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What should I do

jybgessjybgess Member Posts: 355
Should I get this game? I wont be able to get/play it till October because of my job. I've been reading all the hate regarding the RMAH, Loot, Nerfs, Jay Wilson, No PvP yet, etc etc. Here is the deal. I loved D1 and D2. I loved TQ and TL1. I love these type of games. Part of me wants to try to earn my money back if I get the game with this RMAH and a part of me is disgusted with it. What do you think? Will the game improve by october? Will enough people play it still? just get my fix with TL2? Thanks guys


  • PsychowPsychow Member Posts: 1,784

    If you decide to buy it, I strongly urge you to NOT BUY GEAR from the AH. If you are a fan of these game, you know as I do that the whole point of these games is the item hunt. People who buy their gear have just undermined their own game. Selling on the AH is ok  though.


    If you get stuck and can't resist the urge to buy some gear, then only buy one item and see if that piece (probably weapon) is enough to get you past the roadblock you are facing.


    Also, before you buy the game, try the free trial. That way you can see if you still like this type of game. Just in case the changes from D2 to D3 are too much for you that you get "outraged" like some of the people around here. I don't think you will, but some people place great weight on being able to place their own stat points where they want instead of having the stats increase automatically as you level.

  • VegettoVegetto Member Posts: 841

    I never played any of the previous Diablo's and nowadays i'm pretty fussy with games, they have to be damn right amazing to keep me playing longer than an hour...i hate wasting my time.

    I tried the starter edition and although the game is about a basic as they come, i found i could play it with some music pumping and a few beers. So i bought it. Nothing more than that really, it's a game thats persistant, has progression, challenging supposedly and nice to look at, but also something i can jump in and out of. For those reasons, i like it, but as a game it really isn't anything special.


  • bubalubabubaluba Member Posts: 434
    Rain is startin in my place and i tried today d3 because they give you  f2p light version if you have battlenet account. I was never fan of diablo, more wow, eve guy. But i must admit that d3 is awesome. It is something special in this game, ambient, story or whats ever. I think i will buy it, don't know if i can still get d3 if i subscribe to wow for 12 months. Wait maybe some time for lower price and now you can play light version
  • DaezAsterDaezAster Member UncommonPosts: 788
    If you'r not going to get/play it till october than why not just wait till then to make the decision?
  • nariusseldonnariusseldon Member EpicPosts: 27,775

    I like it so far. Combat is very fun. Lots of builds to explore.

    I like RMAH .. i have $60 sitting in my account .. that is already spending some gearing up. All money made in-game, not a dime spent.

    It is quite fun to find a good upgrade in the AH (gold or RM).

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