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Poll: Now that you played it, how would you rate GW2 against your past/current games?

BadaboomBadaboom Member UncommonPosts: 2,380
As the poll states.  I know it's early yet, but I know that a lot of people put a lot of hours playing this weekend.  Feel free to throw in some good or bad stories of your time in Tyria.


  • DSWBeefDSWBeef Member UncommonPosts: 789
    I feel the pvp is outstsnding while hearts and des will become llackluster over time for being a non sub based mmo it's amazing. I live the way weapons and skills work.

    Playing: FFXIV, DnL, and World of Warships
    Waiting on: Ashes of Creation

  • Lord.BachusLord.Bachus Member RarePosts: 9,686
    Originally posted by DSWBeef
    I feel the pvp is outstsnding while hearts and des will become llackluster over time for being a non sub based mmo it's amazing. I live the way weapons and skills work.

    Hearts are just normal quests, its the DE´s that will and should bring PvE to life.  In higher level zones there wont even be any hearts anymore.

    Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)

  • ScalplessScalpless Member UncommonPosts: 1,426
    As far as online games go, it's in my top 3.
  • MothanosMothanos Member UncommonPosts: 1,910

    Its beats wow for me,a game i have extremely fond memory's in, and played for 7/8 years.
    WvW is epic and when people have more money you see massive amount of sige weapons so you dont stand there wacking a door for 15 minutes.

    Pve is the thing i always hate in mmo's but GW2 has opened my eyes, pve can be fun :)
    Epic so far.

  • cyress8cyress8 Member Posts: 832

    As far as mmos go top 3 easily.   I have close to 150 hours played in this game and still feels great to play.

    However, it is in my top 5 games in general right now.


    Super Mario World

    Megaman 2


    GW2 - added to the list.


  • WeretigarWeretigar Member UncommonPosts: 600
    I voted above average because While I really like playing.. That doesn't mean anything If i run into a wall later on and want to come back and rage for some reason. gn everyone
  • EricDanieEricDanie Member UncommonPosts: 2,238

    Definitely on my list of best games, and I risked it by setting my expectation mark quite high (since I kept reading about its features and getting marveled by them), probably the highest expectation level had on quite a few years, especially since I am guilty of being a Guild Wars fan, which made my gamer side very happy at the time for around 3 months.

    I didn't risk playing on betas/stress tests though. I didn't want to get burned out by replaying the initial areas repeatedly, and to help me contain this course of thought the game wasn't optimized so I could barely run it above 15 fps until the later stress tests which allowed me to play above the 20 fps mark (30 to be exact).

  • MikeJezZMikeJezZ Member UncommonPosts: 1,268

    I hate to sound like a fanboy, but I havent had this feeling playing an MMO since playing WoW (release)


    And I gotta admit, that the feeling now is even better than back then.

  • gelraengelraen Member UncommonPosts: 327
    Originally posted by MikeJezZ

    I hate to sound like a fanboy, but I havent had this feeling playing an MMO since playing WoW (release)


    And I gotta admit, that the feeling now is even better than back then.

    Agreed man, it definitely gives me that wow-back-in-the-beginning feeling.

  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273

    At this moment, I'd say it's average overall - with the potential to be above average.

    The content is strong and beautiful - and the combat is quite fantastic. But the DESIGN is not for me. It's aimless and made for people who don't require direction or long-term goals. So it seems to me, anyway.

  • Scorp2778Scorp2778 Member Posts: 31

    What I like most about the pve in the game is how they took the boring part of mmo questing out. It is still the same quest grind, with events thrown in(the events are great), except you don't have to constantly return to a quest hub. I really like how a quest finishes and the reward is in your mail. I also love all the waypoints. Nothing bored me more in past games than running around just to turn quests in.

    I only have one complaint with the game so far. I don't understand why you can't trade with another player. I tried with my buddy and we couldn't do it.  I didn't even see a COD option in the mail system. Not really sure the reasoning to exclude player trades. I hope they add something so players can trade with one another. Other than that I think it is a pretty good game. It should hold my attention for some time.

