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Hard time getting into. Please help

mikeoffymikeoffy Member UncommonPosts: 31

I bought the game about 2 weeks ago. I never played beta or Guild wars so I was totally new to this game.

I first thought when i logged into the game and started playing that this is everything I was ever looking for and its free. Then I hit level 11 or 12 and completed all my tasks in the first area. When I moved to the new area I was disappointed I felt as if its the same thing all over again as the first zone. So I logged out and have just not had any ambition to log in. In fact I started looking something else to play. 

What am I missing? Is this really how each zone is the same thing over and over? Maybe i just dont get it or something. 

I almost...almost bought Mists of Panderia but just couldnt.


Please help...



  • MaelwyddMaelwydd Member Posts: 1,123

    Not sure what you would expect really. In general an MMO with provide a core game mechanics structure and a progression structure and let you wander the world looking for things to do. Generally speaking the things you can do include helping people or do work for people (quests), gathering resources from local wildlife/monsters and natural resources (crafting) or just heading out and seeing what there is to see (exploring). Mixed in you may get social things to do, mostly freeform with others (such as chatting  in global or locally) or things slightly more pre-defined (dungeons or events).


    Not sure exactly what you were expecting. Mobs are the same, they just get tougher, the mechanics are they same, they just apply to different things, the challenge remains relative...There are very few games that don't deviate from this and even the bigest game in the world (according to some, they are incorrect, but in terms of popular MMO) WOW is exactly the same.


    GW2 does do things slightly different in terms of events and no real quests to do except for helping people with things they want to do (hearts) but it is still the usualy structure of most MMO's out there.


    The only game I cna really think of that does things different is The Secret World but that requires people to put in more effor tthen a lot of people seem capable of or wanting to do. But except for TSW I cannot really think of a popular fantasy MMO that doesn't now follow the WOW formula more or less.


    Is this your first MMO?

  • DignaDigna Member UncommonPosts: 1,994

    I am not sure if this is a legit poster or a troll given the low post count but on the assumption that it's legit:

    Each zone leads to several other zones. In each zone you will have  'hearts' (local quests) to do and most can be completed in more than way. Some ways are very benign  - go collect scraps for the war effort and some are very martial - go kill for revenge. Hearts can be done 1 time per character

    In addition to the hearts there are are Dynamic Events (DEs). These trigger by some other event/course of action (frequently talking to an NPC with an orange globe looking thing over his/her head will start one that often leads to another and so on). DEs can be p repeated as often as they pop.

    This is the process - New zone, new hearts. Do DE's. Once you hit the level 70 - 80 Orrian zones there are no more hearts. Just vast open wastelands of undead. DEs pop but no hard and fast heart/quests. (There are normal quests  zones that have hearts 60-65, 65-70, 70-80 etc). The storyline quests push you toward the Orrian sections.

    The storyline is 'your' personal story quest which you can do or you can skill. Some of the storylines are pretty good, some are more bland.

    Then you have sPvP and WvW PvP. As the OP was talking PvE, that is another story for another day.

  • mikeoffymikeoffy Member UncommonPosts: 31
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.
  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.

     I actually had more fun playing TERA then GW2. At least TERA has great combat and a large seamless world. To bad the quest were not better or I would still probaly be playing.

  • mikeoffymikeoffy Member UncommonPosts: 31
    Originally posted by Mannish
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.

     I actually had more fun playing TERA then GW2. At least TERA has great combat and a large seamless world. To bad the quest were not better or I would still probaly be playing.

    Can i ask what you do play?

  • MikehaMikeha Member EpicPosts: 9,196
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    Originally posted by Mannish
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.

     I actually had more fun playing TERA then GW2. At least TERA has great combat and a large seamless world. To bad the quest were not better or I would still probaly be playing.

    Can i ask what you do play?


    I play Aion and Lineage 2.

  • The_KorriganThe_Korrigan Member RarePosts: 3,460

    Each time I read "better combat in Tera", I can't help chuckling... most skills that root you, only one weapon per class, oh yeah, awesome.

