But GW2 kills all other MMOs that are themepark. It has story (so don't need SWTOR), it doesn't have boring fall asleep on the keyboard autoattack (so don't need WoW), it has unique races...no quest hubs...no double tracking to return a quest that is a continent away. No grinding military style raids that have leaders that scream at you (WoW)...and the most amazing cities in any MMO (RIFT cities are like camps, they are freakin tiny)
What is the point in playing any other themepark MMO? GW2 does all of it, and does it way better. The only reason one wouldn't like GW2, is because they are sandbox fans and are jaded they aren't getting any quality sandbox MMOs.
GW2 is a HUGE leap forward in themepark MMOs. Anyone still playing the old are like those who used bows and arrows, because they didn't want to advance to the gun age. They are trying to old back advancements to the technology, trying to ruin future MMOs that are themeparks.
Only MMO that can be better, is a very high quality sandbox MMO. And its only "better" if that style of MMO is your thing and not themeparks. Right now though, all sandbox MMOs (except EVE and even that sucks, but its best one out) are too low quality.
Future of MMOs goes to GW2 and a high quality sandbox MMO.
Another one of these GW2 = the next coming of messiah posts
The auto-attack bit made me chuckle
In 3 months the game will be interesting when the lower zones are ghost towns - DEs will be interesting with nobody around
Whats wrong with you people? The only 2 options are bigger than Wow and failing miserably and closing down soon.
Life isnt just black and white, GW2 will do fine but not so amazing that it takes down Wow. Twice the number of active players and sold boxed of GW1 have always been my guess and is still true.
LOTRO has far more socializing possibilities than GW2. Guildhalls, playerhouses, musical instruments, player hubs, taverns, cooking, fishing, smoking, etc.
Lore is pretty decent in LOTRO aswell. A lot of players know the books by heart and the game is pretty accurate. A lot of scenic "deja vu".
When GW2 gets some socializing and creates a decent community, with a lot of player hosted events, then we will see if it can be the new King.
That's my sentiments too. I expected this to be comparable to LoTRO and I'm very disappointed. I don't regret the money though because my daughter is loving it and I get to see her in game ( she's away at college).
LOTRO has far more socializing possibilities than GW2. Guildhalls, playerhouses, musical instruments, player hubs, taverns, cooking, fishing, smoking, etc.
Lore is pretty decent in LOTRO aswell. A lot of players know the books by heart and the game is pretty accurate. A lot of scenic "deja vu".
When GW2 gets some socializing and creates a decent community, with a lot of player hosted events, then we will see if it can be the new King.
That's my sentiments too. I expected this to be comparable to LoTRO and I'm very disappointed. I don't regret the money though because my daughter is loving it and I get to see her in game ( she's away at college).
The whole feel of lotro compared to GW2 is like night & day.In lotro you really do feel like you are in a living breathing world,the ambiance is all around you.From the music to all the character apperance option to the gathering in the prancing pony or meeting up in inns all over middle earth.
On top of that you can travel from one end of the world to the other without loading,it really is a true RPG feeling especially on the european Laurelin RP server.
GW2 is like a pointless tread mill that really makes you stop and think "what the hell am i doing this for" . In lotro you actually feel like your part of the story,you know that some where in world the fellowship is on the move and what's more you actually meet up with them from time to time.
The classes in lotro leave gw2 profession in the dust.My main is a burgalar,compared that class to the pathetic thief pro in gw2 and you realise that the thief is just a one trick boring pony.
OK, lotro has been out awhile but ArenaNet really haven't put the same effort into the proffession that they have in actually building the world,it could of been so much more.
This "GW2" MMORPG would kill all other themepark MMORPG's if it was free to play. The fact it will charge $40+ for expansions is another reason why it will fail badly.
2 mil sales worldwide says it all. Majority of players want open world, massive sandbox worlds that they can impact them with their actions while the majority of rest MMORPG players still remained milked by WOW, cuz at least that game was innovative in 2004 and deserves it.
