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EA Sells Same Exact Game Two Years In a Row (Again)



  • NeherunNeherun Member UncommonPosts: 280

    People are so angry it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.


    You guys are literally assaulting a company based on a soccer console game, on an MMORPG forum. Then there's the flip side of the coin. Take Finnish NHL players on PS3. Newest NHL released with fucked up rosters for SM-Liiga (Finnish Elite Hockey Leaque) and what did the players do? Instead of "boycotting" a major publisher due to a mistake, they modded the rosters to be more accurate, the beta versions are available through PS3's downloadable content. Now, I do not own Fifa, but if such feature exists in that game, I advice you do that to Fifa 13 next year. If  not, send some email requesting such feature for the next Fifa game. I'm sure those who are making the Fifa series enjoy football themselves, but gosh, do you think a major publisher lets them to kill the profits of a game for updating the rosters for free? Do you have absolutely any idea about the license costs? Don't blame EA, blame the demand to satisfy and think of the best of the stockholders, not the company.



  • asmkm22asmkm22 Member Posts: 1,788
    Originally posted by Neherun

    People are so angry it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.


    You guys are literally assaulting a company based on a soccer console game, on an MMORPG forum. Then there's the flip side of the coin.



    This forum is for non-mmorpg gaming.

    You make me like charity

  • Sovren1Sovren1 Member Posts: 312

    Personal perspective on EA, hmm... As they continue to reach for money not caring about the quality of the games they release, I tend to not purchase games published by them.

    I have bought a few in past years though, BF3 when it lauched as I was a huge fan of BF vietnam, BF2 and it's expansions,(really like special forces, zip lines/nightmaps with nightvision) and BF2142. Madden 11/12 were others, not really for me, but for my son. Oh yeah, I also took a chance on SWTOR, which infact upheld what I thought EA's trend seemed to be...CASH grab or DIE!

    I originally boycotted the Madden series because EA essentially created a monopoly when securing the NFL franchise back in 2004 or 2005 which basically froze 2k out of making what I thought was the better NFL game/series, subjective I know, but my oppinion.

    They weren't able to do the same thing with the NBA(they did try though) which I am profoundly grateful for. The NBA2k series was always better for me, owned the first on dreamcast and was blown away.

    This kind of doesn't surprise me and doesn't seem to surprise anyone else.

    I have heard that the Tigerwoods golf was pretty good through the years along with the recent hockey iterations going back to 2010 maybe.

    Anyhow, I consider myself someone who likes videogames and will play anything if I just happen by it, but would like to see EA reinvent themselves into a company that actually cares about the gaming world. Infact, I wish more developers and publishers took that approach more often. I'm not saying try to be as innovative as possible, just better quality items not half assed.

  • ColumbiaTrueColumbiaTrue Member Posts: 47

    Look what EA did to Sim City! Oh. My. Gawd! 


    I have never seen an organization with utterly no shame at all. Usually we say about greedy, foolish, nasty companies, "you have such little shame." 


    EA has no shame; they will destroy gaming as we know it, and leave a pile a great games dead.


    Amazing. Even for EA it is amazing.

    "The truth is EA lies." - Youtube User

    Sim City. Everquest. Civilization. Dungeon Keeper. Vampire: The Masquerade. These are the games that I love and cherish.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by Yakamomoto


    It´s a soccer game, what do you expect to change? The rules? Color of the playfield?


    Another ridiculous attempt to company bashing.

    exactly what I was thinking... Not sure what else they could do. A new 3rd person game mode?

  • AmanaAmana Moderator UncommonPosts: 3,912
    This thread is 5 months old. Locking it up. There's already a place to gripe about SimCity without necroing old EA threads.

    To give feedback on moderation, contact [email protected]

This discussion has been closed.