Originally posted by InFlamestwo Guardians OP? Sure in PvE. In PvP Thieves and Warriors are the OP classes....Warrior crit 8-10k with a few skills and Thieves do 20k damage in 3-5 seconds.
Looking forward to Halloween.
I loved it in GW1.
If you're talking about Greatsword warriors...move a few paces back when they do their hundred blades, they're planted in that spot while doing it, then destroy them. If you stand there while they use the ability, it's your own fault. Greatsword warriors are easy to avoid their damage, I kite em around using my gun. Thieves, well, yah, there's no doubt about it, and I have a thief, they're way overpowered at the moment, hehe.
Warriors also have some of the best ranged DPS in the game. I've killed so many rangers/elementalists that were just trying to kite me... it's pretty funny. The only things that give me a problem are ret guardians, mesmers, and occasionally thieves. Warriors are pretty OP. I wreck people in WvW, and I'm not a particularly good player.
Originally posted by InFlamestwo Guardians OP? Sure in PvE. In PvP Thieves and Warriors are the OP classes....Warrior crit 8-10k with a few skills and Thieves do 20k damage in 3-5 seconds.
Looking forward to Halloween.
I loved it in GW1.
If you're talking about Greatsword warriors...move a few paces back when they do their hundred blades, they're planted in that spot while doing it, then destroy them. If you stand there while they use the ability, it's your own fault. Greatsword warriors are easy to avoid their damage, I kite em around using my gun. Thieves, well, yah, there's no doubt about it, and I have a thief, they're way overpowered at the moment, hehe.
Warriors also have some of the best ranged DPS in the game. I've killed so many rangers/elementalists that were just trying to kite me... it's pretty funny. The only things that give me a problem are ret guardians, mesmers, and occasionally thieves. Warriors are pretty OP. I wreck people in WvW, and I'm not a particularly good player.
Agree. Got my ass kicked repeatedly in WvW on some other classes, especially Ranger, and especially vs multiple enemies. Then I hop on my Warrior with 90% crit and a mix of rifle / greatsword spec, run into a group of 3 enemies by myself, 1st one is about to drop dead before they get into melee range, then finished off the other 2 with my greatsword in a few seconds. Walked away and proceeded to solo some supply camps nearby.
I really feel Rangers have it the worst atm when it comes to overall balance in PvP compared to other classes. Theyre much too situational, and without those perfect conditions, you might as well not even be there.
Originally posted by InFlamestwo Guardians OP? Sure in PvE. In PvP Thieves and Warriors are the OP classes....Warrior crit 8-10k with a few skills and Thieves do 20k damage in 3-5 seconds.
Looking forward to Halloween.
I loved it in GW1.
If you're talking about Greatsword warriors...move a few paces back when they do their hundred blades, they're planted in that spot while doing it, then destroy them. If you stand there while they use the ability, it's your own fault. Greatsword warriors are easy to avoid their damage, I kite em around using my gun. Thieves, well, yah, there's no doubt about it, and I have a thief, they're way overpowered at the moment, hehe.
Warriors also have some of the best ranged DPS in the game. I've killed so many rangers/elementalists that were just trying to kite me... it's pretty funny. The only things that give me a problem are ret guardians, mesmers, and occasionally thieves. Warriors are pretty OP. I wreck people in WvW, and I'm not a particularly good player.
Agree. Got my ass kicked repeatedly in WvW on some other classes, especially Ranger, and especially vs multiple enemies. Then I hop on my Warrior with 90% crit and a mix of rifle / greatsword spec, run into a group of 3 enemies by myself, 1st one is about to drop dead before they get into melee range, then finished off the other 2 with my greatsword in a few seconds. Walked away and proceeded to solo some supply camps nearby.
I really feel Rangers have it the worst atm when it comes to overall balance in PvP compared to other classes. Theyre much too situational, and without those perfect conditions, you might as well not even be there.
I used to be specced as crit, but I switched to toughness. That's mainly what allows me to outlast most other classes in a ranged battle, not to mentioned that it's much stronger vs other warriors (since most of them are crit builds). If I actually get caught in the charge-hundred blade thing, it usually only takes about 30-40% of my health and I can still win the fight. I also have 30 points into defense. It's tempting to be a glasses cannon (and it works for most situations), but I found more defense to be the key to most of my victories. Like I said, I'm not the best player in the world, so that could be part of it. I've never been able to pull off a 3 v 1 scenario. I've been able to kill one, then scape with my life, but that's about as far as my bragging rights go.
If open world pvp and duels (for who ever choses to do so) in pve areas game would be perfect. Forcing all ppl who want to pvp into www or spvp is just wrong. All my friends from guild left and I stopped playing too since I feel bored and since I felt like forcing myself to play. Too bad. Couldev been better game.