    Well too each his own, I guess...

    Respect, walk, what did you say?
    Respect, walk
    Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
    - PANTERA at HELLFEST 2023
    Yes, they are back !

  • QuedoQuedo Member Posts: 6

    i hear you OP..... couldnt get past level 12 myself....

    What makes me laugh is all the chat of next gen MMO.

    Errrm nope, same old stuff i was doing 10 years ago but dressed better.

    Oh and one more thing , helping farmers do all  there lame shit is a dull as is sounds.

    I really dont get  what all the fuss is about

  • BadSpockBadSpock Member UncommonPosts: 7,979

    I'm going to design an MMO where every zone has completely different and new mechanics and systems.

    No two are going to be alike at all.

    See you in 10 years, and can I please has moneys? It's going to be REALLY hard to pay the bills to keep the server running with my horrible, horrible game design ideas.


  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    Well, you forgot collision detection. open world PvP (harder to balance, make fun than boosting everyone and pit them in a single place), combat that has impact, skill usage that matters, no invulnerability button or siilar cheap tricks, extremely fun to play healing etc etc.

    Also less problems with the combat in PvP, no ability delays when in big crowds (or abilities not working at all in extreme cases) and no invisibility across the board to fix ability delays and lag related issues.


    But as you said it's a personal preference. Just don't be surprised that some people would have preferred Tera's combat model in GW2.

  • bcbullybcbully Member EpicPosts: 11,843
    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Each time I read "better combat in Tera", I can't help chuckling... most skills that root you, only one weapon per class, oh yeah, awesome.

    Well too each his own, I guess...

    2 or 3 skills for 90% of the weapons in GW2... The other 10% have 5.

  • AerowynAerowyn Member Posts: 7,928
    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Each time I read "better combat in Tera", I can't help chuckling... most skills that root you, only one weapon per class, oh yeah, awesome.

    Well too each his own, I guess...

    yea same.. Tera combat was fun for about 20 levels then lost its appeal.. WAY to few choices.. with traits, multiple weapons, runes, sigils and utility skills I'm changing up my playstyle every couple of levels in GW2.. just getting more into sPVP now and really enjoying my warrior.. put together a nice build that counters those pesky backstabbing thieves:)

    I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg

  • JabasJabas Member UncommonPosts: 1,249
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.

    I know im not a pro skilled player but playing Elementalist using the all 4 attunements during combat i found it fun and challenge.

    But thats me, ofc   :)

  • ZhauricZhauric Member UncommonPosts: 292
    Originally posted by Quedo

    i hear you OP..... couldnt get past level 12 myself....

    What makes me laugh is all the chat of next gen MMO.

    Errrm nope, same old stuff i was doing 10 years ago but dressed better.

    Oh and one more thing , helping farmers do all  there lame shit is a dull as is sounds.

    I really dont get  what all the fuss is about

    Yep. Because that is the whole game. Exactly! I mean they really meshed the entire game into those 12 levels you did. Everything you did in those whopping 12 levels is the entire game up to 80...

    Now that I am done with my sarcasm my point is you haven't even seen most of the game. I thought it would be a bit dull too after those first handful of levels but as I progressed the events got more diverse and some were rather adrenaline rushing like fending off the centaur with the Seraph after taking their camp until there are just too many centaurs and the Seraph yells 'Retreat!' and if you don't you'll get your butt handed to you in the swarm. Then turning around and trying to take the camp back.

    Yeah...that's just helping the farmers and the like and same ol' dull stuff. Those 12 levels of yours told the whole story!

  • Loke666Loke666 Member EpicPosts: 21,441
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.

    It is all about timing and using the right skill at the right moment. It actually take some time to become good at unless you play a warrior.

    Try making a theif, they are all about twitched based movements and if you stand still for a second you will be dead (past the noob zones mind you).

    GW2s combat is a lot about where you stand and how you move. I frankly wasnt so impressed by Teras combat myself, GW2s feels a lot more interesting for me, but that is me.