I'm well beyond done with WOW and Aion, DCUO were the last 2 MMORPG's that took my $. In meantime I can play DCUO for free and it sure beats GW2 box price.
The disconnection with reality that some people have in this forum is astonishing.
Most players are casuals. Casuals dont want a world, they want a game, you sandboxers need to realize you are a niche and that its not a bad thing to be a niche.
thing is GW2 is no where near as themeparky as WOW, AIOn, DCUO etc.. Its way more open and way less linear. Its only a linear game if you choose to play it that way. you dont have to do the story quest chain, you dont have to follow all the static heart events, you can just wander about and do what you find interesting.
You're both delusional.
GW2 is just as themeparky as WoW ever was. Maybe even more themeparky.
Casuals dont want a game, they want a simple system. They want to win everytime and hate any sort of punishment. Thats why you have such bland PvP in GW2 thats super easy. Downed mechanic is a joke. Theres no death penalty. Thats why GW2 is structured the way it is, its the ultimate casual MMO'rs paradise. The tradeoff is that combat is boring and meaningless. Thats why I doubt GW2 is going to last past the 6 month mark.
But there are other people who want a game where they can build stuff in. People like building stuff and affecting the world around them. Do you call the millions of people playing Minecraft a niche?
Another one of these GW2 = the next coming of messiah posts
The auto-attack bit made me chuckle
In 3 months the game will be interesting when the lower zones are ghost towns - DEs will be interesting with nobody around
DE's will be much more interesting when theyre not being zerged by 100 people at once. Realizing that a troll's opinions are based on his poor insight and understanding of the game mechanics made me chuckle.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
Sorry, I have to disagree with you on this one. I managed to get a character to level 53but now don't feel like logging on. I have realized I like the trinity, I miss tanking. I'm going back to rift now to prepare for storm legion.
In 3 months the game will be interesting when the lower zones are ghost towns - DEs will be interesting with nobody around
DE's will be much more interesting when theyre not being zerged by 100 people at once. Realizing that a troll's opinions are based on his poor insight and understanding of the game mechanics made me chuckle.
It's already possibly to see how DEs work, when no one's around. Populations in the low level areas have dropped enough that if you play at a really off-peak time (e.g. 5am) ..but if you thought scaling was broken for 100 people, you mostly just get to see that it's even more broken for 2 people. They don't scale down well, either. Some might be doable, but others are crazy impossible.
I don't know if we'll ever (regularly) see that sweet-spot that DEs were designed for. They really need to work on the scaling.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
But GW2 kills all other MMOs that are themepark. It has story (so don't need SWTOR), it doesn't have boring fall asleep on the keyboard autoattack (so don't need WoW), it has unique races...no quest hubs...no double tracking to return a quest that is a continent away. No grinding military style raids that have leaders that scream at you (WoW)...and the most amazing cities in any MMO (RIFT cities are like camps, they are freakin tiny)
What is the point in playing any other themepark MMO? GW2 does all of it, and does it way better. The only reason one wouldn't like GW2, is because they are sandbox fans and are jaded they aren't getting any quality sandbox MMOs.
GW2 is a HUGE leap forward in themepark MMOs. Anyone still playing the old are like those who used bows and arrows, because they didn't want to advance to the gun age. They are trying to old back advancements to the technology, trying to ruin future MMOs that are themeparks.
Only MMO that can be better, is a very high quality sandbox MMO. And its only "better" if that style of MMO is your thing and not themeparks. Right now though, all sandbox MMOs (except EVE and even that sucks, but its best one out) are too low quality.
Future of MMOs goes to GW2 and a high quality sandbox MMO.
I don't know. Personally, the more I play GW2, and the closer WoW MoP comes to release, the more I feel like heading off to play WoW instead. Luckily I can do both.
Honestly, of all the theme park mmos I have played so far, GW2 is by far the worst. I have never been so bored while playing an mmo before.
Granted, nice graphics, nice sound, but the gameplay is so shallow, you would have to call WoW sophisticated when comparing these two. GW2 is fast food action for ADD-kids.
