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Asheron's Call 2 : Fallen Kings: Rebirth Explained



  • sschruppsschrupp Member UncommonPosts: 696

    This is awesome. Absolutely loved AC2.

    However, with so many excellent F2P and B2P games out right now I'm just not sure I want to have another subscription. I'll have to ponder on that a bit. If I knew their intentions for the future I might consider it more.

  • SnarlingWolfSnarlingWolf Member Posts: 2,697
    Originally posted by Mardukk
    Originally posted by LadyEuphei

    I am not an AC2 fan, heck I have not even played it, but I do find it funny that people think that they need to come on here and announce that "Your wearing goggles" and "the game sucks" This is exatly what the article about the tear down mentality of gamers was explaining. 

    Seriously, go back in your holes you trolls and let some people out for some sunlight. AC2 is back and some people are happy. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 

    No kidding.  I have no idea why some want to come into AC2 threads and tear it down right away.  Hell some of the people tearing it down haven't even played it.  

    I'm trying it now and it is extremely rough around the edges but some of these older games can take weeks to figure out/get into.

    Even more amusing is the people who go buy it just to, as one poster said on here, "sit in general chat and ask why I should play it". For starters, way to make a solid point. Buy a game, increasing the number of users, to try and make a point that no one should play it......  Second, I saw someone asking that in general chat (was probably that very poster) and I did what everyone else did, ignored him.

    I've chatted with and helped many people in AC2 the last couple of days. There is a ton of enthusiasm in the world and people are everywhere you look. But I will not utter a world to trolls in the chat and neither will most other people. So if you're looking to go into the game, or to sit on these forums, and use all your precious time to try and troll those who are having fun, you'll likely just be ignored and that will clearly only drive you to try and troll more.


    AC2 players have already shown themselves to be great at not feeding the trolls. It has been a great experience in that world so far and I can't wait to log in some more this weekend.

  • SuperXero89SuperXero89 Member UncommonPosts: 2,551
    Originally posted by SnarlingWolf

    Originally posted by Mardukk
    Originally posted by LadyEuphei
    I am not an AC2 fan, heck I have not even played it, but I do find it funny that people think that they need to come on here and announce that "Your wearing goggles" and "the game sucks" This is exatly what the article about the tear down mentality of gamers was explaining.  Seriously, go back in your holes you trolls and let some people out for some sunlight. AC2 is back and some people are happy. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 

    No kidding.  I have no idea why some want to come into AC2 threads and tear it down right away.  Hell some of the people tearing it down haven't even played it.  

    I'm trying it now and it is extremely rough around the edges but some of these older games can take weeks to figure out/get into.

    Even more amusing is the people who go buy it just to, as one poster said on here, "sit in general chat and ask why I should play it". For starters, way to make a solid point. Buy a game, increasing the number of users, to try and make a point that no one should play it......  Second, I saw someone asking that in general chat (was probably that very poster) and I did what everyone else did, ignored him.

    I've chatted with and helped many people in AC2 the last couple of days. There is a ton of enthusiasm in the world and people are everywhere you look. But I will not utter a world to trolls in the chat and neither will most other people. So if you're looking to go into the game, or to sit on these forums, and use all your precious time to try and troll those who are having fun, you'll likely just be ignored and that will clearly only drive you to try and troll more.


    AC2 players have already shown themselves to be great at not feeding the trolls. It has been a great experience in that world so far and I can't wait to log in some more this weekend.


    When I asked, I preferenced the comment so to not offend. I doubt I was the only one asking such questions, but if Im the one you ignored, you're probably no doing your game any favors.

    First of all, asking why someone should play it is nowhere near the same thing as saying no one should play it. I was happy to give Turbine my money because I think rereleasing AC2 is great and I do have limited experience with the game from back in the day. Of course the AC2 vets are happy with the game, but the vets alone wont pay the bills. In 2012 what will entice new players to check out AC2 over newer MMOs? Unless Dawnsong is some kinda sandbox server for AC1 subscribers to screw around on when bored, one can only assume that Turbine will eventually attemt some sort of F2P relaunch. In its current state, AC2 is a nice look back in time, but it's disconcerting when the only reasons vets can give me to chose AC2 over newer games are because the "world is really big" or because "the pvp is nice. "

