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argh, please tell me this rumor is untrue...SOE to buy D&L

admriker444admriker444 Member Posts: 1,526


This guy posted about it while talking about something else like its a known fact. Please tell me this isnt true ? I came to D&L as a sanctuary from SOE and its awful management system, bad customer service, and lack of vision in making a fun mmorpg




  • PonziniPonzini Member UncommonPosts: 536
    I think this has been posted before... its a rumor. What can we say about it? There hasn't been any sign SOE will buy it and I see no reason why they would. Its proably a misunderstanding.
  • DiogenesDiogenes Member Posts: 1

    Pretty obvious this guy is making this up/and or is plain retarded.

    If there was actually word of this out on the internet there would be a lot more buzz about it, atleast on the official DnL forums, where many of the players are joining the game because it is not owned by SOE.

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    search feature is your friend

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • CassawrenCassawren Member Posts: 19
    Some joker posted this on the DnL forums a while ago, had a sony avatar as well, but when he was challenged he admitted it was a "joke". If Sony had bought this game they would make the same mess of it they have made of EQ2 (which I played) and SWG which I have heard is now horrible. I am boycotting anything Sony after my EQ2 experience
  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    Originally posted by Cassawren 
    I am boycotting anything Sony after my EQ2 experience

    Offtopic for this forum but  did you get mad when you could not solo every mob in the game anymore ? Sucks not being able to play a MMORPG single player doesn't it?

    I miss DAoC

  • CassawrenCassawren Member Posts: 19
    Nothing to do with fighting, I was a crafter, got fed up with being treated as a second class citizen. But friends have told me that they have nerfed a lot of the fighting classes making some unplayable. The Sony gods do what they want and have no idea about customer service
  • mentossmentoss Member Posts: 19

    it´s a fake i think SOE dont buy DnL :)

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