¨For PvP players, we have a lot of great casual PvP for them to play, rewards to earn, and new ranks to continue to build towards. However, we lack a number of the features to support truly competitive and ranked play for the more skilled PvP players¨
And then i was a hater when i said that the PvP in gw2 atm is casual.
casual is not a bad thing, but many people see it as a curse. Im Looking forward to both casual and more competitive options in the near future (im casual tho)
"Colin Johanson: Many people have asked, “Didn’t you have a mobile app in development? Where is it?” the only answer to that I can give is we have grander ideas than what our original scope entailed. We’ve got some really big plans in this area, but until they are finalized and we know we can pull them off for sure, we’re not quite ready to talk about it. We’ll have a not yet revealed team that discusses this in more detail as we get closer to the end of the year."
"I hope they feel like the promise of dynamic events expands even further, so the world truly feels like you can experience something unique or new around every corner every time you login."
A lot of words for a company that so far managed to go from having a positive and supportive community, to a very negative one, all in just a few weeks post launch.
They haven't really resolved many of the problems. Each patch includes more bugs, and critical issues take them weeks to fix. Something I'd expect from a small indie team, not from a 200+ man team.
Add on top of that, close to no communication regarding issues, and a forum environment that honestly makes me want to stop participating in, where moderators are deleting posts and infracting accounts in almost every thread for the same weird reason 'posting off-topic', supposedly collecting enough infractions risks your game account, but they refuse to comment on it directly. I personally got infracted for indirectly mentioning the existence of another game, in a thread created by someone else comparing other games to GW2 (many people's posts got deleted, not just mine). I also got infracted for makng 2 completely normal posts where I was discussing a subject with two other people, who also got their posts deleted and infracted for 'posting off-topic'.
The company's high-horse attitude and community handling sits poorly with me. And all these blog posts and interviews are just fancy PR words. Show your playerbase actual changes to the game and the way you handle them.
Despite some gripes here and there, GW2 definitely has one of the best launch foundations for an MMO that I've seen in many many years. I'm truly excited to see where this game goes several years down the road.
I am sorry man but that was a lot of loaded questions and a ton of answers that sound like some political speech.
The future of the game is to create a better community bond,are you kidding me,what kind of crap answer is that?That is NOT the game that is called community relations,you would think this guy would have easily known that.
So many of the other answers gave indication of a FAKE.This guy does not give it to you straight but looks more like these questions were preloaded days prior to the interview ,so he could work out politically correct answers.
I can easily tell when a guy is bullshitting the answers,nothing he says sounds liek a heart felt answer meant to give gamers the inside scoop.
Nobody else bothered when he mentions exciting new "requested" features being added to Gem shop or he means cash shop.Also he mentions they might be released almost immediately,meaning cash shop priority one,game quality priority two.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Nobody else bothered when he mentions exciting new "requested" features being added to Gem shop or he means cash shop.Also he mentions they might be released almost immediately,meaning cash shop priority one,game quality priority two.
..or, you know, the team that's handling them happens to meet the milestone faster than the others? AFterall, adding events need more testing than adding costumes and whatnot. And don't talk like they're not fixing bugs, and banning bots...that's a piss on your "game quality second" statement.
Also, it's actually more appropriate to call the CS a Gem Shop, as you use gems to purchase from the store. You CAN spend cash, but you can also spend ingame GOLD. I'm fine eitherway, but when I see someone trying to paint a picture with the word CASH, I can't help but chime in.
F'n Pvpers always crying and ruining fun classes in other areas of the game because they got owned. This is why you guys are hated by other playstyles, you try to get everything nerfed to oblivion until every class is a shell of itself and dumbed down.
ArenaNet have already said that if PvP or PvE is unbalanced, they will balance only that aspect. They have told us many times that they are not afraid of having PvE and PvP versions of skills, just like in GW1.
Originally posted by Valentina I love the game soooo much more than i thought I would in the long term. I cant wait to see wha they do in the future, Im really excited to see new additions to the gem store and glad to see PvE content is just as important as everything else.
1. They pretty much delivered on all the features they talked about thus far....unless u scrutinize every single word the devs say and be really nitpicky :P. Then again, no one is perfect and that applies to gaming developers as well.
2. Colin Johanson also knows that talk is cheap if u bothered to read the whole article.
"We need to show to our players that our plans for live development for Guild Wars 2 aren’t just words. We live up to the promise of what a truly supported live MMO can be, and we want people to look back at our initial blog post on what our live teams will be doing and say, “They are doing everything they said they would do, I trust them to keep their word.”
i like how guardians are the only one mentioned as "imba" wtf is up with that? its always amazing how the whiners start with "i love X but nerf it to hell and back"
next time you do an interview leave your agendas at home.
