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I just can't get into starting over. I tried. In Wow I have 10 85's and all professions maxed. I bought GW2 hoping it would be something new and different. At one point before the early start began I actually believed I might be leaving WoW for good.
GW2 proved to be somewhat different, but the old familiar grind is still there. The graphics are ok, not mind blowing. The PVE seemed a bit lacking. The dynamic events were fun, but became old quickly. There were some start up issues, but nothing persistent. From time to time I did encounter some FPS problems, but they were infrequent. The behavior of the community was familiar and not that much different than WoW. The game was just AOK for me.
For most of you I am sure you will enjoy GW2 much more than I have. I wish ANet and GW2 the best of luck. I won't be posting on this forum in the future (no need to applaud).
so you basically cannot play 2 games?
you only play 1 game?
Cut away those dark evil spirits of WoW latching into your gaming soul, GW2 is the way, you only need to delete your WoW account characters.
It worked for me, I felt very free after I did it, I had no further need to ever try and return.
I have been in WoW since day 1, all those characters are going to be left behind in MoP.
As you need to do massive amounts of daily quests to buy recipy's from vendors.
Not only that, but MoP is not going to bring back that magic feeling i once had when playing it.
Since Kalgan left for Titan and Ghostcrawler took over the lead, the game went from epic to fail in 1.5 years time.
3.5 million people already quit, and believe it or not, MoP will let more and more players quit.
I coulnt stand it anymore, waiting in queue for a Battleground, farming the gear for my main then my alts.
Then queeu up for Dungeons / heroic dungeons, the mental abuse you get constandly from retards.
Guilds dying out so fast and whole community;s disapearing with a blink from a eye.
Keep playing WoW, there will come a day when you say, no more...
Isn't this like being a 5 year relationship with a girl you love and then meeting the new girl at work who is cute and fun as hell? You start questioning your long-term relationship and perhaps go out with the new girl after telling your girlfriend you wanted a break. A few weeks later you're regretting your decision because new girl is too different and you want to reconcile, except in this case WoW wants you back but your ex is hooking up with your best friend.
You'll never be able to break away from you're life long wow addiction. The "kings" have you hooked for life !
Gratz to WoW I guess. They have millions of people who will never quit for another mmo, simply because they have invested so much of thier life into it.
My concerns would be what are you going to do now you have 10 lvl 85 toons which cannot go any further in the game and as it's obvious that Wow subs are declining you will end up in there with fewer players wanting to pay for a game which is old and not even a challange any more. the plus factor for your GW2 game is it is new and I feel once you have given the game the item it deserves you will change your mind especially when Wow start to lay off staff near Christmas due to the large drop is subs which it's had and keeps haiving over the last year. If you think it will get better then you are sadly I feel you are just dreaming.
While Wow had a great run you know it's only a matter of time before the lights go out, the suits have already tried to sell the company due to large falls in profits, the share prive had dropped by over half and D3 failed to impress so that's cost more to make than it pulled back so you see it might not be GW2 that takes you away from wow but more likely the fall in population on the server which will end up being closed down as you are moved to join others.
So while it's nice to see you are loyal and have supported the game you enjoy, ask your self this...Are they looking after you who paid top $$ for all the game and expansions to see them now offering them for one week only at a half heratedly reduced price to encourage new blood to this dying game?
I also get the impression that you are an itelligent person so I find it hard that you have bought GW2 and will not return to it when your 10 lvl 85 toons have no one to raid or group with so i look forward to seeing you back in GW2 soon, btw what server did you start on out of curiosity?
I remember those same types of people from EQ.
Got left behind because they just couldn't let go of the past.
LMFAO! The graphics are "ok" in GW2? The graphics in WoW are garbage and outdated. Have fun with your panda sir.
Bite Me
This is meant as a dig against the OP, But keep in mind, this kind of sentiment is a double edged sword.
As you say it to the OP here, all the guys you said it to in your old MMO are saying it to you.
And if you can respond to that with "So what? I don't care" Then why was it important enough for you to say it to the OP in the first place?
You have NOTHING to show for from WoW the second you log off. This should be a big label on every MMO box on par with "smoking kills". If you can't appreciate a game first and foremost for it's present fun, then I'm inclined to say that you have a problem.
Whatever illusion you have of your accomplishments in WoW counting for anything at all.... they're all in your head. They aren't real factors to anyone or anything, and you can't apply those "accomplishments" to any scenario other than in WoW itself.
Ultimately, you should do whatever feels right to you, but I will say this. There are times when you should reinvest into something else and move on. To be honest, WoW doesn't have much more in the way of long term playability left. It's already been around longer than any game could dream of. While I'm sure it will be around in some form or another for a few more years, it is in decline, and only will continue to decline.
I personally can related to wanting to stay with a game for years, if it is possible and remains fun, but to stay with it for a decade is a whole other thing. No game is going to keep me interested for that long. At some point you have to ask yourself if you are really having fun, or if it has just became habit to continue on.
Anyway, I wish you luck, but there is something to be said about starting adventure anew once in a while.
P.S. I'm not even saying Guild Wars 2 is the one you are looking for. I can't know that. My statements should be taken as a general one about finding new adventures in your life (and your games) once in a while. Don't get stuck in a rut and miss out on so many other things out there.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
i used to feel that way about EQ so i definitely understand.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Nothing was wrong with his statement. The artstyle in GW2 might stun some people and bore to death others. Graphics from a technological point of view, it is ok but nothing near cutting edge.
TSW has much more advanced graphics engine than GW2 even though the artstyle bore to death some people.
You can like the art all you want but please do not argue the game being leading edge of current graphics next-gen games can produce.
It sounds like you feel like you have to keep playing, rather than that you want to keep playing.
Best way to handle this is to go cold turkey one day. Just go right in and outright delete all your characters. Work up the will to do that and you'll be a happier person in general (whether you play GW2 or not).
I've done it with several games over the years. Most wonderful feeling in the world right after you do it.
That never works for the truly addicted lol. It takes no real effort to restore deleted characters. I'm quite fond of my tauren hunter that I stared in highschool but any interest in WoW died shortly after Cataclysm, but I had my addicted moments. It also depends how deeply one is involved involved in guilds and the general community, that would make it much harder to quit if you've been playing WoW for years.
@ OP i don't think that this is a problem in GW2, i think the problem here is how much time you spent on WOW, you'll need to get over that other wise there is no Game in the world that you will enjoy again
Good Luck,
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I tried to elaborate on this to my little brother by comparing the two "pirate cities" from the two games. Namely:
Booty Bay
Lion's Arch.
...I don't have to explain this, do I?
With that opinion, I'm glad not every gamer had that feeling back in the 90'ies
"I invested too much time in Doom to play Quake".
I know, I know. Its not all the same.
I played World of Warcraft since launch back in the days, with breaks on and off. I havent played for like a year now, because I could put off my glasses and see the boring, repetitive gameplay that WoW gave me.
Now im playing Guild Wars 2, and it feels like World of Warcraft 2.0. To me, you can feel its the previous WoW developers creating it -its just so much better than WoW
Some features:
- No mob stealing
- No classic quests, instead Dynamic Events (open world raids).
- Nice PvP. Nice WvW.
- More active combat
-casters can move and cast now.
This is just some of the features. Normally I dont care about PvE at all since its so badly made (Kill 10 goblins, 30 bears), but now its events where you automatically group up with everyone and play, so you never feel alone.
I have many wow players in my guild in GW2... AND all of them say GW2 is so much better on so many levels, so I think it has to count for something...
Plus, you can always play 2 games right? Raid when you have to, GW2 when you don't have raids?
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."