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Asheron's Call 2 : Fallen Kings: RESURRECTION!



  • PigEyePigEye Member Posts: 78



    Downloading now.


    Shout-out to all the former WintersEbb peeps!


    AoD FTW

    PigEye McNasty

  • OdyssesOdysses Member Posts: 581
    I have a feeling this is a Warner Bros. move for them to squeeze every dime of revenue out of their tubine purchase.  Also as far as I know, when Turbine bought the Asheron's Call franchise from Microsoft, they were able to do whatever they wanted.  Which leads me again to think this is WB looking to maximize as many revenue streams as possible.
  • SiveriaSiveria Member UncommonPosts: 1,422
    I'd play this if it was f2p, even just for now while its in beta. I enjoyed the game way back.

    Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:

    A. Proven right (if something bad happens)


    B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)

    Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!

  • macarter0327macarter0327 Member Posts: 23

    Where are you guys downloading it from? I'd like to try it out as well :)


    Nevermind found it on the main post lol.


  • treyu86treyu86 Member UncommonPosts: 270
    How was PvP in this game? I have read that first it was just in some zones of the world, but later they introduced a Kingdom vs Kingdom (3 kingdoms to choose) system. I would love if it was a sandbox where there is guild vs guild, politics etc, but I think it won't be like that, any old player can explain a bit?
  • svandysvandy Member UncommonPosts: 277

    These are the things I really want to know...


    Did i thave player housing?

    Did it have a player driven economy (as in almost all items of real value were purchased from players)?

    Did it have item decay so as to make crafting more viable?

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  • RyphtRypht Member UncommonPosts: 39
    I consider Asheron's Call 2 the last innovative MMO game to be developed for one and only one reason, it had SEASONS.  A huge chunk of the world would get reskinned/textured/changed sounds for months on end because the living breathing world was going through winter time.  Every game since then, which is too lazy to even add occaisional weather, or god forbid a day/night cycle, just makes me doubt the caliber of the developers.
  • DarhammDarhamm Member UncommonPosts: 68

    Nice! And unexpected! I gotta check this out, as I thought this was a gem I never got to try out :)

  • MindTriggerMindTrigger Member Posts: 2,596
    Originally posted by Torvaldr

    Is it going to have a new engine, textures, and models?  Or is Turbine going to shortcut it iand just re-release the old game as it stood.  I think mixing vague nostalgia with current expectations and reality is an explosive mixture.  Remember that old saying, "You can't go back."?

    They should do this right and reboot it, not just reopen servers as an experiment.

    Also why would they go sub with this when both DDO and LotRO have been more successful under Freemium?  That seems to forewarn that it isn't a reboot but just a relaunch of the old.  At least this will give those who want more of the old and a sub an opportunity to put their money where their mouth is.

    From what I read they basically just turned up a server and they are calling it "beta".  Interesting, I think.  They've probably been seeing all the chatter about sandboxes coming out in 2013, and decided to pull AC2 out of the dustbin in response.  Smart move, if you ask me.  I don't mind playing dated games if they are fun, and if this one pulls enough people back, who knows what may happen.

    Makes sense from a business standpoint.  There's almost zero risk, and server / bandwidth is dirt cheap compared to what it was 5-10 years ago.  If it starts bringing people in, they would be crazy not to continue updading it.

    A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.

  • youngkgyoungkg Member UncommonPosts: 357

    Great game but i dont know where you guys are getting "Sandbox" from, Asherons call 2 is Asherons call 1 making a transition into the themepark formula.


    The only sandbox feature AC2 has imo is the Dev's team ability to change the landscape depending on "Player Choices" which i cant even recall if it worked as advertised the first time around.

  • IggiePuffIggiePuff Member UncommonPosts: 146
    Originally posted by BillMurphy
    Guess the contract or whatnot with Microsoft wore off?  Either way, I'm super stoked! 

    There were no contract with Microsoft. When Turbine left MS years ago Turbine bought all their games from MS. Asheron's Call, AC2, etc, Of course I could be wrong, but I've never heard anything about a contract after they left MS.

    But I've been wanting them to bring back AC2 for years. I've talked to a number of people that said they wanted AC2 back and many said they'd be willing to pay a monthly fee for it.

    Kinda sucks we have to start all over but I'm fine with it.

    So I'll be checking it out here in a few. Got 1.6/2.2 GB left, roughly 16-20 mins or so.

