I don't see what the big deal is. First of all, gaining levels in GW2 is pretty fast. After level 20 you continue to gain levels at the same speed. So going from level 21-22 takes about as much time as going from 79-80. Second, because of downscaling, all of the content is still relevent. Third, the guy obviously powerleveled and as such probably missed most of the dynamic content and I'm pretty such he completely ignored most of the secret stuff.
So yea, the guy is 80 but he still has a whole game's worth of content to play. That is unless his whole point of playing GW2 was to get that world's first 80, which no one but his circle of friends will really care about.
I'd have been more impressed by 'first 100% map completion' person.
I don't think 100% is even remotely possible within 48 hours. Hearts count towards map completion and some hearts take quite some time, no matter what you do.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
I'd have been more impressed by 'first 100% map completion' person.
I'm guessing months for a power player. Probably take me years.
yea seriously I was exploring Hoelbrak for 3 hours and didn't even get 100%.. almost but not even 100%.. still haven't 100% a single map and have over 20 hours /played now.. also thinking of starting up with my thief and possibly engineer as well.. running 3 characters is going to take a LONG time. Also considering I love crafting in this game thats another huge time sink.. oh forgot haven't even gotten into PVP yet since pre-launch... yea I'm going to be here awhile
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
I'd have been more impressed by 'first 100% map completion' person.
OK then whats shall we say this time in two weeks someone will have 100% complete map? That wheel in TSW was supposed to take months to max out someone did it in 17 days.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
OK then whats shall we say this time in two weeks someone will have 100% complete map? That wheel in TSW was supposed to take months to max out someone did it in 17 days.
Oh, I'm sure somebody will do it in ridiculously quick time, yes. Maybe even within a week, I don't know.
Same for beating the hardest dungeons on explorable mode, and getting legendary weapons. People will find a way to finish things as quickly as possible. GW2 doesn't have a whole lot of artificial brakes (Like lockout timers on dungeons), so people can play full throttle and go to the end.
Just saying that in a game with a minimal leveling curve, hitting level 80 is not an impressive feat. I fully expect I'll have a level 80 character. Sure, he did it quickly, but it's like the SMALLEST of the 'finished things quickly' goals out there.
It's faster to level up through crafting than exploring the world. If they say that his guildies gave him mats to craft to reach max level then I wouldn't be surprised. I bet his achievements are that of a level 20. heh!
It's faster to level up through crafting than exploring the world. If they say that his guildies gave him mats to craft to reach max level then I wouldn't be surprised. I bet his achievements are that of a level 20. heh!
It seems so. I noticed I did get a considerable chunk of experience through every discovery. If a whole guild focuses on gathering materials to pool them into a single individual to work on discoveries from all the professions (after all you can change professions without losing progress on dropped ones), plus suplemental crafting (in case the person doesn't ding 80 from all the discoveries). Wouldn't really be a personal achievement though.. It's usually like this with the fastest leveling methods, such as WoW's mob grind tagging method in which the powerleveled player deals enough damage to warrant his experience gain and the guild members kill the mob without experience gain (tagged mob).
All of this is probably why Mike O'Brien said it was not normal leveling on, it's a hole that allows too many people to channel their effort into leveling a single character, certainly not an intended method. http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/yv1fp/first_level_80_french/ mentioned earlier on this thread.
Anyway, I'm obviously biased by envy. It's a pretty valid creative use of the game mechanics, he certainly won't get banned and I highly doubt they will penalize him/her in any way. If they do, I will actually be disappointed.
I'd have been more impressed by 'first 100% map completion' person.
I'm guessing months for a power player. Probably take me years.
yea seriously I was exploring Hoelbrak for 3 hours and didn't even get 100%.. almost but not even 100%.. still haven't 100% a single map and have over 20 hours /played now.. also thinking of starting up with my thief and possibly engineer as well.. running 3 characters is going to take a LONG time. Also considering I love crafting in this game thats another huge time sink.. oh forgot haven't even gotten into PVP yet since pre-launch... yea I'm going to be here awhile
I got 100% map completion for the Sylvari main city and their starter. Really love the rewards it nets, so I'm going to try and get it for the entire game. But at this rate it will take me 2-3 months.
This just proved this guy has alot of time and knows how to skip every single dialoge in the game......gratz on paying 50 bucks, skip all story and dialoge content (not to mention the zero exploring that this person did) and now you can make you first little thread on how GW2 has no content......Good job.....not.
This just proved this guy has alot of time and knows how to skip every single dialoge in the game......gratz on paying 50 bucks, skip all story and dialoge content (not to mention the zero exploring that this person did) and now you can make you first little thread on how GW2 has no content......Good job.....not.
so, no.....oubers is not impressed
Nah, guy leveled through crafting and some exploit. Anet posted about it on reddit. So it is not a legit first 80.
It's technically legit but entirely stupid and old fashioned approach to gaming. The players who done this basically force fed 1 of their group mats like you would to an intensively farmed duck
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Originally posted by Bladestrom It's technically legit but entirely stupid and old fashioned approach to gaming. The players who done this basically force fed 1 of their group mats like you would to an intensively farmed duck
It's legit as the xp from crafting is part of the GW2 game, and hardly force fed as they did it in not a huge ammount of time. If the guy had spent say two weeks playing 24/7 doing this you could say how sad, but they didn't. The leveling game can be beaten by doing the PvE in a few days as there isn't a progressive and steep xp leveling curve.
Goood for him, i hope he feels good about himself!!!
