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I seriously feel bad for you people



  • sirphobossirphobos Member UncommonPosts: 620
    I didn't buy GW2 and I know exactly what I'm missing - a game that has a set of features that do not interest me.
  • VegettoVegetto Member Posts: 841

    Still too on rails, deathmatch, level and gear grind, pissing contest style game with no longevity if i want to commit time to it. There's just more of the same stuff to do, with it being nicer to look at as you do it.

    My character would look and do exactly the same as the thousands stood next to it, after the same gear, the same mobs in the same areas, dungeon crawling for loot, to be better than the next guy until they add new shineys.

    Done it all before and to be honest, i don't feel the need to do it all again until Guild Wars 3...then 4, then 5 comes out, all with more polish, a few new features and fancy hats.

    Bring out a SWG style game or even ArchAge, where it's not all a cock measuring competition, then i'll jump right in.


  • daltaniousdaltanious Member UncommonPosts: 2,381
    Originally posted by gessekai332

    ... who did not decide to buy this game. You people do not know what your are missing. finally an mmorpg that is innovative, polished, popular, is backed by a reliable dev team, a publisher willing to throw whatever money at the game at the dev'elopers whim, and has a proven business model (gw1) and still don't think it is worth even a no sub, one-time purchase fee.


    Even with all the minor bugs and trade post being down people are just letting it slide because they are having SO MUCH FUN playing the crap out of this game. WHAT A LAUNCH!! Honestly, I feel really bad for the people so jaded by the horde of mmorpg let downs in the past few years that they are willing to let the game of the decade slip away. sigh.



    Oh, at first glance I though you were speaking about SWTOR. I could not write better about as have played it for 7 to 8 months strait.

    If GW2 fits this description not sure, will know when will play, probably not before 6 months, pandas await, then maybe back to CO or again SWTOR, .... But for sure does not look from forums launch was spectacular. Of Gw2 I mean.

  • CastillleCastillle Member UncommonPosts: 2,679
    Originally posted by Vegetto

    Still too on rails, deathmatch, level and gear grind, pissing contest style game with no longevity if i want to commit time to it. There's just more of the same stuff to do, with it being nicer to look at as you do it.

    My character would look and do exactly the same as the thousands stood next to it, after the same gear, the same mobs in the same areas, dungeon crawling for loot, to be better than the next guy until they add new shineys.

    Done it all before and to be honest, i don't feel the need to do it all again until Guild Wars 3...then 4, then 5 comes out, all with more polish, a few new features and fancy hats.

    Bring out a SWG style game or even ArchAge, where it's not all a cock measuring competition, then i'll jump right in.

    Im not sure..maybe its a matter of perspective?  I never felt the rails on me.  Yes content is level gated but on my level 44, I barely ever felt "On rails"  I was just exploring around as I would in Fallout or Skyrim. And I actually enjoyed exploring GW2 more than I did in skyrim, which was really just pretty dead outside the towns. Heck I didnt even notice I was halfway done with the whole thing and I only really explored level 1-20ish areas and still have a TON of places to go around and explore.

    My friends who were too used to the rails and grind didnt enjoy it as much though.  They just wanted the fastest way to level up.  Maybe you have the same perspective as them? o.O Heck I have one of my chars reach level 20 without ever so much as doing a dynamic event or heart quest.  Just gathering and crafting o.O  Its the only mmo Ive played where I can play the game the same way as I would in Fallout, TES, or GTA/SR and actually enjoy without being left behind by my friends.



    ''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
    ( o.o)
    **This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**

  • KrossliteKrosslite Member Posts: 317

    I have been in total:  Seventeen MMO launches. I have seen the horrors of Anarchy Online. I have witness the change from a good game (Star Wars Galaxies) to a terrible game (the thing that took it places). I have seen headache (World of Warcraft) to diapointment (Age of Conan and Vanguard).

    In all of these Guild Wars 2 has been the smoothest. So there are hicups. So the trading post doesn't work. So some people are having account issues (me being one of them at them moment).

    The game itself is working. It's playable. You can go around and do things. I have only encountered lag twice. The rest of the time it's been great when I was on. I have two accounts. One for me and one for the wife.

    Nothing is perfect. As long as a human has anything to do with it. It will never be that way. On a scale of 1 being the worst to 10 being the best I would give GW2 an 8.8. (in my blog I had said 8.5. It had gone up to a 9.3 then I had my account issues. So it went down). so sue me.