  • wasim470wasim470 Member Posts: 243
    GUYS guys the hearts are just NPCs who tells you what's happening and give you items for Karma :)
  • LydonLydon Member UncommonPosts: 2,938
    For the first time in years, a game has given me "that feeling."
  • ReizlaReizla Member RarePosts: 4,092
    So far (level 13) GW2 really feels like an 'all in one package'. It has every aspect from the best games incorporated and added some nice things along the way. Only have to take a look at PvP (WvWvW), but I think that won't really be my cup of tea since it's 'faction based'. Then again, you can't have everything from a game ;-)
  • ReesRacerReesRacer Member UncommonPosts: 179

    fresh approach (not revolutionary, mind you) sits well with me, but...

    it is too soon to rate the game against anything until i've played it more than a weekend and can at least communicate with (or join) my guild, experience a reliable grouping system, and evaluate the player economic system through the trading post. 

    anyone who answers this thread otherwise is simply and very prematurely jumping to conclusions. 

  • KawotaKawota Member Posts: 16
    Originally posted by 9reesracer9

    fresh approach (not revolutionary, mind you) sits well with me, but...

    it is too soon to rate the game against anything until i've played it more than a weekend and can at least communicate (or join) my guild, experience a reliable grouping system, and evaluate the player economic system through the trading post. 

    anyone who answers this thread otherwise is simply and very prematurely jumping to conclusions. 

    Does anybody here doubt there will be more polls like this one in a week, two weeks and a month at least?

  • MikeJezZMikeJezZ Member UncommonPosts: 1,268
    Originally posted by DKLond

    At this moment, I'd say it's average overall - with the potential to be above average.

    The content is strong and beautiful - and the combat is quite fantastic. But the DESIGN is not for me. It's aimless and made for people who don't require direction or long-term goals. So it seems to me, anyway.

    You probably just have to break down the illusionary "carrot" thing many has going on.


    When people play WoW, they dont talk about playing for fun. They talk playing for gear grind.


    In Guild Wars 2 you dont talk about playing for gear grind. They talk playing for nice looking gear, funny Dynamic Events, Awesome WvW or balanced sPvP.


    GW2 is a funny game you can log off, and join at any time. Games like Counter-Strike doesnt have a carrot neither, and though the concept is over 12 years old - plenty of people still plays it.


    GW2 is like Counter-Strike. No matter for how long you log in at  a time, you can still have fun and have the same advantage as everyone else. You win by having skills - not by having putted 80 hours, a broken relationship with your previous girlfriend and a washed-out social life, and given up your job.


    Which I really like.

  • ajayazirajayazir Member Posts: 108

    Against past/current games it's not in my list.

    In terms of mmos, it's in the top 3 for sure.

  • DKLondDKLond Member RarePosts: 2,273
    Originally posted by MikeJezZ
    Originally posted by DKLond

    At this moment, I'd say it's average overall - with the potential to be above average.

    The content is strong and beautiful - and the combat is quite fantastic. But the DESIGN is not for me. It's aimless and made for people who don't require direction or long-term goals. So it seems to me, anyway.

    You probably just have to break down the illusionary "carrot" thing many has going on.


    When people play WoW, they dont talk about playing for fun. They talk playing for gear grind.


    In Guild Wars 2 you dont talk about playing for gear grind. They talk playing for nice looking gear, funny Dynamic Events, Awesome WvW or balanced sPvP.


    GW2 is a funny game you can log off, and join at any time. Games like Counter-Strike doesnt have a carrot neither, and though the concept is over 12 years old - plenty of people still plays it.


    GW2 is like Counter-Strike. No matter for how long you log in at  a time, you can still have fun and have the same advantage as everyone else. You win by having skills - not by having putted 80 hours, a broken relationship with your previous girlfriend and a washed-out social life, and given up your job.


    Which I really like.

    The illusion is that you think people enjoy the gear grind.

    It's just a cheap shot to support GW2. No one is suggesting that a gear grind is superior to "vanity gear grind" - but that power is a motivation to continue to play. All RPGs are power-trips at the core, no matter how much people try to deny it - and no matter how much ArenaNet thinks it's not. Human nature is completely and utterly compelled to the power fantasy.

    Another illusion, if there really is an illusion, is that "no power" is going to sustain long-term gameplay, if there is no alternative. If you really think vanity gear is a better long-term goal, then so be it.

