If you are missing out on world pvp in any mmorpg or miss vanilla pvp and zones, you can come back now... Cross realm zones literally fills every zone with people. All levels so there is some high level gankage but its WORLD PVP LIKE VANILLA. COME BACK NOW
Yeah, let's forget the people who wanted a quiet server. Let's forget the fact that you're going to have 5x as many people farming one area and then spreading those resources between multiple independant auction houses.
Let's just forget that making drastic changes to core game mechanics doesn't have any impact on anything else.
This is a bitter sweet problem of having lots of people. Id trade off empty zones with resources all to myself for lots of people any day, and this is the best change in wow history imo. It COMPLETELY gives life to all zones and revives old content and actually makes you WANT to quest. This gives me the old feeling of wow where i wasnt tired of questing because of how dull and lifeless it is. There is pvp while questing period and its enough to come back to the game 3 times over
This may all be true, but Blizzard may be expecting a large population drop off a month or two out from now after this big MoP launch.
Probably the CZR will work out better for them after the people who just came in to check out the expansion go back to what they were doing before or move on to the other new games/expansions that have come out or are coming out soon.
Except it doesn't revive old content at all. The LFG tool resolves the problem of finding parties for dungeons whilst leveling and there are very few group quests that can't be solo'd while leveling.
The only place it has an impact is the high end zones and the only thing it has done is open up everyone to be abused by those who are organised and can actually PvP. It doesn't intrinsicly add anything to the game other than the enjoyment those people will get at the expense of everyone on the recieving side. The fact that they are ok with letting resources split between multple auction houses is mind boggling for me and it seriously has the potential to screw with the lesser populated servers economy in a way you never though imaginable.
Its nothing like WoW vanilla,its PvPP ,player versus Programmed Player.
Fighting against random nobodies from other servers in world? what is that?Vanilla WoW was like that? no it was not.
Somehow these people are now PvP´s all suddenly ,they allways were? thats why they all moved to PvP server and filled those because they wanted to bring Vanilla WoW PvP back and fighted there for years? no they did not do that.
But now if some program moves them to different zones with random people from different servers then it magically happened.
which killed World PvP in the first place was BGs now they bring this disease with xserver technology to world and somehow its cured?
Let's internet
its pretty much the best move they could have done to revive pvp other than forcing people to roll a certain faction and combining servers. and face it its either random people from other servers, or NO ONE
Ah yes, the default response when you don't agree with something like that. Does it change your mind if I tell you that in the first year of WoW going live I spent 130 days /played doing nothing but PvP? How about if I told you I got Glad title on 3 occasions? Sound like someone who should be on a PvE server?
It's not a matter of just picking your preference and that's that. Even if you pick PvE the CRZ can have a very detrimental affect on your own server. In fact in some situations being grouped with a bunch of PvE servers could be even worse since you have no way of killing the other faction if they are hording specific areas or gathering routes etc.
It doesn't matter how much you cry vanillia WoW is not coming back, it doesn't matter how many of your toys you throw from your pram vanillia wow is not coming back, it doesn't matter how hard you stamp your feet vanillia wow is not coming back.
Blizzard could have done nothing, they could have sat back and counted their money but instead they spend money, time and resources develpeing this new tech and all people can do is whine whine whine. Here's an idea lets see how CRZ works out in the long term rather than moaning that some one is going to steal your mining node, heaven forbit some one kills in you on a PvP server... that would be crazy.
I have never had the desire to level and alt cus I know those low level zones are very quiet and I rolled on a PvP server for a reason, now with CRZ I cannot wait to roll an alt.
And it gets even worse,they start to control spawn times for everything,even those tiny bits what was left for players to control is now program controlled.
It is starting to look like somekind of weird program which controls players and not a game which is controlled by players.
Let's internet
It really doesn't because the world pvp is confined to zones that occur later in the game . What used to happen in the days before the finder tools was world pvp could pretty much start up anywhere .
It is however a step in the right direction but for the OPs post to be accurate cross realms zones would have to be everywhere but the starter areas .
It is nothing like Vanilla in any respect in those terms and it is misleading to say so .
Do you seriously think this is the best they could have done? They have such a ridiculous amount of money to throw around to develop their game compared to anyone else and you think a half assed idea like this is acceptable?
How is it that a company like CCP can rewrite entire sections of their game and rebuild the entire engine multiple times over and mess with their entire world on a routine basis while Blizzard continually get a free pass for doing almost next to nothing comparatively? How can a company like ArenaNet do so many things right when it comes to playing with friends and dealing with trivialized content due to the leveling process and WoW *still*, after 7 years, has fundamental issues with it's game design that were present at the very launch of the game. Blizzard have got away with it for too long, a lot of this stuff was acceptable in 2004 but it's nearly an entire decade since then.
