless without the "E" so they are both silent.
Thus, ARK-AGE.
You didn't even read the opening post.
Did You?
Original post:
Originally posted by NBlitz
How do you pronounce it? What if you're pronouncing it wrong? Do you care? I do. Hence this post.
I'm 100% sure it's Ar-kee-Age. Listen here. There are two ways of pronouncing it properly but still people say Arch. The 'e' is important!
I find it disappointing that there hasn't been anything conclusive about the matter released by the developers (yet).
I didn't have comment's on the origin of the word, but I feel that you didn't read the original post, then accused me of such :-) ... uhh good job? Give yourself a pat on the back.
So how could you argue the proper way of pronouncing the word when the example you gave comes from Old English? And has no relation whatsoever to the other word and where it originates from and how it is properly pronounced.
You're making stuff up (the pronunciation of arche). I'm not.
I see.. A fantasty world on a different planet must adhere to Old English. It must happen, eh?
Well I live on Earth in modern times, and ArcheAge is pronounced ARK-AGE. In Egpty 4000 years ago it might be spelled Argh-Agrua (pronounced: Ark Ag-Rah), but that doesn't help anyone either.
Kind of like when you have a pain, you have an "ACHE" in your body or joints, or a desire for a decent MMORPG. The "E" is silent".
The "E" is also silent in this case .. The "H" is meaninglless without the "E" so they are both silent.
Thus, ARK-AGE.
You didn't even read the opening post.
Did You?
Original post:
Originally posted by NBlitz
How do you pronounce it? What if you're pronouncing it wrong? Do you care? I do. Hence this post.
I'm 100% sure it's Ar-kee-Age. Listen here. There are two ways of pronouncing it properly but still people say Arch. The 'e' is important!
I find it disappointing that there hasn't been anything conclusive about the matter released by the developers (yet).
I didn't have comment's on the origin of the word, but I feel that you didn't read the original post, then accused me of such :-) ... uhh good job? Give yourself a pat on the back.
So how could you argue the proper way of pronouncing the word when the example you gave comes from Old English? And has no relation whatsoever to the other word and where it originates from and how it is properly pronounced.
You're making stuff up (the pronunciation of arche). I'm not.
I see.. A fantasty world on a different planet must adhere to Old English. It must happen, eh?
Well I live on Earth in modern times, and ArcheAge is pronounced ARK-AGE. In Egpty 4000 years ago it might be spelled Argh-Agrua (pronounced: Ark Ag-Rah), but that doesn't help anyone either.
How do you pronounce archeology and archetype?
And no, those two words are not kind of like when you have a pain, an "ACHE" in your body or joints where the "E" is silent".
Kind of like when you have a pain, you have an "ACHE" in your body or joints, or a desire for a decent MMORPG. The "E" is silent".
The "E" is also silent in this case .. The "H" is meaninglless without the "E" so they are both silent.
Thus, ARK-AGE.
You didn't even read the opening post.
Did You?
Original post:
Originally posted by NBlitz
How do you pronounce it? What if you're pronouncing it wrong? Do you care? I do. Hence this post.
I'm 100% sure it's Ar-kee-Age. Listen here. There are two ways of pronouncing it properly but still people say Arch. The 'e' is important!
I find it disappointing that there hasn't been anything conclusive about the matter released by the developers (yet).
I didn't have comment's on the origin of the word, but I feel that you didn't read the original post, then accused me of such :-) ... uhh good job? Give yourself a pat on the back.
So how could you argue the proper way of pronouncing the word when the example you gave comes from Old English? And has no relation whatsoever to the other word and where it originates from and how it is properly pronounced.
You're making stuff up (the pronunciation of arche). I'm not.
I see.. A fantasty world on a different planet must adhere to Old English. It must happen, eh?
Well I live on Earth in modern times, and ArcheAge is pronounced ARK-AGE. In Egpty 4000 years ago it might be spelled Argh-Agrua (pronounced: Ark Ag-Rah), but that doesn't help anyone either.
How do you pronounce archeology and archetype?
And no, those two words are not kind of like when you have a pain, an "ACHE" in your body or joints where the "E" is silent".
Good argument, BTW.
In your examples, the "e" helps flow the words together so they can be pronounced. Otherwise you would get "Archology", or "Archtype".
ArcheAge doesn't need that kind of support. The "E" can reamin silent, with the game title flowing quite nicely.
If you add that extra "E" sound to the name, it doesn't flow.
"ARK-E-AGE" ... it really doesn't flow like "ARK-AGE".
Although if you say "ARK-E-AGE" out loud it sounds funny .. say it .. you won't even recognize your own voice.
And no, those two words are not kind of like when you have a pain, an "ACHE" in your body or joints where the "E" is silent".