  • sfc1971sfc1971 Member UncommonPosts: 421

    Fun but dumb.

    My other games were Lord of the Rings Online and is currently The Secret World.

    Lotro is a near WoW clone, in that you have a ton of skills that you either hammer whenever they are off cool down OR you pretend that it matters which one you use at what moment. It requires some learning but at the end game, you know your skills by heart and how to apply them.

    The secret world does things entirely different, once you reach the middle, you have a ton of skills to choose from but you can only use a few at a time. Do you go into that fight with full DPS, maybe as a tank or self-healer or do you heal others? It CAN be dynamic but it doesn't stop people from going full DPS then cry there are no healers or tanks willing to deal with their burst DPS antics.

    GW2 does things entirely different. All your weapon attacks can be auto-attack, together with tab-targetting this means all you have to do is start combat and then either wait for the enemy to die, run around a bit or fire the very occasional self-heal.

    Boss fights, especially in Events are... simplistic. Forget all the hype, it is just rare spawns Everquest style. It can start out with you needing to think a tiny bit when you are all alone and face a hard hitting enemy although it is depressing as a Warrior just how long you can last as the only target (Regeneration beats healing). Soon others will join and it becomes a big pile up. Very hectic... until you realize it is all just a big mess on screen with your avatar just standing there auto-attacking as if he/she/it was fighting a bunny.

    Leave your mind at the login screen and it is fun but start to think and it soon becomes clear just how shallow it all is.

    A real pity is that the game rewards the DPS min-maxers. Rez or heal during an Event and you will end up with a silver or even a bronze medal as a reward for being social. Better to just go all out and let dying players die and only watch your own health.

    Luckily, so far there are plenty of social players but it will be the anti-social that get the biggest rewards.

    Compared with TSW, the game lacks any sort of challenge for me. It is fun enough to explore and the rewards come thick and fast but the game was never hard in a fun way other then trying to survive as a level 7 vs a level 17 behemoth because I wanted to see how far I could get before dying.

    Quit frankly, it is time for MMO developers to start looking at each other games and start copying the good ideas. Between WoW, Lotro, SWG, TSW, GW2 and yes even SWTOR, there are a lot of good ideas in each game and a lot of bad ideas they share. Combine all the good points and you got a game that will not beat WoW it will simply engulf it and get a player base in the hundreds of millions.

    GW2 is not that game.

  • ZikariZikari Member Posts: 78

    Above Average: No doubt it is an amazingly polished product, that looks and plays great. However I am not nearly feeling the urge of logging back in and play like in the first couple days playing WoW or WAR or lately TSW.  I started a human guardian and the opening zone and the quests I am supposed to do just don't thrill me. Help a farmer fight some spiders, kill some bandits, resuce their captives and so on. It's all so "been there done that".

    I am still not accustomed to the combat system yet, especially the fact that (at least in PVE) there is no collision detection with mobs is a bit annoying. Maybe I'll get used to it. I started the game because I am interessted in the WvWvW which I havent tried yet, so lets see how awesome it will get.

    I am just not floored or blown away by anything I have seen or done so far. Lets see where it goes. But the first 48h impression was stronger on other games so far.

  • NikkitaNikkita Member Posts: 790

    Above Average even though i see nothing average about GW2. It is a fun game however it is hard to replace my top 3 MMOS.

    1.) EVE

    2.) EQ2

    3.) City Of Heroes


    Bite Me

  • ThillianThillian Member UncommonPosts: 3,156

    Slightly below average. The gameplay is average, dynamic events are repetetive, there is no real substance to it, everywhere I go, I'm getting distracted by all these insignificant events, which aren't really fun at the first place. It's like they were worried that their audience might get bored if it wasnt bombarded by some scripted crap on every step. PVP areas are too large and too empty (Lotro-syndrome).

    Other than that, I like the exploration spots (vistas), but there are games that had better implementation of them already. My rating would be 4/10.


  • ChristoooChristooo Member UncommonPosts: 86
    Definatly top three ... Everyime I log on i seriously feel like a little kid looking at the biggest lollipop and then trying it and being like ooooo god that is amazing haha
  • CromicaCromica Member UncommonPosts: 657
    No that it has released it is the same as it was in beta, the best mmo I have played in  7- 8 years
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