  • YamotaYamota Member UncommonPosts: 6,593
    Originally posted by Zekiah
    Originally posted by MindTrigger

    Can someone explain what this game is about in a few sentences?  I never played it or followed it, but I am aware of how much some people loved it.



    It's sandbox, of which I believe you are a big fan of? image

    It's one of the ones (along with AC1) that I regretted not ever picking up, it's worth your time to at least research it.

    AC 2 is NOT a sandbox. It was/is one of the early linear game experiences where you go from dungeon to dungeon, zone to zone to level your character. It has very few sandbox elements, unlike its predeccessor and the game was basically a precursor to Lord of the Rings Online.

  • AcidonAcidon Member UncommonPosts: 796

    Holy crap, this is amazing!   This is a game I still /mourn from time to time.

    The only thing that could make this better is if they reverted the crafting changes that they did not long before it shut down..


    Even still, time to see if it can hold up to my rose-tinted glasses.. It will be interesting because this sounds like it's the same exact game - just live again.  Which is, of course, much different than trying to go back to EQ1.. Because they've gutted the core of that game by "modernizing" it.


    We'll see!  Just happy to have the opportunity to try.

  • ZekiahZekiah Member UncommonPosts: 2,483
    Originally posted by Yamota
    Originally posted by Zekiah
    Originally posted by MindTrigger

    Can someone explain what this game is about in a few sentences?  I never played it or followed it, but I am aware of how much some people loved it.



    It's sandbox, of which I believe you are a big fan of? image

    It's one of the ones (along with AC1) that I regretted not ever picking up, it's worth your time to at least research it.

    AC 2 is NOT a sandbox. It was/is one of the early linear game experiences where you go from dungeon to dungeon, zone to zone to level your character. It has very few sandbox elements, unlike its predeccessor and the game was basically a precursor to Lord of the Rings Online.

    Ahh, bummer. I've always heard that AC1 was the best but wasn't sure why. I'd still like to try AC1 though.

    "Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky

  • OdyssesOdysses Member Posts: 581
    It's sandbox in the sense that your not forced into rigid class roles and you don't go from quest camp to quest camp to level up.  The main way you leveled up your character in AC2 was to go hunt (grouping was much more effecient).  The main sandbox element was freedom, and also the ability to change the environment.  IE. building forges, Auction Houses and so on.
  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    ROFL, and they said they deleted everything that was AC2. Was that a lie?  I did have a lifetime account won in a contest. But I know that won't be in effect. :)
    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

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  • slickerac2slickerac2 Member UncommonPosts: 12

    THATS one of the best news of my life... thanks turbine from bringing back MY BEST MMO...

    T H A N K  Y O U

  • ragz45ragz45 Member UncommonPosts: 810
    Wasn't AC2 shut down because it was seen as inferior to AC1 in many ways?  I never played much of either one, so I'm not really sure what to think about this.
  • zimikezimike Member UncommonPosts: 160
    Just activated my AC account and alomost have the game downloaded. I'm so excited!
  • escanescan Member Posts: 26
    AC2 was was my first MMORPG.  This is the best Xmas gift ever.   Am I dreaming????
  • JakeSimJakeSim Member RarePosts: 884
    Would we keep our chars?
    Please come check out my stream. All the love is appreciated! 

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  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    Originally posted by ragz45
    Wasn't AC2 shut down because it was seen as inferior to AC1 in many ways?  I never played much of either one, so I'm not really sure what to think about this.

    AC2 was tanking, hardly anyone was playing or paying. Turbine was in a money crunch back then so they had to let it go. Biggest complaint was rubber banding during game play. Hope they fixed it which I bet they did.  

    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

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  • ThillianThillian Member UncommonPosts: 3,156
    In a few words. This is the true WoW predecessor.


  • VesaviusVesavius Member RarePosts: 7,908

    Well... this came from nowhere...

    I never played aeither of the AC games, thinking that maybe I should. I am not bothered by older gfx or anything and getting my teeth into an older style MMORPG right now sounds great.

    This is just a beta though... maybe best to wait till they have the wrinkles ironed out.

  • BrenicsBrenics Member RarePosts: 1,939
    Originally posted by Thillian
    In a few words. This is the true WoW predecessor.

    I disagree, I would say it was all MMO's at the time that lead to wow. A lot of people would say AC2 would be the way not to go for wow. 

    I'm not perfect but I'm always myself!

    Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event

    4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.

    Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!

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