Good argument, BTW.
In your examples, the "e" helps flow the words together so they can be pronounced. Otherwise you would get "Archology", or "Archtype".
There are people who do say ark-type. I can live with that too. No matter how wrong they may be.
ArcheAge doesn't need that kind of support. The "E" can reamin silent, with the game title flowing quite nicely.
If you add that extra "E" sound to the name, it doesn't flow.
"ARK-E-AGE" ... it really doesn't flow like "ARK-AGE".
Although if you say "ARK-E-AGE" out loud it sounds funny .. say it .. you won't even recognize your own voice.
Here we go. I can agree with this, and why the majority (and the devs) would prefer it to remain silent.
I'm stubborn I actually like the way it sounds with the base word sounding like arkee. Beginning, origin, sovereignty. And if someone asks why I pronounce it the way I do, I can explain.
And no, those two words are not kind of like when you have a pain, an "ACHE" in your body or joints where the "E" is silent".
Good argument, BTW.
In your examples, the "e" helps flow the words together so they can be pronounced. Otherwise you would get "Archology", or "Archtype".
There are people who do say ark-type. I can live with that too. No matter how wrong they may be.
ArcheAge doesn't need that kind of support. The "E" can reamin silent, with the game title flowing quite nicely.
If you add that extra "E" sound to the name, it doesn't flow.
"ARK-E-AGE" ... it really doesn't flow like "ARK-AGE".
Although if you say "ARK-E-AGE" out loud it sounds funny .. say it .. you won't even recognize your own voice.
Here we go. I can agree with this, and why the majority (and the devs) would prefer it to remain silent.
I'm stubborn I actually like the way it sounds with the base word sounding like arkee. Beginning, origin, sovereignty. And if someone asks why I pronounce it the way I do, I can explain.
It's obvious we're both excited about ArcheAge. The real answer to our issue is going to be how XLGames pronounces their game in English.
Then we'll have answer.
It could be nothing we could have imagined though .. pronounced "ALK-A-ALGE"... :-)
Say it really, really fast. That's how it may be pronounced.
Originally posted by LlexX We had a debate about this already on another forum, firstly we thought it should be pronounced as arch+age, then an official response came, that it should be pronounced as ark+age, like if you would say dARK+AGE without the "d" letter.
this is actually appropriate. the adaptation of the greek word into english does not carry with it all the implied spelling and pronounciation requirements from ancient or even 'koine' greek.
the 'e' on the end of the word 'arch' is what implies the harsh 'k' sound as opposed to the softer 'ch' (as in 'charlie').
thus we have the pronounciation 'ark' followed by the proper pronounciation of the word 'age', giving us archeage.
"There are at least two kinds of games. One could be called finite, the other infinite. A finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play." Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
And no, those two words are not kind of like when you have a pain, an "ACHE" in your body or joints where the "E" is silent".
Good argument, BTW.
In your examples, the "e" helps flow the words together so they can be pronounced. Otherwise you would get "Archology", or "Archtype".
There are people who do say ark-type. I can live with that too. No matter how wrong they may be.
ArcheAge doesn't need that kind of support. The "E" can reamin silent, with the game title flowing quite nicely.
If you add that extra "E" sound to the name, it doesn't flow.
"ARK-E-AGE" ... it really doesn't flow like "ARK-AGE".
Although if you say "ARK-E-AGE" out loud it sounds funny .. say it .. you won't even recognize your own voice.
Here we go. I can agree with this, and why the majority (and the devs) would prefer it to remain silent.
I'm stubborn I actually like the way it sounds with the base word sounding like arkee. Beginning, origin, sovereignty. And if someone asks why I pronounce it the way I do, I can explain.
It's obvious we're both excited about ArcheAge.
I'm this excited but holding it in:
The real answer to our issue is going to be how XLGames pronounces their game in English.
Then we'll have answer.
It could be nothing we could have imagined though .. pronounced "ALK-A-ALGE"... :-)
LOL. Something I will have to live with Regardless, it won't stop me from throwing my money at them!
Say it really, really fast. That's how it may be pronounced.
Originally posted by LlexX We had a debate about this already on another forum, firstly we thought it should be pronounced as arch+age, then an official response came, that it should be pronounced as ark+age, like if you would say dARK+AGE without the "d" letter.
this is actually appropriate. the adaptation of the greek word into english does not carry with it all the implied spelling and pronounciation requirements from ancient or even 'koine' greek.
the 'e' on the end of the word 'arch' is what implies the harsh 'k' sound as opposed to the softer 'ch' (as in 'charlie').
This makes sense. I think we all can agree on this.
thus we have the pronounciation 'ark' followed by the proper pronounciation of the word 'age', giving us archeage.
