I was shocked yesterday when i saw so many players in Stormwind (Burning Blade) . Graphic looks much better, PVP is amazing and low level bg is finally balanced, no more one hit from rogue after shadowstep-ambush. Playing with my mage was amazing, imagine fire mage with ice barrier. First i was a little disappointed with number of talents but now i can see how many possibilities are now open. Druid got so many new things and is now really awesome class, finally you can heal you self in moonkin form because of new glyph. Lock dominated pvp yesterday and now is a real deal. I have over 9 -85 level characters and maybe 10 over 80 now on different realms and i could not play with all of them. You need realy to spend some time to explore even one class. And this is just one part of update, there are so many new things and i can't wait for MOP start. GTG to do my morning compound shooting and to take my dog to woods, after that-- Azeroth here i come again! Well there is one problem
Damn Horde is strong as ever, we lost 4 from 5 bg's