F'n PVPers always ruining fun classes, thats why many people hate PVPers they claim to be the best players but they will whine and cry to high heaven faster than any other type of player.
Thats typical of PvP types. FOTM is OP!! Nerf FOTM!!! I've seen damn few games where the PvE isn't hammered into the ground to suit the fickle, smaller PvP minority.
Once this starts, you eventually end up with bland, uninteresting classes, after an endless amount of Dev time/talent has been spent, chasing the illusion that is "balance". PvP types will literally never be happy, and the efforts involved in "balance" tend to eventually drive away the much larger PvE audience. I've seen this happen repeatedly, but Dev's never seem to learn.
Either keep PvE and PvP separate (if you simply must have both to appease the bean counters), or macro the phrase "working as intended" and have the courage to stick to it.
I will trust a word this guy says when i see the free server transfers CLOSED!
I don't want skins and shop stuff...i want u to work and finalize your damn "guesting" system so that u can close the server transfers. Till then...the words u say mean nothing. U want to get close to your community? The community has spoken numerous times on this. Finish this...skins later.
A few people seem to really think that the commerce team adding things to the gem store will make this game PtW or take away from the fixing of bugs that they are upset about. However squashing many of those bugs is not the commerce team's job and a LOT of players would like things added to the gem store that are strictly cosmetic (town cloths, skins for armor, character modifictaion items, etc).
I really am pleased that an update that isn't just bug fixes is coming soon. Bug fixes are very important, but an update will show what they are capable of doing to expend this game while also giving players something to do while the bugs are being worked on. I trust that ArenaNet knows what bugs are important and are in the process of fixing them.
I will trust a word this guy says when i see the free server transfers CLOSED!
im ok w free transfers but wish it was restricted to once a week
yea that would make little more sense but still would cause balance issues with WvW not as bad as it is now but still overall the system really needs people to stick to a server.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Warriors also have some of the best ranged DPS in the game. I've killed so many rangers/elementalists that were just trying to kite me... it's pretty funny. The only things that give me a problem are ret guardians, mesmers, and occasionally thieves. Warriors are pretty OP. I wreck people in WvW, and I'm not a particularly good player.
Agree. Got my ass kicked repeatedly in WvW on some other classes, especially Ranger, and especially vs multiple enemies. Then I hop on my Warrior with 90% crit and a mix of rifle / greatsword spec, run into a group of 3 enemies by myself, 1st one is about to drop dead before they get into melee range, then finished off the other 2 with my greatsword in a few seconds. Walked away and proceeded to solo some supply camps nearby.
I used to be specced as crit, but I switched to toughness. That's mainly what allows me to outlast most other classes in a ranged battle, not to mentioned that it's much stronger vs other warriors (since most of them are crit builds). If I actually get caught in the charge-hundred blade thing, it usually only takes about 30-40% of my health and I can still win the fight. I also have 30 points into defense. It's tempting to be a glasses cannon (and it works for most situations), but I found more defense to be the key to most of my victories. Like I said, I'm not the best player in the world, so that could be part of it. I've never been able to pull off a 3 v 1 scenario. I've been able to kill one, then scape with my life, but that's about as far as my bragging rights go.
casual is not a bad thing, but many people see it as a curse. Im Looking forward to both casual and more competitive options in the near future (im casual tho)
"Colin Johanson: Many people have asked, “Didn’t you have a mobile app in development? Where is it?” the only answer to that I can give is we have grander ideas than what our original scope entailed. We’ve got some really big plans in this area, but until they are finalized and we know we can pull them off for sure, we’re not quite ready to talk about it. We’ll have a not yet revealed team that discusses this in more detail as we get closer to the end of the year."
the only thing they disappointed me with.
Talk is cheap.
Lets see if they actually deliver.
When I wake up, the real nightmare begins
I am most excited about adding events.
"I hope they feel like the promise of dynamic events expands even further, so the world truly feels like you can experience something unique or new around every corner every time you login."
I hope this comes to reality.
Great MMO lots of fun so far keep it up Anet
I have one problem tbh i think lvling is too fast :P.
This might sound crazy but i love doing everything in a map and my lvl is always ahead of me hehe.
Why is this a problem for me ??? well lvling is really fun in this MMO for a change ^^
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
A lot of words for a company that so far managed to go from having a positive and supportive community, to a very negative one, all in just a few weeks post launch.
They haven't really resolved many of the problems. Each patch includes more bugs, and critical issues take them weeks to fix. Something I'd expect from a small indie team, not from a 200+ man team.