But GW2 kills all other MMOs that are themepark. It has story (so don't need SWTOR), it doesn't have boring fall asleep on the keyboard autoattack (so don't need WoW), it has unique races...no quest hubs...no double tracking to return a quest that is a continent away. No grinding military style raids that have leaders that scream at you (WoW)...and the most amazing cities in any MMO (RIFT cities are like camps, they are freakin tiny)
What is the point in playing any other themepark MMO? GW2 does all of it, and does it way better. The only reason one wouldn't like GW2, is because they are sandbox fans and are jaded they aren't getting any quality sandbox MMOs.
GW2 is a HUGE leap forward in themepark MMOs. Anyone still playing the old are like those who used bows and arrows, because they didn't want to advance to the gun age. They are trying to old back advancements to the technology, trying to ruin future MMOs that are themeparks.
Only MMO that can be better, is a very high quality sandbox MMO. And its only "better" if that style of MMO is your thing and not themeparks. Right now though, all sandbox MMOs (except EVE and even that sucks, but its best one out) are too low quality.
Future of MMOs goes to GW2 and a high quality sandbox MMO.
LOTRO has far more socializing possibilities than GW2. Guildhalls, playerhouses, musical instruments, player hubs, taverns, cooking, fishing, smoking, etc.
Lore is pretty decent in LOTRO aswell. A lot of players know the books by heart and the game is pretty accurate. A lot of scenic "deja vu".
When GW2 gets some socializing and creates a decent community, with a lot of player hosted events, then we will see if it can be the new King.
That's my sentiments too. I expected this to be comparable to LoTRO and I'm very disappointed. I don't regret the money though because my daughter is loving it and I get to see her in game ( she's away at college).
The whole feel of lotro compared to GW2 is like night & day.In lotro you really do feel like you are in a living breathing world,the ambiance is all around you.From the music to all the character apperance option to the gathering in the prancing pony or meeting up in inns all over middle earth.
On top of that you can travel from one end of the world to the other without loading,it really is a true RPG feeling especially on the european Laurelin RP server.
GW2 is like a pointless tread mill that really makes you stop and think "what the hell am i doing this for" . In lotro you actually feel like your part of the story,you know that some where in world the fellowship is on the move and what's more you actually meet up with them from time to time.
The classes in lotro leave gw2 profession in the dust.My main is a burgalar,compared that class to the pathetic thief pro in gw2 and you realise that the thief is just a one trick boring pony.
OK, lotro has been out awhile but ArenaNet really haven't put the same effort into the proffession that they have in actually building the world,it could of been so much more.
I disagree with some of your points and I was a huge LOTRO fan. First off, those graphics are now completed dated. Visually this game takes the cake. Some of the vistas, effects, and details are just amazing when compared to other MMOs. The combat animations were clunky and were criticized over and over again as being nonresponsive compared to some other more fluid combat games.
Second, though I realize this is just opinion, the classes in LOTRO for me at least were the worst of most games I tried until they released the RuneKeeper which in itself was controversial because it contradicted their goal of limiting magic (they said up front no Gandalfs) and adhering to lore.
LOTRO became more and more of a single player game with every release will little to no need to join with others for the majority of the game including later on with the majority of the first couple of books. Though some would argue joining in with others at will doesn't mean being social, for me it does. I'm not looking for new friends to share my intimate thoughts with. I want to do exactly what the game offers, join in at will without reading boring accept wall of text quests from stationary NPCs and asking for help for an hour which we have seen over and over and over again.
Though Lord of the Rings was a beautful game, calling it a living and breathing world because of a few social side options doesn't compare to the events and group encouraged game play of GW2. GW2 feels much more alive. The living and breathing of LOTRO is no different than WOW.
..by the way, there were loading screens. Did you ever go into any of the main story hubs (Prancing Pony, etc)? I do wish GW2 didn't have zones like EQ2 (even though they feel HUGE) and I do agree LOTRO handled this better, but saying there were not annoying loading screens in LOTRO is spreading misinformation.