WoW is nothing more than a collection of 'features' patched on to the end of the original game with as little glue applied between the seams as needed to make it stick. Go look at FF:XIV and see how different their new launch is compared to the first time around and the actions they actually took to get there. Go look at EVE and compare it from 2003 and now. You can tell it's the same game simply because there's nothing else like it but there's nothing in the game that hasn't been improved upon and even though they are doing better than ever they still haven't even broke the half million subscriber mark.
EVE.. a game with less than half a million subscribers has had more improvements and fundamental game updates/changes (with 17 free expansions might I add, some of them small and some of them being HUGE.) than the game that at it's peak had at least twenty four times the amount of subscribers.
Down leveling in GW2 is a nice mechanic but once you've 100%'ed all those areas why would you go back? Low level zones in GW2 in a few months will be just as barren as they are in WoW. So no GW2 method is not a solution for an 8 year old game, merging servers is not a solution as it will leave high level zones vastly over populated.
Blizzard can tweak CRZ so that only some zones are enabled on a per server basis, all the way upto lvl 85 zones, resource and mob spwan rates can be dynamicly adjusted to the number of people in a zone.
You can even invite friends from other servers to your own like GW2 guesting feature.
The only downside to CRZ is the possible feeling of seperation from your own server, but we've had that since crossrealm battlegrounds, dungeons and raids so it's nothing new. You'll always be matched with the same group of servers so just think of it as a much wider player base you can interact with.
EvE is a whole other game comparisons cannot be made.
I can go play with my flatmate who is sitting down stairs and show him around the game and show him the cool stuff without OMGWTFBBQ'ing every single mob in a kilometer radius from me, while still getting half decent rewards for the effort spent. I can help him with his Personal Story, or go do some WvW with him. I can even do sPvP with him if he fancied it. I could even go do some dungeons with him if he so wanted.
I myself routinely go back to lower level areas to complete events that spawn as the chest rewards scale with level and since the content isn't exactly a walk in the park even if you are a higher level it allows ArenaNet some room to move when it comes to properly rewarding you for your time spent. (In a few cases farming lower level areas is making more money than the higher areas)
Couldn't do any of that in WoW at launch and the CRZ still doesn't change that.
And yes, you totally can compare EVE and WoW, they are both MMO's. They both actively get developed and they both charge a subscription fee. One game uses the sub fee to pay for improvements (The game that's had more stuff 'done') and the other charges extra for the major updates.
Frankly does not matter. Odviously OWPvP is not your thing. You might be just fine like many on the PvE servers with Battlegrounds and Arena, but you do not like the rules of the PvP server so you should not be there. As to the effects...frankly I do not think it will do a thing. Look at it now there is barely anyone out making money on lower level gathering. It is only when you get to the higher level stuff that it matters. Also they increased the respawn rate on nodes awhile ago so there is a glut on the market now as it is. So no your experience does not change my mind and I do not agree with your sky is falling belief.
I don't understand the point here, you could also just re-roll another character to specifically play with him. Why bother playing the same content with the same character when you could at least play different content with a different character? Oh wait you can't do that in GW2.
Yes, I hate open world PvP. I never played Darkfall or EVE Online for the open world PvP. I sat spinning in station all day in EVE and in Darkfall I gathered herbs/stone/ore all day for my clan so they could go do fun stuff.
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they don't like the same thing as you do.
WoW might as well just give up with the notion of open world PvP and stop trying to beat that dead horse. They had a chance to make something of it in Vanilla and every 'update' since then has only furthered the game from it. There's no reason to PvP at all in the 'open world' aside from making people spend 10 seconds to run back to their corpse, I suppose a good start would have been to make the game even somewhat remotely skill based but they couldn't do that either. They even tried to bring it back with the failure that was Wintergrasp and Tol'Barad and couldn't even do a good job of that.
For a game that had such an incredible foundation to work from they have managed to achieve absolutely nothing meaningful when it comes to any form of PvP.
I like how you dismiss my point and don't acknowledge that with a single patch change tomorrow suddenly every single bit of the 'low level' content is just as rewarding in terms of time/effort spent than the normal stuff is. If you can't even acknowledge the possibility and scope contained within the downleveling system even for a player playing on their own then I don't know what to say.
For the second point it seems you didn't read my post well enough. I can't do any of that with my friend in WoW just purely for the simple fact that he isn't max level. Literally cannot do a single thing I mentioned without ruining both our gameplay just because he isn't the same level as I am.
