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Call Of Duty 2 ANYONE?

Well i just got it tonite

and well its effing amazing

Any one else got it yet?????

cuz i gots a clan

and well it would be cool to have some MMORPGers in it

or to simple just play

well anyone?


Riggy for shissy:
Pent 4 2.66
1 GIG ram
Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
120 gigs of HD

REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!


  • FilipinoFuryFilipinoFury Member Posts: 1,056

    It isnt even out yet? Atleast not for another 2 days from what I heard? Did it come out early? I dont understand!

    On Time? On Target? Never Quit?

  • mister_GuSmister_GuS Member Posts: 811

    IT came out like 3 days AGO



    Riggy for shissy:
    Pent 4 2.66
    1 GIG ram
    Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
    120 gigs of HD

    REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!

  • SackynutSackynut Member Posts: 558

    well, when i get some money, im gonna buy a new part to get my good computer working again, then, when i get more money, im going to buy FEAR, then after that, when i get some more money, ill buy Call of Duty 2. I played the demo and it was pretty sick.


  • Frosting_53Frosting_53 Member Posts: 22

    Yep got it on day 1. I still havent beaten it yet :P. Havent played it all that much but i really like it so far. Point-du-Hoc for some reason though didnt live up to be anywhere near my expectations :(. And i was dissapointed with the russian campaign somewhat too. It just wasnt as immersive as it was for me the first game. I really enjoyed the british campaign though, frustrating but fun and the tank missions were very well done, compared to Call of Duty 1's russian tank mission. Still its a very good game, and im liking the multiplayer so far too. Having some trouble adjusting to its aiming system though for some reason.

  • maxdomaxdo Member Posts: 284
    I got it as well if any one wants to play just look for either CTF-Maxdo or Maxdo
  • mister_GuSmister_GuS Member Posts: 811

    i got it for 36.99

    so yeah MP is worth it


    Riggy for shissy:
    Pent 4 2.66
    1 GIG ram
    Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
    120 gigs of HD

    REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!

  • FlashStepFlashStep Member Posts: 50

    I just played the demo-version
    And it was quite good, But i need to wait for my new computer :S
    Can'ttttt waitttt ::::16::

  • NeanderthalNeanderthal Member RarePosts: 1,861

    I've been thinking I would probably buy it but I haven't looked for any information about it yet so let me ask you guys a question.  Is there anything new about the online play?  Any new vehicles or guns or anything?

    CoD is the only game I've been playing lately but I'm starting to get a little burned out on it.  That's why I'm hoping the new version adds something different to the mix.

  • mister_GuSmister_GuS Member Posts: 811

    Originally posted by Neanderthal
    I've been thinking I would probably buy it but I haven't looked for any information about it yet so let me ask you guys a question. Is there anything new about the online play? Any new vehicles or guns or anything?
    CoD is the only game I've been playing lately but I'm starting to get a little burned out on it. That's why I'm hoping the new version adds something different to the mix.

    Look there is nothing new about ONLINE play NOTHING

    that kinda dissapointed me

    but ohwell

    yet, it is refreshingly motivating and FRESH

    there ARE a couple new weapons including the SHOT GUN!!!!!!

    the online play is the same same types

    BUT... keep on thing in mind
    it is the SEQUEL to the ORIGINAL not to United offensive X pack

    in other words there are NO vehicles

    but HECK if u got 36.99 layign around


    go for it::::28::


    Riggy for shissy:
    Pent 4 2.66
    1 GIG ram
    Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
    120 gigs of HD

    REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!

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