I never played the first GW because it was mainly PVP and I hate that. I just want to PVE and craft. Does this game have enough PVE to sustain our PVE guild?
sure does:) would actually say as of now until PVP is more fleshed out this game has more to offer in PVE than PVP.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Im typically an all PvP player and avoid PvE as much as possible. Like 80-90% PvP and 10-20% PvE, more if possible (like in WAR).
I spent nearly 300 hours in GW2 across all my toons, and was the complete opposite of normal. Spent roughly 80-85% of my time in PvE. Theres plenty to do if you take the time to do everything the game has to offer rather than focusing on just 1 thing (like rushing to 80 as fast as possible) and ignoring the rest.
That said, the first expansion wont really hurt at all but my guilds mainly PvE and we still have plenty to do. I do have an 80 thief with like half the gear exoctic and a warrior lvl 38 but I still havnt even done all the dungeons yet.
Plenty of stuff to do but it doesnt really have EQ/WoWs tiered raid gear so getting a geared up character is faster here.
Go for it, great game and if you for some reasons dont agree with that /taste matters after all) you will at least get to see what the buzz is about.
If you do PvE just because you find it fun well GW2 has a lot for you, I mean, i'm 100% full exotics and I haven't done half of the dungeons, there's just so many if you consider each path it's own dungeon. 8 dungeons with a total of 8 story modes and 25 explorable paths. You've also got 100% world completion that you could try to achieve and if you really want to undertake a monumental feat of PvE you can go for you legendary weapon which will take you more than a month to get.
The only thing you need from pvp is 500 badges of honor to buy the gift of battle for the legendary weapons (if you chose to try and get one), even then, you might be able to just buy it on the trade post.
I never played the first GW because it was mainly PVP and I hate that. I just want to PVE and craft. Does this game have enough PVE to sustain our PVE guild?
Actually the first GW wasn't mainly pvp.
There was a full fledged pve component which was pretty enjoyable.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
Originally posted by Derros The only thing you need from pvp is 500 badges of honor to buy the gift of battle for the legendary weapons (if you chose to try and get one), even then, you might be able to just buy it on the trade post.
I think you can get those from the jumping puzzles in WvW, you don't even need to PvP for them.
I never played the first GW because it was mainly PVP and I hate that. I just want to PVE and craft. Does this game have enough PVE to sustain our PVE guild?
Sustain for how many months? That would be needed to more accuretely give you a decent reply.
This game is a PvE paradise, and I haven't even touched a dungeon yet. There is so much to do and explore, and the level scaling makes teaming with your friends/guildies super easy. If you love PvE and fantasy MMOs then you likely won't be bored with this game for some time.
Playing: None Have Played: City of Heroes, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Fallen Earth, Diablo 3, DC Universe Online, Marvel Heroes, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars The Old Republic
Of that time, I may have spent 2 hours in sPvP and 10 hours in World vs. World. There are still areas of the world I haven't seen and I haven't touched a single dungeon yet. So, yeah, you can just PvE and get hundreds of hours+ of play time.
My current character is level 75 and I only have 40% world completion. There is a good amount of content that isn't accounted for in the world completion metric. That should give you some idea of the depth and breadth of PvE content. My first character to level 80 got there in 135 hours and I now have over 225 hours played time for that toon, almost entirely PvE (99%). I still have places I haven't been with that character and things I haven't done.
This game offers more for PvE players than any MMO since WoW. When you consider the effect that level scaling has on broadening the amount of content that is viable to you as you level and the nature of Dynamic Events, it may actually offer more for PvE players than Vanilla WoW did at launch.
I can agree with above posters. Ended up at level cap kinda by accident with one character, only have done 2 dungeons with him and I sit around 41% of the world explored.
I have other characters that I'm currently working on and even going through areas that my first character have been too, I'm seeing new things each time. I either tag along with guildies/random ppl or venture off solo exploring. Tons of things to do and see in the world.
I haven't really gotten around to crafting much thus far (you even gain xp for that, infact you can just about reach level cap from what I hear), but guildies seem to dig it for what they launched with. I expect even more armor/weapon recipes to hit in future updates.
My guild in particular spends alot of time together in WvW. It's especially fun for us holding out supply camps. There are some issues with WvW atm but I expect them to be ironed out in the months to come. I played the original guild wars and anet was pretty good about fixing stuff.
