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I don't want actiony combat. I liked the combat in EQ, wow, eq2 etc.
I like group content.
I like classes with distinct roles.
I don't like anything remotely close to p2w, I'd rather pay a sub, but if the world is going cash shop, i prefer that p2w isn't in my game.
So, knowing that about me, with as little flaming as possible, would i be interested in this game?
ps before someone tells me go back to wow or eq2 , I am bored with those games, they've been over simplified and turned into massive raid fest anyways.
1. Action based combat is not for everyone. If the gameplay style features in Neverwinter isn't your cup of tea, then don't play it. But please, don't say that the game would be better without action based combat, as some people (myself included) are interested in that style.
2. That is the point of an MMO after all.
3. I do believe that the classes in NW have distinct roles.
4. The game is not p2w. None of Cryptic's games, or PWE's for that matter, are p2w.
In conclusion, I would say that this game fulfills 3 out of your 4 requirements. There will be a lot of stuff to do in groups. The classes will all have specialized roles. The game will not be p2w. However, if action oriented combat is that much of problem for you, then despite doing everything else you wanted, NW is not for you.
Of course you could always download it when it is released and try it out. It will be free to play, so all you have to lose is time.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
If you want a good idea of what to expect, download and play a little of CO and STO. Cryptic/PW aren't classifying this as an MMO. It'll be 4 or 5 manned group runs with prehaps an occasion larger group thrown in for variation. Classes will function like in other D&D based games. Expect a game heavily slanted toward pushing you to use the c-store. This will be very simplified game as most Cryptic games are. Cryptic is incapable of original thought or game play innovation. Don't bother with the vid clips of the game . Go play CO and STO , that'll give you a really good foundation from which to base your decision off of.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
I have seen the arguments for how they are p2w, and I am unimpressed. Not a single person who has ever claimed a PWE game to be a p2w game has given any solid evidence to back their claim. They either state that the games are p2w without giving anything to back it up, or give evidence that is either falsified or misinformed.
So, technically, you are correct. PWE games are considered p2w games, but whether or not they ARE p2w games is a completely different story (which is, in this case, a big fat no).
Restricting quests is not an example of p2w (plus I only remember it being done in Champions Online, and said quests have become available to everyone free of charge). Besides, better examples of companies forcing you to buy quests would be SOE and all of their DCUO missions that came out after release, as those quests have not become free. Same for NCSoft forcing people to buy certain zones and missions for City of Heroes.
And speaking of NCSoft, they recently put end-game wings that most people grind for on the Aion cash shop. Now, isn't THAT something to complain about and accuse of being p2w? Everyone seems to think that it is "cool" to accuse PWE of making their games p2w despite the fact that they are not, but I have seen a disturbing lack of people accuse other game companies of making their games p2w when they actually are (there are some, but nowhere near as many as the number of people accusing PWE of p2w games).
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
Yay, another P2W argument. They never work out - because people do not agree on what P2W is. If people do not agree on what P2W is, how can they argue whether something is or is not?
Then again, even the MMORPG thing is subject to arguments - because the term MMORPG means different things to different folks. They're very clear that NW is an action it's obviously not an MMORPG. It's right there in their FAQ - so that should have answered the first question and relegated the rest of the questions moot.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
You are totally biased towards this game. The action combat has very little to do with STO, for example, and Cryptic IS classifying this as a fully fledged MMO since Perfect World bought them and the title, previously developed as a multiplayer game, moved to become a full free-to-play MMORPG with persistent zones. Not to mention your baseless hatred towards Cryptic, which you label as a company full of incapable developers...Except City of Heroes, which is widely regarded as a great MMO in its own regard, was made by Cryptic.
I have played Neverwinter at Gamescom and can confirm that this looks to be an interesting game to say the least.
Executive Editor (Games)
Thanks for this, but there is one thing I just have to say.
As much good as you meant to do in this post, "interesting" is something the queen says while touring a ship when she has nothing better (or good) to say.
*Edit* Also, if I remember correclty, Cryptic has recently hired people from Paragon Studios (the company NCSoft formed when Cryptic left and gave them the rights to COH/COV) and 38 Studios (the company behind Kingdoms of Amalur).
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%
Originally they were clasifying it as a Dungeon Crawler (I think they might have given it an offline component, or maybe I am remembering incorrectly), and then they classified it as an Action MMORPG, as that is what Perfect World wanted.
Also, that analogy at the end...
Its the worst one I have ever seen.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
It was a CORPG crawler. Then MMO. Then Action MMORPG.
As for the analogy, we've moved well beyond calling puppies kittens and kittens puppies... it's time to break out the puppies are called oranges.
RPGs came from directing a character - not taking the actions yourself. Sure, there was a limited form of taking the actions involved when LARP came along. There's even the pseudo combat that Renn folks do. But RPGs were about directing the character...action games were about taking/making the actions. Somewhere along the lines, the marketing folks figured that the action games had enough story to call them a RPG. Mind boggling... completely mind boggling.
Tada, we've reached the point we have...
...heading to Staples to buy some Mead or Roaring Spring kittens for back to school.
I miss the MMORPG genre. Will a developer ever make one again?
Explorer: 87%, Killer: 67%, Achiever: 27%, Socializer: 20%