But GW2 kills all other MMOs that are themepark. It has story (so don't need SWTOR), it doesn't have boring fall asleep on the keyboard autoattack (so don't need WoW), it has unique races...no quest hubs...no double tracking to return a quest that is a continent away. No grinding military style raids that have leaders that scream at you (WoW)...and the most amazing cities in any MMO (RIFT cities are like camps, they are freakin tiny)
What is the point in playing any other themepark MMO? GW2 does all of it, and does it way better. The only reason one wouldn't like GW2, is because they are sandbox fans and are jaded they aren't getting any quality sandbox MMOs.
GW2 is a HUGE leap forward in themepark MMOs. Anyone still playing the old are like those who used bows and arrows, because they didn't want to advance to the gun age. They are trying to old back advancements to the technology, trying to ruin future MMOs that are themeparks.
Only MMO that can be better, is a very high quality sandbox MMO. And its only "better" if that style of MMO is your thing and not themeparks. Right now though, all sandbox MMOs (except EVE and even that sucks, but its best one out) are too low quality.
Future of MMOs goes to GW2 and a high quality sandbox MMO.
Just no. Wait a few more weeks, people is already quitting.
WOOT can't wait to see most of the annoying crybabies/noobs/pathetic people trying to bash the game in every way they can even tho they buyed a game that was clearly wasn't made for them. Good bye MMO hoppers! I will be glad to see you out of the best game since WoW.
Are people over me really are debating between GW2 and LotR? Seriously you can't even compared the quality of both games...Especially when it comes to PvP, but I guess most people don't even play PvP in MMOs.
Another one of these GW2 = the next coming of messiah posts
The auto-attack bit made me chuckle
In 3 months the game will be interesting when the lower zones are ghost towns - DEs will be interesting with nobody around
Every game has it's crazy folks.
Currently the game is successful and the population is great. Everything beyond that is trolls and fanboys.
And it will stay successful like GW1 did. Call me troll or fanboy or whatever you want I don't really care. I know this game is 1000x better and more fun to play than all other MMO's released since WoW (and I've nearly tried them all) and alot of people feel the same way as I do. If you think otherwise, its okay, you'll still be waiting for the next big hyped crappy MMO to play while I'll still have a blast with GW2.
This "GW2" MMORPG would kill all other themepark MMORPG's if it was free to play. The fact it will charge $40+ for expansions is another reason why it will fail badly.
2 mil sales worldwide says it all. Majority of players want open world, massive sandbox worlds that they can impact them with their actions while the majority of rest MMORPG players still remained milked by WOW, cuz at least that game was innovative in 2004 and deserves it.
I'm well beyond done with WOW and Aion, DCUO were the last 2 MMORPG's that took my $. In meantime I can play DCUO for free and it sure beats GW2 box price.
The disconnection with reality that some people have in this forum is astonishing.
Most players are casuals. Casuals dont want a world, they want a game, you sandboxers need to realize you are a niche and that its not a bad thing to be a niche.
thing is GW2 is no where near as themeparky as WOW, AIOn, DCUO etc.. Its way more open and way less linear. Its only a linear game if you choose to play it that way. you dont have to do the story quest chain, you dont have to follow all the static heart events, you can just wander about and do what you find interesting.
I can play any themepark MMOS in similar manner. Ignore storyline, quests and just go explore and craft etc.
And in GW2 wandering is limited to your own level range because there is no upscaling in the game. So people exaggerate the wandering part a lot.