And as for the WoW/EVE, you can compare them because the major thing they share in common is that they are a work in progress. You would think the game with greater resources (By some orders of magnitude) would be able to make more progress yet we are consistently shown that this is not the case at all. There are numerous other MMO's which get content updates more often and in greater doses than WoW.
[EDIT] I would just like to clarify, I'm not taking the stance that I'm saying 'Woooooo... It's all DOOOOOMED!!!!!' - All I'm saying is that I think more people should appreciate the complete underwhelming effort Blizzard has made when it comes to actually improving their game in general when compared to other companies. It's obvious where their priorities lie; WoW is first and foremost a business not a game and as someone who is passionate about games I have an issue with that.
I honestly have no idea what point you are trying to get to. So far in this thread you have complained;
1 - This change will make quiet servers busy?
2 - There will be a shortage of resources (addresses by Blizzard already)
3 - They are making changes to the game
4 - They don't make enough changes to the game
What exactly is the core of your issue here and what do you see as the solution if you feel that Blizzard isn't coming up with one?
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Lets just agree to disagree. Blizzard has done a lot since release to get players together, it's clearly not the same game from 2004, you might think they could have done more, maybe they could have but it is what it is.
I still dont understand why blizzard always has to be seen doing more than any other dev, anything they do has to be 100 times better than any one else. Sure they make far more money but that money goes to vivendi, who give a portion to Acti-blizz who then give a portion to blizzard, yes blizzard are slow asses on getting content out there - 9 months since the last content patch? thats shameful but if we all continue to pay a sub.... Now I am off to lunch.. tuna pasta I think.
The CRZ, in my opinion, is a good example of a typical Blizzard reaction to an issue.
The CRZ is designed to address one very specific issue. It's patched on to the end of their existing game (Like pretty much every other 'feature' they add) rather than incorporating it into the game properly with some common sense and decent amount of thought put behind it. In affect I feel what they are doing is almost like taking painkillers for a broken arm rather than getting the arm set properly to stop the source of the issue.
Comparing the game to EVE is really useful because in terms of game design they couldn't possibly be further apart. On one side you have WoW; It rehashes the same core gameplay elements like raids and quests with a slightly different presentation and anything that it sees it's competitors have success with it tacks on to the end of it's game as a new feature to keep people busy (and to try keep the game up to date against the competition) between the major content updates. They do some decent stuff don't get me wrong but for the most part they are happy making old content obsolete in favour of adding more of the same as before.
With EVE they are adding new areas to the game itself. Imagine in WoW the level cap is still 60, there's more skills still and more flexibility in the skills themselves. All the continents are level 60 and you can find useful things to do in any of them without getting to the stage where you progress 'past' them or make it all obsolete by suddenly being too high a level for it.
I feel like with WoW that they still have the original game buried down there but what we see now is essentially what has been created from the various.. excuse the bad choice of word.. patches that have been stuck over the top to try keep new content on the go.
With EVE it's more like they develop and move the entire game forward, going as far as to scrap huge sections of the game to rebuild in a better way than before. They add new aspects of the game to discover and explore rather than simply adding new missions/items/ships/races/whatever every major update. The changes they make tend to be more integral to the game itself.. if they screwed up the consequences are going to be severe. If Blizzard don't QA a raid well enough they just do a balance pass on it and don't need to worry too much about the fallout and to a certain degree I think it allows them to be lazy (and it shows).
So now I, hopefully, explained my view a bit better I can sum it up.
I think Blizzard are too busy trying to patch their game to keep it up to date when instead they should be focusing more on keeping the game at it's core modern. Let me ask you this one question because I know I've been talking about EVE a lot and using it as an example.
Do you think WoW will shut down before EVE does?
EVE is older by one year already and is arguably going stronger than WoW seeing as their subscriber base is increasing still over time. Their game becomes increasingly more and more slick with lots of new types of content and features(Different kinds of stuff to do). While WoW for the vast majority of it at it's core is the same as it was back in 2005-2007; You can pvp out in the open or in BG's/Arena or you can do Raids. The other aspects of the game are essentially filler that is suppose to try and keep you somewhat amused when you are getting bored or waiting on the next major patch.
I agree it is what it is, and while some might say it isn't 'better' I'm not going to argue that myself. I just can't help but think that in some way if they had been a bit more bold with what they done post launch rather than rehashing the same kinda stuff over and over we would all be a few years ahead of where we are now. The thing that gets me now is that they can only play is safe and keep doing the same thing because they are so scared if the boat gets tipped then it's all over.
(I understand that is a serious possibility and appreciate it but it isn't an excuse to be complacent when it comes to being creative)
Hope you enjoyed lunch!