If your looking for a PvE experience... GW2 will be a bit disapointing. The leveling experience is about the most substance you get in that field which can get boring (depends on tastes, I got bored on my first toon a bit and after my second I just have 0 motivation to even bother again). Otherwise, the only thing you have to do is farm mobs for money or farm dungeons. Theres really not that much outside the generick standerd 'achievement/exploring/yada yada' deal. Its meant more around PvP for stuff to do so not liking it, its probably not the choice for you unless your really big on the leveling, which depends really if the style they do it is fun to you. For me it was just lack luster but your view might vary.
Thanks for all the replies so far. Several of you mentioned WvW, what exactly is that and what does it consist of? Also, a lot of you mention dungeons, are these like instances? Are they level specific? I take it they require a certain sized group?
I never played the first GW because it was mainly PVP and I hate that. I just want to PVE and craft. Does this game have enough PVE to sustain our PVE guild?
As an ardent supporter and avid Siege type of PvP player in DAoC and GW2 I have still yet to find myself involved in on anything other then a once a week skirmish setting because I have so much fun in PvE. All I can say is if you are really into exploration, then GW2 is the game for you. At this point, 1.5 months later, all I ever do is Dynamic Events and exploring the world. Doing EbonHawke as we speak. First time there and its amazing.
Playing: GW2 Waiting on: TESO Next Flop: Planetside 2 Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
Originally posted by Blazer6992 Thanks for all the replies so far. Several of you mentioned WvW, what exactly is that and what does it consist of? Also, a lot of you mention dungeons, are these like instances? Are they level specific? I take it they require a certain sized group?
World vs World is where three servers have territorial siege battle over a two week period. If you want to avoid all PvP, you won't be interested, but you may find it's worth checking out anyway.
The dungeons are instances. They all have level requirements, but if you enter above the requirement you will be scaled down. The best rewards for any dungeon are actually for players at max level. All of the dungeons are designed for 5 players.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss
PVE yes if you don't mind running dungeons a fair bit until they add new content. DE's are cool for a while.
Craft, well you can spend time doing it certainly if you max out all the crafting types, but I wouldn't recommended the game to a crafting orientated player per say.
Generally though it is impossible to say it's not good value for money from a pve content point of view.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
Originally posted by Blazer6992 Thanks for all the replies so far. Several of you mentioned WvW, what exactly is that and what does it consist of? Also, a lot of you mention dungeons, are these like instances? Are they level specific? I take it they require a certain sized group?
WvWvW are massive PvP zones where 3 servers meet up against eachothers for 2 weeks. Guilds can hold places there and so on. Fun but a bit zergy.
Dungeons are instances (there are some things you could call open world dungeons or minidungeons as well as jumping puzzles in the open world too).
A dungeon is a 5 player instance. All dungeons have 4 paths, 1 storymode that is easier and tells the story of the game and 3 explorable which is harder. Storymode will give you token which you can use to buy gear specific for the dungeon. The 3 explorable paths all have different bosses as well.
Ascalonian catacombs are the first dungeon, the storymode starts at lvl 30 and explorable at lvl 35. When completing it you will getone of the first pieces of rare gear in the game (crafted rare gear starts at lvl 35, crafted exotic at 80 but exo can drop from lvl 60 or so).
You do need 5 players, preferably with good gear or you will die a lot. It wont take any specific classes even though a plateuser or a ranger makes things a bit simpler in my opinion. I also recommend that you at least put a few points in a defensive tree. Good gear and teamwork wins the day.
Just like in almost all MMOs just playing open world content until the next expansion would be somewhat poor so most PvE players will spend a lot of time in the dungeons. PUGing can as usual be a somewhat rough experience since the teamwork takes some learning, trinity combat is for good and bad more predictable which means the basic is easier to learn. So I recommend playing your first dungeon with a few friends or/and guildies so you learn the basics, and that you get skills that helps eachother out.
While you more or less can handle yoursself in the open world a dungeon is the core of teamwork, and combining skills and supporting the other players is what wins or loose the day.
There are still things that can be improved in the dungeons though, I have to say that I still aint impressed of the dungeon DEs (there are some) and some bosses are really tough while others feel a bit too easy (particularly in storymode) and I wish the rares and exo dropped just a little more but dungeons are an part of the game that can be very fun and interesting.
Getting a full set of dungeon gear do take plenty of work.
I never played the first GW because it was mainly PVP and I hate that. I just want to PVE and craft. Does this game have enough PVE to sustain our PVE guild?