But GW2 kills all other MMOs that are themepark. It has story Ever hear of Square Enix and Crystal Wars?It is not a one game wonder story it carries over the entire Square Enix gaming porfolio.I would argue Square makes the best story lines of any developer. (so don't need SWTOR), it doesn't have boring fall asleep on the keyboard autoattack I agree it can be boring,but FFXI has auto attack and i love it and it is a VERY skilfull game.,matter fact i would argue the hardest MMORPG ever made.(so don't need WoW), it has unique races.Ever seen a Tarutaru before?A Mithra? well maybe a mithra is a cat like,done by everyone ,including GW2..A Galkan?..no quest hubs.FFXI never had quest hubs for 7 years,sadly players asked for this,however i agree with you on this one,it has single handedly ruined FFXI....no double tracking to return a quest You do realize you are SUPPOSE to be engrossing yourself into a Role playing world,it is SUPPOSE to feel realistic with travel,auto warping and waypoints is a copied EQ idea that i do not like one bit.that is a continent away. No grinding military style raids that have leaders that scream at you I agree with you here,i do not like Raiding one bit,there is no need for it.However Anet did not do it justice either,random walk in grouping and auto rewards is not a good altrernative.(WoW)...and the most amazing cities I think several games have amazing cities and with more INTERIOR architecture detail than GW2.This right here is a long topic in itself,i don't feel like bringing tech into the topic but GW2 did some sloppy/lazy work at times..in any MMO (RIFT cities are like camps, they are freakin tiny)
Gw2 or any game would be very hard pressed to match FFXI for unique concepts.
One simple example of a unique concept,can you talk to a Japanese player in GW2?FFXI you can it has a language translator.I made a few really good friends along the way because of it.Heck the one JPN player was the favorite player in one of my gulds/LS.
I would definitely not say GW2 is a bad game,but it does cut a lot of effort out so they could make the game faster and with less cost.It also does not do much for gaming concepts,they did add Dodging but not the way i would have liked to see it done.Bottom line is EVERYTHING in gaming is preference right?You might like what GW2 is doing others like different concepts,case in point,you said you don't like auto attack,i love it in a RPG setting,but no i don't like it either in a FPS game,it is all personal preference.
What is the point in playing any other themepark MMO? GW2 does all of it, and does it way better. The only reason one wouldn't like GW2, is because they are sandbox fans and are jaded they aren't getting any quality sandbox MMOs.
GW2 is a HUGE leap forward in themepark MMOs. Anyone still playing the old are like those who used bows and arrows, because they didn't want to advance to the gun age. They are trying to old back advancements to the technology, trying to ruin future MMOs that are themeparks.
Only MMO that can be better, is a very high quality sandbox MMO. And its only "better" if that style of MMO is your thing and not themeparks. Right now though, all sandbox MMOs (except EVE and even that sucks, but its best one out) are too low quality.
Future of MMOs goes to GW2 and a high quality sandbox MMO.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
But GW2 kills all other MMOs that are themepark. It has story (so don't need SWTOR), it doesn't have boring fall asleep on the keyboard autoattack (so don't need WoW), it has unique races...no quest hubs...no double tracking to return a quest that is a continent away. No grinding military style raids that have leaders that scream at you (WoW)...and the most amazing cities in any MMO (RIFT cities are like camps, they are freakin tiny)
What is the point in playing any other themepark MMO? GW2 does all of it, and does it way better. The only reason one wouldn't like GW2, is because they are sandbox fans and are jaded they aren't getting any quality sandbox MMOs.
GW2 is a HUGE leap forward in themepark MMOs. Anyone still playing the old are like those who used bows and arrows, because they didn't want to advance to the gun age. They are trying to old back advancements to the technology, trying to ruin future MMOs that are themeparks.
Only MMO that can be better, is a very high quality sandbox MMO. And its only "better" if that style of MMO is your thing and not themeparks. Right now though, all sandbox MMOs (except EVE and even that sucks, but its best one out) are too low quality.
Future of MMOs goes to GW2 and a high quality sandbox MMO.
Completely agree.
Watchout tho saying ANYTHING positive about GW2, someone might called you a fanboi or a gollum...oh wait i see the ignorant already did. smh typical.
Hopefully there will be some tweaks to the market as this game grows and it is growing if that infuriates some mmorpg posters so be it, more publicity. LOL
This "GW2" MMORPG would kill all other themepark MMORPG's if it was free to play. The fact it will charge $40+ for expansions is another reason why it will fail badly.
