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So recently I came across this transmog feature that was added at some point after I quit playing. One of the reasons I quit playing WoW was that despite pretty decent itemization - end game highest items everyone looked like clones of each other. Also some of the item skins... well let's just say the artists and I disagree on what looks decent. So let me get to a few questions if someone would be so kind to answer...
1. To make sure I have the basic concept down... something like my headless horseman plate helm (the purple one with stats), I would be able to use the item skin but apply it to the stats of a different (higher ilevel) plate helm on my warrior?
2. My new good looking xmog item, could i reapply the way it looks to another upgrade or do I have to go back and refarm the item skin I want to use again? Example, I use my old 2 hand sword (from Hakkar in vanilla that i kept) on a level 85 2 hand sword.... at level 90 I want to use the skin again can I use the xmoged 85 or would I have to refarm the old lvl 60 sword again? (which in this case isn't even available in game anymore)
3. The popular Quel'serrar or whatever from Onyxia - it can only be equipped by war/pally and I think DK... even if my rogue can equip 1 hand swords - since he cannot equip that sword he would not be able to use it as a skin for xmog?
Thanks in advance if anyone takes the time to answer. I was quite the collector and folks would be amazed at how much I have saved - this seems like a very fun feature and I can't imagine the items I saved for novelty could actually have function again. I'm guessing some of my boe stuff might be selling for a ton now.
Here is a link to the forum post explaining the rules;
I must say that i have enjoyed making my L85 kitted mage look like a L20 scrap collector, a lot more interesting than just a run of the mill same kit different day characters
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays., get your Wow macros!
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Thanks for all the replies, while I do see some gaps that could make this feature even better - i am happy that it overall does allow for a little bit of individuality with your toon.
I still wonder about one thing - the item you farm for to use the look of - it remains even after you use it as a template right? Old sword X that you farm, u use it on new item to look like old sword X, but old sword X remains in inventory to be used again?
Thanks all
Yes it does. It only copies the appearance, not merges/uses the item.
Since the Transmog guy and the Void Storage guy are right beside each other, what I like to do is stuff my transmog outfits into VS so anytime I want to change they're right there. Note: It'll cost a few hundred to get set up that way, and a few hundred to do a full outfit change and put back into storage so if money is an issue, store them in your main bank.
Welcome back!