Yes, but keep in mind that GW2 has no hardcore PVE (no Raids). But there are lots of things to do if you are a casual. I never played PVP in GW2 and I am still having fun.
Originally posted by Blazer6992 Thanks for all the replies so far. Several of you mentioned WvW, what exactly is that and what does it consist of? Also, a lot of you mention dungeons, are these like instances? Are they level specific? I take it they require a certain sized group?
WvWvW are massive PvP zones where 3 servers meet up against eachothers for 2 weeks. Guilds can hold places there and so on. Fun but a bit zergy.
Dungeons are instances (there are some things you could call open world dungeons or minidungeons as well as jumping puzzles in the open world too).
A dungeon is a 5 player instance. All dungeons have 4 paths, 1 storymode that is easier and tells the story of the game and 3 explorable which is harder. Storymode will give you token which you can use to buy gear specific for the dungeon. The 3 explorable paths all have different bosses as well.
Ascalonian catacombs are the first dungeon, the storymode starts at lvl 30 and explorable at lvl 35. When completing it you will getone of the first pieces of rare gear in the game (crafted rare gear starts at lvl 35, crafted exotic at 80 but exo can drop from lvl 60 or so).
You do need 5 players, preferably with good gear or you will die a lot. It wont take any specific classes even though a plateuser or a ranger makes things a bit simpler in my opinion. I also recommend that you at least put a few points in a defensive tree. Good gear and teamwork wins the day.
Just like in almost all MMOs just playing open world content until the next expansion would be somewhat poor so most PvE players will spend a lot of time in the dungeons. PUGing can as usual be a somewhat rough experience since the teamwork takes some learning, trinity combat is for good and bad more predictable which means the basic is easier to learn. So I recommend playing your first dungeon with a few friends or/and guildies so you learn the basics, and that you get skills that helps eachother out.
While you more or less can handle yoursself in the open world a dungeon is the core of teamwork, and combining skills and supporting the other players is what wins or loose the day.
There are still things that can be improved in the dungeons though, I have to say that I still aint impressed of the dungeon DEs (there are some) and some bosses are really tough while others feel a bit too easy (particularly in storymode) and I wish the rares and exo dropped just a little more but dungeons are an part of the game that can be very fun and interesting.
Getting a full set of dungeon gear do take plenty of work.
Just a small correction on Lokes great reply:
- you will get dungeon tokens by doing the explorable modes ONLY
The storymode won't give you any.
Just wanted to prevent some confusion. ^_^
Other than that everything the others said is pretty accurate.
PvEwise you also have your personal story depending on the story, race and character type you selected when you created your character.
You can still bring in a full team into your personal story if you want to so they can experience your characters story and help you in the process aswell.
Another notable thing is that every race has its own main city and starting area so depending on which race you select, you will start the game on a different part of the world.
Every main city however has a teleporter to the new Lions Arch(the old one from GW1 is only ruins and can be found underwater), which is connected with all the main citys of the 5 races.
The world is wonderful and rich when it comes to the atmosphere, scaling and environment.
You always have the feeling you are in a alive world and you can even stop for a second and listen to what npcs are talking with each other to find out backgrounds and things that have taken place or are about to happen sometimes.
There is no need to run back and forth to get or to deliver a quest and the heart quests are the only classical type of quests while the dynamic events happen from time to time depending if a npc that runs to you for help gets the help needed or if you turn them down.
Outcomes differ and have chained events depending if the first event was a success or a failure (you will get rewards for your participation anyway).
Many little things if you take the time to explore and look around every single corner (also underwater) cause there are hidden areas in every zone that lead to treasure chests with goodies and sometimes even more than one chest depending on the difficulty of the mini dungeon you might find or the jumping puzzle you might solve.
Also a sidenote about the WvsWvsW:
they are areas with PvE content aswell like points of interest, vistas (viewable areas that give you xp and make for a nice desktop background if you take a screenie), skill challenges, jumping puzzles, crafting materials you can gather and events.
So these areas are a good mix of PvP and PvE and your enemies are not only the people from the other servers but also npcs, animals and monsters that are living in these areas.
Originally posted by Derros The only thing you need from pvp is 500 badges of honor to buy the gift of battle for the legendary weapons (if you chose to try and get one), even then, you might be able to just buy it on the trade post.