    I want to know what sets AC2 apart from the crowd. What can I get from AC2 that I can't get from other MMOs and what does AC2 do better than other games? I think those are valid questions that every curious new player will have and if they go unanswered, those players will seek thei fortunes elsewhere.
  • TheocritusTheocritus Member LegendaryPosts: 10,065
          I still find it odd how willing people are to sub to AC1 to get to play AC2....Basically they are getting you to pay for a game they had put on the scrap heap long ago......
  • MyrdynnMyrdynn Member RarePosts: 2,484
    Originally posted by Theocritus
          I still find it odd how willing people are to sub to AC1 to get to play AC2....Basically they are getting you to pay for a game they had put on the scrap heap long ago......

    no people are willing to sub 2 AC2, not AC1, thats just the only option, you get 2 games for 1


  • FortenbasFortenbas Member UncommonPosts: 15
    I've been having a blast playing AC2 the last couple days.The game still has all the magic it had before for me and a big part of that magic is the great community.Its like i have traveled back in time.See all you other fans in game.
  • grimgryphongrimgryphon Member CommonPosts: 682
    Originally posted by Fortenbas
    I've been having a blast playing AC2 the last couple days.The game still has all the magic it had before for me and a big part of that magic is the great community.Its like i have traveled back in time.See all you other fans in game.

    I had a very similar experience. I was skeptical at first, but after playing the game it was all I remembered...and more.

    I really hope they do something to bring the graphics and animations up to speed for 2012. They are tolerable, but could be so much better.

    Optional PvP = No PvP
  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    I may give it a go next month, to much going on right now. But I hope it doesn't turn into how it did in old days. bunch of people bought it anf joined then left in droves couple months later. I really hope they do some major updating with the game. They have the potential of making it the great game it should of been. 
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

  • SnarlingWolfSnarlingWolf Member Posts: 2,697
    Originally posted by SuperXero89
    Originally posted by SnarlingWolf
    Originally posted by Mardukk
    Originally posted by LadyEuphei

    I am not an AC2 fan, heck I have not even played it, but I do find it funny that people think that they need to come on here and announce that "Your wearing goggles" and "the game sucks" This is exatly what the article about the tear down mentality of gamers was explaining. 

    Seriously, go back in your holes you trolls and let some people out for some sunlight. AC2 is back and some people are happy. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 

    No kidding.  I have no idea why some want to come into AC2 threads and tear it down right away.  Hell some of the people tearing it down haven't even played it.  

    I'm trying it now and it is extremely rough around the edges but some of these older games can take weeks to figure out/get into.

    Even more amusing is the people who go buy it just to, as one poster said on here, "sit in general chat and ask why I should play it". For starters, way to make a solid point. Buy a game, increasing the number of users, to try and make a point that no one should play it......  Second, I saw someone asking that in general chat (was probably that very poster) and I did what everyone else did, ignored him.

    I've chatted with and helped many people in AC2 the last couple of days. There is a ton of enthusiasm in the world and people are everywhere you look. But I will not utter a world to trolls in the chat and neither will most other people. So if you're looking to go into the game, or to sit on these forums, and use all your precious time to try and troll those who are having fun, you'll likely just be ignored and that will clearly only drive you to try and troll more.


    AC2 players have already shown themselves to be great at not feeding the trolls. It has been a great experience in that world so far and I can't wait to log in some more this weekend.


    When I asked, I preferenced the comment so to not offend. I doubt I was the only one asking such questions, but if Im the one you ignored, you're probably no doing your game any favors. First of all, asking why someone should play it is nowhere near the same thing as saying no one should play it. I was happy to give Turbine my money because I think rereleasing AC2 is great and I do have limited experience with the game from back in the day. Of course the AC2 vets are happy with the game, but the vets alone wont pay the bills. In 2012 what will entice new players to check out AC2 over newer MMOs? Unless Dawnsong is some kinda sandbox server for AC1 subscribers to screw around on when bored, one can only assume that Turbine will eventually attemt some sort of F2P relaunch. In its current state, AC2 is a nice look back in time, but it's disconcerting when the only reasons vets can give me to chose AC2 over newer games are because the "world is really big" or because "the pvp is nice. " I want to know what sets AC2 apart from the crowd. What can I get from AC2 that I can't get from other MMOs and what does AC2 do better than other games? I think those are valid questions that every curious new player will have and if they go unanswered, those players will seek thei fortunes elsewhere.

    Why would I ignore it? Because I expect a person who has already paid for it and logged into it to go experience it and try it out. Why go that far and then stop cold and expect others to tell it all to you?


    Since you made an assumption and I tend to think of assumptions as bad things, I will make one of my own. My assumption is you probably won't find this game all that great for your type of play style.


    So why do so many people like it? They are the people who tend to be fed up with the modern MMO industry. They are tired of the extremely linear gameplay that holds you hand, highlights everything you need to go, puts arrows/highlights where you need to go and essentially plays the game for you as you paint by number. They want a world that is there for them to explore. For them to discover the content, the areas, the excitement. Where they choose the path they want to take to the top and where there is actually a learning curve. Those are the people who are excited for and having a great time in AC2. I'm one of those people. I step into modern MMOs like WoW and GW2 and I simply don't enjoy that style of play. There are plenty who do (obviously) and I fully respect the need for there to be games for those type of players, but I was constantly yearning for a quality game that would be design to that other segment of the market that is so ignored. AC2 and AC1 are those games (I have been playing AC1 so I wasn't one of those who signed up just to get to AC2 but I'm happy to have it. At the same time most of those people who like that go your own path, do your own thing, discover it on your own without the game telling you what to do people don't stop to ask "Why should I play this game?" because they get it as soon as they log in and are excited to go exploring.

  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Originally posted by SuperXero89
    Originally posted by SnarlingWolf
    Originally posted by Mardukk
    Originally posted by LadyEuphei

    I am not an AC2 fan, heck I have not even played it, but I do find it funny that people think that they need to come on here and announce that "Your wearing goggles" and "the game sucks" This is exatly what the article about the tear down mentality of gamers was explaining. 

    Seriously, go back in your holes you trolls and let some people out for some sunlight. AC2 is back and some people are happy. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 

    No kidding.  I have no idea why some want to come into AC2 threads and tear it down right away.  Hell some of the people tearing it down haven't even played it.  

    I'm trying it now and it is extremely rough around the edges but some of these older games can take weeks to figure out/get into.

    Even more amusing is the people who go buy it just to, as one poster said on here, "sit in general chat and ask why I should play it". For starters, way to make a solid point. Buy a game, increasing the number of users, to try and make a point that no one should play it......  Second, I saw someone asking that in general chat (was probably that very poster) and I did what everyone else did, ignored him.

    I've chatted with and helped many people in AC2 the last couple of days. There is a ton of enthusiasm in the world and people are everywhere you look. But I will not utter a world to trolls in the chat and neither will most other people. So if you're looking to go into the game, or to sit on these forums, and use all your precious time to try and troll those who are having fun, you'll likely just be ignored and that will clearly only drive you to try and troll more.


    AC2 players have already shown themselves to be great at not feeding the trolls. It has been a great experience in that world so far and I can't wait to log in some more this weekend.


    When I asked, I preferenced the comment so to not offend. I doubt I was the only one asking such questions, but if Im the one you ignored, you're probably no doing your game any favors. First of all, asking why someone should play it is nowhere near the same thing as saying no one should play it. I was happy to give Turbine my money because I think rereleasing AC2 is great and I do have limited experience with the game from back in the day. Of course the AC2 vets are happy with the game, but the vets alone wont pay the bills. In 2012 what will entice new players to check out AC2 over newer MMOs? Unless Dawnsong is some kinda sandbox server for AC1 subscribers to screw around on when bored, one can only assume that Turbine will eventually attemt some sort of F2P relaunch. In its current state, AC2 is a nice look back in time, but it's disconcerting when the only reasons vets can give me to chose AC2 over newer games are because the "world is really big" or because "the pvp is nice. " I want to know what sets AC2 apart from the crowd. What can I get from AC2 that I can't get from other MMOs and what does AC2 do better than other games? I think those are valid questions that every curious new player will have and if they go unanswered, those players will seek thei fortunes elsewhere.

    lmao ..cmon man .... stop it FFS ... your not buying a dam car , its a freakin game and its actually 2 games for a pretty good price , dont go into global chat and ask the community to massgae you into playing it .. you paid your money , try it .. see what you like ....

  • Pratt2112Pratt2112 Member UncommonPosts: 1,636
    Originally posted by SuperXero89
    Yeah this article is pointless. Still, playing this game yesterday was an experience.

    Still, I'm not sure what this game has to offer anyone but the diehards without a major overhaul. Asked plenty of times in general chat why I should play this over modern MMOs and not once did I receive a legitimate answer that wasn't rooted in someone else's nostalgia. This scares me. You can take an even older game like EQ and list plenty of quantifiable reasons to play that over modern games.

    Well, why should it be others' place or responsibility to "convince" or "explain themselves" you? The problem isn't with people "failing to give you good answers". The problem is with you expecting that people should have to in the first place.


    Every single person who enjoys AC2, who enjoyed and played it back during its original service , as well as those who are trying it now for the first time and enjoying it (there's been an impressive amount of such comments in General Chat so far) are coming to that conclusion on their own by actually playing it, and finding it "hits the spot" for them on some level(s).


    None of them are playing it instead of another, newer game because "someone convinced them that they should". They're playing it because they enjoy playing it. It's really that simple.

    In other words, what you're asking for is for others to furnish you with an opinion of the game instead of simply trying the game, seeing what it offers, and then formulating your own opinion for yourself. You've acknowledged that you've purchased an account to check it out, and that you had limited experience with it before... so.. just play!  If you've been in-game you've perhaps seen people who are also new to it saying they're enjoying it quite a lot.


    Why do you feel the need to "qualify it" with "good reasons to play it over something newer"? You play it for the same reason you play any game - old or new - because you enjoy it. Why complicate it needlessly with all this "hmm... give me reasons..." chin-scratching nonsense...


    As for the nostalgia goggles comment made previously. You know it's funny.. I was having this discussion in Mumble with an Allegiance-mate last night, and I was saying "you know  what's cool about this? People for years have argued that everyone who claims AC2 was a great game was seeing it through rose-colored glasses, ignoring the bad and only thinking of the good. That if they could play it again, they'd fnid it wasn't nearly as good as they remember it to be. What's great about this happening, is that now people can go back and actually play the game again as it was on the day it shut down in 2005, and put that "theory" to the test.


    The results? Those who have praised it over the past seven years are loving it just as much as we did back then. We're logging in eagerly, playing as much as we can and having a ball. I hate having to log out, I'm having so much fun hanging out and chatting with others, doing whatever we feel like doing at a given moment.


    Further, new players are coming in and are finding it to be quite enjoyable and saying as much in the General channel. They're saying it's a nice change from the long line of derivative "me-too" clones that have been flooding the market over the past 7 years, even while maintaining some of the basic controls that helps keep it "familiar".


    On the other hand, you have people - including and especially the vets - talking about the bugs and quirks that persisted before, making it into the re-launch. So, yes, we remember the flaws it had before, and we're acknowledging them now  as well.


    Hell, even one of the people who helped develop and was the Producer of the game, Citan, has given his "first impressions" of it upon going back: Click Here.


    So is it Nostalgia Goggles? Put simply: Hell no.


    Asheron's Call 2 is exactly the game we remember it to be.

  • MithrandolirMithrandolir Member UncommonPosts: 1,701

    ^ I could not agree more, TangentPoint. I am having so much fun again in this game, the open dungeons, the unique lore and mobs, the world design, I love it all. Been playing pretty much non stop since it came back up, aside from sleeping. I logged to eat and can't wait to log back in. I don't expect anybody else to share my feeling though, they're mine. I am happy to see a lot of players int he game do indeed share my feelings though :)


  • Panther2103Panther2103 Member EpicPosts: 5,779
    Originally posted by Theocritus
          I still find it odd how willing people are to sub to AC1 to get to play AC2....Basically they are getting you to pay for a game they had put on the scrap heap long ago......

    The game was put onto the scrap heap because it came out around the time wow did which was unfortunate. I did not play either of the games and purchased AC1 to play AC2, and I will continue to play AC2 becuase it isn't a poorly made game which is what you are insinuating, it's actually really fun. It has a refreshing take on a lot of things, even for a game that was released in 2002. 

  • OdyssesOdysses Member Posts: 581
    Originally posted by grimgryphon
    Originally posted by Fortenbas
    I've been having a blast playing AC2 the last couple days.The game still has all the magic it had before for me and a big part of that magic is the great community.Its like i have traveled back in time.See all you other fans in game.

    I had a very similar experience. I was skeptical at first, but after playing the game it was all I remembered...and more.