2 mil sales worldwide says it all. Majority of players want open world, massive sandbox worlds that they can impact them with their actions while the majority of rest MMORPG players still remained milked by WOW, cuz at least that game was innovative in 2004 and deserves it.
I'm well beyond done with WOW and Aion, DCUO were the last 2 MMORPG's that took my $. In meantime I can play DCUO for free and it sure beats GW2 box price.
The disconnection with reality that some people have in this forum is astonishing.
Most players are casuals. Casuals dont want a world, they want a game, you sandboxers need to realize you are a niche and that its not a bad thing to be a niche.
thing is GW2 is no where near as themeparky as WOW, AIOn, DCUO etc.. Its way more open and way less linear. Its only a linear game if you choose to play it that way. you dont have to do the story quest chain, you dont have to follow all the static heart events, you can just wander about and do what you find interesting.
I can play any themepark MMOS in similar manner. Ignore storyline, quests and just go explore and craft etc.
And in GW2 wandering is limited to your own level range because there is no upscaling in the game. So people exaggerate the wandering part a lot.
you can play that way true but you won't get rewarded for playing that way. GW2 rewards you in not one or two ways but in multiple ways for exploring and crafting whereas the other mmo's are lacking.
no, there are five complete zones per race where the wondering areas are not small like in other games so you really aren't that limited. I went into higher level zones and avoided mobs long enough to capture the next tier of nodes for crafting. It's dangerous but fun and they don't block you off from going there like in other mmo's
This have been a good conversation
Whats wrong with you people? The only 2 options are bigger than Wow and failing miserably and closing down soon.
Life isnt just black and white, GW2 will do fine but not so amazing that it takes down Wow. Twice the number of active players and sold boxed of GW1 have always been my guess and is still true.
That's my sentiments too. I expected this to be comparable to LoTRO and I'm very disappointed. I don't regret the money though because my daughter is loving it and I get to see her in game ( she's away at college).
The whole feel of lotro compared to GW2 is like night & day.In lotro you really do feel like you are in a living breathing world,the ambiance is all around you.From the music to all the character apperance option to the gathering in the prancing pony or meeting up in inns all over middle earth.
On top of that you can travel from one end of the world to the other without loading,it really is a true RPG feeling especially on the european Laurelin RP server.
GW2 is like a pointless tread mill that really makes you stop and think "what the hell am i doing this for" . In lotro you actually feel like your part of the story,you know that some where in world the fellowship is on the move and what's more you actually meet up with them from time to time.
The classes in lotro leave gw2 profession in the dust.My main is a burgalar,compared that class to the pathetic thief pro in gw2 and you realise that the thief is just a one trick boring pony.
OK, lotro has been out awhile but ArenaNet really haven't put the same effort into the proffession that they have in actually building the world,it could of been so much more.
You're both delusional.
GW2 is just as themeparky as WoW ever was. Maybe even more themeparky.
Casuals dont want a game, they want a simple system. They want to win everytime and hate any sort of punishment. Thats why you have such bland PvP in GW2 thats super easy. Downed mechanic is a joke. Theres no death penalty. Thats why GW2 is structured the way it is, its the ultimate casual MMO'rs paradise. The tradeoff is that combat is boring and meaningless. Thats why I doubt GW2 is going to last past the 6 month mark.
But there are other people who want a game where they can build stuff in. People like building stuff and affecting the world around them. Do you call the millions of people playing Minecraft a niche?
DE's will be much more interesting when theyre not being zerged by 100 people at once. Realizing that a troll's opinions are based on his poor insight and understanding of the game mechanics made me chuckle.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
It's already possibly to see how DEs work, when no one's around. Populations in the low level areas have dropped enough that if you play at a really off-peak time (e.g. 5am) ..but if you thought scaling was broken for 100 people, you mostly just get to see that it's even more broken for 2 people. They don't scale down well, either. Some might be doable, but others are crazy impossible.