    When you only played the easy noob areas smashing 3 buttons might seems like a working tactics but it wont later and they will eat you alive at your first dungeon.

  • strangepowersstrangepowers Member UncommonPosts: 630

    Please help with what?

    If you don't like it you don't like it, move on. Nobody can make you like it, take a little initiative and responsibility for your own decisions.

  • RaekonRaekon Member UncommonPosts: 532
    Originally posted by Quedo

    i hear you OP..... couldnt get past level 12 myself....

    What makes me laugh is all the chat of next gen MMO.

    Errrm nope, same old stuff i was doing 10 years ago but dressed better.

    Oh and one more thing , helping farmers do all  there lame shit is a dull as is sounds.

    I really dont get  what all the fuss is about

    The "fuss" is about that the heart quests which are a classical type of quests to help people from other mmos to make the transition to the DEs, can be accomplished in 3 to 4 different ways each cause the npc gives you 3 to 4 different possibilities so you can pick what you would like to do from them and finish this quest that way.

    Unlike other mmos that if you don't go kill these 10 trees (terra), go back and deliver the quest, then go kill 20 trees and run the whole way back again (there are even quests with 40 to 80 kills?).

    On the top of that you just need to be in the area the quest is reaching in GW2 and finish it without talking to a npc ever or just plain ignore these heart quests and go level through gathering materials, exploration, crafting, WvsWvsW which means you have total freedom of choice and that's something other mmos just doesn't offer you no matter how you put it.

    Most of all since in other mmos even if you skipped these go kill 10 tree quests and try to level a other way, at the end of the day you will have to go back and do them or you won't be able to progress in the game.

    In GW2 you CAN do them to complete a area but you don't have to if you don't care about it.

    I leveled with my ranger from level 2 to 15 by simply exploring through the areas and charming pets without having ever touched a enemy.

    Even if you complete the skill challenges, POIs, Waypoints and Hearts, all areas still have hidden areas like underground areas, jumping puzzles, mini dungeons you can find and explore for goodies.

    Additionaly your daily and monthly quests are just tasks you can check under your characters achievements which also give you goodies when you complete them as you go.

    No need to run to a certain NPC or Area to do them, cause your dailies count no matter where you are on the world and you can even complete them with different characters like:

    - I don't wanna go to a other area with my main to find other types of enemies for my daily so I'm login in with my other character and kill a few other type of enemies in his area.

    Only a few examples. 

  • evolver1972evolver1972 Member Posts: 1,118

    What you're missing is the rest of the game.  You just barely got your weapons swapping.  You've barely unlocked one Utility skill and you've completed 1 area.  Doesn't sound like much.


    The different things they have in the different areas are:  Different landscape, different NPCs with different Hearts, different Mobs and DEs, and some have Dungeons (once you hit 30 and beyond).


    There are also different jumping puzzles and chests to find in pretty much every zone.


    But....if you're looking for a game that has different things in each zone, like different combat, different styles of questing, different laws of in game physics, good luck.  I've never heard of a game like that.


    Maybe you're just burnt out on MMOs.


    You want me to pay to play a game I already paid for???

    Be afraid.....The dragons are HERE!

  • Johnie-MarzJohnie-Marz Member UncommonPosts: 865
    Originally posted by Jabas
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.

    I know im not a pro skilled player but playing Elementalist using the all 4 attunements during combat i found it fun and challenge.

    But thats me, ofc   :)

    I am having a little trouble getting into the game as well. I started as a Human Thief but I just didn't connect with it.

    I decided to try an Asura Elementalist. I am thinking I may have just picked the wrong class the first time around. 

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,141
    Originally posted by Mannish
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    Originally posted by Mannish
    Originally posted by mikeoffy
    I came from playing Tera and I feel like I am just mashing the same 3 buttons over again. That could be why I am feeling this way? I just cant put my finger on it.

     I actually had more fun playing TERA then GW2. At least TERA has great combat and a large seamless world. To bad the quest were not better or I would still probaly be playing.

