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Was wondering what you guys think of this game. I have only gotten to play about 30 mins of it and I already love the game. The gun fighting is awsome and the scares are great! This is definitally worth getting. Anyway.. Tell me what you guys think.
Heres an IGN review on F.E.A.R. if your looking to see what the game is about.
F.E.A.R. Review
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
Well everyone was raving about the Demo so I got it and didnt think it was that great...
Well now everyone is raving about the game... so Im wondering lol....
Most gaming review sites have given it 90%+

"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Well I picked up Quake 4 and F.E.A.R. this week and F.E.A.R. wins hands down. While Q4 is basic and simplistic fun F.E.A.R. makes you actually use tactics and thought. Also, the AI in F.E.A.R. is phemoninal! Not only does it react to your flashlight. dive for cover, call for back-up it actually DOESN'T know where you are all the time.
The "pong" in most games lets every AI know where you are at all times so there's not much in the way of sneaking up and doing any damage. Unless the AI was scripted specifically for something like this (ie- Thief where the AI was scripted to only look 45 degrees forward). You can actually trick the enmy squads into looking a different direction while you move around and flank them. Be warned...they think this way too.
Also, another GREAT thing is that there's not always ONE way to go to get from point A to B. Like Quake 4 where all paths are locked BUT the one you need to take you can find tons of ways around each squad or area in F.E.A.R. The "scare" scenes are fun. Nothing that made me jump out of my seat ala AvP but I've wasted more than a few rounds on something that wasn't even there in a panic fire.
My only complaint in the language. No...I am not saying that potty mouths scare me. They just over did it a bit. I think they were trying a little hard to make the game racey. Each squad fight you can hear the lovely F word more than you could at a Chris Rock show. Other than that...the game is great. I'd give it a 9.5 out of 10.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
I tried the Demo of the game, quite awsome ^^ I really like the effect of the ammo when it hits Object and wall really realistic
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
F.E.A.R.'s single player was fun as heck. I have hardly any criticism about it.
The multiplayer was fun but only for the beginning. All the physics and eye candy and stuff makes the multiplayer great but after getting used to all the minor details and paying more attention to the gameplay, F.E.A.R. is basically a game where you run around in mazes and shooting any enemy that appears. Though they have an arsenal of assorted weapons, they're still very similar weapons to other FPS and quickly lose their wonder as the player pay less attention to the special effects and great graphics.
If you mean my doggy Fluffy , somewhere on Internet found its pic and reduced it format!
as for my Sign, I made it myself!
No vehicles. F.E.A.R. is a CQB game.
do you remember how disastrous the first halo on PC was with vehicles???
they killed more people at any outdoor map through road rage then any other weapon in the first 3 months.
i know i was the only jackass here stupid enough to buy it.
so vehicles dont always add to gameplay.
BF2 only gets away with em because they have a crap load of anti armor.
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
I use banshees eheheheheheheehehe
The gameplay is great though the single player feature is way too short, i finished the game in 7-8 hours. Playing it on Extreme Diff atm to make it abit harder.
Man i only saw the preview,
I thought hmm the ring and a shooting game together cooll
And last night i had a dream that i was in the back of the truck was a smaller carrier ( i was the special army man)
So i was crawling under this carrier and when i watched to the door opening. I saw that girl watching me.
Then i thought this must from the new game F.E.A.R. cooll
But then when i watched again she was gone, and i looked back to the front of me and there she was again with her face half a meter away from me.
Man i couldnt move my body in real life any more because i wanted to wake-up.
Man that was creepy And in my head i kept on hearing MORE RESPECT
And that was the end (not made up)
Creepy ass games gives you creepy ass dreams
So good luck guys
(as long as i know that she said MORE RESPECT i dont say anything about her what she looked like, Maybe she needs more respect so she dont come after me anymore xD)
I'm definately gonna check this game out. I haven't played a good scare-game since Silent Hill 2.
Off-topic: Did anyone play the original Alone In The Dark? Man, that was a great game at the time...

"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
I liked FEAR alot, my friend didnt though. I am tihnking about Quake 4, since I own all the other games (my dad used to know someone in id Software).
Sounds like what I am doing now. I dunno just how long it took me the first time through. This time I have the difficulty maxed and I am limiting myself to melee and pistols ONLY ( except for the Heavy Armours ).
You can score some nice little headshots with those pistols I tell ya.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Ok... soo... Quake IV or FEAR? I downloaded the FEAR demo, it was great, and Quake IV looks awesome but it has no demo... I dont want to buy FEAR and which I had bought Quake IV. So which one is better?
F.E.A.R > Quake 4.
No offense to Q4 but it's nothing but Q1 and 2 with a prettier face. The AI is...well...not sure it can be called AI. The Storyline is alright, pretty on par with the Humans vs. Strogg of the other two. The weapons are weak to the say the least save the replacement for the BFG. ( I will leave that to others to find out instead of giving it away ).
F.E.A.R. on the other hand has a decent story. Scripting is alright though they wen't overboard with the language to make the game edgy. The story really isn't ground breaking but it keeps you going. Playing through a second time to can make sure to pay attention to all the creepy things you may have missed the first time. You get static on your comm-link whenever something paranormal is going on around you so you know to look around. The weapons have a MUCH more realistic feel. The AI is insane. On Extreme Difficulty it feels more like I am playing against human players. You can actually lose them and sneak up on them.
Q4 is a game on rails. You can only get from point A to B one way. F.E.A.R. generally gives you a few options adding to the replayability to let you try new weapons and tactics.
Graphically, F.E.A.R. wins hands down. If you have played Doom III you've seen Quake 4. Notihng different at all. The above ground shots when you are in some of the towers are such crap matte panting style cheese outs that I was offended for what I paid. F.E.A.R. makes you feel like you are in an actual city when you look out a window.
Quake 4 is by far a simpler game though. So if you are more casual then go for it. Also, I think the multiplayer for Q4 might be a bit more fun. In F.E.A.R. multiplayer the "slowmo" makes things a little awkward.
Anyway...those are just my two cents since I own both games.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
There will probably be a Quake 4 demo in a couple months. Doom 3 didn't have a demo until a few months after it was released, I presume they are doing the same with Quake 4.
I personally chose to buy Quake 4 over FEAR because I thought the FEAR demo lagged too much and the gameplay seemed a bit slow. I think it's a good game.
Shockingly enough ( since it is using the Doom engine and that was the benchmark for a little while ), yeah Q4 is definately more system friendly. Though you don't have to have an insane machine for F.E.A.R. I am running it on my Inspiron 9300
P4-M 1.6ghz. 1280mb RAM. GeForce GO 6800 GT 256mb.
I play at Very High settings and I have a chop every now and then when I first load it up. Other than that it's smooooth.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
I havent played Quake 4 but my friends have it. They have both games and they say that Quake 4 isnt that great. So from what I have heard about Quake 4 I would probably go with FEAR if I were you.