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( Seafarer`s Rest ) eXalted EU

wasim470wasim470 Member Posts: 243


A Collection of Aged Weirdoes


Our recruitment is open

We are looking for friendly people that wish to join a well established gaming community and want to explore the latest mmo title Guild Wars 2. The aim is to play the game content in a pleasant and mature environment.


This means we have some strict rules when it comes to social interaction be it either on Teamspeak or in guild chat, but it's all for the greater good. These rules include "No leet", "No unimaginative cursing" and stay friendly and helpful. Got a bad day? Pour your frustration elsewhere, we play to have fun and have a good time, preferably with a beer by our side.


Register on the forum and fill in the Guild Wars 2 application template if you wish to apply to our guild.




About Exalted

Exalted is a gaming community based on various mmo titles. Currently we're active in Age of Conan, TSW and GW2.

The guild started up in early 2007 in preparation of the game Age of Conan. We built a strong core in the month before the game launched and by the time of launch we had 170 eager members ready to conquer the lands of Hyboria. And conquer it we did, we did all the game had to offer and maxed out the content in all ways possible. And most importantly, we did it with a laugh (and tons of beer)! Any Exalted is well aware of the fact that we play games, it's not a lifestyle! We do this for fun.

As the years went by some people moved on to other realms while new ones joined and now, in 2012, more than 800 people have been a part of Exalted, and most of them have been aged weirdoes, just like we prefer them! :)




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