    Can i ask what you do play?


    I play Aion and Lineage 2.

    Yeah, I have to say, I like GW but have more fun in Tera. I'm absolutely in love with my lancer. To that end, I am still playing Aion.

    I just wish there was more of an end game (in either) like Lineage 2 where people would hold on to keeps. I hate this flipping of keeps. No pride in owership.

    GW pvp seems more about "oh there is a keep over there, we can participate in taking it and then someone will take it back and we will repeat.

    As opposed to, let's make alliances, take that keep and we will hold it for a few weeks, reap the benefits and then maintain those alliances and fight off the onslaught of those who want it.

    Tha'ts probably a simplistic view of GW 2 pvp and I've only done a bit of it but that's my general impression. I just don't feel like participating in flipping for flipping's sake.


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    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • Sovren1Sovren1 Member Posts: 312

    1 80 so far and a bunch of 20's, different races/classes. My 80 is a human thief. My second human is a mesmer. I notice that in my second playthrough of the human/centaur starting zones that I missed so much.

    About 2hrs ago I went into this bandit cave knocking heads with the mobs in there. They had this swivle turret canon in there (got hectic for a sec). Once destroying it and killing off the veteran bandit (stronger mob ofcourse), I move to the back of this cave where there was a series of jail cells. I kind of noticed there was soemthing moving in one, but didn't really pay attention. I proceed to the last cell that had a gate I could interact with. After closing out the dialog of the interaction (which didn't really say anything beyond this does nothing),

    I was immediatly surprised by two veteran giant cave trolls. Then the long battle starts. These suckers hit hard. While this fight was going on, the damn cave starts to respawn. The bandits target me, I stealth, the bandits target the trolls, the turret respawns and target me and the trolls. Pure Cray Z ness. After everything was said and done, mobs dead, I go back to the gate and interact with it again and it opens to a chest in the very back, couldn't really see it(the torchlight in cave only lit so much). Got a nice little upgrade to my shoulders and a new staff + a jewel to put in an open slot.

    I have been seeing stuff like this all over this game. The above battle would have obviously gone smoother and alot faster had there been others with me, but I was just roaming.

    Either you dig the world given to you or you don't. If you think about, in pretty much every MMO, you are going to be doing the same in pretty much every area. In every game, you are kind of doing the same thing throughout the entire thing. At least in this one there are dozens of ways to move through each zone in pve land and gain xp for that matter.

  • PaRoXiTiCPaRoXiTiC Member UncommonPosts: 603

    What a pointless thread. I couldn't get into Madden 2012 so I stopped playing it.


  • MuntzMuntz Member UncommonPosts: 332
    Originally posted by PaRoXiTiC

    What a pointless thread. I couldn't get into Madden 2012 so I stopped playing it.


    Did you try passing the ball on 3rd down? 

  • halflife25halflife25 Member Posts: 737
    Originally posted by The_Korrigan

    Each time I read "better combat in Tera", I can't help chuckling... most skills that root you, only one weapon per class, oh yeah, awesome.

    Well too each his own, I guess...

    The why are you chuckling if you understand each to his own? I didn't last more than a month in TERA but in my opinion i will take Tera combat over GW2 any day.

    And no i won't chuckle to make you feel as if your opinion is worthless.

  • JakdstripperJakdstripper Member RarePosts: 2,410

    it's not just you OP, i also cannot get past level 40. it was fun for the first 2 weeks but somehow this game loses a lot of steam really fast.

    the biggest let down for me is the WvW. total zerg fest that meas absolutely nothing as it get reset every week. you are not fighting other factions as all enemies or friends look the same. There is almost nothing you can do alone so you pretty much have to follow the zerg. Repair is expencive and so are all the siege weappons. Unless you are a level 80 you are pretty much cannon fodder.

    i dunno. it just all seems to pointless in GW2....hey at least it's free so i dont have to be conflicted about subbing or not. i doubt i'd play GW2 if it had a sub.

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