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It actually really is...only if you plan to play both games (AC1 + AC2) however
Pay for Asheron's Call (13 USD) and get to play AC2.
However, at least my personally...I'll be playing for 13 dollars I get to be subscribed to two MMOs (technically). Which really comes to 6.50 USD for both.
Maybe not the best deal for those who only play one or the other...but its sort of like SOE's all station pass (do they still have that?). SOE was only company I'm aware of, to spend 30 USD or however much it was...and be able to play all their games. Not sure if that is still true or not since they've gone the freemium route.
However, then comes Turbine that lets you play both AC/AC2. While it isn't all their games (DDO/LOTRO)...6.50 is really really cheap. Its quite a good deal really. But like I said, it ends up being the same as other MMOs, if you only subscribed for just AC2 (or just AC for those that just play that, but then they probably wouldn't be on this forum. :P)
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
You have to buy(if you don't already have ) AC1 and subscribe to it. Then you get access to the AC2 "beta". Which is amazing by the way. I've been buying and trying pretty much every somewhat major mmorpg over the years and nothing came close to holding my attention past a few weeks-a month. If they decide to shut this game down again, I think I'd move to antarctica and lock myself in a room, never to play a mmorpg again. That's how big of a breathe of fresh air this game is.
PigEye McNasty
P2P for a 10year old game no thx Turbine proofs again are money grabbing....
Its awesome game but i refuse to pay for such old game plus i have to buy ac1 first lol.
Sad they relaunch it with this $$$ grabbing busines model, while so many games go free or free 2 play.
What exactly is the "proofs" they are money grabbing?
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
Ok i maybe misunderstood?
Its free 2 play i just dl AC and no monthly paying sub for AC-AC2 its complete free?
Only have to pay 13$ for AC right?
I still got the AC(2005)-AC2(first one 2002)boxes so when i install AC and subscribe i can freely play AC2?
It say creditcard or debitccard plus 30days free trail after that monthly subscription so i can only play AC2 under those conditions?
Well i dont have creditcard or debitcard im from europe and i don't wanne play AC so indirectly i pay for AC2 if i wanne play it.
I was ones terible mislead by turbine and there not gonne lure me again into subscription for a game ive already payed for but not played Legions debacle.
But maybe i still don't understand the deal?
My understanding: (which I'm hoping is wrong)
Quite a few people are clearly just looking to try AC2 and not AC (which was good in it's day, but very dated now). So no matter how you slice it, most people will be paying to sub to AC2.
If you want to play Asheron's Call 2, there IS a monthly fee to pay, it's just for another game. Is this not true?
Nope, that's true. You're essentially paying $13 for one game, and getting access to two. I'd say it's a pretty good deal. Keep in mind though that AC2 is still in a BETA state, so there are stability issues here and there.
AC subscribers can participate in the AC2 Beta. There is no extra cost.
Plenty of developers have offered their subscriber base early access to betas for their games in development. To suggest they are charging a monthly fee for the beta or, even more ridiculous, that there is some kind of "money grabbing business model" at play is a bit of a reach, no?
There isn't a "right" or "wrong" way to play, if you want to use a screwdriver to put nails into wood, have at it, simply don't complain when the guy next to you with the hammer is doing it much better and easier. - Allein
"Graphics are often supplied by Engines that (some) MMORPG's are built in" - Spuffyre
ac2 was using free trials for a few months as a last try to entice the unknowing into their known problematic game.
They refused to correct those ongoing crash/lock-up problems, due to the required coding competence and expense involved.
They knowingly sold out the expansion copies to try and recover what ever they could.
Asheron's Call 2 retailed Nov 2002 and was shut down Dec 2005 as a sequel to Asheron's Call (AC) (Nov 1999).
Turbine bough back the M$ incompetently run AC franchise in 2003. Turbine announced the AC2 expansion Legions Oct 2004, that retailed May 2005; M$ seeing how poorly that expansion did, completed the franchise turnover to Turbine in "spring" 2005.
Jolt online gaming dropped the ball in the euro AC2 operations and $oE sabotaged the distribution of the May 2005 AC2 Legion expansion (in direct competition to their EQ franchise).
On December 13, 2012, Turbine announced that they were relaunching the game starting with a beta server for all subscribers of Asheron's Call 1 @ us$12.95 per month.
AC1 peaked at about 100K subscribers 2002, currently it has < 10K.
AC2 peaked at about 50K in 2003 and was run into the ground by 2006.
AC2 download
(Please note that if you previously downloaded and installed AC2, and are able to login and play without issue, then there is no need to re-download this new installer [2.2GB zip file]).
This marks the first time a major MMORPG was officially reactivated after closing its doors.