I don't agree that this is correct. It's not consistent with the other words that also contain arche+(rest of the word) like archetype, archaeology/archeology, archespore.
If what they intended was for it to be pronounced as 'arc' then why go through the trouble of making it all fancy with 'che'. It doesn't make sense anymore to me, now that I've let the thought sink in.
We'll see if it stays the same when it's localized, like Karteli mentioned earlier.
The name has to mean something, unless they go with the "oh it's a made up word ingame for a god or something." If it adheres to the earthly definition then that explanation holds no water.
And no, those two words are not kind of like when you have a pain, an "ACHE" in your body or joints where the "E" is silent".
Good argument, BTW.
In your examples, the "e" helps flow the words together so they can be pronounced. Otherwise you would get "Archology", or "Archtype".
There are people who do say ark-type. I can live with that too. No matter how wrong they may be.
ArcheAge doesn't need that kind of support. The "E" can reamin silent, with the game title flowing quite nicely.
If you add that extra "E" sound to the name, it doesn't flow.
"ARK-E-AGE" ... it really doesn't flow like "ARK-AGE".
Although if you say "ARK-E-AGE" out loud it sounds funny .. say it .. you won't even recognize your own voice.
Here we go. I can agree with this, and why the majority (and the devs) would prefer it to remain silent.
I'm stubborn I actually like the way it sounds with the base word sounding like arkee. Beginning, origin, sovereignty. And if someone asks why I pronounce it the way I do, I can explain.
It's obvious we're both excited about ArcheAge. The real answer to our issue is going to be how XLGames pronounces their game in English.
Then we'll have answer.
It could be nothing we could have imagined though .. pronounced "ALK-A-ALGE"... :-)
I just watched a new video on the archeage YouTube channel debuting the Open beta trailer. Jake Song speaks at the beginning of the video for about 30 sec and pronounces it as "Ark-age". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKCMmRveblQ (0:13 & 0:21)
Originally posted by LlexX We had a debate about this already on another forum, firstly we thought it should be pronounced as arch+age, then an official response came, that it should be pronounced as ark+age, like if you would say dARK+AGE without the "d" letter.
Originally posted by LlexX We had a debate about this already on another forum, firstly we thought it should be pronounced as arch+age, then an official response came, that it should be pronounced as ark+age, like if you would say dARK+AGE without the "d" letter.
This is accurate, the OP is mistaken.
In response to that I later wrote:
thus we have the pronounciation 'ark' followed by the proper pronounciation of the word 'age', giving us archeage.
I don't agree that this is correct. It's not consistent with the other words that also contain arche+(rest of the word) like archetype, archaeology/archeology, archespore.
If what they intended was for it to be pronounced as 'arc' then why go through the trouble of making it all fancy with 'che'. It doesn't make sense anymore to me, now that I've let the thought sink in.
We'll see if it stays the same when it's localized, like Karteli mentioned earlier.
The name has to mean something, unless they go with the "oh it's a made up word ingame for a god or something." If it adheres to the earthly definition then that explanation holds no water.
I don't agree that this is correct. It's not consistent with the other words that also contain arche+(rest of the word) like archetype, archaeology/archeology, archespore.
If what they intended was for it to be pronounced as 'arc' then why go through the trouble of making it all fancy with 'che'. It doesn't make sense anymore to me, now that I've let the thought sink in.
We'll see if it stays the same when it's localized, like Karteli mentioned earlier.
The name has to mean something, unless they go with the "oh it's a made up word ingame for a god or something." If it adheres to the earthly definition then that explanation holds no water.
But it is what it is - a made up proper noun. Since there's no definition to be found, the word 'Archeage' would ultimately be up to to the developers to provide its pronunciation. One reason to not be too critical of it's correctness is that we're debating a word that fits Romantic etymology so it isn't only subject to US English pronunciation, even though US English has a few of its own counter-intuitive pronunciation anomalies like 'Wednesday'. In UK English there are loads proper nouns/names like 'Worcester' (woos′·ter) that aren't pronounced like they would appear to be, or where the same name will have different pronunciations in US vs UK like 'Belvoir' (bE′·ver in UK, belv-war in US). Personally, I think the fancy 'Arche' spelling kind of gives it more of a olde world vibe.
"I used to think the worst thing in life was to be all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone." Robin Williams
Survivor of the great MMORPG Famine of 2011
Probably similar to pronunciation of ARCHEtype.
"The word archangel is derived from the Greek ?ρχ?γγελος (arch- + angel, literally chief angel)."
Kind of like when you have a pain, you have an "ACHE" in your body or joints, or a desire for a decent MMORPG. The "E" is silent".
The "E" is also silent in this case .. The "H" is meaninglless without the "E" so they are both silent.