    A MMO is like life. It is something to cherish and enjoy upon in it journey. So why race to the end of it. In life at the end you die.

  • VirgoThreeVirgoThree Member UncommonPosts: 1,198
    Oh come on thread titles like these exist just to stir the pot. I don't care if it is positive or negative, it's just bad form. I'm glad you're enjoying the game but both sides should stop trying to intentionally antagonize each other.
  • jinxxed0jinxxed0 Member UncommonPosts: 841
    I've been playing since the headstart and haven't had any problems. I've lagged maybe 2 times. 3 times at the most. Those of you who think this is a bad launch have a lot to learn and likely havent been playing MMOs for very long (I wouldnt count 5 years very long). This is a pretty smooth launch. If you were playing MMOs from launch back in 2001ish, you'd know what bad launches looked like.
  • VegettoVegetto Member Posts: 841



  • VegettoVegetto Member Posts: 841

    Originally posted by Vegetto
    Originally posted by Castillle
    Originally posted by Vegetto Still too on rails, deathmatch, level and gear grind, pissing contest style game with no longevity if i want to commit time to it. There's just more of the same stuff to do, with it being nicer to look at as you do it. My character would look and do exactly the same as the thousands stood next to it, after the same gear, the same mobs in the same areas, dungeon crawling for loot, to be better than the next guy until they add new shineys. Done it all before and to be honest, i don't feel the need to do it all again until Guild Wars 3...then 4, then 5 comes out, all with more polish, a few new features and fancy hats. Bring out a SWG style game or even ArchAge, where it's not all a cock measuring competition, then i'll jump right in.
    Im not sure..maybe its a matter of perspective?  I never felt the rails on me.  Yes content is level gated but on my level 44, I barely ever felt "On rails"  I was just exploring around as I would in Fallout or Skyrim. And I actually enjoyed exploring GW2 more than I did in skyrim, which was really just pretty dead outside the towns. Heck I didnt even notice I was halfway done with the whole thing and I only really explored level 1-20ish areas and still have a TON of places to go around and explore.

    My friends who were too used to the rails and grind didnt enjoy it as much though.  They just wanted the fastest way to level up.  Maybe you have the same perspective as them? o.O Heck I have one of my chars reach level 20 without ever so much as doing a dynamic event or heart quest.  Just gathering and crafting o.O  Its the only mmo Ive played where I can play the game the same way as I would in Fallout, TES, or GTA/SR and actually enjoy without being left behind by my friends.



    I think my main concern is beyond all that. I.e. WoW in the old days, level 1-60 great, then grind. The only MMOs in history that haven't had some pointless grind for gear at end game are the sandboxes. Which i dislike, as i've outgrown all that and want a deeper thing to sink my time into. I'm enjoying Diablo III after just getting it,but i'm very aware of the game it is.

    I love exploring also, especially finding nice vistas and new areas, i'm very into atmosphere. But i just was unsure what would keep me beyond level cap other than the gear treadmill in other games, as i don't know personally from experience.


  • TardcoreTardcore Member Posts: 2,325
    Originally posted by gessekai332

    ... who did not decide to buy this game. You people do not know what your are missing. finally an mmorpg that is innovative, polished, popular, is backed by a reliable dev team, a publisher willing to throw whatever money at the game at the dev'elopers whim, and has a proven business model (gw1) and still don't think it is worth even a no sub, one-time purchase fee.


    Even with all the minor bugs and trade post being down people are just letting it slide because they are having SO MUCH FUN playing the crap out of this game. WHAT A LAUNCH!! Honestly, I feel really bad for the people so jaded by the horde of mmorpg let downs in the past few years that they are willing to let the game of the decade slip away. sigh.

    Well thanks but I've been watching two of my housemates play the game the last couple of days and even jumped in for a few hours to do some leveling and crafting mat gathering for my friend while he was at work. Even after playing the game for awhile (leveled a warrior from 3rd to 11th) I really have little desire to jump back into the game. While GW2 certainly isn't a bad game, for me nothing sticks out as feeling amazingly different enough to want to spend much of my time, let alone money on it.

    Personally the people I feel sorry for are my fellow theme park burnouts who are going to come down hard once the honeymoon uphoria wears off. As for many of them GW2 really was their final great hope.


    "Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "

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