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Thinking of getting GW2, three quick questions

Hi everyone. I've been watching some videos on youtube to get a feel for this game before I decide to buy it. I had three quick questions for owners if anyone will indulge me:

1. Necromancer minions: If you specialize in these, how many will you usually have running around? Do they slowly lose health (I think I heard they do that in GW 1) or do they stick around for awhile?

2. Can you use melee attacks as a Necromancer, and if so is it a viable strategy? I've seen videos with them running around with various weapons and wasn't sure if they were like focus items, or actually usable.

3. Racial abilities: I read a little about these, Norn going beast-mode and so on. Are these a big deal or just a power you can fire off every couple of minutes?

I Appreciate any info :)


  • injenuinjenu Member CommonPosts: 142
    The way I run my necro is that it's a Damage over time/out live your opponents class.  They're also crucial in support for pvp as they have some great AOE cc spells... There's also lich form, which everytime I pop it it feels like I'm some mob boss. Some pets will fade after a while but the main one's do not. Class really isn't burst damage though, but then again neither was the Necro in GW1.  All in all a fun class that you'll be able to solo pve wise and play a crucial role in whether your pvp group surives group encounters.
  • ShakyMoShakyMo Member CommonPosts: 7,207
    2 yeah
    3 dont know, you can't slot them in pvp
  • Gaia_HunterGaia_Hunter Member UncommonPosts: 3,066

    6 minions max.

    Most elite skills have long cooldowns, and short duration, racials included. You can use racials in WvW but not sPvP. Think of MOBA ultimates.

    Necromancer can use main hand daggers and axes. Dagger is melee range but axe is ranged. Underwater harpoon is melee range.

    Currently playing: GW2
    Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders

  • terrantterrant Member Posts: 1,683
    Originally posted by Sawtooth

    Hi everyone. I've been watching some videos on youtube to get a feel for this game before I decide to buy it. I had three quick questions for owners if anyone will indulge me:

    1. Necromancer minions: If you specialize in these, how many will you usually have running around? Do they slowly lose health (I think I heard they do that in GW 1) or do they stick around for awhile?

    2. Can you use melee attacks as a Necromancer, and if so is it a viable strategy? I've seen videos with them running around with various weapons and wasn't sure if they were like focus items, or actually usable.

    3. Racial abilities: I read a little about these, Norn going beast-mode and so on. Are these a big deal or just a power you can fire off every couple of minutes?

    I Appreciate any info :)

    1. healy pet, the utility pets can get you 4, and one 6? PLus there's traits that will roccasionally give you an extra.

    2. Dagger is...well personally dagger necros are kinda meh to me, but I know others that swear by it. (Also, much of dagger is technically short range, not melee)

    3. This varies on the power. Every race has at least one utility and one epic skill that's a racial. Norns can call an owl to attack enemies, for instnace, but also go beast-mode. Humans can prayer to various gods for lesser effects, but also have a summons as an epic that brings down two fiery warhounds. How useful these are will vary on your build and playstyle.

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