Thus, ARK-AGE.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
Ooh, a compliment.
You didn't even read the opening post.
Did You?
Original post:
I didn't have comment's on the origin of the word, but I feel that you didn't read the original post, then accused me of such :-) ... uhh good job? Give yourself a pat on the back.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
So how could you argue the proper way of pronouncing the word when the example you gave comes from Old English? And has no relation whatsoever to the other word and where it originates from and how it is properly pronounced.
You're making stuff up (the pronunciation of arche). I'm not.
I see.. A fantasty world on a different planet must adhere to Old English. It must happen, eh?
Well I live on Earth in modern times, and ArcheAge is pronounced ARK-AGE. In Egpty 4000 years ago it might be spelled Argh-Agrua (pronounced: Ark Ag-Rah), but that doesn't help anyone either.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
How do you pronounce archeology and archetype?
And no, those two words are not kind of like when you have a pain, an "ACHE" in your body or joints where the "E" is silent".
Good argument, BTW.
In your examples, the "e" helps flow the words together so they can be pronounced. Otherwise you would get "Archology", or "Archtype".
ArcheAge doesn't need that kind of support. The "E" can reamin silent, with the game title flowing quite nicely.
If you add that extra "E" sound to the name, it doesn't flow.
"ARK-E-AGE" ... it really doesn't flow like "ARK-AGE".
Although if you say "ARK-E-AGE" out loud it sounds funny .. say it .. you won't even recognize your own voice.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
There are people who do say ark-type. I can live with that too. No matter how wrong they may be.
Here we go. I can agree with this, and why the majority (and the devs) would prefer it to remain silent.
I'm stubborn
I actually like the way it sounds with the base word sounding like arkee. Beginning, origin, sovereignty. And if someone asks why I pronounce it the way I do, I can explain.
It's obvious we're both excited about ArcheAge. The real answer to our issue is going to be how XLGames pronounces their game in English.
Then we'll have answer.
It could be nothing we could have imagined though .. pronounced "ALK-A-ALGE"... :-)
Say it really, really fast. That's how it may be pronounced.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
this is actually appropriate. the adaptation of the greek word into english does not carry with it all the implied spelling and pronounciation requirements from ancient or even 'koine' greek.
the 'e' on the end of the word 'arch' is what implies the harsh 'k' sound as opposed to the softer 'ch' (as in 'charlie').
thus we have the pronounciation 'ark' followed by the proper pronounciation of the word 'age', giving us archeage.
"There are at least two kinds of games.
One could be called finite, the other infinite.
A finite game is played for the purpose of winning,
an infinite game for the purpose of continuing play."
Finite and Infinite Games, James Carse
I'm this excited but holding it in:
LOL. Something I will have to live with
Regardless, it won't stop me from throwing my money at them!
I just did! Almost made a Xena shout sound.
This makes sense. I think we all can agree on this.
I don't agree that this is correct. It's not consistent with the other words that also contain arche+(rest of the word) like archetype, archaeology/archeology, archespore.
If what they intended was for it to be pronounced as 'arc' then why go through the trouble of making it all fancy with 'che'. It doesn't make sense anymore to me, now that I've let the thought sink in.
We'll see if it stays the same when it's localized, like Karteli mentioned earlier.
The name has to mean something, unless they go with the "oh it's a made up word ingame for a god or something." If it adheres to the earthly definition then that explanation holds no water.
This is accurate, the OP is mistaken.
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
In response to that I later wrote:
I don't agree that this is correct. It's not consistent with the other words that also contain arche+(rest of the word) like archetype, archaeology/archeology, archespore.
If what they intended was for it to be pronounced as 'arc' then why go through the trouble of making it all fancy with 'che'. It doesn't make sense anymore to me, now that I've let the thought sink in.
We'll see if it stays the same when it's localized, like Karteli mentioned earlier.
The name has to mean something, unless they go with the "oh it's a made up word ingame for a god or something." If it adheres to the earthly definition then that explanation holds no water.
But it is what it is - a made up proper noun. Since there's no definition to be found, the word 'Archeage' would ultimately be up to to the developers to provide its pronunciation. One reason to not be too critical of it's correctness is that we're debating a word that fits Romantic etymology so it isn't only subject to US English pronunciation, even though US English has a few of its own counter-intuitive pronunciation anomalies like 'Wednesday'. In UK English there are loads proper nouns/names like 'Worcester' (woos′·ter) that aren't pronounced like they would appear to be, or where the same name will have different pronunciations in US vs UK like 'Belvoir' (bE′·ver in UK, belv-war in US). Personally, I think the fancy 'Arche' spelling kind of gives it more of a olde world vibe.
No such thing