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What 3 games did you waste money on in 2012?



  • papaz1papaz1 Member Posts: 27

    I've had a good run this year with games.

    The only game I wasted money on which I quit after 2 weeks was Diablo 3.

    Now there was a game that was hyped beyond everything and turned out to be worse than indie games on Steam. Did D3 really take that many years to develop?

  • IndromeIndrome Member UncommonPosts: 292
    Originally posted by Xiaoki

    [ ... ]
    Seriously, MMO developers, if you make an MMO that can be max leveled in 2 weeks PLEASE put more effort into the endgame.

    Oh, that's adorable. You still think playing MMOs is only about maxing your level and getting to endgame? Poor guy.



    For me:

    1) Diablo 3 (bad game overall)

    2) TERA (I couldn't stand looking at the graphics anymore. And combat felt painfully slow and dull)

    3) EVE Online resub (1 month, didn't play once xD)


  • NilenyaNilenya Member UncommonPosts: 364
    Originally posted by Unojc

    For me it would be....

    - BF3

    - D3

    - GW2

    Again just my opinion with my playstyle.


    Swtor (the month of january's sub fee)



    Only two titles. I refrained from preordering TSW because of my experiences with AoC, so figured waiting was better. By now its obviously not going great number wise, so that seemed like it was a good choice. I tried Tera in beta but didnt think it was worth a sub, and I didnt really get excited for the new rift expansion either.


    Overall I let my past dissapointments affect how many new games I was willing to try out past beta.- However GW2 was a massive one, all by itself.

    The only other game I purchased besides GW2 this year was Borderlands 2, which Im actually very satisfied with.


    In 2013 Im hoping to enjoy Elder scrolls (will have to decide based on beta feedback or experience) and looking forward to Titan.

  • PyukPyuk Member UncommonPosts: 762
    Originally posted by Indrome
    Originally posted by Xiaoki



    3) EVE Online resub (1 month, didn't play once xD)

    Same here! The graphics always egg me in, but once I'm in and see the spreadsheets, I abandon ship ASAP. One day I'll learn.

    I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.

  • ThaneThane Member EpicPosts: 3,534

    always lovely when people buy games "just because they are supposed" to be cool.


    i bought diablo3, gw2, TSW, MoP and others, and i did NOT waste my money on them.

    i enjoyed em all for some time, but sooner or later, you move on.


    did you guys buy single player games? how many hours did you spend on em? did you waste your money there too?

    i'd say i spend more hours in all of those games than you usualy spend in single player games (well, assassin's creed might be the exception here. hehe).



    and i am actually still playing gw2 and MoP ^^




    maybe you heard this line before "it's not you, it's... shit yea it's you."

    "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"

  • RilmanRilman Member CommonPosts: 35

    Red Orchestra

    Mortal Online.

    SWTOR - technically last year but about a year ago.

  • just1opinionjust1opinion Member UncommonPosts: 4,641




    D3 is the only game I purchased that really feels like a "waste."  I spent enough time playing SWTOR and GW2 to keep them off such a list, but I don't really play either one NOW, so.....take that for what it's worth.  D3 I think I played for all of a week.  I hated that game.  It just made me miss D2 LoD online and did nothing to restore equivalent or better play than D2.  I was grossly disappointed.


    I don't know if I would add MoP to this list or not.  I just bought it yesterday, so at this moment it still seems good.  Time will tell, but I'm sure after I have my main to 90 and a panda somewhere in the leveling process....I'll probably be done with it again for a while.  That seems to be my pattern with WoW expansions.  I have 2 85s and a lot of level 80s that I never got in the mood to level.  Who wants to repeat the same stuff over and over and over.  I'm tired of that.

    President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club

  • angerbeaverangerbeaver Member UncommonPosts: 1,276




  • trenshodtrenshod Member UncommonPosts: 128




    Yes I bought three copies for my other 2 family members.

  • MoobaraMoobara Member Posts: 7

    SWTOR (was ok up to lvl 20...)

    GW2 (sigh)

    Mists of Pandaria + sub (my brains were prolly somewhere else at this point)

    XCOM (nothing like the old xcom, which is immensely more fun than the new crap)


  • skydiver12skydiver12 Member Posts: 432

    No dynamic in dynamic, no working scaling, just backslash panic changes to instance system (token grind), lieing developes, lack of visual gear variety, again average dx9 game client with poor performance and lack of the right sliders for adjustments. Poor class design, no trinity, no healers yet water eles and guardians actually healing against boss damage.