Add on top of that, close to no communication regarding issues, and a forum environment that honestly makes me want to stop participating in, where moderators are deleting posts and infracting accounts in almost every thread for the same weird reason 'posting off-topic', supposedly collecting enough infractions risks your game account, but they refuse to comment on it directly. I personally got infracted for indirectly mentioning the existence of another game, in a thread created by someone else comparing other games to GW2 (many people's posts got deleted, not just mine). I also got infracted for makng 2 completely normal posts where I was discussing a subject with two other people, who also got their posts deleted and infracted for 'posting off-topic'.
The company's high-horse attitude and community handling sits poorly with me. And all these blog posts and interviews are just fancy PR words. Show your playerbase actual changes to the game and the way you handle them.
"certain builds of that profession might be a little bit imba."
Cut of sentance there.
The fact they are going to increase staff working on the title is good, but a "commerce team" that wants to expand items in the store? That bodes ill.
I am sorry man but that was a lot of loaded questions and a ton of answers that sound like some political speech.
The future of the game is to create a better community bond,are you kidding me,what kind of crap answer is that?That is NOT the game that is called community relations,you would think this guy would have easily known that.
So many of the other answers gave indication of a FAKE.This guy does not give it to you straight but looks more like these questions were preloaded days prior to the interview ,so he could work out politically correct answers.
I can easily tell when a guy is bullshitting the answers,nothing he says sounds liek a heart felt answer meant to give gamers the inside scoop.
Nobody else bothered when he mentions exciting new "requested" features being added to Gem shop or he means cash shop.Also he mentions they might be released almost immediately,meaning cash shop priority one,game quality priority two.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
..or, you know, the team that's handling them happens to meet the milestone faster than the others? AFterall, adding events need more testing than adding costumes and whatnot. And don't talk like they're not fixing bugs, and banning bots...that's a piss on your "game quality second" statement.
Also, it's actually more appropriate to call the CS a Gem Shop, as you use gems to purchase from the store. You CAN spend cash, but you can also spend ingame GOLD. I'm fine eitherway, but when I see someone trying to paint a picture with the word CASH, I can't help but chime in.
ArenaNet have already said that if PvP or PvE is unbalanced, they will balance only that aspect. They have told us many times that they are not afraid of having PvE and PvP versions of skills, just like in GW1.
Looking forward to EQL and EQN.
1. They pretty much delivered on all the features they talked about thus far....unless u scrutinize every single word the devs say and be really nitpicky :P. Then again, no one is perfect and that applies to gaming developers as well.
2. Colin Johanson also knows that talk is cheap if u bothered to read the whole article.
"We need to show to our players that our plans for live development for Guild Wars 2 aren’t just words. We live up to the promise of what a truly supported live MMO can be, and we want people to look back at our initial blog post on what our live teams will be doing and say, “They are doing everything they said they would do, I trust them to keep their word.”
Looking forward to EQL and EQN.
Thats typical of PvP types. FOTM is OP!! Nerf FOTM!!! I've seen damn few games where the PvE isn't hammered into the ground to suit the fickle, smaller PvP minority.
Once this starts, you eventually end up with bland, uninteresting classes, after an endless amount of Dev time/talent has been spent, chasing the illusion that is "balance". PvP types will literally never be happy, and the efforts involved in "balance" tend to eventually drive away the much larger PvE audience. I've seen this happen repeatedly, but Dev's never seem to learn.
Either keep PvE and PvP separate (if you simply must have both to appease the bean counters), or macro the phrase "working as intended" and have the courage to stick to it.
I will trust a word this guy says when i see the free server transfers CLOSED!
I don't want skins and shop stuff...i want u to work and finalize your damn "guesting" system so that u can close the server transfers. Till then...the words u say mean nothing. U want to get close to your community? The community has spoken numerous times on this. Finish this...skins later.
A few people seem to really think that the commerce team adding things to the gem store will make this game PtW or take away from the fixing of bugs that they are upset about. However squashing many of those bugs is not the commerce team's job and a LOT of players would like things added to the gem store that are strictly cosmetic (town cloths, skins for armor, character modifictaion items, etc).
I really am pleased that an update that isn't just bug fixes is coming soon. Bug fixes are very important, but an update will show what they are capable of doing to expend this game while also giving players something to do while the bugs are being worked on. I trust that ArenaNet knows what bugs are important and are in the process of fixing them.
im ok w free transfers but wish it was restricted to once a week
EQ2 fan sites
yea that would make little more sense but still would cause balance issues with WvW not as bad as it is now but still overall the system really needs people to stick to a server.
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg