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Music Composition and Scoring Software

Does anyone out there have any ideas of a GOOD music composition software for windows platform? I don't want midi...I am looking for something that has the capability to orchestral sound.

If you have any ideas on that lemme know please. It would be GREATLY appreciated.

"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."


  • FlashStepFlashStep Member Posts: 50

    I know some Dj's
    And the most of them are using the program:
    Reason 2.0 or 3.0
    And for mixing copying pasting music
    They use Soundforge from Sont i think
    Well thats all i know

  • cukimungacukimunga Member UncommonPosts: 2,258

    Well As a Dj/Producer and a musician. I use Reason 3.0 / Ableton Live. Both great programs
    for making any type of music. But to get the full useage of those programs you have to have
    a Midi Keyboard and a Midi controler. One you get that you can put any sound or noise you
    want on the keyboard. If you wanting to record, use either sound forge or Cubase.

  • enzymeenzyme Member UncommonPosts: 464

    I think USB is taking over the midi world, but I would suggest Reason, or if you have the $$ go with a pro-tools M-Box setup, it includes the audio interface and a few plug-ins. A trial of Reason is included.

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  • enzymeenzyme Member UncommonPosts: 464

    Originally posted by cukimunga

    Well As a Dj/Producer and a musician. I use Reason 3.0 / Ableton Live. Both great programs
    for making any type of music. But to get the full useage of those programs you have to have
    a Midi Keyboard and a Midi controler. One you get that you can put any sound or noise you
    want on the keyboard. If you wanting to record, use either sound forge or Cubase.

    Ableton rocks, have you tried operator yet?

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  • KiamdeKiamde Member CommonPosts: 5,820

    A pro-tools setup with a soundforge mac is mighty powerful.

    "Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"

    "When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman

  • cryoracryora Member Posts: 367

    Does Reason have an official site?

    There's this popular program called Fruity Loops but it seems to mainly be for techno music.

  • enzymeenzyme Member UncommonPosts: 464

    Originally posted by cryora

    Does Reason have an official site?
    There's this popular program called Fruity Loops but it seems to mainly be for techno music.

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