    I really hope they do something to bring the graphics and animations up to speed for 2012. They are tolerable, but could be so much better.

    I would like to echo the same sentiments.  The community of players that gravitate towards this game are what makes it special.  AC2 has ambiance and character that seems to be missing from a lot of more recent games.  The group I was in yesterday all felt the same way and part of the fun is that alot of the quests and rewards are not instant gratification or even all that great.  But the fun of accomplishment as well the journey makes it all worth while.

  • SuperXero89SuperXero89 Member UncommonPosts: 2,551
    Well Im without a pc so I'll have to keep this as brief as possible.

    First of all, many of you seem extremely xenophobic. Asking why I should continue to play should not be considered an insult. I'm just trying to learn more about the game, especially the endgame, from the AC2 vets in general chat. My first impressions are positive; however, I feel like in the long run few non-vets will stick around once their curiosity lessens and they realize that AC2 is quite antiquated in comparison to newer games while not being so old that it is an entirely different experience from modern games.

    I wanted to see if there was some hidden quality that isn't readily apparent for the first several hours of the game. Right now, I think what you see is what you get. For this to be a long term success, Turbine will have to pour a lot of effort into improving this game before most non-veterans give it a serious chance.
  • tomato_kwantomato_kwan Member Posts: 44
    Originally posted by Myrdynn
    Originally posted by Theocritus
          I still find it odd how willing people are to sub to AC1 to get to play AC2....Basically they are getting you to pay for a game they had put on the scrap heap long ago......

    no people are willing to sub 2 AC2, not AC1, thats just the only option, you get 2 games for 1


     There ARE many people willing to do so. I am thinking about sub'ing to AC1 just to get AC2 access.


    Edit : quotation level

  • Kaynos1972Kaynos1972 Member Posts: 2,316
    I'm downloading it now, will resub to AC just to play it, seeya in game.
  • hardiconhardicon Member UncommonPosts: 335

    superxero, the thing asherons call offers in general is no hand holding, no themepark, no linear gameplay.  you can literally go anywhere in the world and do anything you want as long as your toon is strong enough to do it.  you can go explore the world instead of running to a mark on your map killing a mob then running back to the other point on your map.  there is no endgame in asherons call 1 and I would assume 2.  there is no dungeon grind for gear like wow.  it is basically do whatever you want.  asherons call goes back to old days where you didnt get max level in 3 days to 2 weeks.  it took months to get max level so endgame isnt that important.   ive left ac twice to go chase the "better"  mmos out today and I get bored within a month.  I logged on last night and didnt do nothing but chat with people and try to get familiar with my character again, mainly because I have no clue what to do now and that is great, but still there is so much to do in ac1 it is mindblowing.

    now i havent played ac2, still trying to get it to download for me, but from what i remember back in the day it was made along the same lines as ac1 so expect there to be alot to do once turbine works out the kinks.  for now just enjoy the game for what it is and the "endgame" will come.

    turbine please make asherons call 3 with ac1 gameplay and updated graphics and controls.



  • evilastroevilastro Member Posts: 4,270
    Originally posted by Emeraq
    Originally posted by tachgb
    But what do Turbine wish to do with AC2? Further develop it? New content? Or host the game as it is, fix the bugs and enjoy what content it has?

    Content?  I thought sandbox games only needed NPC's that don't really say anything or give you anything  to do, and that the world was primarly just  an open world with monsters sprawled out here and there and in dungeons etc? :)

    AC1 is a sandbox. AC2 is a themepark.

  • slickerac2slickerac2 Member UncommonPosts: 12

    ac2 is back and i hope turbine never pull the plug out again for this masterpiece .... 

    for the people who never try ac2, plz open your mind.. give some time to the game for  the first levels.. and then u gona understant why people LOVE AC2.


    have fun

  • strangiato2112strangiato2112 Member CommonPosts: 1,538
    Originally posted by evilastro

    AC1 is a sandbox. AC2 is a themepark.

    AC2 is most definitely not a themepark.  A few themepark elements?  Maybe, but certainly not a themepark.  Themeparks didnt realy exist until November 2004 launched the first 2.  DAoC came the closest.


    People that think its ether "themepark" or "sandbox" dont understand what a themepark really is.

  • RingsideRingside Member UncommonPosts: 249
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