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I popped ingame some time back and had a look on the Minstrel since I heard it had so "awesome" changes. To my shock all I found out was that the Minstrel was more boring to play since many/most of the skills now had lame induction (casting) time on them.
Does this go for all the classes now, or are there any class where you feel you are IN control because it has lots of instant cast skills, instead of a class where you need click on a skill then wait for it to be executed? (which makes me feel "out of control" of my character)
I think the awesome factor of the minstrel changes were to drastically increase DPS....and I mean drastically increase it. Pretty much all of the lightning skills a RK has are insta casts, making it probably one of the more fun classes to play just because you can bypass some of the clunky combat mechanics that have plagued LOTRO since release.
All of the Warden skills are insta casts, you just have to build the gambits which are also insta cast. Plus you can prep gambits pre gattle, and do everything while running. So the two newer classes are very combat friendly, and not suprising two of the better solo and group classes.
On my minstrel in dps mode, all but 1 of my skills can be used while kiting, so while moving around. There's only 1 that doesn't seem to have a cast time, but I can't use it while moving for some reason, so I have to put a short pause in my kiting. Still usable though.
While healing, movement is a lot less of an issue. Most heals have a cast time. We do have access to a couple of instant heals though, and 1 more if you trait for it.
So I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about. Any specific skills that you're having problems with?
Waving 2 stones in my hands as RK is so weird I just cannot get into it, at all. Building up those gambits on the Warden got incredibly boring in the end, and I would not call the Warden an "insta caster" cause of that.
So the instant casting Minstrel got high dps (woohoo lol) but suffered the crappy induction time on all the skills. Sorry, I fail to see how the class got any more fun to play.
Well, seems that LOTRO aint got any class for me then, so I will keep on looking after a new MMO to play. It surely do looks that no matter how much I hate to say it or try to ban WoW out of my life & house, WoW is still the best and only option when you want great classes along with great pvp.
I am talking about not being able to instant cast, not talking about being able not to move while I cast. Understand now?
I truly despise all the induction/casting times in LOTRO. It is so terrible that it ruins alot of fun for me as well as excludes most, if not all classes now.
This drove me nuts on EQII also. I have a problem when even the melee characters have cast bars on most of their skills.
I want an effect when I click on a skill, not waiting for an animation to end before something happens. When melee classes also have casting time, things have gone too far for me. Maybe thats why I never got into EQ2 and one of the reasons WoW has done so insaney much better than even the 2nd largest MMO. Cause there is one thing with WoW that is unsurpassed by any MMO I have played, and it's the "tight control" feeling you have of your character when you play.
When I play these "induction" time classes in LOTRO I feel like I am pushed back in time then stuck in glue
So the induction times in WoW are ok but the induction times in LOTRO and any other game that has them (nearly every single one) isn't? am I getting that right?
The times between those 2 MMO's is comparable, sounds to me your making LOTRO sound as if it's the only MMO out there that has cast times, the mind boggles.
Cause other games, WoW included (with classes like the Rogue, Druid, Paladin etc etc), let me choose a class WITHOUT casting time unlike LOTRO which FORCES me to have classes with induction times. The classes in LOTRO are some of the suckiest I have ever played. Such a shame, cause the atmosphere is so great, but game is ruined by terrible class mechanics.
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
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"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
This has nothing to do with "patience"; 'induction time' is a bad game mechanics which feels even worse when you play PvP.
If you had taken your time to read properly before you started act forum police, you would have known I asked I legitimate question.
You really belive that I care about your petty feelings about this game? Rest assured: Your tears will never make me stop saying whatever I like about whatever game there is.
In any way; this thread is good to show others that the majority of LOTRO's classes are pestered with 'induction time' and that LOTRO will likely follow that path with more of the same, not less in the future.
Is it really? I hope no one takes your word for it then and actually goes and tries the game themselves. You've picked induction times as a way into a trolling thread aimed at LOTRO as far as I can see. You have an agenda and it's not about informing others who don't play, it's about attempting to trash the game.
I play a Minstrel and the induction times are negligible and by the time I activate the next skill the one before has pretty much already activated. I don't get any standing about waiting, and the point of the previous poster about moving and casting means that because you are moving about with your minstrel you don't even notice the delay most times.
I agree there are classes with horrible induction times, Guardian for one, but not Minstrel.
If, as you said earlier, there are no classes for you in LOTRO then just go play something else.
I actually don't understand. Piercing Cry is instant,. Call to fate, instant. Call of orome, instant. Call of second age, instant. Cry of Valar, instant. Where are the inductions?
Fixed that for you