What are these "Legendary Weapons" and is there any other way to get the 500 "Badges of honor"? Can you keep going past 500 or are you limited to just one legendary weapon? What is the difference between these and the dungeon tokens? What can you get with the dungeon tokens if they are different?
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Im typically an all PvP player and avoid PvE as much as possible. Like 80-90% PvP and 10-20% PvE, more if possible (like in WAR).
I spent nearly 300 hours in GW2 across all my toons, and was the complete opposite of normal. Spent roughly 80-85% of my time in PvE. Theres plenty to do if you take the time to do everything the game has to offer rather than focusing on just 1 thing (like rushing to 80 as fast as possible) and ignoring the rest.
Sure, there are hundreds of hours of just PvE.
That said, the first expansion wont really hurt at all but my guilds mainly PvE and we still have plenty to do. I do have an 80 thief with like half the gear exoctic and a warrior lvl 38 but I still havnt even done all the dungeons yet.
Plenty of stuff to do but it doesnt really have EQ/WoWs tiered raid gear so getting a geared up character is faster here.
Go for it, great game and if you for some reasons dont agree with that /taste matters after all) you will at least get to see what the buzz is about.
Doing outdoor pve
Doing crafting
Doing WvW pvp
Doing dungeons
There is also spvp, but that has you automatically leveled and let's you equip pvp gear of your choice for free.
Actually the first GW wasn't mainly pvp.
There was a full fledged pve component which was pretty enjoyable.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer: https://youtu.be/-nsXGddj_4w
Original Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/109547
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. https://youtu.be/UIelCK-lldo
I think you can get those from the jumping puzzles in WvW, you don't even need to PvP for them.
Sustain for how many months? That would be needed to more accuretely give you a decent reply.
Playing: None
Have Played: City of Heroes, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Fallen Earth, Diablo 3, DC Universe Online, Marvel Heroes, Guild Wars 2, Star Wars The Old Republic
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
I just hit 475 hours played today.
Of that time, I may have spent 2 hours in sPvP and 10 hours in World vs. World. There are still areas of the world I haven't seen and I haven't touched a single dungeon yet. So, yeah, you can just PvE and get hundreds of hours+ of play time.
My current character is level 75 and I only have 40% world completion. There is a good amount of content that isn't accounted for in the world completion metric. That should give you some idea of the depth and breadth of PvE content. My first character to level 80 got there in 135 hours and I now have over 225 hours played time for that toon, almost entirely PvE (99%). I still have places I haven't been with that character and things I haven't done.
This game offers more for PvE players than any MMO since WoW. When you consider the effect that level scaling has on broadening the amount of content that is viable to you as you level and the nature of Dynamic Events, it may actually offer more for PvE players than Vanilla WoW did at launch.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated

I can agree with above posters. Ended up at level cap kinda by accident with one character, only have done 2 dungeons with him and I sit around 41% of the world explored.
I have other characters that I'm currently working on and even going through areas that my first character have been too, I'm seeing new things each time. I either tag along with guildies/random ppl or venture off solo exploring. Tons of things to do and see in the world.
I haven't really gotten around to crafting much thus far (you even gain xp for that, infact you can just about reach level cap from what I hear), but guildies seem to dig it for what they launched with. I expect even more armor/weapon recipes to hit in future updates.
My guild in particular spends alot of time together in WvW. It's especially fun for us holding out supply camps. There are some issues with WvW atm but I expect them to be ironed out in the months to come. I played the original guild wars and anet was pretty good about fixing stuff.
As an ardent supporter and avid Siege type of PvP player in DAoC and GW2 I have still yet to find myself involved in on anything other then a once a week skirmish setting because I have so much fun in PvE. All I can say is if you are really into exploration, then GW2 is the game for you. At this point, 1.5 months later, all I ever do is Dynamic Events and exploring the world. Doing EbonHawke as we speak. First time there and its amazing.
Everything you need to know about Elder Scrolls Online
Playing: GW2
Waiting on: TESO
Next Flop: Planetside 2
Best MMO of all time: Asheron's Call - The first company to recreate AC will be the next greatest MMO.
World vs World is where three servers have territorial siege battle over a two week period. If you want to avoid all PvP, you won't be interested, but you may find it's worth checking out anyway.
The dungeons are instances. They all have level requirements, but if you enter above the requirement you will be scaled down. The best rewards for any dungeon are actually for players at max level. All of the dungeons are designed for 5 players.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss
Dragnon - Guildmaster - Albion Central Bank in Albion Online
PVE yes if you don't mind running dungeons a fair bit until they add new content. DE's are cool for a while.
