As title says...
Lets see. Very very first time in Redridge. Back near the first couple weeks of release. Had a human paladin, and was pwning everything with this one ability (forgot what it was called, but it was later nerfed since it was so powerful)...and within the first 6 whelpings I killed.
A little black whelpling pet dropped. I said, "wow stupid drop, only little kids would want a pet that has no use" and deleted it.
I still regret doing that

Still never found a whelpling pet after that...and its been years lol...and I'm too stingy with my money to buy one on the auction house.
I also deleted a level 60 priest...when I wasn't paying attention, had stayed up 2 full nights playing WoW, dead tired...and meant to kill off my low level rogue and well...there went the priest. My guild mates laughed...I only laughed later.
I think the funniest one though was back in wrath of the lich king. Was leveling a warlock, tabbing mobs cause I felt lazy (still nooby as ever)...and accidentally sent my voidwalker two rooms down the dungeon (shadowfang keep). Pulled the voidwalker back realizing my mistake...and in comes 2 rooms of mobs.
The funny part was, EVERYONE blamed the hunter and kicked him from the group.
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
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"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Trashed/vendored all of my pre-Wrath raid Tier sets.
T1, 2, 2.5...4,5,6... all gone.
Damn you Transmogrification!
Every single accidental death involving falling/plummeting off a cliff...
while as a druid.
Let's internet
My main is a druid.. I have probably killed all of my alts 20 times each because my main is a druid. It is just so normal for me to jump off stuff then push flightform a second later...
I can´t even remember when, but my biggest mistake was getting a tier token during my first raid (pug) and I had it in my bank for about 3 months because I didn´t know what it was or that I had to turn it in for the actual gear. I also took stat descriptions way too seriously my first few months playing. My moonkin had an assortment of agi,str,spi and int gear because I wanted to be balanced.
Honestly I don't remember anything really dumb but soon after I dinged 60 I was running I think Scholomance and an alchemy recipe dropped for one of the rare flasks. I won the toss and I sold it to a guy/gal in the group for I think 10 gold because it was so pathetically eager to get it that I felt sorry for it.
As time went on I realized how rare it was and regretted it. After TBC came of course it didn't really matter as far as gameplay but I never went back for it or bought it off AH even though I was sort of a completionist as a player.
I want to say it was a prismatic resistance potion or somesuch.
My very first flyer in BC.
Spun the camera around to take a screenshot...
Accidentally dismounted and fell to my death.
1. Deleted high level charecters to make room for new ones(that I never leveled).
2. Took a break from WoW during vanilla thinking the game would not change. Came back during TBC to find all my T2 raid gear + Thunderfury was useless.
Mid-BC, ran my Tauren druid off of Thunder Bluff, hitting the shapeshift to flight form on the way down...
Have to imagine most druids did that at one point or another.
Leaving when WotLK came out. Oh wait that was the smart move.
I was doing a Sunken Temple run with some friends back in vanilla, you know when it still had multiple levels to it. We were waiting for one of us to get back to the instance after he died in a place where we couldn't rez oddly enough. The rest of us made it to the level with all the green dragonkin and suck.
Me being the tank then, I asked, "Think I can survive the fall down the hole?"
They answered, maybe. So I ran to the middle, aggroed every single one of them and turned on shield wall. I jumped down the hole, lived, and listened to my friends scream bloody murder as the whole army of pissed off dragonkin chased them down the spiral staircase.
There were no survivors.
Including myself, fall didn't kill me but the mobs below did. All this while the guy working his way back was laughing like a hyena.
You know what's fun about chaos? I do, but I won't tell.
1. Playing a warlock at release on a PvP server.
2. Playing my mage a few years back, I had just gotten the spell 'Featherfall'. I really wanted to test it out, so I climbed to a fairly high mountain in the Barrens and jumped off. Wheeeeee! Clicked the button... and nothing happened. Spell wouldn't cast, and I went splat in a fairly inacessible area. I hadn't realized the spell needed reagents to work. D'oh!
Now here's the funny part: Once I obtained the necessary reagents, I went BACK to the cliff and jumped off again. Clicked the button, and slow fall worked! It was awesome... until I realized that the spell was going to run out WELL before I was a non-lethal distance from the ground. Second splat!
3. In a similar vein, I was playing my shaman sometime during the WotLK era and was running Zul'Aman. There's a part where you jump down a vertical shaft into a bunch of water. I jumped, fell, and went SPLAT on the surface of the water. I'd forgotten that I had cast water walking on myself to deal with an earlier part, and hadn't gotten damaged (and thus the spell was still active. Normally didn't happen). Other than a good laugh, it gave me a great idea as to how to grief jerks in certain dungeons, since it can be cast mid-fall...
You and everyone else, (Except the pack rats)
I was in a Dungeon with some pugs with my hunter and We had to jump down to some area. Well i forgot to dismiss my pet and it came down with this very large train. Must have been 30 or so in the mob lol. After a very quick wipe because of my dumb move i could see everyone say wtf so i logged because i felt so bad.
I did that exact same thing, except I had no idea what I was doing lol. I kept running thinking they would reset. In the meantime, everyone else was dying. I was a lock and my pet took enough punishment I got a head start. Not that it did me any good in the long run.