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Silkroad Online: New Game!

StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696 has added a new game to our ever-growing list of MMORPGs. This one is called Silkroad Online, and deals with  the ancient Chinese, Islam and European civilization. Here is the description of the game that can be found here, in the Silkroad Online section of the site.

The online game 'SilkRoad' targets the unceasingly active world other than the existing online games which the has built the entrenched world. On the specious Silk Road, the merchants constantly moves for trading and burglars who intend to strip them of goods. In addition, there are hunters who specialize in removing such burglars. On the Silk Road which seems to be static, the hostility and secret strife in which various groups continuously engage for the benefit of their own groups inform the Silk Road world with new life.

For more information on Silkroad Online, click here.

Jon Wood
Managing Editor


  • FlashStepFlashStep Member Posts: 50

    Im curious how this game will be :D

  • harabasharabas Member Posts: 100

    I dunnow, but most "korean RPGs" are puke...just goes on every time with the same gameplays...hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm...image


  • angus858angus858 Member UncommonPosts: 381
    For a moment I got all excited by the title.  A semi-historical game based on the real silk road would have been awesome.  One look at the screenshots set me straight.  This looks like just another generic high-fantasy combat game. image
  • gaara_123gaara_123 Member Posts: 5

    have beend Bored Long enaugh.. Thanx.. DLing now ::::28::

    if hit me 1 time i dont care. hit me 2 time i dont care but hit any of my friends i will hit you to my arms are burning

  • trithitrithi Member Posts: 3
    this is realy realy nice! now its fully released and admin said its gonna be free forever (hope-so) well the graphic is real nice. lots of skills to learn and yeh :D i love this game 

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