Personally, I am only level 22 and I am enjoying every moment I spend leveling my character without having to worry about rushing to cap so i can get straight into the end game stuff.
I don't see what the big deal is. First of all, gaining levels in GW2 is pretty fast. After level 20 you continue to gain levels at the same speed. So going from level 21-22 takes about as much time as going from 79-80. Second, because of downscaling, all of the content is still relevent. Third, the guy obviously powerleveled and as such probably missed most of the dynamic content and I'm pretty such he completely ignored most of the secret stuff.
So yea, the guy is 80 but he still has a whole game's worth of content to play. That is unless his whole point of playing GW2 was to get that world's first 80, which no one but his circle of friends will really care about.
Same here. Well, almost, because my main is now L16. And I already have a L4 alt.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
Why do they post something like that on a site like Reddit?
Reddit has a huge GW2 community. If you look on the right side of that page, you'll see that there are 50,901 people subscribed to the GW2 subreddit.
Not impressed!
I'd have been more impressed by 'first 100% map completion' person.
I don't think 100% is even remotely possible within 48 hours. Hearts count towards map completion and some hearts take quite some time, no matter what you do.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
I'm guessing months for a power player. Probably take me years.
Yeah, I think that should be the new "rush to cap" people should aim in this game. In my part I have a 100% already...Divinity's Reach (LOL).
Anyway, regardless how trivial levelling is, a record is still a record. Grats to the first level 80.
yea seriously I was exploring Hoelbrak for 3 hours and didn't even get 100%.. almost but not even 100%.. still haven't 100% a single map and have over 20 hours /played now.. also thinking of starting up with my thief and possibly engineer as well.. running 3 characters is going to take a LONG time. Also considering I love crafting in this game thats another huge time sink.. oh forgot haven't even gotten into PVP yet since pre-launch... yea I'm going to be here awhile
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Ahh that explains why he was in level 40 gear and was had no mats above level 40's showing
OK then whats shall we say this time in two weeks someone will have 100% complete map? That wheel in TSW was supposed to take months to max out someone did it in 17 days.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
Oh, I'm sure somebody will do it in ridiculously quick time, yes. Maybe even within a week, I don't know.
Same for beating the hardest dungeons on explorable mode, and getting legendary weapons. People will find a way to finish things as quickly as possible. GW2 doesn't have a whole lot of artificial brakes (Like lockout timers on dungeons), so people can play full throttle and go to the end.
Just saying that in a game with a minimal leveling curve, hitting level 80 is not an impressive feat. I fully expect I'll have a level 80 character. Sure, he did it quickly, but it's like the SMALLEST of the 'finished things quickly' goals out there.
It's faster to level up through crafting than exploring the world. If they say that his guildies gave him mats to craft to reach max level then I wouldn't be surprised. I bet his achievements are that of a level 20. heh!
It seems so. I noticed I did get a considerable chunk of experience through every discovery. If a whole guild focuses on gathering materials to pool them into a single individual to work on discoveries from all the professions (after all you can change professions without losing progress on dropped ones), plus suplemental crafting (in case the person doesn't ding 80 from all the discoveries). Wouldn't really be a personal achievement though.. It's usually like this with the fastest leveling methods, such as WoW's mob grind tagging method in which the powerleveled player deals enough damage to warrant his experience gain and the guild members kill the mob without experience gain (tagged mob).
All of this is probably why Mike O'Brien said it was not normal leveling on, it's a hole that allows too many people to channel their effort into leveling a single character, certainly not an intended method. http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/yv1fp/first_level_80_french/ mentioned earlier on this thread.
Anyway, I'm obviously biased by envy. It's a pretty valid creative use of the game mechanics, he certainly won't get banned and I highly doubt they will penalize him/her in any way. If they do, I will actually be disappointed.
well I remember reading somewhere that after lvl 30 no exponential exp is needed to continue to lvl to lvl 80. Maybe I am wrong. But seriously GRATS !
Now, make and alt and ENJOY the game lol and let your guild mates do their stuff instead of farming mats for you
(Guild Wars 1 wasn't exactly a lvl game, if I remember well xD)
I got 100% map completion for the Sylvari main city and their starter. Really love the rewards it nets, so I'm going to try and get it for the entire game. But at this rate it will take me 2-3 months.
Yeah and??
This just proved this guy has alot of time and knows how to skip every single dialoge in the game......gratz on paying 50 bucks, skip all story and dialoge content (not to mention the zero exploring that this person did) and now you can make you first little thread on how GW2 has no content......Good job.....not.
so, no.....oubers is not impressed
Nah, guy leveled through crafting and some exploit. Anet posted about it on reddit. So it is not a legit first 80.
rpg/mmorg history: Dun Darach>Bloodwych>Bards Tale 1-3>Eye of the beholder > Might and Magic 2,3,5 > FFVII> Baldur's Gate 1, 2 > Planescape Torment >Morrowind > WOW > oblivion > LOTR > Guild Wars (1900hrs elementalist) Vanguard. > GW2(1000 elementalist), Wildstar
Now playing GW2, AOW 3, ESO, LOTR, Elite D
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
It's legit as the xp from crafting is part of the GW2 game, and hardly force fed as they did it in not a huge ammount of time. If the guy had spent say two weeks playing 24/7 doing this you could say how sad, but they didn't. The leveling game can be beaten by doing the PvE in a few days as there isn't a progressive and steep xp leveling curve.
Goood for him, i hope he feels good about himself!!!
Personally, I am only level 22 and I am enjoying every moment I spend leveling my character without having to worry about rushing to cap so i can get straight into the end game stuff.