I don't know if we'll ever (regularly) see that sweet-spot that DEs were designed for. They really need to work on the scaling.
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
I don't know. Personally, the more I play GW2, and the closer WoW MoP comes to release, the more I feel like heading off to play WoW instead. Luckily I can do both.
Honestly, of all the theme park mmos I have played so far, GW2 is by far the worst. I have never been so bored while playing an mmo before.
Granted, nice graphics, nice sound, but the gameplay is so shallow, you would have to call WoW sophisticated when comparing these two. GW2 is fast food action for ADD-kids.
Every game has it's crazy folks.
Currently the game is successful and the population is great. Everything beyond that is trolls and fanboys.
I disagree with some of your points and I was a huge LOTRO fan. First off, those graphics are now completed dated. Visually this game takes the cake. Some of the vistas, effects, and details are just amazing when compared to other MMOs. The combat animations were clunky and were criticized over and over again as being nonresponsive compared to some other more fluid combat games.
Second, though I realize this is just opinion, the classes in LOTRO for me at least were the worst of most games I tried until they released the RuneKeeper which in itself was controversial because it contradicted their goal of limiting magic (they said up front no Gandalfs) and adhering to lore.
LOTRO became more and more of a single player game with every release will little to no need to join with others for the majority of the game including later on with the majority of the first couple of books. Though some would argue joining in with others at will doesn't mean being social, for me it does. I'm not looking for new friends to share my intimate thoughts with. I want to do exactly what the game offers, join in at will without reading boring accept wall of text quests from stationary NPCs and asking for help for an hour which we have seen over and over and over again.
Though Lord of the Rings was a beautful game, calling it a living and breathing world because of a few social side options doesn't compare to the events and group encouraged game play of GW2. GW2 feels much more alive. The living and breathing of LOTRO is no different than WOW.
..by the way, there were loading screens. Did you ever go into any of the main story hubs (Prancing Pony, etc)? I do wish GW2 didn't have zones like EQ2 (even though they feel HUGE) and I do agree LOTRO handled this better, but saying there were not annoying loading screens in LOTRO is spreading misinformation.
There Is Always Hope!
WOOT can't wait to see most of the annoying crybabies/noobs/pathetic people trying to bash the game in every way they can even tho they buyed a game that was clearly wasn't made for them. Good bye MMO hoppers! I will be glad to see you out of the best game since WoW.
Are people over me really are debating between GW2 and LotR? Seriously you can't even compared the quality of both games...Especially when it comes to PvP, but I guess most people don't even play PvP in MMOs.
And it will stay successful like GW1 did. Call me troll or fanboy or whatever you want I don't really care. I know this game is 1000x better and more fun to play than all other MMO's released since WoW (and I've nearly tried them all) and alot of people feel the same way as I do. If you think otherwise, its okay, you'll still be waiting for the next big hyped crappy MMO to play while I'll still have a blast with GW2.
I think I can describe the current state of GW2 with one pic:
And this hardly qualifies as killing all other themeparks.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
I can play any themepark MMOS in similar manner. Ignore storyline, quests and just go explore and craft etc.
And in GW2 wandering is limited to your own level range because there is no upscaling in the game. So people exaggerate the wandering part a lot.
Ralph - The MMO genre
The rope - The MMO community
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Completely agree.
Watchout tho saying ANYTHING positive about GW2, someone might called you a fanboi or a gollum...oh wait i see the ignorant already did. smh typical.
Hopefully there will be some tweaks to the market as this game grows
and it is growing if that infuriates some mmorpg posters so be it, more publicity. LOL
you can play that way true but you won't get rewarded for playing that way. GW2 rewards you in not one or two ways but in multiple ways for exploring and crafting whereas the other mmo's are lacking.
no, there are five complete zones per race where the wondering areas are not small like in other games so you really aren't that limited. I went into higher level zones and avoided mobs long enough to capture the next tier of nodes for crafting. It's dangerous but fun and they don't block you off from going there like in other mmo's