    I'm still looking for that overrun village with burned out houses and the flame legion invasion monsters patrouling the perimeters. (Reality: npcs dead /faded out, everything looks the same, 5 flame legion npcs spawn into my face for the next 3 minutes)

    LOTRO ROHAN Legendary
    Just awfull. So litte so much money.

    That's it.

    I still like my tsw, like my tera.

  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Hmm don't agree with you on gw2 having bad performance. The engine is good, there ate other problems with the game but not the engine.

    Poor engine would be Swtor or Aoc.
    Rift, war and wow also but to a lesser degree than swtor
  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    Swtor would be on this list, but I dumped it before 2012 started.
  • trenshodtrenshod Member UncommonPosts: 128
    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    Hmm don't agree with you on gw2 having bad performance. The engine is good, there ate other problems with the game but not the engine.

    Poor engine would be Swtor or Aoc.
    Rift, war and wow also but to a lesser degree than swtor

    Poor engine are you basing this off looks/visuals? In all honesty your not going to come across a more polished engine than WoW. They have had 8 years to polish it for crying out loud. Big difference from the way things look and how the engine is designed/works.

  • dinamsdinams Member Posts: 1,362
    Diablo 3 was the biggest waste of money I had

    "It has potential"
    -Second most used phrase on existence
    "It sucks"
    -Most used phrase on existence

  • Eddie13bEddie13b Member Posts: 1

    Wasted money and time on :

    Left 4 Dead

    Left 4 Dead 2

    Half Life

    all ended with exe errors after updates with NO fix.

    Translation Valve games BLOW.

  • AuzyAuzy Member UncommonPosts: 611
    Love all these posts of GW2 was a huge waste of $....when you know most of them are 100+ hours played.

    Uhh... what?

  • dinamsdinams Member Posts: 1,362
    Originally posted by Auzy
    Love all these posts of GW2 was a huge waste of $....when you know most of them are 100+ hours played. careful or the gw2 hate police will come to your house

    "It has potential"
    -Second most used phrase on existence
    "It sucks"
    -Most used phrase on existence

  • skydiver12skydiver12 Member Posts: 432

    Originally posted by ShakyMo
    Hmm don't agree with you on gw2 having bad performance. The engine is good, there ate other problems with the game but not the engine.Poor engine would be Swtor or Aoc.Rift, war and wow also but to a lesser degree than swtor

    The performance isn't great, it's cpu bound and bottlenecked through forcing multiple calculation through a sotware shader. Overused Dx9 with a brute force attempt to make it work. The according sliders to lessen the load on these are missing too.

    In fact when they have to completly remove whole effects just to get the performance to acceptable levels it says it all. This game should never have release with just a dx9 client.

    The (lacking) visual fidelity compared to the requirements make bad performance as an result. It may run fluid on my i7-3930k @ 4.5ghz, doesn't mean it has good performance. Sure it's not swtor's level of failure.

  • Sovren1Sovren1 Member Posts: 312

    Just Dance 3.

    Oh, you meant MMO's? None, there's something good about every one of them to me, yes...even SWTOR. And I kinda hate SWTOR.

  • PivotelitePivotelite Member UncommonPosts: 2,145
    Originally posted by Auzy
    Love all these posts of GW2 was a huge waste of $....when you know most of them are 100+ hours played.

    I know it's hard to believe people don't like your game of choice, but even with 400 hours played I think it was a waste of money.


    MMOs are supposed to last a long time, GW2 lasted a month and that was with me trying every way possible to enjoy it, hence the 400 hours played.


  • boxsndboxsnd Member UncommonPosts: 438

    GW2 - biggest MMO disappointment since Warhammer online


    D3 - I enjoyed it for about a month but compared to D2 that lasted 2-3 years it's a huge letdown.

    DAoC - Excalibur & Camlann

  • FeydawayFeydaway Member Posts: 122

    I paid the $199 for TSW lifetime gladly (and didn't have to pay anything for the game).  I still play it and they have new content constantly coming through.

    D3 was a terrible waste of money.  Biggest disappointment of the year, BY FAR.

    GW2 was a waste - I was hoping for something new and got the same old thing in a camoflage package.

    MoP is a decent expansion, but truthfully, I just couldn't get back into the game.  I'm over it.  So, that's a waste too.

  • exwinexwin Member Posts: 221

    1. TWS lifetime. In fairness, I really liked the game for a few months, but a "lifetime" worth, it was not.


    2. WarZ. What MMO charges you money to join/form a clan? Really?


    3. Rift. Looked cool, sounded cool, never opened the box.



  • sabotage23sabotage23 Member Posts: 25

    More then 3 for me



    -The Secret World

    -WoW MoP

    -Halo 4 (Xbox)

    -GW 2




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