Craft, well you can spend time doing it certainly if you max out all the crafting types, but I wouldn't recommended the game to a crafting orientated player per say.
Generally though it is impossible to say it's not good value for money from a pve content point of view.
"Come and have a look at what you could have won."
WvWvW are massive PvP zones where 3 servers meet up against eachothers for 2 weeks. Guilds can hold places there and so on. Fun but a bit zergy.
Dungeons are instances (there are some things you could call open world dungeons or minidungeons as well as jumping puzzles in the open world too).
A dungeon is a 5 player instance. All dungeons have 4 paths, 1 storymode that is easier and tells the story of the game and 3 explorable which is harder. Storymode will give you token which you can use to buy gear specific for the dungeon. The 3 explorable paths all have different bosses as well.
Ascalonian catacombs are the first dungeon, the storymode starts at lvl 30 and explorable at lvl 35. When completing it you will getone of the first pieces of rare gear in the game (crafted rare gear starts at lvl 35, crafted exotic at 80 but exo can drop from lvl 60 or so).
You do need 5 players, preferably with good gear or you will die a lot. It wont take any specific classes even though a plateuser or a ranger makes things a bit simpler in my opinion. I also recommend that you at least put a few points in a defensive tree. Good gear and teamwork wins the day.
Just like in almost all MMOs just playing open world content until the next expansion would be somewhat poor so most PvE players will spend a lot of time in the dungeons. PUGing can as usual be a somewhat rough experience since the teamwork takes some learning, trinity combat is for good and bad more predictable which means the basic is easier to learn. So I recommend playing your first dungeon with a few friends or/and guildies so you learn the basics, and that you get skills that helps eachother out.
While you more or less can handle yoursself in the open world a dungeon is the core of teamwork, and combining skills and supporting the other players is what wins or loose the day.
There are still things that can be improved in the dungeons though, I have to say that I still aint impressed of the dungeon DEs (there are some) and some bosses are really tough while others feel a bit too easy (particularly in storymode) and I wish the rares and exo dropped just a little more but dungeons are an part of the game that can be very fun and interesting.
Getting a full set of dungeon gear do take plenty of work.
But there are lots of things to do if you are a casual.
I never played PVP in GW2 and I am still having fun.
Just a small correction on Lokes great reply:
- you will get dungeon tokens by doing the explorable modes ONLY
The storymode won't give you any.
Just wanted to prevent some confusion. ^_^
Other than that everything the others said is pretty accurate.
PvEwise you also have your personal story depending on the story, race and character type you selected when you created your character.
You can still bring in a full team into your personal story if you want to so they can experience your characters story and help you in the process aswell.
Another notable thing is that every race has its own main city and starting area so depending on which race you select, you will start the game on a different part of the world.
Every main city however has a teleporter to the new Lions Arch(the old one from GW1 is only ruins and can be found underwater), which is connected with all the main citys of the 5 races.
The world is wonderful and rich when it comes to the atmosphere, scaling and environment.
You always have the feeling you are in a alive world and you can even stop for a second and listen to what npcs are talking with each other to find out backgrounds and things that have taken place or are about to happen sometimes.
There is no need to run back and forth to get or to deliver a quest and the heart quests are the only classical type of quests while the dynamic events happen from time to time depending if a npc that runs to you for help gets the help needed or if you turn them down.
Outcomes differ and have chained events depending if the first event was a success or a failure (you will get rewards for your participation anyway).
Many little things if you take the time to explore and look around every single corner (also underwater) cause there are hidden areas in every zone that lead to treasure chests with goodies and sometimes even more than one chest depending on the difficulty of the mini dungeon you might find or the jumping puzzle you might solve.
Also a sidenote about the WvsWvsW:
they are areas with PvE content aswell like points of interest, vistas (viewable areas that give you xp and make for a nice desktop background if you take a screenie), skill challenges, jumping puzzles, crafting materials you can gather and events.
So these areas are a good mix of PvP and PvE and your enemies are not only the people from the other servers but also npcs, animals and monsters that are living in these areas.
What are these "Legendary Weapons" and is there any other way to get the 500 "Badges of honor"? Can you keep going past 500 or are you limited to just one legendary weapon? What is the difference between these and the dungeon tokens? What can you get with the dungeon tokens if they are different?